Well-known member
I was made aware by another member that the following post, at the 'new music project..' thread, regarding the three fairly closely-connected branches, could be helpful for some. In order that it does not get lost amongst threads, I will make it into a sticky here.
I was made aware by another member that the following post, at the 'new music project..' thread, regarding the three fairly closely-connected branches, could be helpful for some. In order that it does not get lost amongst threads, I will make it into a sticky here.
All three, Electional, Event and Horary are basically kin to one another. Let me simply try to show you the difference(s) by very briefly explaining the three and framing the kind of question the querent may ask in the three different branches.
Electional: is where you deliberately 'elect' or choose a moment in time for your intended action/project. So, say you'd like to 'inaugarate' (start) your new venture next Monday at 9.00 am, then you do a chart for that (elected) time and see how it fares as far as the intended project goes. The question or subject here would be like the one suggested in the topic of this thread, or simply: Picking a date for the new music project.
Event: The most famous e.g. here is the first-meeting charts. With the event usually having either occured in the past or is to occur on a 'fixed' date, the aim here is to see how this event will progress/develop into the future as per the various (mundane) influences which were at work at the time the event took place. For the chart you would need the exact data (date, time and place) when the event happened. The question/subject here could be: How will the music project do? or Will the music project be successful?
Horary: Here you may go beyond simply electing a time. You may ask other things around the planned project like: Would a business partnership be beneficial for me in my music venture? or even: Will the music project be successful? (as in the Event-Astro paragraph above). However, in Horary, the data used for the chart would be based on the moment when you (as the querent) came up with the question, or even when your astrologer received the question from you (the querent).
Furthermore, all three branches are mainly based on traditional Astrology. However, the use of outer planets is not completely out of question, esp if either in a meaningful aspect to one of the major significators, or placed at an angular position with the angle in question (ie Asc, DC, IC, MC) tangenting the question.
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