Elements that are absent in the chart

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Jan 6, 2023
I was looking just now at the possible chart of Axel Rudakubana who has just been jailed for horrific murders of young children in Southport last year.

I do not know if the limited details about him are correct. His date of birth is given as 7 August 2006.

I have noticed for a while that when I look at the charts of individuals who have had extremely disturbing lives, either as a victim or a perpetrator, there is a missing element. I am also talking as someone who also has a missing element (water) in my chart; and I was also the victim of someone with a missing element.

I guess that this might occur fairly frequently, but has anyone else noticed this or not?

I have amended my post thanks to Frisiangal! Axel R's chart does not have a missing element but I have added the chart of Emma Humphreys.


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Hi Columbine,
I noticed that A's chart showed the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo :surprised: .... and consequently that the birth date is given as 1966 and not 2006 !!
Hi Columbine,
I noticed that A's chart showed the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo :surprised: .... and consequently that the birth date is given as 1966 and not 2006 !!
Oh thanks very much Frisiangal. I am obviously losing it!
With your experience do you have any comments to make about missing elements? Thanks

I will post Axel R's 2006 chart below. The chart shows Neptune and Chiron in Air, I don't suppose that these were readily accessible to conscious control, but I don't know if his DOB is correct


  • Axel R chart.png
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do you have any comments to make about missing elements?
No more than any others, I should think. Elements represent expression of/through temperament towards situations. If one element is missing, the particular temperament is not naturally expressed within one's nature.
Just as an overload of any element can produce the opposite in 'over-ruling' expression of other temperaments.

IMvHO a planet may take on the traits carried within its natural ruling sign, but it will express them through the temperament of the sign it is in. What is positive/ negative of nature as expressed through the temperament(s) with which the individual lives who does/can not conform with 'the norms of society' but through their own rules; a result of the Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn now 'imprinted' within further generations?
Thanks Frisiangal. I usually look at the missing element issue as per Liz Greene's books and Jungian approach. So I think of it as a difficult issue, particularly in the first half of life. The temperament in the missing element often erupting and being acted out in an uncontrolled and primitive way.

Liz Greene uses Hitler as one example. She highlighted two big difficulties: water being absent from the chart (actually Chiron is there since it's discovery) and Mercury and Uranus with their limited aspects to other planets.

I also feel that having only an outer planet, including Chiron, in an element is very difficult, particularly again in the first half of life. Unfortunately the charts of Myra Hindley and Ian Brady show this, M Hindley having only Neptune and NN in Earth and Brady having no planets but NN in Fire.

You say that the Uranus Neptune conjunction which occurred in Capricorn is now 'imprinted' within further generations. Sorry, I am not sure what you mean by this, please could you clarify? I understand that some people born with this conjunction will have their own children now, but I don't know if this is what you mean? Thanks
What I am noticing is the water signs. Uranus Pisces trine Jupiter Scorpio with Mercury and Venus in Cancer. It is not a Grand Trine, but in my opinion water is usually involved in very bloody crime scenes.

Mars is Knives and is in Virgo? But it aspects the water signs. I am confused by it being in Virgo. I see Virgo as a perfectionist’s sign.

Can anyone add their knowledge of Mars in Virgo?


The North Node Pisces aspects Pluto and Venus/Mercury Cancer.
Thanks Frisiangal. I usually look at the missing element issue as per Liz Greene's books and Jungian approach. So I think of it as a difficult issue, particularly in the first half of life. The temperament in the missing element often erupting and being acted out in an uncontrolled and primitive way.
I would think this is possible when a personal planet enters the missing element through transit and/or progressions.
Liz Greene uses Hitler as one example. She highlighted two big difficulties: water being absent from the chart (actually Chiron is there since it's discovery) and Mercury and Uranus with their limited aspects to other planets.
Hitler's chart has been 'interpretted' by so many. Was part of the curriculum of the UK F.A.S. in the 1980's.
The nodal axis across Capricorn-Cancer and aspects made can tell a story in its own right.:(
I also feel that having only an outer planet, including Chiron, in an element is very difficult, particularly again in the first half of life. Unfortunately the charts of Myra Hindley and Ian Brady show this, M Hindley having only Neptune and NN in Earth and Brady having no planets but NN in Fire.
Who can know what 'inner pain' sets a course of action between Saturn and Uranus in a person .... and why?
Astro. interpretation can also be judgemental rather than impartial of nature in the following of civil norms when personal norms may take precedence.
You say that the Uranus Neptune conjunction which occurred in Capricorn is now 'imprinted' within further generations. Sorry, I am not sure what you mean by this, please could you clarify? I understand that some people born with this conjunction will have their own children now, but I don't know if this is what you mean? Thanks
We see regularly how, especially, the outer planets set their 'imprint' upon change within daily life. The Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn is always corresponded to the fall of the Berlin Wall and, personally, I have never thought of a more fitting analogy as to what 'fallen walls' can mean within all forms of personal and societal living where the influence of/upon old traditions is concerned. I remember my then teenage daughter saying that her teacher had informed his class that it was permissable to call their parents by their christian names. Sorry, but it didn't conform with her parental upbringing!

A number of years back 'respect' was THE thing the youth of the time wanted. Not the giving of it but receiving it. The influence of Capricorn has changed in such a way as to be almost unrecogniseable nowadays (also Pluto's doing, of course). The young people of the Uranus-Neptune generation want to live their lives as they choose without restrictions placed upon them from outer authority: What used to be referred to as 'the generation gap'. They live for today without the inbred reservations of their ancestral inheritance. It's almost enviable for today's old generation! This influence of freedom has 'automatically' been passed on to the next and following generation, who know no better. Being 'held back' in any way can cause conflict. They are making the rules to live by. It can be seen in so many ways. Yet that is progress, isn't it? It takes Capricorn time to deal with and accept it.:)
I have an absence or void of the air element 💨

Now air isn't TOTALLY missing from my chart as I have the DSC in Libra and the MC in Aquarius. However none of the celestial bodies fall into air element.

Just my personal experience: I have struggled with verbal communication my entire life and still do to some degree. I'm much better at written communication (although not super skilled) but when I speak I have a hard time bringing my thoughts out into the AIR and connecting my thoughts together into sentences that come out as awkward or misunderstood. Now I know why I was always the quiet one at school and work. But there is something else too within myself I feel I should mention:

I am ATTRACTED to the wind, the clouds, lightness, angels, Heaven, all things relating to the air element. Infact I may even have an unhealthy obsession with them to the point that many things in my life feel heavy in the smallest things and I get stressed or overwhelmed easily. I feel something within myself is missing and I try to compensate for it but in strange ways. I just want to float away at times to somewhere else.
I have an absence or void of the air element 💨

Now air isn't TOTALLY missing from my chart as I have the DSC in Libra and the MC in Aquarius. However none of the celestial bodies fall into air element.

Just my personal experience: I have struggled with verbal communication my entire life and still do to some degree. I'm much better at written communication (although not super skilled) but when I speak I have a hard time bringing my thoughts out into the AIR and connecting my thoughts together into sentences that come out as awkward or misunderstood. Now I know why I was always the quiet one at school and work. But there is something else too within myself I feel I should mention:

I am ATTRACTED to the wind, the clouds, lightness, angels, Heaven, all things relating to the air element. Infact I may even have an unhealthy obsession with them to the point that many things in my life feel heavy in the smallest things and I get stressed or overwhelmed easily. I feel something within myself is missing and I try to compensate for it but in strange ways. I just want to float away at times to somewhere else.
I am intrigued with the last paragraph.

Are you a storm chaser?
Opal, thanks, yes a lot of water does seem to be involved in many of the worse crimes.

Mars in Virgo, I guess that we could see Virgo as a refined and perfectionist sign. I feel that Mars is still Mars and it's in an earthy sign. Virgo seems to prefer efficiency and can also like routines and rituals. In the chart Mars is opposite Uranus though. Uranus is also associated with perfectionism and detachment and he hated and banished his earthy children because he found them ugly and imperfect.

Mars has a positive side and a darker side. A R seems to have shown the darker side. There is also the T square between Sun conjunct Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter which is very telling. The details of his crimes were so horrible that the BBC did not publicize them all. Recent pictures of him show a crazed looking person. I feel that what has happened is so awful and incomprehensible that I can't really continue with it. I am not sure why he has not been diagnosed with severe mental illness.
an unhealthy obsession with them to the point that many things in my life feel heavy in the smallest things and I get stressed or overwhelmed easily
FlameSickle, the air signs give intellectual distancing.
They are able to balance out the sentimental emotional water, the action oriented fire, the fixated too mundane earth.
Air allows one to take a mental and emotional step back and evaluate.

Your writing or speaking skills have a lot to do with your 3rd house, the sign that rules the house, and the planets in the house with their aspects.
Frisiangal, thank you for your very interesting and informative reply.

Yes a transit of a personal planet to the missing element. I have also noticed that the son of a close friend of mine who has Bi Polar and an unaspected Saturn, has a bad 'high' attack when transit Saturn makes major aspects to itself.

Hitler :(

Yes, I agree that using Astrological interpretation can be judgemental and sometimes not for the best. Personally, I have found it helps me a lot to understand others, particularly my close family and friends as I feel that people cannot help acting as 'themselves' and being who they are. Liz Greene's interpretations in "The Dark of the Soul" are also compassionate, I feel. Many people will have the same DOB and time so it seems to be a wonder and a mystery why some become notorious or famous.

Thank you for your explanations of the Uranus Neptune conjunction and the reminder about the Berlin Wall and 'walls'.
Opal, thanks, yes a lot of water does seem to be involved in many of the worse crimes.

Mars in Virgo, I guess that we could see Virgo as a refined and perfectionist sign. I feel that Mars is still Mars and it's in an earthy sign. Virgo seems to prefer efficiency and can also like routines and rituals. In the chart Mars is opposite Uranus though. Uranus is also associated with perfectionism and detachment and he hated and banished his earthy children because he found them ugly and imperfect.

Mars has a positive side and a darker side. A R seems to have shown the darker side. There is also the T square between Sun conjunct Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter which is very telling. The details of his crimes were so horrible that the BBC did not publicize them all. Recent pictures of him show a crazed looking person. I feel that what has happened is so awful and incomprehensible that I can't really continue with it. I am not sure why he has not been diagnosed with severe mental illness.
Thank you Columbine!

Fastidious Mars. Calculating.

And the Gaia Uranus myth, yes, good see.

He does look insane now. His other picture as a student, his eyes are intense, but not the madness.

Hunger strike. He may be gone soon.

And I understand, sometimes looking at the extremes of the negativity that humanity can deliver is difficult to read.

And this is one of those cases.

As a relative said in court, when he disrupted the ongoings of his actions and the deliberations of the court, wanting medical attention for himself, the relative yelled “Coward” for him s refusal to face what he had done.

Yes, he is a coward. And it is a despicable crime.

Yes, it is disturbing to read about the crimes too. The victims never stood a chance, he chose the most vulnerable, because he is a coward.

I send a prayer of strength to the survivors.

And unfortunately I wish a long life to the lad. Death is too easy for his cowardice. He should have too examine his own insanity for a long time, before dying in prison.

He should never be released.
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FlameSickle, thank you for your reply.

I often wonder about charts that show a missing element and yet have the angles in the missing element. I am sorry to hear about your struggles. What house is your Chiron in?

I feel that your interest in the things of Air sounds like a very good way of compensating for what you feel to be a lack. In my chart water is absent but most of my planets are in the 'watery' houses. I love water and swimming and all underwater sea life. When I am swimming it often restores me. Perhaps if you tried some grounding techniques, you could continue to enjoy your interest in airy things, without feeling that it's unhealthy? Grounding might help your stress too.
FlameSickle, the air signs give intellectual distancing.
They are able to balance out the sentimental emotional water, the action oriented fire, the fixated too mundane earth.
Air allows one to take a mental and emotional step back and evaluate.

Your writing or speaking skills have a lot to do with your 3rd house, the sign that rules the house, and the planets in the house with their aspects.
Yes that word...."evaluate" this is what I am not so good at. I have trouble looking myself, others, or anything from an objective view. I find that my feelings and passions are what attaches me to so many things and I lack that detachment that air gives. Maybe I should work on more through a spiritual practice.... detachment. It's worth trying I suppose!
FlameSickle, thank you for your reply.

I often wonder about charts that show a missing element and yet have the angles in the missing element. I am sorry to hear about your struggles. What house is your Chiron in?

I feel that your interest in the things of Air sounds like a very good way of compensating for what you feel to be a lack. In my chart water is absent but most of my planets are in the 'watery' houses. I love water and swimming and all underwater sea life. When I am swimming it often restores me. Perhaps if you tried some grounding techniques, you could continue to enjoy your interest in airy things, without feeling that it's unhealthy? Grounding might help your stress too.
Your welcome Columbine.

So you lack water and I lack air... I think having that missing element on the angles can help a lot in giving it an outlet or it can create a fixation as well. I am very physical and nature kind of person so connecting with air in physical ways such as watching clouds, going out for walks on a windy day does help me feel refreshed. Connecting with air in a social way is harder because I am naturally an introvert and I just lack that desire to get to know others most of the time. I like the small amount of people I have in my life now, expanding that list sounds exhausting hahaha

It sounds like you connect with water in a physical way which is good. I wonder if you have trouble connecting with the feelings of others or expressing your emotions? Or maybe you do connect emotionally but you just aren't intuitive? That like that inner feeling that something is good or bad? I don't know. I have 3 celestial bodies in water (Sun, Mercury, and Saturn) so I feel connected to my emotions quite well just not so good at expressing them verbally.