Doom & Gloom

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The predominance of violence this year is explained (for me at least) by the 2021 winter solstice chart, which I use instead of the Aries ingress chart to determine mundane trends in the forthcoming year.

In this chart, mars & sn are near the top of the chart, just beyond the mc in the 10th ws house-pretty much the most elevated factors in this chart; the benefic nn is at the bottom, near the ic; mars is ultra fiery being in Sagittarius & in the manilius decan of Aries; sn is also fiery, being in the same sign & decan as mars; mars squares the charts ascending degree; mars parallel the sn; the charts mc is in nearly exact parallel with a potent Pluto; both elevated sun and mars are also in parallel with Pluto; the ws 12th house sensitive degree (cusp) is in a nearly exact parallel with the sn; and Pluto is conjunct the star Terebellum, which gives…”fortune but with regret, disgrace, cunning, mercenary nature &
repulsiveness”; moon in domicile in 5th ws house, but out of bounds, and in opposition to Pluto (and opposing Venus); Venus is terribly afflicted in this chart, being retrograde+disposited by saturn +conjunct Pluto+parallel sn+parallel mars+opposed by the moon; the positive Venus qualities are very much afflicted here by these potentially violent influences (mars + Pluto + sn)

…any surprise that, given these influences, 2022 has been a year of war and random violence?
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The predominance of violence this year is explained (for me at least) by the 2021 winter solstice chart, which I use instead of the Aries ingress chart to determine mundane trends in the forthcoming year.

In this chart, mars & sn are near the top of the chart, just beyond the mc in the 10th ws house-pretty much the most elevated factors in this chart; the benefic nn is at the bottom, near the ic; mars is ultra fiery being in Sagittarius & in the manilius decan of Aries; sn is also fiery, being in the same sign & decan as mars; mars squares the charts ascending degree; mars parallel the sn; the charts mc is in nearly exact parallel with a potent Pluto; both elevated sun and mars are also in parallel with Pluto; the ws 12th house sensitive degree (cusp) is in a nearly exact parallel with the sn; and Pluto is conjunct the star Terebellum, which gives…”fortune but with regret, disgrace, cunning, mercenary nature &

…any surprise that, given these influences, 2022 has been a year of war and random violence?
What a mess! :pinched:
Just dance!!!! Burn those calories & negativities bb <3
we luv carbs 2 very good.
Exercise is very good advice on how to handle high intensity times of life. I have indeed started to focus on this more. I’ve recently started yoga (surprisingly sore on muscles).
The predominance of violence this year is explained (for me at least) by the 2021 winter solstice chart, which I use instead of the Aries ingress chart to determine mundane trends in the forthcoming year.

In this chart, mars & sn are near the top of the chart, just beyond the mc in the 10th ws house-pretty much the most elevated factors in this chart; the benefic nn is at the bottom, near the ic; mars is ultra fiery being in Sagittarius & in the manilius decan of Aries; sn is also fiery, being in the same sign & decan as mars; mars squares the charts ascending degree; mars parallel the sn; the charts mc is in nearly exact parallel with a potent Pluto; both elevated sun and mars are also in parallel with Pluto; the ws 12th house sensitive degree (cusp) is in a nearly exact parallel with the sn; and Pluto is conjunct the star Terebellum, which gives…”fortune but with regret, disgrace, cunning, mercenary nature &
repulsiveness”; moon in domicile in 5th ws house, but out of bounds, and in opposition to Pluto (and opposing Venus); Venus is terribly afflicted in this chart, being retrograde+disposited by saturn +conjunct Pluto+parallel sn+parallel mars+opposed by the moon; the positive Venus qualities are very much afflicted here by these potentially violent influences (mars + Pluto + sn)

…any surprise that, given these influences, 2022 has been a year of war and random violence?
We had 2 presidents manage to keep our economy from not falling off the wagon: Bill Clinton with his economic genius Alan Greenspan ended the previous 2 decades of runaway inflation in 1993 and Barack Obama kept the Great Recession of 2008-09 from turning into the Greatest Depression. They are both August and Leo babies, something there to have the golden touch to keep the American people from not getting poorer or can't afford there a capability for Joe Biden or Kamala Harris going by their astrological data to restore our economy after it got sick (not literally) of COVID.
You will note in the 2021 winter solstice chart that Neptune rises in dignity in the first ws house, squaring the mc; I delineate Neptune here to indicate significant optimistic illusion/delusion affecting the people of the US, and their leaders, these illusions perhaps related in part to the war in the ukraine and in part to what should be done re to the random violence afflicting our society.
You will note in the 2021 winter solstice chart that Neptune rises in dignity in the first ws house, squaring the mc; I delineate Neptune here to indicate significant optimistic illusion/delusion affecting the people of the US, and their leaders, these illusions perhaps related in part to the war in the ukraine and in part to what should be done re to the random violence afflicting our society.

Fashion body armor for everyone!
While trying to size up the Universe, I looked inside my own head and thought of a universe within it, with all the intensity, longing and complexity of thoughts that are forever burrowing away inside me. Then I tried to imagine how many people alive in this world having this exact same vastness within them, at the same time, all at varying stages of their live’s. Next I thought of the trillionth x’s trillionths of people ever born or this Earth, who had ever existed and lived this exact same complexity, and then the trillionth upon trillionth of animals and species that ever existed throughout all of time and imagining a complex universe of consciousness inside their own head too. How many sun’s and sunset’s, beginnings and end’s have each been felt for any of us us all, from the humans, to the animals and even to the deep ocean creatures and trillions of upon trillions of creatures, like the trillion type of small insects and bugs that have ever lived, experiencing a consciousness as vast as my own is, each having a universe inside their head. I cannot fully comprehend the universe in my own head at times, never mi d to now multiply it by all these variables of existence to get close to how expansive the universe is, yet the universe never stops expanding and more universes’ are beinhs with consciousness are newly born to begin. It’s impossible to grasp, yet here is the reality of a trillionth x’s a trillionth of exacts same thoughts coming from the smallest to the largest of creatures who each have a universe inside of them. It is impossible to fathom how big the universe when my mind cannot fathom my own . Tragedy and beauty, loss and life being experienced each trillionth of a second by a trillion x a trillion beings over a trillion x’s a trillion times.
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What if ghost’s are people that don’t know they’re dead, except for the fact no one is speaking or looking at them? It sounds lonely; a psychic would be a rare friend - most people who feel any sort of psychic energy automatically clamp up and shut it down, that would be painful if you were a lonely ghost and saw a door of opportunity to speak to someone open and then be shut. Why do ghosts exist, why can’t they fully leave? Are they too attached and unable to let go, can someone help them? They need healing and to be listened to.
I felt some pretty dark energies last week. It was pretty bad at one point so I was worried and asked God to help me. Within 10 minutes I went from feeling like I was being attacked to feeling loving and calm. I also saw how my recent choices have been helping lower my vibration, like I had a couple of drinks on the Weds and went a walk to the park. I also used sleeping pills every night last week after stopping for 2 weeks. After god helping to lift my vibration, I also saw how I need to be sober and going a walk in the park while a little drunk could be dangerous. It was still light at 8pm and didn’t think of it as dangerous, actually it was a peaceful walk but it was potentially dangerous. The thing is, on the one hand, I feel very light with my energy right now, but I had an extremely stressful week at work (Tower moment), which caused me to make some bad choices. So although my vibration was high, I was also lowering it. So now, I decided to lift my vibration even higher so I can face the stress of 3D with a clear head, but I think lifting my vibration will help on a spiritual dimension too. Sober, focusing on self-care and being grounded - these are my choices. You need a clear head to hear God clearly.
And the June 24th stellium of 5 naked eye planets, more pronounced or should I say magnified than near the full moon and still the sun is transiting into Cancer after the northern summer (and southern winter) solstice, the 5-planet bunch is still conjunct the rising sun, and I wanna know how bad things are or how worse can it get.
Sounds familiar. The ones here, saw me put one of their brothers in the green bin. Now they alert me to when one died and where the body is. They are insistent, that they now be placed in the green bin. They follow me to the bin, saying their goodbyes, I say mine. When I close the lid they become silent. Then they beat me to the front of the house. Perching quietly now, they grieve.