I feel so desperate with this relationship!
It all started when Jupiter was transiting my 7th house when I got so in love with this guy!at the time he was in a relationship(Sun in 12th house in our composite chart) and I feel like I'm having a dream-like relationship with him for the last year and a half and he isn't even aware of this.Everything started at work(Venus in 6th house).He doesn't love me but I do and I wonder what do I get from a possible relationship with him.Now he is single but I'm not sure what to do!I feel that we can't really have fun together and we would just get bored (Uranus and Neptune in 5th house).There is almost no communication, it seems like we talk in 2 different languages.What could I expect from any sexual life in this relationship(Neptune in 5th house - platonic?)?I'm too serious for him but he has transiting Saturn passing trough his 5th house now.Could that mean - time for a serious relationship?What would you say about Venus in our Composite chart?Is there any love at all??Anything that you can tell me about these charts would be greatly appreciated!
I feel so desperate with this relationship!

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