Doomed relationship?!

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Feb 1, 2011
Rome, Italy

I feel so desperate with this relationship!:pinched: It all started when Jupiter was transiting my 7th house when I got so in love with this guy!at the time he was in a relationship(Sun in 12th house in our composite chart) and I feel like I'm having a dream-like relationship with him for the last year and a half and he isn't even aware of this.Everything started at work(Venus in 6th house).He doesn't love me but I do and I wonder what do I get from a possible relationship with him.Now he is single but I'm not sure what to do!I feel that we can't really have fun together and we would just get bored (Uranus and Neptune in 5th house).There is almost no communication, it seems like we talk in 2 different languages.What could I expect from any sexual life in this relationship(Neptune in 5th house - platonic?)?I'm too serious for him but he has transiting Saturn passing trough his 5th house now.Could that mean - time for a serious relationship?What would you say about Venus in our Composite chart?Is there any love at all??Anything that you can tell me about these charts would be greatly appreciated!


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Hi MissMaggie,

Welcome to the forum.

I wouldn't be looking at the composite chart. Remember the composite represents the relationship as a whole. Composite deals with how the world perceives you as a couple, and what you can accomplish together once you've become an unit. Composite charts are good when you are dealing with marriages, etc. You don't really start feeling the effects of the composite until you've been together for quite a long time. More on the differences between composite and synastry here:

If you want to determine how you relate to one another as two individuals then you must look at the synastry chart. Have you looked at it yet? Feel free to post it, so we can comment on it.

And remember, no relationship is ever doomed! Relationships are what you make of them. Stars incline, they don't compel.

All the best,
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Thank you for explaining the differences.I'm not familiar with synastries but it looks like it's more of a friendship from my side and physical attraction and financial interests from his side.Am I right?


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A few things caught my eye in regards to your synastry:

Moon conjunct Saturn: This aspect is kinda difficult to predict. A lot of successful marriages have this placement. Whenever you have Saturn, there is somber commitment and stability. At the same time, you can feel there is a lack of emotional intimacy. More about this aspect here: You can also find interpretations for almost every aspect if you keep browsing that site.

I liked the 1st house overlays. His Sun and Mercury fall in your 1st house. 1st house placements are great in synastry: You basically "energize" and stimulate each other. Your partner makes you feel important, etc. Your Sun falls in his 11th house. This is a great placement for friendships since your partner genuinely enjoys being with you, although there might be a lack of intimacy, or he might only see you as a good friend.

I'm a little worried about the Moon placements. His Moon falls in your 12th house, so you will never really know where you stand. The 12th house represents everything that is hidden, so you have to be careful with this aspect. This might just reflect how the relationship started since you said he was seeing someone else.

Good luck,
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Thank you so much for your interpretation!I really feel there is a lack of intimacy and I'm not sure if I feel him as a friend or lover.:unsure: But I absolutely feel a lot of uncertainty in this relationship and I'm afraid of starting it actually(my 5th house is in capricorn).We are so different judging by our natal 5th houses.

Anyone else could help with an advice?
In your natal chart, your Pluto and Sun are in opposition, so you're used to that type of energy. So when you encounter his Pluto opposite your Venus and Mercury, that's not to foreign to you. He, however, does not usually deal with his Pluto being in hard aspect to personal planets (in his own chart).

Furthermore, your Pluto is conjunct his North Node. The North Node indicates the soul's destined growth-path for this life. In other words, how that person is to evolve and what they are to learn. Importantly, it's not familiar territory to that person (the familiar is the South Node, directly opposite the North Node).

While no aspects "have" to be negative, the above aspects are difficult for most couples who experience them, and I think only if both partners are very mature, self-aware, and humble people would these aspects NOT cause a problem.

In an ideal world where everyone was highly-evolved, he would use your Pluto conjunct his North Node to learn and grow in ways he never could imagine. Also, you would use the Pluto-personal planet connections to discover more who you are by digging through what Pluto brings up.

I'm not saying this could not happen, but I would be wary of duping myself into seeing something that's not there. Especially because your Neptune falls in his 7th house and his Neptune is conjunct your IC:

In addition, your Neptune is square his Sun. So he, more than you, I would be concerned with having an inaccurate view of the relationship and of you. There's nothing you can do about that, except be as open and honest as you can. He'll still probably see only what he wants to see, but at least it won't be on you.
In your natal chart, your Pluto and Sun are in opposition, so you're used to that type of energy. So when you encounter his Pluto opposite your Venus and Mercury, that's not to foreign to you. He, however, does not usually deal with his Pluto being in hard aspect to personal planets (in his own chart).

Furthermore, your Pluto is conjunct his North Node. The North Node indicates the soul's destined growth-path for this life. In other words, how that person is to evolve and what they are to learn. Importantly, it's not familiar territory to that person (the familiar is the South Node, directly opposite the North Node).

While no aspects "have" to be negative, the above aspects are difficult for most couples who experience them, and I think only if both partners are very mature, self-aware, and humble people would these aspects NOT cause a problem.

In an ideal world where everyone was highly-evolved, he would use your Pluto conjunct his North Node to learn and grow in ways he never could imagine. Also, you would use the Pluto-personal planet connections to discover more who you are by digging through what Pluto brings up.

I'm not saying this could not happen, but I would be wary of duping myself into seeing something that's not there. Especially because your Neptune falls in his 7th house and his Neptune is conjunct your IC:

In addition, your Neptune is square his Sun. So he, more than you, I would be concerned with having an inaccurate view of the relationship and of you. There's nothing you can do about that, except be as open and honest as you can. He'll still probably see only what he wants to see, but at least it won't be on you.


Thank you so much for your explanations!!

my Pluto conjunct his North Node -> I really inspired him to grow and change.He received several promotions at work since we met for the first time, he also changed his look and behaviour.He is doing things the way I would do them on his place.I feel I control him without even trying to do so.He even became more romantic(he has never been before) but he uses all these new things with other women, never with me!I think he is afraid of me as my Venus in Aries is sometimes a bit agressive and too strong for him!It's just not fair.I'm his fuel,his energy,the one who loves him and makes him a better person and he uses his new personality to impress other women, I'm never the center of his interest!I just don't get it!
Your moon conjuct his determint saturn might be playing a part in your worries about him/your relationship. I will say this, I have seen far worse synastry and compostie patterns.
hi miss maggie

the composite shows a venus opposed to the sun whcih can give attraction and affection but can also easily become distasteful.

the composite has a mercury square to saturn,which is not good for communication or openess.

the jupiter/uranus midpoint is opposed to jupiter which gives you a feeling that a relationship could suddenly evolve but also implies any emotional hooup would be brief if at all.

but with a tsquare of pluto square the venus/sun opposition,there is too much selfishness.this can show a strong sexual tension but it is all sex and has no element of love,only lust.
with mars quintile to pluto,he is clearly selfish and manipulative and would only be intereseted in you physically.

with jupiter opposed to saturn,it is unlikely a exclusive relationship could develope.
and with the mars/uranus midpoint conjunct to pluto,he clearly does not want a exclusive relationship at all as this shows he needs his freedom at all times and this desire on his part would preclude a serios hookup with you.

overall it seems you are extremely infatuated with his charismatic facade.
but there are few aspects that show a mature relationship will occur.

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hi miss maggie

the composite shows a venus opposed to the sun whcih can give attraction and affection but can also easily become distasteful.

the composite has a mercury square to saturn,which is not good for communication or openess.

the jupiter/uranus midpoint is opposed to jupiter which gives you a feeling that a relationship could suddenly evolve but also implies any emotional hooup would be brief if at all.

but with a tsquare of pluto square the venus/sun opposition,there is too much selfishness.this can show a strong sexual tension but it is all sex and has no element of love,only lust.
with mars quintile to pluto,he is clearly selfish and manipulative and would only be intereseted in you physically.

with jupiter opposed to saturn,it is unlikely a exclusive relationship could develope.
and with the mars/uranus midpoint conjunct to pluto,he clearly does not want a exclusive relationship at all as this shows he needs his freedom at all times and this desire on his part would preclude a serios hookup with you.

overall it seems you are extremely infatuated with his charismatic facade.
but there are few aspects that show a mature relationship will occur.



I have the feeling that you are absolutely right!If there is a relationship it will be brief and based on sex only!This is what prevents me from insisting on intimacy with this person.I was mislead at first and didn't see him the way he is.Looks like there is nothing positive in our composite chart and synastry!:unsure:

Thank you so much for your interpretation!

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