The predominance of violence this year is explained (for me at least) by the 2021 winter solstice chart, which I use instead of the Aries ingress chart to determine mundane trends in the forthcoming year.
In this chart, mars & sn are near the top of the chart, just beyond the mc in the 10th ws house-pretty much the most elevated factors in this chart; the benefic nn is at the bottom, near the ic; mars is ultra fiery being in Sagittarius & in the manilius decan of Aries; sn is also fiery, being in the same sign & decan as mars; mars squares the charts ascending degree; mars parallel the sn; the charts mc is in nearly exact parallel with a potent Pluto; both elevated sun and mars are also in parallel with Pluto; the ws 12th house sensitive degree (cusp) is in a nearly exact parallel with the sn; and Pluto is conjunct the star Terebellum, which gives…”fortune but with regret, disgrace, cunning, mercenary nature &
repulsiveness”; moon in domicile in 5th ws house, but out of bounds, and in opposition to Pluto (and opposing Venus); Venus is terribly afflicted in this chart, being retrograde+disposited by saturn +conjunct Pluto+parallel sn+parallel mars+opposed by the moon; the positive Venus qualities are very much afflicted here by these potentially violent influences (mars + Pluto + sn)
…any surprise that, given these influences, 2022 has been a year of war and random violence?
In this chart, mars & sn are near the top of the chart, just beyond the mc in the 10th ws house-pretty much the most elevated factors in this chart; the benefic nn is at the bottom, near the ic; mars is ultra fiery being in Sagittarius & in the manilius decan of Aries; sn is also fiery, being in the same sign & decan as mars; mars squares the charts ascending degree; mars parallel the sn; the charts mc is in nearly exact parallel with a potent Pluto; both elevated sun and mars are also in parallel with Pluto; the ws 12th house sensitive degree (cusp) is in a nearly exact parallel with the sn; and Pluto is conjunct the star Terebellum, which gives…”fortune but with regret, disgrace, cunning, mercenary nature &
repulsiveness”; moon in domicile in 5th ws house, but out of bounds, and in opposition to Pluto (and opposing Venus); Venus is terribly afflicted in this chart, being retrograde+disposited by saturn +conjunct Pluto+parallel sn+parallel mars+opposed by the moon; the positive Venus qualities are very much afflicted here by these potentially violent influences (mars + Pluto + sn)
…any surprise that, given these influences, 2022 has been a year of war and random violence?
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