Drug Abuse in a chart

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How many people -- what % of the population of the U.S., for example -- are addicted to some drug, whether legal or illegal, that is "psycho-acitve? (that is, that "takes the pain away", that "makes it feel better", that is "My Precious?")

If I guess 50% I won't be far off the mark.

And you're looking for an astrological signature?

It better be a signature like John Hancock's.

I became involved with alcohol out of self-pity. When I went to visit with the friends of Bill W., they said that I had a spiritual problem. They mumbled something about submitting to a Higher Power.

Drug use (alcohol is a drug, one of the most powerful and insidious of the clan) is inherently Self-destructive. This suggests that we might look to the 12th House and its Lord. Moon is traditionally significator of "dependence" and "dissolution of the personality" (being main significator of Personality along with Ascendant.) Venus lusts after the pleasures of the flesh when afflicted. Since Edgar Allen Poe came along and wrote his beautiful poetry while using morphine, about the time that Neptune made his first appearance, that planet has been associated with addictions (and is associated with the 12th House.)....How about the condition of Pisces in a chart?

I find it interesting that, one the one hand, people act as if they are being stripped of their human identity if it is suggested that "we have no free will, but are instead the puppets of a pre-determined universe, driven toward a Fate through our Unconsciousness," yet.....when it comes to their addictions, the first place they look to blame someone or something other than themselves is the heavens above. Momma said something about eating your cake and having it too....

If an addict wants to walk free instead of enslaved, it might be wise to throw the stars in the trash, and go to a yard sale and pick up a nice second-hand Mirror. Then spend a lot of time looking deeply into that mirror.

When I was living in the 24-hour AA, there was a man there who entered right about the same time that I did. After some time there, now on the way to liberation, he said to me that he had decided he wanted to go back out on the street and pick up his old life. I'm sure he finally died in some scenic gutter. That will not be my fate. It is a matter, First, of desire, and then of Will.

Yesterday at the grocery store I ran into my friend Sandra. She has been "clean" for 7 years now.....and it took her that long to get her kids back. She had a big smile on her face.

It ain't the stars, it's you.
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And you're looking for an astrological signature?

It better be a signature like John Hancock's..

:wink: Here's my drug ... this takes me h i g h
:neptune: :sagittarius: :trine: :venus: :leo:
:neptune: :sagittarius: :trine: :mars: :aries:
:neptune: :sagittarius: :trine: :mercury: :leo:


I became involved with alcohol out of self-pity. When I went to visit with the friends of Bill W., they said that I had a spiritual problem. They mumbled something about submitting to a Higher Power.
Drug use (alcohol is a drug, one of the most powerful and insidious of the clan) is inherently Self-destructive.?

I don't touch that stuff, I'm traumatised after seeing what it did to someone close to me.

Moon is traditionally significator of "dependence" and "dissolution of the personality" (being main significator of Personality along with Ascendant.)
Neptune made his first appearance, that planet has been associated with addictions

How about the condition of Pisces in a chart?.
moon, neptune, pisces huh?

Venus lusts after the pleasures of the flesh when afflicted.
Yes I know. I have venus aspecting almost everything in the chart :biggrin:
Fortunately I have a few trines to lovely venus so I control my urges and lust :wink:
Venus square moon, venus opposes jupiter and
I love chocolate but I control myself since I don't like what it does to my body ...
it makes it fat :lol:
Saturn on the angle is a real b _ _ _ h :pouty:

I find it interesting that, one the one hand, people act as if they are being stripped of their human identity if it is suggested that "we have no free will, but are instead the puppets of a pre-determined universe, driven toward a Fate through our Unconsciousness," yet.....when it comes to their addictions, the first place they look to blame someone or something other than themselves is the heavens above. Momma said something about eating your cake and having it too....

If an addict wants to walk free instead of enslaved, it might be wise to throw the stars in the trash, and go to a yard sale and pick up a nice second-hand Mirror. Then spend a lot of time looking deeply into that mirror.

When I was living in the 24-hour AA, there was a man there who entered right about the same time that I did. After some time there, now on the way to liberation, he said to me that he had decided he wanted to go back out on the street and pick up his old life. I'm sure he finally died in some scenic gutter. That will not be my fate. It is a matter, First, of desire, and then of Will.

Yesterday at the grocery store I ran into my friend Sandra. She has been "clean" for 7 years now.....and it took her that long to get her kids back. She had a big smile on her face.

It ain't the stars, it's you.

and you, my dear greybeard, are proof that the stars don't/our chart doesn't "make" us do anything.
It's all a matter of self control, self respect = self love

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
I second this. Escapism as relates to Pisces and Neptune (and Water) means withdrawing into your own mind and being like "Wait, what external world?" This escapism is the psychological opposite of stimulation, such as that from drugs.

I agree that there exists the 'escapist' energy in the Pisces/Neptune/Water realm. But I think the Pisces/Neptune energy is about escaping into their own emotions, not their minds. Their mind is simply a doorway that provides them a means to escape into the depth of their emotional being. Yet that withdrawing may provide them with a greater stimulus then drugs would.

Just like there are drugs that will stimulate, providing an escape into an alternate reality, there are drugs that are designed to depress, providing an escape from reality. The Pisces/Neptune energy can be expressed in either way. We might look at a person who seems to be withdrawn, expressing their Piscean energy inward. Yet they may be having an epic battle or a passionate relationship. Very stimulating internally, yet they seem withdrawn. But just like drugs, that energy can be expressed in a depressed fashion. Being withdrawn takes on a different expression through Pisces/Neptune. It's escapism yes, but it could be very stimulating or depressing. I use this same technique of emotional escapism at times to 'escape' my own reality. It's less expensive then drugs/alcohol, and leaves less physical/social damage.

As to the original question, there are many factors in a chart that may point to drug abuse, as we've seen in the posts. But none of them specifically will indicate that a person will fall into drugs as a means of escape. Just like we have a predisposition to certain genetic factors that may never manifest in life, the chart 'predispostion' may never occur or be expressed through drugs. The chart provides a snapshot of potential. Potential is only achieved if energies are directed into those areas. If you have a predominance for speed in running because of higher than average fast twitch muscles fibers (a measurable aspect) and you train towards it, then it becomes a reality. If you have Piscean energies, and are forced to retreat from reality, it may manifest as drugs or simply as constant daydreaming. In either case, they refuse to deal with reality. Either way, the expressoin is muffled, it becomes internal, and doesn't provide the individual the opportunity to grow. Internalization isnt a bad thing. It becomes an issue if it's a constant in one's life.

Video games are a means of escaping from reality. So is reading a book, if that books keeps us up to 2 am when we have to get up for work in 4 hours. Either one of these may be an expression of those same "drug abuse" indicators. The video gamer may have their Piscean expression for withdrawal colored by Uranus/Aquarian energy. The bibliophile may have that expression overshadowed by Gemini/Mercury.

I believe the chart provides us awareness. Awareness is the first step towards growth. Being aware of potential gives us a way to avoid the negative pitfalls of them, or to help us up out of the traps we fall into. This applies to all things, not just drug abuse.
I think drug abuse (and any kind of abuse or escapism) is a problem that is not so much about an altered state of consciousness, but more about "rhythm", as in accepting and being in sync with the rhythm of nature - our inner nature, and that which surrounds us. So maybe the natal chart should have some theme about that, too?

Altered states of consciousness have been used in a ritual context (with or without the help of biochemical substances) by humankind basically since we came into existence.

There are situations when we need to be present in the here and now, and there are situations when we can/need to/should distance ourselves from our everyday perceptions of our immediate environment, so that we can grow in understanding. However, switching from one mode to the other should not be arbitrary, should not depend on what we "feel like".

One of the things that can mess everything up profoundly is, of course, when we want to avoid an experience (of pain or suffering, usually). But pain presents itself to be felt. And I think duration is not important here. What I mean is that you don't have to be in excruciating pain for days on end to get where you have to get (though it might be necessary if you are very stubborn). It's about quality of consciousness, not quantity of suffering.

As I see it, a big difference between "modern" and "ancient" healing is that modern medicine is in accordance with our contemporary culture of escaping/trying to overwrite reality - in this case, the reality of our own bodily pain, for example.

In ancient healing traditions, however, you will be helped when you are ready for it. That means, when you have let your pain express itself and you have understood what you had to understand. Once you have understood your pain, it can be alleviated.

When I was giving birth, I was in labour for almost a whole day. I had 5-minute contractions but I was not dilating much. I stopped counting how many times they wanted to "start" the birth. And they did not understand why I was refusing. I told them that not dilating means that I am not ready. But I was in pain, of course, so they did not understand why I would want to prolong my suffering. It was because I was not ready. Part of me was not ready to let my baby "go", part of me was holding her back. As neither me, nor my daughter were in danger, they let us be.

If they had given me oxytocin, I would have given birth without becoming a mother. Modern medicine (and our contemporary culture as a whole) does not even understand that. Ancient traditions do.
Sun in the 12th can signify a person who's an addict. I think looking at what's in the 5th house can help. 5th house is the house of fun and recreation and drug abuse is a form of recreation. My vote is for those with loaded 5th house.
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I have noticed people with Pisces in certain areas have problems with drugs and alcohol as well as jail. Look to see if Neptune or Pisces is in a bad place.
Ahh... I was sort of asking in general, like with what you said about the 12th house, or neptune...

Any daily transits that signify drug use? Probably transits involving Neptune, I would think....

I posted a chart of a friend who has some problems with substance abuse, but i'm not sure how accurate her birthtime is. It's what she says, but only ten minutes earlier would put Jupiter in the 12th house and saturn & neptune in the 6th. Any ideas?

Thanks for your answers thou! :)
As I no longer use Pluto, strike that. Transits can herald onset of problems with addictions or getting help but we are born with the tendencies and transits only trigger what is naturally there.
Neptune in the mix for sure with the personal planets and particularly water signs. Sometimes with 12th house influences people get help and often through finding a higher power or "God" which belongs to Neptune and the 12th house as well. The 6th house deals with health and diet issues mainly such as digestion but perhaps if the person takes drugs on a daily basis as part of their routine then the 6th house would be apt.
Sun in the 12th can signify a person who's an addict. I think looking at what's in the 5th house can help. 5th house is the house of fun and recreation and drug abuse is a form of recreation. My vote is for those with loaded 5th house.
If Neptune is in 5th house and heavily aspected then recreational drug use perhaps but not necessarily a loaded house. The 5th house is so much more than that.
Sun in the 12th can signify a person who's an addict. I think looking at what's in the 5th house can help. 5th house is the house of fun and recreation and drug abuse is a form of recreation. My vote is for those with loaded 5th house.

I have my Sun, Mercury and Venus in the 5th house. I don't use any drugs and I do not like to drink. My moon is in Aquarius. I am able to detach my emotions from work easily. I work as a Registered Nurse and there are many depressing things I have witnessed, but it does not bother me once I leave work. I am a rather grounded person, and very practical. To me, having an addiction is the toughest way to live. I cannot imagine living life when the pure joy of my life is dependent on a substance. The mere thought of that makes me feel for the people that do have an addiction problem. One of my goals in life is to help people with addiction problems.
I have charts of two people who have used drugs. They are both sober now, but very recently.

In both cases they have admitted that it was ecapism and just wanting to feel better. Both of them used daily cannabis and occasionally other drugs like LSD, ecstacy and mdma and shrooms.

In the other chart we have a prominent grand square in cardinal signs. Moon is in 12th house in Libra squaring Saturn and Uranus.

In the other one we have a strong 6th house with Jupiter in 12th but retrograde. Pluto squares the Moon in 8th house.


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The Part of Poison (toxicity, toxic exposure, and self-poisoning as well) can often be an indicator of potential problems with self-poisoning by drugs or alcohol excesses (see my posting in the thread entitled "Signs of Drug/Alcohol Addiction in Chart", in the Aspects & Configurations section of the Natal Astrology forum, for an elaboration of the Part of Poison)

In the 2 reference charts posted above:
-in chart #1 the Part of Poison (POP) falls @ 1 Cancer: note that (by whole sign) this falls in the ascendant (and by quadrant house format it falls in the 12th house) and is conjunct Jupiter (a planet which, when afflicted, is connected with excesses)

-in chart #2 the POP falls @ 0 Leo, exactly conjunct the MC of that chart!

In both reference charts susceptibility to "poisons" (in these cases self-poisoning by drug and or alcohol excess) is clearly indicated by the important placement/connections of the POP in those charts...
Thank you for sharing these two educational charts while protecting their privacy.

For the 1st chart, Mars Neptune conjunction in 6th house while Saturn is in his rulership placed in 6th. Both Uranus and Neptune are in effective orb opposition to Chiron in the 12th house. Gemini 12th house, Mercury conjuncts NN tightly in the 8th, ascendant ruler Moon also in 8th house. 6th house ruler Jupiter Rx and also placed in 12th house.

For 2nd chart, 6th house ruler Mars placed in 6th, 8th house ruler Venus in Cancer, dispositor Moon in Libra mutual reception. Venus conjuncts Chiron. Venus is the ruler of the 12th. Venus 12th house ruler square 6th house ruler Mars in 6th. Mars Neptune Rx square, Mars Moon opposition, Moon Venus square. Key players, rulers of 6th, 8th and 12th are all in contacts with Neptune as Grand Cross.

I have checked the first chart and please note the undermentioned points.

1. Chiron is in the 12th house.
2. Jupiter is in the 12th house in a critical degree.
3. the 12th house is afflicted as per my understanding.
4. In another way of looking at it, both chiron and jupiter are in the first house, and as jupiter is afflicted, it means that the charts owners drug habit is known to everyone, and is affecting his standing in the eyes of other people.

Please offer the year of birth and date of birth, and I will tell you what it shows in the future (whether he will remain sober in the future or not). if too personal, you can send pm if you like.
For the first chart the details are 23th of February 1990.

I should say that in the first chart this person is mostly addicted to cannabis and has been in treatment for it. It is known to everyone in his circles that he has used and it is very big part of his personal identity. I have to say though that he is very contemplative and very insightful person and seems to go very deep in understanding why he used and has analyzed it to death. He is having hard time right now and seems to crave cannabis again though, but has been sober. He has had a pretty tough childhood and he was adopted, so masking all the emotional pain with numbing cannabis has done the trick for him in the past. He has been in a pretty intensive therapy, which has helped him quite a lot. I would say that his drug usage has affected how people see him and he is a bit of a "underdog" in a way.

In the second chart he has been mostly using cannabis, but also shrooms and ectacy. For him it has been an escape from himself and his own thoughts in his head. He has had a lot of anger issues and issues with self-hatred and for him these drugs has offered a warm and soft place to land into. When he used, he had a lot of anger towards the world and this illusion we call life and he felt mistreated by it. This person has just started therapy and is going through all the things connected to his drug abuse, but he is very early in his process and does not (IMHO) yet truly understand the depth of why he used and why not to use anymore. He still glamorizes drugs (MY opinion) and he thinks that especially shrooms and cannabis helped him to see the way God sees and I still feel that he has a longing for that feeling...This person has a very good upbringing and is from a "good home" and has most luxuries that a person can wish for and his family, especially mom has been part of all of this. His mom pays for his therapy also. His dad died when he was 7 years old and I think that emotional numbness and coldness that came with that has affected why he attracted drugs to "spark up" his emotional life.
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For the first chart the details are 23th of February 1990.

I should say that in the first chart this person is mostly addicted to cannabis and has been in treatment for it. It is known to everyone in his circles that he has used and it is very big part of his personal identity. I have to say though that he is very contemplative and very insightful person and seems to go very deep in understanding why he used and has analyzed it to death. He is having hard time right now and seems to crave cannabis again though, but has been sober. He has had a pretty tough childhood and he was adopted, so masking all the emotional pain with numbing cannabis has done the trick for him in the past. He has been in a pretty intensive therapy, which has helped him quite a lot. I would say that his drug usage has affected how people see him and he is a bit of a "underdog" in a way.

In the second chart he has been mostly using cannabis, but also shrooms and ectacy. For him it has been an escape from himself and his own thoughts in his head. He has had a lot of anger issues and issues with self-hatred and for him these drugs has offered a warm and soft place to land into. When he used, he had a lot of anger towards the world and this illusion we call life and he felt mistreated by it. This person has just started therapy and is going through all the things connected to his drug abuse, but he is very early in his process and does not (IMHO) yet truly understand the depth of why he used and why not to use anymore. He still glamorizes drugs (MY opinion) and he thinks that especially shrooms and cannabis helped him to see the way God sees and I still feel that he has a longing for that feeling...This person has a very good upbringing and is from a "good home" and has most luxuries that a person can wish for and his family, especially mom has been part of all of this. His mom pays for his therapy also. His dad died when he was 7 years old and I think that emotional numbness and coldness that came with that has affected why he attracted drugs to "spark up" his emotional life.

Thank you for the information again.

For the first chart, you said it is publicly known. That should be the link of MC ruler Mars being in the 6th as part of the formation of his addiction issue that also is the identity he possessed.

For the second chart, Venus is the ruler of his 12th house, interestingly addiction is to do with his disappointment of the ideal and his anger toward God 9th he had in his mind. 9th house ruler Mercury is even exalted and placed in angular house. Venus and Chiron in 9th house and wounded.

All these details made so much sense. I do believe the stars telling us the story for our whole life and somehow, we must learn from both sufferings and joy just to learn about life. Sometime somewhere, we may all need to go through similar incarnation to gain the complete understanding of all aspects of life.
he is standing on a blade's edge, on his right side is success and on his left side failure.

What I mean is that success for him is totally in his control. IF HE WANTS TO, he can change his life.

he doesn't need to be totally off canabis, but just tell him to not to smoke every day or it then becomes habit forming. Or smoke only after he has accomplished one important point (that he has to do to make his life normal and successful again). Or smoke along with friends who are smoking the same BUT NOT EVERY DAY.

There really is no big harm in smoking cannabis, but this will not solve any of his problems, and smoking occasionally will not cause any harm at all. Drinking is more harmful whether you drink once or continuously. Nobody dies from smoking cannabis but lots of deaths are directly or indirectly related to drinking.

Wine is the mother of all evils.I don't understand why drinks are allowed while cannabis is not.

The raw opium from the poppy flower is used in a lot of medicines. ephedrine derived from it is used in alopathic medicines for colds mostly or for pain. Without it the cold or flu medicine (like for example actifed p for cold) will not work and you will not be satisfied of its results at all. You can confirm this from persons suffering from the same.

But then again, cannabis is habit forming just like smoking, so it is best not to smoke every day. Even smoking 3 times a week is okay but not every day.

Nobody rapes or kills (usually) while under its influence while the same cannot be said about drinking.

Why drunks are allowed to drive cars is simply beyond me.

where the second person is concerned, he can see the way god sees while smoking cannabis? I think that he is smoking to many cigarettes of cannabis.

When i say that he (the first person) can smoke cannabis, I mean just ONE CIGARETTE only or one cigarette which is being shared by many (the usual way of smoking cannabis).

AND PLEASE BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY THIS (for the first person) that his life is totally in his hands. he can just leave smoking cannabis and never want for more in just one day if he wants. Right now he needs some one to guide him (counseling), to create in him the willingness to make something out of himself.

it needs continuous effort from him now to start his life again and be someone in other persons eyes. A determined continuous effort on his part

bye for now
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The full details are February 23rd 1990 1:07 pm Riihimaki Finland

I think it is an interesting question on how "dangerous" for example cannabis is, but to my understanding and experience, the thing that makes cannabis dangerous, is that when the person is in emotional pain and turbulence and instead of going through the pain, uses cannabis to soften the pain, psychological processes will not go forward and this jams the person into a hole with themselves. One of the key things about NOT using anything is that you have to go through your dirt and that makes you stronger, it makes you trust yourself and life and makes you a true warrior...when you escape your emotional pain into anything, be it alcohol, cannabis, ectacy, whatever, you shoot yourself in the foot.

I am sure cannabis is not at "bad" as alcohol for example to the body, but for the mind, it really is detrimential.
Drugs in Astrology

In Astrology Drugs are related with 6th House, 8th House and 12th House

6th house is associated with Medicine, Healers, Pharmacy, Drugs, Health, Mental Illness

8th house is associated with past lives, karma, addictions, sex, drugs and alcool

12th house is associated with poblems, difficulties, challenges and prisions here you can see your dark side.



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