Duality: The Zodiac interpreted in literature

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Jul 15, 2011
My story starts in Pisces, it is a interpretation of the zodiac by myself, and I am choosing to start it in Pisces:


Given into the world, the Pisces child is born, full of emotion, excitement and serenity. His bright blue eyes stare out into the world, full of wonder, curiosity and love and compassion for all. He eagerly is a loving child, with aspiring dreams, he plays nicely with every child he meets, is a natural comedian and has the ability to fit in with everyone. He teases a little, his deep soul is risen by his parent father Aquarius, opening his mind to many things in this world, people, ancient and forgotten and different cultures, wisdom, intelligence, giftedness and love for all, his deep and introspective mind nourished. Although, his friends find him slightly quirky, they know better than to dislike him for it.

He walks out into the world, freedom loving, full of joy and compassion. His red beaming cheeks, his wide eyes full of inspiration, kindness and gentleness.

Entering school, however, Pisces is soon bullied, Pisces tries to fit in with his brothers and sisters of the zodiac, seeing them with love and compassion. He is pushed into breaking into classes of Capricorn, Virgo and Sagittarius, he is scapegoated and blamed, and hated, but without his knowing. He forgives his brothers and continues on. He is beaten to the floor, grabbed by the hair and thrown about, chucked in a dumpster, forced to eat ants and worms, but the Pisces knows with his teachings from Aquarius, to forgive and love and nurture. To empathize. To forgive all.

He becomes quickly someone who empathizes with everyone, and people soon admire his compassion, Cancer moves closely to him, he finds a friend in Taurus, sure he can be a trouble maker some may think, but they quickly realise he is very much 'one with everyone', although, he can have so many moods, they wonder who the real him is, they love him tenderly.

But Pisces is still bullied, but soon he faces Virgo in this playground, Virgo criticizes, discriminates and reveals to Pisces what his friends are doing, and why, despite Virgo's snappish uptight personality, Pisces moves forward. Virgo seems to know exactly what he is on about; he revealed great secrets to Pisces about his life!

Pisces seems to lack ability in Sports, but Virgo quickly criticizes and nags, but Pisces forgives deeply. He realises Virgo is real and true. Practical and efficient, unlike himself, and he remains close to Virgo. Virgo nags at his emotionality, his plentiful, telling him to discriminate, discriminate, discriminate!

However, Pisces ignores it most of the time the Virgo's advice. He was risen under the hand of Aquarius! He would know better than to judge. His father was the sign of friendship; Pisces like his father learnt to carry a pride for his love and tenderness.

Virgo still nags though, still pointing fingers with snappish tempers at Pisces. Pisces becomes threatened, sad and feeling defeated but still he forgives! He knows! He knows deep down to love so tenderly! He knows Virgo is real and he is revealing all to Pisces what he did not know! Virgo helps him with sports, maths and homework, Virgo criticizes but is a endearing friend!

But everytime, Pisces is pushed to discriminate, discriminate, discriminate! Pisces cannot take it no longer. This form of criticism and slander is against his humble and devoted heart, he walks away from Virgo and dissapears, running away. For he does not want to be like Virgo. He doesn't want to discriminate, but he wants to run! Run far away from the criticisms and judgements and... discrimination!

But alone, Pisces becomes a victim, Pisces sees his old friends, they push him into new acts and Pisces once again begins to forgive and forgive once more. These friends are far better than Virgo he believes! They're loving, cherishing, they tell him things about his good nature and how comfortable and how enlightened he feels in their presence! Soon the humble Pisces adapts, learns to swim and flow with his teammates with a humble smile! Pisces is now setting fires to the bathroom, to the teachers lodge, to the school cafeteria! But still, Pisces forgives, adapts and becomes one with his new friends!

Virgo returns, he criticizes and nags at Pisces once more, calling him a idiot that he should discriminate more, that he'd never fit in with the others if he continues the way he is! That he's a fool, falling for emotions, draft superficiality of emotions and charms that are sometimes fake and impure!

But Pisces has had enough! He would not listen to Virgo's criticisms and once more Pisces runs away! He ignores it and returns to his friends. He is none the wiser. Pisces once more listens devotedly, lovingly and compassionately, listening to their every word as if it were the word of God. Yes! They're real Pisces thinks!

But Pisces soons realizes how much of a victim he is, they grab him, and they shove him head down a toilet for a swirly where humble Pisces is flushed down and forced to return to the surface. They all laugh at him as he comes out of the sewer. Pisces is diillusioned however, and walks away, crying to himself in pain. He swims with his mermaid tail in a pond! 'Why art my friends so foul and despicable?' 'Why am I treated this way?' 'I'm a idiot! 'I should've never went with them!' he cries lonely to himself. Not revealing any of his emotions. He cries for weeks and months, sad, depressed and angry.

His friends however would speak to him again, and admit they're sorry. Saying they hadn't seen Pisces in ages. Pisces quickly forgives! His loving heart restored! 'Yes of course! Of course!' he runs to them in full happiness!

They all seem new and different! Pisces heart is quickly restored! None of his friends bully him again for a while, Pisces is soon given lunch money from father Aquarius to take to school to get lunch with, but soon enough, his friends are asking him for payments. 'Can I borrow a few change until Monday?' A Gemini replies with his Taurus buddy, arm around the stout Taurus' neck. 'Yes!' Pisces admits! He humbly gives his money away, happily dancing with his friends as they walk away 'I'll pay you back next week!' Gemini admits, his head barely turned, but Pisces is full of love and cherishment!

Next week, the payment isn't given, and Pisces has already given all his money away to his friends, he feels hungry, he isn't eating at school! He never ate he realized, but he still seems to forgive his friends, Taurus paid back he realized. Taurus always was dependable. Taurus was patient with Pisces and Pisces enjoyed his prescence.

Gemini never pays back though, Taurus stoutly advises as Pisces sobs that he should discriminate more, but Pisces is ignorant once more. Pisces runs off, Gemini never pays back. But Pisces walks away. 'Maybe he forgot.' Pisces admits.

Throughout his school term though, Pisces hasn't eaten barely a thing, and Pisces overtime runs out of excuses, but he feels so lonely, neglected and angry, he has been disillusioned many times. He is met by bitter Virgo once more who crawls out from behind the long grass. 'Again! You were a fool! You never discriminated and now you see what happened! I told you time and time again! You never listen Pisces! Never!'

Pisces however, loses control, lunging at Virgo, flipping out as he goes on a mad rage and hits Virgo, atleast once or twice! 'It is not true! It is not true! It is not true!' Pisces cries!

Pisces soon runs away. Virgo walks off, Pisces admits he is the victim of criticism, hurt and punishment, but still tries to remain passive and civil with the others, he was hurting inside but his heart could never truly resort to true violence.

Pisces is picked up by brash Leo, and sat on like a throne. 'If you want your money back, you are my royal seat!' Leo laughs. All his friends laugh with him. Pisces stays silent, but inside, he is hurting, but not again could he afford to lash out. Later on, Gemini pokes him on the forehead and mocks him, making a spillage on the floor and watching Pisces slip up and fly into the bathroom. 'It was only a joke!' Gemini cries, wondering the extremely pent up explosion that occured as Pisces walked back out. 'What's wrong with that? I don't get it!' Gemini walks off, he knows better than to comprehend some weirdo who can't take a joke, or to try and comprehend emotions of someone he couldn't have a joke with. Life for him is sunshine, delight and whimsical fun! Gemini is unsure of emotional reactions. Not his fun!

Pisces storms off, he is angry again, Virgo does not return and Pisces finds no release, only miserable and sad once more. 'Where have all my friends gone?' Pisces admits, he sits alone to himself, sad and betrodden on, never dealing with his experiences, later on he meets sagittarius on a jovial evening. Sagittarius sits down, he understands, but no real emotional show is made. 'Cheer up, life is a joke, it can't be all roses!' he says with laughter. 'Hey, I'll tell you of a idiot I met the other day. Real guy.'

Pisces enjoys the Sagittarius's humor, he is warm, positive and loving, Pisces is somewhat rivived of his misfortune, but admits his faults, misfortune and troubles with the others. Sagittarius is quickly let down and walks away. He can't stand the emotional outbursts, but he does tell Pisces to stand up for himself. Pisces doesn't listen, but along comes Virgo once more.

'He has a point! You never listen! You're crafty! You set fire to the whole school and have caused massive trouble! You'll never get on in life unless you change!'

Pisces has had enough, he jumps at Virgo once more. His fist high 'Listen here!' Pisces yells, a red glow in his eyes, and slight horns growing out of the sides of his head. 'I WILL NOT TALK ANYMORE OF THIS BEHAVIOUR, OK?!' his raised fist becomes a hoof, Virgo is absolutely terrified and runs off as fast as he could, Pisces only stands and is absolutely chockful of rage, slowly, his scales begin to fall, fur begins to pop out where the scales once were, his horns grow longer, his tail growing shorter, he walks home in a self righteous rage, as he goes from moving on his tail, to powerful hoofs, a long shaggy coat, and a powerful chest, by the time he gets home, he sleeps that night, his rage held inside. 'I WILL GET THEM FOR THIS! NO MORE!'

The next day, Leo is proudly walking along! BOOM! he is hit flying by some creature into a wall, held up by the new Pisces' horns, the Leo barely recognizes the creature, or Pisces! Leo knows better however to make violence. He cares what people think, what would people think of him if he were to attack this creature? He is knocked down and hurt, his beaming pride damaged, but he knows better than to attack this outlandish, overaggressive, crazed and bloodthirsty land animal! 'ARIES! That is what I will call you! I will warn people of you!' Leo shouts in a tight fisted rage. 'Aries, the aggressive sheep! The selfish spontaneous animal that you are!'

The Aries, or Pisces, silently walks away, having taken his 'revenge', he had finished his issue with Leo. 'No more of that', later on that day, Aries attacks Gemini, Taurus, and Capricorn, who proved so demanding! A slowly inching pride grew within Pisces as he won back from all the pain he had felt before. 'They will know better now than to mess with me!' Aries proudly smirked, silently sliding his hoof into the ground. No one ever heard of Pisces again, but they knew Aries was here to take territory.

Aries would attack the playground, but with such rapid speed, he was easily caught, dodging the fire of teachers. He would bully Gemini and Scorpio into a corner, Scorpio quietly stayed to himself, but he looked at that Aries with a look of bloodshot rage, 'I will get him...' Scorpio silently thought. No more of this. No one takes me down that way.

Aries was ambushed later on by Scorpio and Gemini, with their cunning brains, the goat was lifted high in a net above the school over the gymnasium, as a rope was pulled under his hoof and Scorpio pulled on the over side of the gymnasium, with his might, pulling Aries backwards embarassingly by his rear hooves up the gymnasium, the laughter started from the school, Aries was reminded of the trauma and the hate from before. He broke his way out with his horns and he would dive out from the net, headbutting everyone there in a mad bloodthirsty rage, ramming everyone and everything! 'NEVER AGAIN!' Aries shouted in a bloodthirsty matter.

Aries looked around calmly however, seeing his revenge taken, his pride grew louder inside him 'No more of the victim, it's time for payback!' Aries grinned warmly to himself, his tilted fiery eyebrows looked down at the students. 'Ha! So pathetic! But you were all to meet my wrath! You would know better than to mess with me next time, heh!'

he walked slowly away, some charmed by the Aries, and some, not. Some jealous, infuriated with rage, anger and fury, wanting revenge and more, some charmed by the natural ability of the Aries to win, his directness, his honesty and how he held himself. They were thinking of making friends.

Gemini quickly ran up to Aries later, and with a smile, he'd give Aries back his money he owed him. Aries had forgiven. 'Ha!' Aries thought 'your apologies mean nothing. I have new conquered territory on the playground! Everyone knows better than to mess with me!'

Gemini simply swung his arm around Aries' neck. 'I don't know who you are, but I like you!'


Months of conquering! Aries was at it! Confident and so sure of himself, Aries had gained his reckless impulsive demeanor, his outsmarting at classrooms and his seamless driven temper, but Aries was intellectual, honest and upfront, witty, fun and exciting! With his seamless excitement and openness to things and his spontaneity, his almost childish nature, Aries was surely conquering the school and gaining attention. Leo found a friend later in Aries.

'So Aries, what are you doing after school?'

'Huh? Oh, me, yeah, I'm going to the skatepark! I know there I will rule!'

Leo smiled gleefully, but a little distempered with Aries' Arrogance, still Leo knew not to follow along, but he thought he'd be nice to the ram.

'I'm willing to bring some friends if you'd like them to watch?'

'Heh! Like I need them! Sure they can but I don't really NEED to be watched.' Aries chuckled and growled. His pride massive, but inspiring confidence in some.

Leo simply smiled, but was so outcast to that radiant confidence, that 'I don't need anybody' attitude shruggly enraged Leo, but Leo knew to keep his patience. He was flamboyant, high flying, and he knew deep down, he would probably kick Aries' rear end anyday. He was Leo. The king! The showman! He was always to win.

Aries shrugly walked on later, his head high, not the drooping it was years ago. Aries was mulitalented, concentrated, and trying his first try at skateboarding, Aries would grab his board, and skate down at the park, he'd keep trying to stand on that board though, but he'd fall off multiple times. The challenge, the winning wasn't going his way! It was a late afternoon and the sun was soon dropping, Aries was so furious at himself that he was ramming into the side of the halfpipe with his horns repeatedly! 'ARGHHH!' he screamed in a wild rage as he caused massive dents. But he simply shrugged his head.

'Heh! Like I need this! This means nothing to me! I'll just find something else to do!' Aries rose his head once more, his triumphant considered not sagging once, he galloped off merrily, going to bed that night as he walked back home to a large double bed to himself, made off of the money of stealing off the Zodiac youngsters at school, but it was rightfully his now.

The next day, Aries returned to school, his head held high, he was talking to a Capricorn girl about his acomplishments, pushing his hoof into his chest with a cheeky smile. 'And so, I hung him above the flagpole! He was pathetic, just dribble, you should've saw me!'

Capricorn girl laughed a little, smiling, but nose in her books mostly. 'That's nice. Now let me get to my books, I need to read Aries.'

Aries walked off, not impressed with Capricorn girl, he met up with Leo later, but smiled boldly to him, Leo would give a big warm hug to his Aries buddy 'Hey hey hey!' Leo said with his chest wide. 'How'd it go last night with your trek?'

'Oh! Yeah! I did it! Sorta. I was trying anyway! But no matter! I'll get the next one!' Aries grinned.

'Sorta'? Ha, what do you mean, 'Sort of'?'

'Well, I tried it! But I didn't really learn! But I tried it!'

'Pfft, is that all? I would've gone up there and done it all!' Leo laughed broadly, his mane flashing in the wind.

Ignoring Leo's pretentiousness and loud mouthed attitude, Aries walked off. 'Who needs ya.' he smirked, losing no confidence in himself, he went off to try rollerskating now, he was good at that, doing grinding and tricks all across the playground benches and metal fences. People watched as Aries had fun with himself all alone.

He walked home later, his next exercise was learning to scale walls. Wacky, but he knew to try, he'd given anything a shot, and he would climb ontop of the school cafeteria. The next morning he would at lunch time attempt to stick his hooves inbetween the walls into holes and ledges, and attempt to climb slowly, suddenly, he tried to reach high for a ledge, but missed. Leo and Gemini watched.

'Go Aries!' Gemini shouted.

Aries kept climbing, but suddenly slipped and fell to the ground from a very high fall, he fortunately fell in the dumpster, but quickly climbed out.

'Try again!' Leo shouted.

Aries climbed back up and tried again, for about 30 minutes he tried until he grew sick and then in a massive lashing of temper he walked home. 'Argh!'

'Pussy' Leo said and Gemini giggled.

At home, Aries laid suffering with himself. 'Another loss' he pouted. 'No matter, I'd try again!'

For over 5 months, Aries would try at so many new enterprising ideas. He'd try going on a small board he constructed and try going through a large pipe and attempt to make the pipe fast enough to jump into another, his attempts ended up with massive scratches, a bloody head, a broken shoulder and far more, some of his attempts were successful however. But everyone loved especially Aries pioneering skill. He was approached by Libra, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek as she sultry wrapped her arms around him. 'Hey hot stuff, I've been observing you lately.' she elbowed him lately. 'I've noticed you're pretty tough.'

The Aries blushed brightly to himself, his furry snout grew red with embarassment. 'Thank you! I really appreciate your comment!'

Libra continued to watch hesitantly as he tried again, Libra flushed him with praise. 'Way to go tiger! You're nailing that good!' eventually, Aries conquered the slope and landed in, if just by inches.

'Wooo!' Libra whistled and ran up to kiss the strong masculine Aries. He was perfect in every way she thought. She was head over heels for him already. So dashing. Strong. Like a hero in a writing! She ran up and kissed him.

'Hey sexy, would you wanna get a ice cream later? Conquerer? Should I say actually?'

The Aries' face blushed red once more! 'Sure!' he said excitedly and held hands with her.

They walked together to get a ice cream, Aries would tell her hours of his acomplishment and each time she felt she had found a true dashing hero in writing, a real masculine man. So dreamy, sexy and handsome was he. His bulging muscles, covered in scars but taking every blow. So warm.

But something sometimes scared Libra, it was at a show where Aries tried to finalized some new dance moves to woo the crowd, he had done them perfectly every day, trying over and over, and falling on his bottom, Aries flipped out with a extremely explosive temper so roaring and destructive, she almost cried as she walked away a little. Suddenly, the dashing hero had become a child as he smashed the room up, trashing everything in sight.

'ARGH! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY!? WHHYYYYYYYYYY?!' he went at it for atleast a hour. She was totally devastated. Her hero? Her man? Where had he gone, and who was this spoilt, selfish brat?

Libra eventually left, but the relationship was beautiful. Aries was left hungry for more somehow. It did hurt him, badly. But he hungered for more, somehow, Aries cherished a relationship like it once more, this time, where he could find his love, through a challenge, just like he had done before.

He would notice another girl, attracted, beautiful and sexy, she would woo the crowd and perform dances in the style of breakdancing to loud music, his tongue lapped out of his mouth drooling, he was excited and lustful, there she was, and she was his for the taking. Aries flew in on a skateboard, grinding off a bench and jumping on several others in magnificent skill without breaking a sweat, the crowd watched in amazement, the girl however remained ignorant and walked away, but Aries was left still hungry. He continued to chase her however, chasing her around the playground. Teenage love but love was in the air. Atleast for Aries.

Aries kept chasing, tongue lashing and sexual and dreaming of her with sexual excitement, which seemed icognito to this woman. She was embarassed. But eventually was won, as he tried to climb the roof and jump off, holding a blanket and using it to fly... and somehow it worked.

He got her attention again. His high flying pioneering stunt worked. Still it got him in hospital for months, and that taught Aries a deep lesson. Somehow, he did need to slow down a bit, maybe lose the temper somehow too, it was losing him alot of girlfriends and alot of failed relationships did after a while want him going for something deeper. Something more romantic.

Seemingly, he realised he had a thing with growing bored, he was always enterprising, going for the next big thing, seemingly unpoppable and unstoppable, persistence he had to learn after so many tries, and a little slowing down to get his high flying ability work would be great. He had this with women, and after a lifetime, it was learning to think, just a bit more. Just a bit.

Reality caused his horns to change, his body after many many years to grow larger and far bigger in size. He was still so enterprising as ever, but he realized he got sick of being cheated on with his generousity, giving his heart out for friends, and where was the trust? Honesty? He was sick of being cheated on. The most generous in school he was dubbed, but he felt after so many times, it was time for a change.

Over the years, he did seem to recline in his ambition a bit more. He was top king. Why not? Still, he did eventually figure out only his way was right for him too. He was self assured. More patient atleast. He wanted to settle down, atleast a little. Still he'd have his childish antics, his temper had soothed, sure he'd seem like a bull at times though, his temper quieter, but more fearsome when it came. The years had caught up with him a little. He was thinking more, still relaxing, but now his antics were with a little substenance and lastability. His hooves reclined on a footstool. Slow, patient, solid as a rock. He had his relationship problem sorted, life lessons learnt. Security issues sorted, and he was moving on. Happy and content with life.

Never to fall down, except for a few irritations, that really stuck him sometimes. Particularly with his money.

He issued a name change, Aries was a bit too 'Umph' for his type, the years had taught him to slow down. So, was Taurus formed.
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