Doom & Gloom

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‘We are presently dealing with the accumulation of a whole society that has worshipped its light side and refused the dark, and this residue appears as war, economic chaos, strikes, racial intolerance. The front page of any newspaper hurls the collective shadow at us.’
Robert Johnson, Owning Your Own Shadow

Key word, "Presently". Leaves the door open to a difference in the future.

Btw, "Saturnine" means "gloomy".
Key word, "Presently". Leaves the door open to a difference in the future.
Yes, first we have to heal the collective shadow. An example that came to mind was the George Floyd murder - the racial intolerance that the cop showed to him was a reflection of the collective shadow. The healing of it happened with the collective expression of outrage in the form of mass protests as well as the lesson it taught us as a society.
Here is a picture of two silver buckets. I originally planned to post this photo tomorrow but I am in bed by 20:59 so I thought why not. I’ve taken a bath in the morning before, also in the afternoon. The evening is my usual time to have one. I have never taken a bath late at night or two baths in one day though. I have never known anyone to take two baths in one day.
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They seem kind of small to take a bath in! :lol:

Unless they're bigger than they look? :unsure:
I just realised now my post is implying I took a bath in the buckets 😹 I just like silver buckets.
Here is a picture of two silver buckets. I originally planned to post this photo tomorrow but I am in bed by 20:59 so I thought why not. I’ve taken a bath in the morning before, also in the afternoon. The evening is my usual time to have one. I have never taken a bath late at night or two baths in one day though. I have never known anyone to take two baths in one day.
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My father rarely bathed, but in the summer he would regularly shower 2 or more times in a day. He was a person that sweated a lot in the heat.
My father rarely bathed, but in the summer he would regularly shower 2 or more times in a day. He was a person that sweated a lot in the heat.
A shower over a bath seems to be the popular choice for most people. Put it this way, I don’t think many people have gone for a bath more than two times in one day. I am more partial to a bath. Don’t get me wrong, I see the merit in having a shower over the bath but then I have always been one to walk on the wild side of life.
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It is 10:19 on Sunday morning. I have just finished watching this video about the manufacturing full process of an aluminium bucket. I cannot believe what happens at 5mins2secs! For the rest of the day I will be making 3 lots of different soups and then freezing them. I am usually done by 5pm.

—Manufacturing Full Process of Aluminium Bucket
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‘Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.’
Shakespeare, A Midsummer’s Night Dream
What if ghost’s are people that don’t know they’re dead, except for the fact no one is speaking or looking at them? It sounds lonely; a psychic would be a rare friend - most people who feel any sort of psychic energy automatically clamp up and shut it down, that would be painful if you were a lonely ghost and saw a door of opportunity to speak to someone open and then be shut. Why do ghosts exist, why can’t they fully leave? Are they too attached and unable to let go, can someone help them? They need healing and to be listened to.
From my experience, it’s not safe to open oneself up to ~that realm. It can be more challenging from this side to discern whether what’s coming through from the other side means good or harm. Communicating or opening up to the other side is basically opening the door to your body, mind, and astral. If you make a ghost friend, it could also result in an attachment, and (depending on what they went through in their life and during their death that caused them to be stuck on Earth after death) the entity may be unwilling to give up the friendship. It depends on your boundaries though. I personally don’t welcome anything to communicate with me unless it’s living. The only exception I have is for passed loved ones and/or my ancestors, but I only allow the communication to take place in my dreams because then I can discern who’s communicating with me.
I also really love my privacy and space (emotional, spiritual, astral, and so on).

It’s kind to want to help, but just be careful!
Yes I agree about the advice. What I wrote came from an experience I had while walking through a park one evening a few weeks ago. My psychic channels were open without me realising or having tried to and a spirit noticed and I felt like I was being watched very intensely. My reaction was to clam up and block it out. I wasn’t sure if it was a human watching me at first but the feeling of being watched was so intense and different, I realised it might be a spirit. I put my house keys in my end to use as a weapon in case it was a human though and walked out of the park. I then came across a hedgehog which I received advice from, I will fill in the blanks later.

I was planning on writing about this soon but I might as well now. The hedgehog was trying to climb up a verge to go back into the woods and it was interesting watching it. I moved closer to video it and it stopped moving so I stood further back and it moved again and I filmed it until it disappeared. The message I got was the importance of boundaries. Whether the hedgehog taught me this lesson or was just going about its business, I think the former. I think I received or perceived this message because my psychic channels were open but it’s not something I consciously realised.

The reason they opened was because I was messing with paradigm’s (again, unintentionally). I had been arguing on this forum about Veganism and shaking things up a bit, I was being quite passionate about it and trying to wake people up to see animal’s as sentient beings. The message about boundaries from the hedgehog was not to upset people’s paradigm and by upsetting the paradigm, I had opened my psychic channels. Don’t ask why my channels opened or why I was able to disrupt a paradigm, but this is what I did and what I was able to do.

When I got home, I pulled some tarot cards to see what this spirit that was watching me was. I will post the photos of the tarot cards I got below, but the spread is not clear unless I explain it. Basically, the card in the middle is the initial card, and I pull a card on the left to clarify ‘what does this mean’ and a card on the right to clarify ‘what does this not mean.’ I pulled two initial cards, one for what the spirit was and another for what it wanted.

— I have circled the two initial cards in the photo below. For what it was, I got ‘8 wands,’ what is was was the ‘Sun,’ it went the ‘empress.’

— The 8 wands describes perfectly how intensely I felt I was being watched. The reason for this intensity is because it was sending a lot of energy towards me in an 8 of wands way. It was the sun and not an empress, sun signifies a child and empress a mother - it was a child spirit. The significance of it not being the empress is maybe it needs its mother.

— The 2nd circle card on the right was me asking what it wanted. The circled card is ‘wheel of fortune,’ which is a bit ambiguous. I think it saw an opportunity because my psychic channels were opened, so it was by pure chance of came towards me. Wheel of fortune means 7 cups, it does not mean 6 of wands. It seems like the spirit was confused as me and 6 of wands is referring to it not being successful in its attempt to reach me.

You will notice the 4 of cups below the circled card on the left. This was me just asking for another clarifier and the 4 of cups is showing me literally rejecting the offer of communication.

Yes I agree about the advice. What I wrote came from an experience I had while walking through a park one evening a few weeks ago. My psychic channels were open without me realising or having tried to and a spirit noticed and I felt like I was being watched very intensely. My reaction was to clam up and block it out. I wasn’t sure if it was a human watching me at first but the feeling of being watched was so intense and different, I realised it might be a spirit. I put my house keys in my end to use as a weapon in case it was a human though and walked out of the park. I then came across a hedgehog which I received advice from, I will fill in the blanks later.

I was planning on writing about this soon but I might as well now. The hedgehog was trying to climb up a verge to go back into the woods and it was interesting watching it. I moved closer to video it and it stopped moving so I stood further back and it moved again and I filmed it until it disappeared. The message I got was the importance of boundaries. Whether the hedgehog taught me this lesson or was just going about its business, I think the former. I think I received or perceived this message because my psychic channels were open but it’s not something I consciously realised.

The reason they opened was because I was messing with paradigm’s (again, unintentionally). I had been arguing on this forum about Veganism and shaking things up a bit, I was being quite passionate about it and trying to wake people up to see animal’s as sentient beings. The message about boundaries from the hedgehog was not to upset people’s paradigm and by upsetting the paradigm, I had opened my psychic channels. Don’t ask why my channels opened or why I was able to disrupt a paradigm, but this is what I did and what I was able to do.

When I got home, I pulled some tarot cards to see what this spirit that was watching me was. I will post the photos of the tarot cards I got below, but the spread is not clear unless I explain it. Basically, the card in the middle is the initial card, and I pull a card on the left to clarify ‘what does this mean’ and a card on the right to clarify ‘what does this not mean.’ I pulled two initial cards, one for what the spirit was and another for what it wanted.

— I have circled the two initial cards in the photo below. For what it was, I got ‘8 wands,’ what is was was the ‘Sun,’ it went the ‘empress.’

— The 8 wands describes perfectly how intensely I felt I was being watched. The reason for this intensity is because it was sending a lot of energy towards me in an 8 of wands way. It was the sun and not an empress, sun signifies a child and empress a mother - it was a child spirit. The significance of it not being the empress is maybe it needs its mother.

— The 2nd circle card on the right was me asking what it wanted. The circled card is ‘wheel of fortune,’ which is a bit ambiguous. I think it saw an opportunity because my psychic channels were opened, so it was by pure chance of came towards me. Wheel of fortune means 7 cups, it does not mean 6 of wands. It seems like the spirit was confused as me and 6 of wands is referring to it not being successful in its attempt to reach me.

You will notice the 4 of cups below the circled card on the left. This was me just asking for another clarifier and the 4 of cups is showing me literally rejecting the offer of communication.

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I’ve found that curiosity opens up the psychic channel too. I mostly notice the negative effects of this when I catch myself judging someone, ‘how could they do this?’
One example where I’ve felt this is when I’ve come across disturbing news on YT about a school shooter or something, and when I’ve looked more into it, the psychology of the person who committed the crime, and asked things like, ‘how could they do this?’
The energy surrounding the disturbing news tends to linger for a couple of days if I don’t decide to scroll past it and pay no mind to it.

Yes, shaking up people’s paradigm is a tricky one. I feel like the reason it opens up the psychic channel is because communication opens up the psychic channel in a way. If someone is very strongly rejecting an idea and even wants to destroy the idea, it’s almost like a psychic attack (likely unintentional) on the sender. It seems like some people are more sensitive to the energetic backlash though. It could also be the attachment to the desire to change another’s beliefs, perspective, etc., that really opens up the psychic channel of the sender.
Both parties remaining as objective as possible seems to be the prime method of a clean psychic exchange.
If someone isn’t trying to be objective* with me during a debate, then I usually say my piece and move on from the debate. It gets too draining otherwise.

I read in a book that my grandma gave me (I’ll post the title and author’s name after: Karma & Reincarnation - The Key to Spiritual Evolution & Enlightenment by Hiroshi Motoyama), that some ghosts don’t realize that they’re dead because of trauma experienced during life and during death. The author mentions that funerals, and mourning is really helpful to souls crossing over because it helps them realize that they’re dead and have to move on. He mentions that prayers for the soul really help. If you ever have something, like the soul of a child trying to reach out, maybe this could help them on their way. I think you have to say goodbye when you’re done for good housekeeping.

I love tarot, but sometimes I get the most random and ambiguous cards and start to feel like I’m being played with. Horary has been my replacement for tarot.
Maybe the Wheel of Fortune meant that the soul of the child wants another spin at life - this is the first thought that came to my mind.
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You sound very clear in your thinking and like you have strong boundaries, which is refreshing for me because my thinking tends to be a bit scattered and I can become confused about what my boundaries are. You are able to clearly identify the cause of situations and explain it well. Do you take extra care to only read or watch information that is high vibration, so it does not trigger a psychic attack or low vibe?

I knew I had disrupted a paradigm and opened up my psychic channels by argueing, but I did not understand why but your explanation has helped it become clear in my head. A strong opinion from somebody who strongly disagrees with your opinion can feel like a psychic attack, and by persistently participating in an argument and exposing myself to negative energies, it disrupted my own paradigm and opened up my psychic channel. That makes so much sense! I couldn’t understand it before.

Even just the other day at work, my team leader who I usually get on very well with, gave me a very strong opinion that he thought I deliberately couldn’t be bothered helping a customer, just because I didn’t follow the correct process. I assured him a couple of times I had the customer’s best interest at heart, but his opinion affected me. It follows the same rule of thumb that you have described!

Even if people don’t say anything, if they are thinking something negative about me, I have picked up on it and it has negatively affected me. It’s like they know it’s affecting me and try to prey on it even more, even if they don’t understand themselves consciously what it is they are doing, it’s like a negative energy exchange. How do you deal with things like that? On one instance, I started to struggle to speak.

That’s good advice you gave about people needing to be objective and saying your piece and moving on if this isn’t happening - that’s a clear protecting of boundaries, something I need to start doing!

Yes, please post the book your grandma gave you. I feel guilty about shutting out that child ghost, even though I don’t want to start inviting spirits to come towards me, but I have walked in the park a couple of times since then to see if I would feel that intense energy coming towards me again (I haven’t). I think a prayer to help heal and help the spirit move on would be a good thing to do though, rather than trying to communicate with it. It would give me closure too.

Yes, I have seen what you mean about tarot playing tricks on you. It has happened to me when I have asked the same question too many times or if I am being co-dependent or too self-indulgent with the questions I ask. Whereas, if I am genuinely in need and more ‘objective’ like you have said previously, the cards seem to respond to that better. Tarot have given my insight into the future events (even though I didn’t listen or reason too late what the message was conveying), and so I still see a use for it. I do like horary too though.

It’s kind of similar to your looking out for people being objective with you, in a similar sense I try to protect my boundaries by not being co-dependent and letting situations and people be, and when I do become a bit obsessive or co-dependent, it’s more like a coping mechanism that tarot will indulge me to a certain extent, before it starts to play tricks on me if I ask the same question too soon.
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Soul work is difficult. It seeks to destroy and then rebuild.

This is what the Pluto retrograde has become about, losing power and surrendering to the losses. It is probably a mix between Saturn and Pluto both being retrograde. Just have to accept it and take it.