I just wanted to post the chart of a guy I have mentioned recently - the one who I was dating this Summer and he got back with his ex but she’s been violent towards him.
I’ve been talking to his Mum. I had originally messaged the number to ask it to stop calling me because I knew it was him. But his mum replied so he had been using her mobile. I’m really glad I spoke to her - I’ve been really worried about him being in a violent relationship, even though I have also called off the end of the friendship by putting down a boundary. But if I’ve been worried, it’s nothing like the worry I can feel coming from his Mum via text :/
I’ve found out more info too. When she hit him with an iron over the head, it wasn’t the first incident of violence. About a month before, she had pushed him down the stairs and he hurt his legs and had to be signed off for 2 weeks. He had only just received a new contract for a promotion at work, he was so chuffed when he got this news! He was still dating me when it happened, but due to having to take time off during the probationary period, they let him go.
Then, 2 weeks after he ended up in hospital with a head injury, she hit him over the head again. I don’t know what with if anything, but enough he needed stitches in hospital again and his Uncle tried to get him to press charges.
You can imagine how his Mum is feeling, knowing that he is back at his gf’s house in what is essentially a ticking time bomb to death.
I am genuinely worried about him too. I have known him for years and I know him inside out - he clung to his Mother and he clung to me. He is desperate for love and love’s female company. It can be seen in his chart - natal Saturn in his 5th house. He’s just had his Saturn return too (not that he’s suddenly grown up).
When I first saw his chart a few year’s ago, transit Pluto was still at the beginning of his 4th house conjunction. I saw all the planets it would have to pass through the 4th house I thought to myself, ‘he could die.’
I have survived a monumental plethora of Pluto transits before. It nearly killed me. I don’t know how I survived it, but I did. I missed out on normal life during school year’s especially, but do you know what Pluto gave me in return? An appreciation of life and death that you don’t see in many people. I lost everything - and to people that have lost everything and have came out the other side - they have an emotional intelligence and an empathy that is the most beautiful gift you can bestow unto somebody. It’s an automatic levelling-up in terms of spiritual wealth.
In fact, a marker to an emotionally intelligent/spiritual person, I have found, is an early death experience. Something happened in their childhood that brought them close to death, and it stays with them. It doesn’t always bring spiritual intelligence. Well, not cares about spirituality like I do and they prefer more tangible meaning’s, but if that’s the case, it gives them a tenacity for whatever goal they have because they are fighting having already died. I guess it removes a slight fear of death in some people, or a life-or-death type of determination in others.
It took me years to gain emotional intelligence. I was given an appreciation for life and death by Pluto, which gave me a deepness that wasn’t readily understood or even seen. The lesson towards emotional intelligence came gradually, like the effects of Pluto’s lessons reverberated long after the actual transit had passed and, in fact, it was only year’s later, I could look back at that phase or decade of my life and go, ‘wow, I see the lesson and the gift now.’ Before, I was simply just recovering from the trauma of it.
Now, not many people will enjoy a Pluto transit. I can’t say nearly dying is enjoyable myself but oh boy, the rawness of being stripped bare of all that no longer serves you and having to fight for your life? It’s frigging cool!
This thread has been the consequence of another Pluto transit. Basically, when I was left heat broken by my neighbour who cheated on me, and I was studying part-time at university, whilst also working 40 hours a week in a job where the management was playing a game of chess with me, not to mention the cooking and housework solely by myself. Well, needless to say, I started drinking extra stormy coffee. And I started taking an anti-histamine because the pressure was unreal. It’s the type fight where you need to sustain yourself for a long time because you’re in it for the long haul. That’s why I’ve never felt defeated or depressed because I like the fight
Anyway, back to my friend, so, given my experience of Pluto transits, I am aware of how potent they can be. I love trying to guess the future even though it is impossible to guess (especially with my limited astrology knowledge), but my guess is - somebody is going to die. It could be my friend, maybe his gf picks up another household object and decided to do the housework on his head again, maybe she dies, maybe his mum dies, hell, maybe I die, because I am a significant woman to him also.
Just look at his chat though - transit Pluto is exactly in the middle of his Mars-Sun conjunction, and because Venus is part of this stellium, it’s also causing him to have these issues with a violent woman, and Pluto isn’t even directly on the Sun-Venus conjunction yet.
Given how quickly his relationship with her has become toxic, it simply cannot go on for much longer, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be on-off for years. I can see them separating and possibly, maybe, as the years pass and Pluto passes through his Sun and Venus, maybe there is a transformation and they both decide to become sober? That would mean he had been able to save her because, I think, she will be dead or in prison within 5 years and that’s just going by her self-destructive behaviour.
I want my friend to live and I worry for him. But I also think he needs to grow up and I am quite happy to not get involved or make any attempts to try to talk some sense into him. I am happy and guilt-free to keep ignoring him. I would not speak so crudely to his mum, because she is worried sick, but a part of me believes in the process and is quite happy to see him knock himself out by his own stupidity. Because, my dear friend is an incredibly selfish and immature boy-man. Maybe that is his Pluto-NN conjunction making him so selfish, or maybe the effects of transit Pluto has turned him dark and selfish out of pure fear.
I have empathy for the girl too, she is a victim of trauma who is now acting like the perpetrator. I have empathy for them all but what I also have is a belief in the process. I am happy to see him suffer for his own good.
If anyone has any guesses as to what the outcome would be from his Pluto transits I would be happy to hear it, even if entirely different from my own. My own prediction is that someone will physically die and I hope it’s not my friend and I hope it is a spiritual death, but I think someone may die. The writing is on the wall, so it’s entirely possible.
I just wanted to add that the Sun is going to conjunct Pluto in a matter of days. A luminary often kickstarts a significant event from an outer planet. It’s a little worrying, but not half as worried as his poor mum sitting at home by herself is. I said I will visit her soon. We have a lot in common right now.
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