Well-known member
How many people -- what % of the population of the U.S., for example -- are addicted to some drug, whether legal or illegal, that is "psycho-acitve? (that is, that "takes the pain away", that "makes it feel better", that is "My Precious?")
If I guess 50% I won't be far off the mark.
And you're looking for an astrological signature?
It better be a signature like John Hancock's.
I became involved with alcohol out of self-pity. When I went to visit with the friends of Bill W., they said that I had a spiritual problem. They mumbled something about submitting to a Higher Power.
Drug use (alcohol is a drug, one of the most powerful and insidious of the clan) is inherently Self-destructive. This suggests that we might look to the 12th House and its Lord. Moon is traditionally significator of "dependence" and "dissolution of the personality" (being main significator of Personality along with Ascendant.) Venus lusts after the pleasures of the flesh when afflicted. Since Edgar Allen Poe came along and wrote his beautiful poetry while using morphine, about the time that Neptune made his first appearance, that planet has been associated with addictions (and is associated with the 12th House.)....How about the condition of Pisces in a chart?
I find it interesting that, one the one hand, people act as if they are being stripped of their human identity if it is suggested that "we have no free will, but are instead the puppets of a pre-determined universe, driven toward a Fate through our Unconsciousness," yet.....when it comes to their addictions, the first place they look to blame someone or something other than themselves is the heavens above. Momma said something about eating your cake and having it too....
If an addict wants to walk free instead of enslaved, it might be wise to throw the stars in the trash, and go to a yard sale and pick up a nice second-hand Mirror. Then spend a lot of time looking deeply into that mirror.
When I was living in the 24-hour AA, there was a man there who entered right about the same time that I did. After some time there, now on the way to liberation, he said to me that he had decided he wanted to go back out on the street and pick up his old life. I'm sure he finally died in some scenic gutter. That will not be my fate. It is a matter, First, of desire, and then of Will.
Yesterday at the grocery store I ran into my friend Sandra. She has been "clean" for 7 years now.....and it took her that long to get her kids back. She had a big smile on her face.
It ain't the stars, it's you.
If I guess 50% I won't be far off the mark.
And you're looking for an astrological signature?
It better be a signature like John Hancock's.
I became involved with alcohol out of self-pity. When I went to visit with the friends of Bill W., they said that I had a spiritual problem. They mumbled something about submitting to a Higher Power.
Drug use (alcohol is a drug, one of the most powerful and insidious of the clan) is inherently Self-destructive. This suggests that we might look to the 12th House and its Lord. Moon is traditionally significator of "dependence" and "dissolution of the personality" (being main significator of Personality along with Ascendant.) Venus lusts after the pleasures of the flesh when afflicted. Since Edgar Allen Poe came along and wrote his beautiful poetry while using morphine, about the time that Neptune made his first appearance, that planet has been associated with addictions (and is associated with the 12th House.)....How about the condition of Pisces in a chart?
I find it interesting that, one the one hand, people act as if they are being stripped of their human identity if it is suggested that "we have no free will, but are instead the puppets of a pre-determined universe, driven toward a Fate through our Unconsciousness," yet.....when it comes to their addictions, the first place they look to blame someone or something other than themselves is the heavens above. Momma said something about eating your cake and having it too....
If an addict wants to walk free instead of enslaved, it might be wise to throw the stars in the trash, and go to a yard sale and pick up a nice second-hand Mirror. Then spend a lot of time looking deeply into that mirror.
When I was living in the 24-hour AA, there was a man there who entered right about the same time that I did. After some time there, now on the way to liberation, he said to me that he had decided he wanted to go back out on the street and pick up his old life. I'm sure he finally died in some scenic gutter. That will not be my fate. It is a matter, First, of desire, and then of Will.
Yesterday at the grocery store I ran into my friend Sandra. She has been "clean" for 7 years now.....and it took her that long to get her kids back. She had a big smile on her face.
It ain't the stars, it's you.
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