Effect of Retrograde planets...?

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In general, the energy of the planet is turned inward and becomes more internalized. A person with a retrograde Mars would be less aggressive than they would be otherwise, to the point where they might need to act, yet be paralyzed in a personal conflict.

Here is a good article about the mechanics of retrograde motion, and overview of effects and discussion about individuals with multiple retrogrades. http://gregoryrozek.com/en/retrogradeplanets/
This page says...

When Vedic astrologers looked at planets retrograding, they saw that the planets were at their brightest. (Because retrograde planets are opposite to the Sun.) Therefore, the Vedic interpretation of retrograde planets is that they are at the peak of their strength. In fact, the classical Vedic text called the Phaladeepika states that, "Even if a planet be in his sign of debilitation [fall in Western astrology], he is vested with full strength if he is retrograde...." PD 4:4. Joan Crawford is an excellent example of the strength of a retrograde planet. Her Mars -- although in Libra (in detriment by modern principles) -- is retrograde, and her ruthlessness, drive, and willpower were legendary.
The vedics consider it a strength (in most cases).

Many western traditionalists basically consider it a weakness.

Robert hand says that a retrograde planet behaves weirder, not worse. Just outside the box.

I share a similar opinion as Hand, though I would say that the retro planet can be better or worse, depending on the chart. Gauging that can be difficult though and actually requires thought. So I can see why many astrologers choose to immediately label it as bad or good (depending on their tradition). Its much easier and requires no brain power.