Yes I agree about the advice. What I wrote came from an experience I had while walking through a park one evening a few weeks ago. My psychic channels were open without me realising or having tried to and a spirit noticed and I felt like I was being watched very intensely. My reaction was to clam up and block it out. I wasn’t sure if it was a human watching me at first but the feeling of being watched was so intense and different, I realised it might be a spirit. I put my house keys in my end to use as a weapon in case it was a human though and walked out of the park. I then came across a hedgehog which I received advice from, I will fill in the blanks later.
I was planning on writing about this soon but I might as well now. The hedgehog was trying to climb up a verge to go back into the woods and it was interesting watching it. I moved closer to video it and it stopped moving so I stood further back and it moved again and I filmed it until it disappeared. The message I got was the importance of boundaries. Whether the hedgehog taught me this lesson or was just going about its business, I think the former. I think I received or perceived this message because my psychic channels were open but it’s not something I consciously realised.
The reason they opened was because I was messing with paradigm’s (again, unintentionally). I had been arguing on this forum about Veganism and shaking things up a bit, I was being quite passionate about it and trying to wake people up to see animal’s as sentient beings. The message about boundaries from the hedgehog was not to upset people’s paradigm and by upsetting the paradigm, I had opened my psychic channels. Don’t ask why my channels opened or why I was able to disrupt a paradigm, but this is what I did and what I was able to do.
When I got home, I pulled some tarot cards to see what this spirit that was watching me was. I will post the photos of the tarot cards I got below, but the spread is not clear unless I explain it. Basically, the card in the middle is the initial card, and I pull a card on the left to clarify ‘what does this mean’ and a card on the right to clarify ‘what does this not mean.’ I pulled two initial cards, one for what the spirit was and another for what it wanted.
— I have circled the two initial cards in the photo below. For what it was, I got ‘8 wands,’ what is was was the ‘Sun,’ it went the ‘empress.’
— The 8 wands describes perfectly how intensely I felt I was being watched. The reason for this intensity is because it was sending a lot of energy towards me in an 8 of wands way. It was the sun and not an empress, sun signifies a child and empress a mother - it was a child spirit. The significance of it not being the empress is maybe it needs its mother.
— The 2nd circle card on the right was me asking what it wanted. The circled card is ‘wheel of fortune,’ which is a bit ambiguous. I think it saw an opportunity because my psychic channels were opened, so it was by pure chance of came towards me. Wheel of fortune means 7 cups, it does not mean 6 of wands. It seems like the spirit was confused as me and 6 of wands is referring to it not being successful in its attempt to reach me.
You will notice the 4 of cups below the circled card on the left. This was me just asking for another clarifier and the 4 of cups is showing me literally rejecting the offer of communication.
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