Elements that are absent in the chart

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I am very physical and nature kind of person so connecting with air in physical ways such as watching clouds, going out for walks on a windy day does help me feel refreshed
Actually these are earth and water.

But what is wrong with missing an element?

Some charts, for example, can have all the elements, but are all bunched up in a corner of the chart creating an intense concentration in one area.
It's all part of the possible patterns.
Life has challenges any way you look at it, but overcoming them is called growth.

One situation that might tend to occur, is drawing to us those who balance out and complete our charts.
In your case, with air on descendent, you might attract "air" type partners.
This can work especially well if they in turn lack what you have in abundance.

On the other hand, many marriages will have a couple that is both water, or both air, or earth, or fire.
They tend to communicate on the same wave lengths.
They are both sentimental and emotive, or intellectual, etc.
Your welcome Columbine.

So you lack water and I lack air... I think having that missing element on the angles can help a lot in giving it an outlet or it can create a fixation as well. I am very physical and nature kind of person so connecting with air in physical ways such as watching clouds, going out for walks on a windy day does help me feel refreshed. Connecting with air in a social way is harder because I am naturally an introvert and I just lack that desire to get to know others most of the time. I like the small amount of people I have in my life now, expanding that list sounds exhausting hahaha

It sounds like you connect with water in a physical way which is good. I wonder if you have trouble connecting with the feelings of others or expressing your emotions? Or maybe you do connect emotionally but you just aren't intuitive? That like that inner feeling that something is good or bad? I don't know. I have 3 celestial bodies in water (Sun, Mercury, and Saturn) so I feel connected to my emotions quite well just not so good at expressing them verbally.
Thanks FlameSickle.
Socialising with a lot of people isn't for everyone. I also prefer a small amount of people in my life.

Yes I probably do connect with water in a physical way because of all the physical exercise involved but I also love it and feel that it is my 'element'!

With emotions and feelings it is difficult for me to know. I was very dissociated for most of my life but I do think or feel that I can connect with the feelings of others. I am not so sure about feeling and expressing my own emotions, but maybe that is true for a lot of us?

I am not sure about intuition either. I looked up the definition which says 'intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning'. I think that sometimes I am intuitive but mostly I work things through in my head. This surprises me a bit because I have a lot of planets in fire and the fire element is the one that is supposed to be the intuitive function!
Hi ElenaJ

I don't feel that there is anything 'wrong' about having a missing element. Astrologically we can't do anything about it anyway and 'it is what it is'. Yes, hopefully we can all grow and develop ourselves through our challenges in life. It just seemed to me that it can lead to an imbalance where the missing element is acted out or received in a difficult way.

I enjoyed the link you posted on Serial Killer astrology. Water seems to top the bill, plus Sagittarius apparently. I have a Sag moon and my friend often criticizes that sign because she thinks that Sags think they are God. Perhaps that has something to do with it? :ROFLMAO:

Yes, I agree many people have partners who can sort of be the missing element. And also many people have partners who are similar in elements and signs and they share a lot in common.

For myself, when I was younger I was attracted to partners (men) with a lot of earth in their charts. From all my astro studying and particularly Liz Greene it would seem that the big emphasis in fire in my chart made earth my 'inferior' function so that I projected it and drew to myself some very challenging earthy partners.
One would think that with the lack of water in my chart, I would have been attracted to partners who had a lot of water. When I was a teenager I did have 'watery' boyfriends who were very kind and empathetic but the relationships did not continue. When I looked at their charts much later in life, I saw that both of them had no planets in earth. So it would seem that there was no 'hook' for us all to project upon.

I appreciate that not everybody agrees with Liz Greene's approach and Jungian psychology.
I have noticed for a while that when I look at the charts of individuals who have had extremely disturbing lives, either as a victim or a perpetrator, there is a missing element. I am also talking as someone who also has a missing element (water) in my chart; and I was also the victim of someone with a missing element.

I guess that this might occur fairly frequently, but has anyone else noticed this or not?
(From the above post, I am guessing that the element of the victimizer was earth) This is an edit I hadn’t read it first, I had just reread your first post.
I have never noticed or read about this with missing elements, and I find it intriguing.

I am very sorry that you experienced this.

You have missing element water.

What element was your victimizer missing?

And is there any further reading available on missing elements and the interactions between people with them to each other?

Are they drawn to each other frequently, and does it usually end in negativity?
(From the above post, I am guessing that the element of the victimizer was earth) This is an edit I hadn’t read it first, I had just reread your first post.
I have never noticed or read about this with missing elements, and I find it intriguing.

I am very sorry that you experienced this.

You have missing element water.

What element was your victimizer missing?

And is there any further reading available on missing elements and the interactions between people with them to each other?

Are they drawn to each other frequently, and does it usually end in negativity?
Are you elementally balanced yourself Opal? Or perhaps you have a Singleton element. It's sometimes said that if you have Singleton element or modality that this placement shows very much importance in the chart because all that elements energy is concentrated into that one placement.
Are you elementally balanced yourself Opal? Or perhaps you have a Singleton element. It's sometimes said that if you have Singleton element or modality that this placement shows very much importance in the chart because all that elements energy is concentrated into that one placement.

Elementally I have a bit of everything.

The last post in the above whatever it’s called has my natal chart.
It's sometimes said that if you have Singleton element or modality that this placement shows very much importance in the chart because all that elements energy is concentrated into that one placement.
I can personally vouch for that, having a strong Earth-Air chart and Earth grand trine (three, if you count the Black Moon Liliths influences). Mars in Cancer (as Opal, if I remember it?) is the only planet in the water element in the opposite element of Moon in Capricorn !!! I always kept my feelings in. The wall kept the water dam in check. Until circumstances brought the past back to be dealt with. The dam burst and nothing could stop the feelings that gushed forth. Niagara was nothing compared to their effect. I became 'emotionally temperamental' according to my spouse. Mars rules 8th house. For a number of years rationality was swept aside as imagination took over, made stronger by progr. Sun into Cancer.
I found astrology .... or it found me. I was swept away by the imagination process in another fashion. Rationality returned when learning the meaning behind its symbolism. Water was combined with Earth and Air.

In Dutch it's said that Mars in Cancer 'has long toes', meaning it takes offence to slight easily. Maybe I subconsciously do. After all, when one tries one's best and, in whatever way or reason, gets the door slammed in one's face, it's not a pleasant feeling. I know the hurt feelings (Mars to Chiron) cringe inside. It's cost me several 11th house close friendships over the years because a Sun in Taurus's opposing sign also rears its head and all contact is broken for good.

I wonder how different life would have been had I had no water element in my chart, yet why it is necessary that I did. Mars and Pluto conjunct either side True NN Cancer. :unsure::)
I can personally vouch for that, having a strong Earth-Air chart and Earth grand trine (three, if you count the Black Moon Liliths influences). Mars in Cancer (as Opal, if I remember it?) is the only planet in the water element in the opposite element of Moon in Capricorn !!! I always kept my feelings in. The wall kept the water dam in check. Until circumstances brought the past back to be dealt with. The dam burst and nothing could stop the feelings that gushed forth. Niagara was nothing compared to their effect. I became 'emotionally temperamental' according to my spouse. Mars rules 8th house. For a number of years rationality was swept aside as imagination took over, made stronger by progr. Sun into Cancer.
I found astrology .... or it found me. I was swept away by the imagination process in another fashion. Rationality returned when learning the meaning behind its symbolism. Water was combined with Earth and Air.

In Dutch it's said that Mars in Cancer 'has long toes', meaning it takes offence to slight easily. Maybe I subconsciously do. After all, when one tries one's best and, in whatever way or reason, gets the door slammed in one's face, it's not a pleasant feeling. I know the hurt feelings (Mars to Chiron) cringe inside. It's cost me several 11th house close friendships over the years because a Sun in Taurus's opposing sign also rears its head and all contact is broken for good.

I wonder how different life would have been had I had no water element in my chart, yet why it is necessary that I did. Mars and Pluto conjunct either side True NN Cancer. :unsure::)
I would personally include Lilith in those grand earth trines! She has a stronger influence on the chart than many giver her credit for hahaha

Your chart sounds very interesting Frisiangal Earth and Air are very different from each other but that being your dom elements must give you that abstract and physical connection in life that can help you view things in a more logical and practical way than say a water and fire dom chart would.

Thank you for sharing your experience with your Cancer Mars placement! I imagine this can be tough for Mars to channel that fiery energy thru the sensitive waters of Cancer and getting easily offended can be tough challenge. I'm glad that you were able to work with that Moon-Mars opposition.. definitely isn't easy.

I wonder often how much my personality would change if I had an air Singleton but ultimately I believe the Universe/Creator gives everyone exactly what they need in this life and the lessons that are to be taught us with a purpose.
A singleton planet in a chart takes on major importance, it is the energy that "handles" all the rest.
However, a missing element is a negative, in addition to not being a planet, not having the energy in itself.
The rest of the chart will not necessarily work to fill that hole. Just as it will not work to activate any houses that are not occupied.
They just are, but are not active players.
Actually these are earth and water.

But what is wrong with missing an element?

Some charts, for example, can have all the elements, but are all bunched up in a corner of the chart creating an intense concentration in one area.
It's all part of the possible patterns.
Life has challenges any way you look at it, but overcoming them is called growth.

One situation that might tend to occur, is drawing to us those who balance out and complete our charts.
In your case, with air on descendent, you might attract "air" type partners.
This can work especially well if they in turn lack what you have in abundance.

On the other hand, many marriages will have a couple that is both water, or both air, or earth, or fire.
They tend to communicate on the same wave lengths.
They are both sentimental and emotive, or intellectual, etc.
Forgot to reply to this one

As for the question "what is wrong with missing an element?" I'm not sure...maybe there is no problem but it feels like a person can live out their life either totally disregarding the energy of that element or go to great lengths to overcompensate for that void of element. Now maybe having that element on one of the 4 angles gives it an outlet to express itself and perhaps this is where the Singleton energy plays out. So since I have my Descendant in air as you mentioned I will be very attracted to airy people or find many of them make their way Into my life. Y'know it's funny but I view Libra Risings as very beautiful physically and their personality. They just have this etherealness to them... Is this due to my Aries Ascendant or lack of Air? Maybe a bit of both
(From the above post, I am guessing that the element of the victimizer was earth) This is an edit I hadn’t read it first, I had just reread your first post.
I have never noticed or read about this with missing elements, and I find it intriguing.

I am very sorry that you experienced this.

You have missing element water.

What element was your victimizer missing?

And is there any further reading available on missing elements and the interactions between people with them to each other?

Are they drawn to each other frequently, and does it usually end in negativity?
Hi Opal

Thanks for your post. My victimizer - my father - had only BML in earth and Pluto and Chiron in water. All the other planets were in Fire and Air. My chart is also very imbalanced, most of the planets are in Fire. I do have a singleton though - Mercury in Taurus. (My chart is in my thread 'Over 70')

I don't know if there is any further reading on this subject, sorry. Most of Liz Greene's books seem to reference it whilst looking at and discussing charts. I don't know if people are drawn to one another with the missing element. I have noticed that it is what would be described as the 'projected inferior function' as mentioned above that is most compulsive.

I have noticed the missing element as mentioned in my first post almost by accident, just by looking at the charts of people who are highlighted often because of very difficult and upsetting lives. And also by looking at the charts of my family and friends. I am not an astrologer, so I have not seen vast numbers of charts; and the other difficulty is that I think that I only know my family and close friends really well (inasmuch as this is possible) so there is no 'control group' so to speak. There must be many people with missing elements.
a person can live out their life either totally disregarding the energy of that element
You don't know what you don't have!

having that element on one of the 4 angles gives it an outlet to express itself
Very much so.

I view Libra Risings as very beautiful physically and their personality. They just have this etherealness to them.
It's most likely due to the fact that they do objectively tend to be beautiful, graceful and gracious!
due to my Aries Ascendant
Very much, an Aries ascendent has a libra descendent, which describes who they attract and are attracted to. As well as the quality of the relationships in general.
I can personally vouch for that, having a strong Earth-Air chart and Earth grand trine (three, if you count the Black Moon Liliths influences). Mars in Cancer (as Opal, if I remember it?) is the only planet in the water element in the opposite element of Moon in Capricorn !!! I always kept my feelings in. The wall kept the water dam in check. Until circumstances brought the past back to be dealt with. The dam burst and nothing could stop the feelings that gushed forth. Niagara was nothing compared to their effect. I became 'emotionally temperamental' according to my spouse. Mars rules 8th house. For a number of years rationality was swept aside as imagination took over, made stronger by progr. Sun into Cancer.
I found astrology .... or it found me. I was swept away by the imagination process in another fashion. Rationality returned when learning the meaning behind its symbolism. Water was combined with Earth and Air.

In Dutch it's said that Mars in Cancer 'has long toes', meaning it takes offence to slight easily. Maybe I subconsciously do. After all, when one tries one's best and, in whatever way or reason, gets the door slammed in one's face, it's not a pleasant feeling. I know the hurt feelings (Mars to Chiron) cringe inside. It's cost me several 11th house close friendships over the years because a Sun in Taurus's opposing sign also rears its head and all contact is broken for good.

I wonder how different life would have been had I had no water element in my chart, yet why it is necessary that I did. Mars and Pluto conjunct either side True NN Cancer. :unsure::)
Thanks for your post, Frisiangal. You have also highlighted the effect of the singleton. I am sorry to hear that you had the experience of such strong feelings all at once.

It's interesting that you have an Earth grand trine and a water singleton. I have a Fire Grand trine and an earth singleton.

These characteristics have always been there so it is difficult to know how it would feel to be otherwise. The more I get to know my close friends the more I feel that we are all so amazingly different in the way we see the world, even though we are all human.
You don't know what you don't have!

Very much so.

It's most likely due to the fact that they do objectively tend to be beautiful, graceful and gracious!

Very much, an Aries ascendent has a libra descendent, which describes who they attract and are attracted to. As well as the quality of the relationships in general.
And on top of it Venus is conjunct my chart ruler Mars so the ruler of my Descendant is quite in harmony with my Ascendant ruler 🤣
Thanks for your post, Frisiangal. You have also highlighted the effect of the singleton. I am sorry to hear that you had the experience of such strong feelings all at once.

It's interesting that you have an Earth grand trine and a water singleton. I have a Fire Grand trine and an earth singleton.

These characteristics have always been there so it is difficult to know how it would feel to be otherwise. The more I get to know my close friends the more I feel that we are all so amazingly different in the way we see the world, even though we are all human.
Beautifully said Columbine!! I totally agree
Missing events not super uncommon, I know many. Lack of air tends to be an extreme of too much or too little with an imbalance of how much speech and thought are needed.

Whichever element is dominant in your chart, plus mercury placement and 3rd house ruler can shed more light on which element you use to express words. It’s normal for speech to not be just like others.

For example: a lack of earth can be an inability to understand how to keep plants alive, or what the difference is between a plant and a weed.

Lack of water can be anxiety if using air, need to just act without authentic compassion for others.

Lack of fire create a difficulty in asserting and motivating oneself.

The interesting part is how lack of element people are attracted to each other, I think because they can’t notice the imbalance. I have many of these in my close circle.
Missing events not super uncommon, I know many. Lack of air tends to be an extreme of too much or too little with an imbalance of how much speech and thought are needed.

Whichever element is dominant in your chart, plus mercury placement and 3rd house ruler can shed more light on which element you use to express words. It’s normal for speech to not be just like others.

For example: a lack of earth can be an inability to understand how to keep plants alive, or what the difference is between a plant and a weed.

Lack of water can be anxiety if using air, need to just act without authentic compassion for others.

Lack of fire create a difficulty in asserting and motivating oneself.

The interesting part is how lack of element people are attracted to each other, I think because they can’t notice the imbalance. I have many of these in my close circle.
So in my case I'm fire dominant with Scorpio Mercury and Lord of the 3rd house is the Moon. So this combined is how I give speech to others?

I tend to speak with feelings but in a quiet voice and I often have paused during the sentences I am trying to say. It's obvious to me that the lack of Air had a big part in my quietness growing up. Now that I have awareness of this void I can use Astrology to strengthen that element by being around airy people or observing them. It makes me wonder if people with lack of fire would be attracted to me and how I can help them
Missing events not super uncommon, I know many. Lack of air tends to be an extreme of too much or too little with an imbalance of how much speech and thought are needed.

Whichever element is dominant in your chart, plus mercury placement and 3rd house ruler can shed more light on which element you use to express words. It’s normal for speech to not be just like others.

For example: a lack of earth can be an inability to understand how to keep plants alive, or what the difference is between a plant and a weed.

Lack of water can be anxiety if using air, need to just act without authentic compassion for others.

Lack of fire create a difficulty in asserting and motivating oneself.

The interesting part is how lack of element people are attracted to each other, I think because they can’t notice the imbalance. I have many of these in my close circle.
Thanks SummerBliss. You know many so you are able to observe the effects.

It's very interesting that you find that lack of element people are attracted to each other, you think because they can't notice the imbalance. Do you find that those in your close circle have the same imbalance, that is do they lack the same element, or is it different? Also have you noticed if someone is attracted because the other person has the element and characteristics that they feel they lack?
So in my case I'm fire dominant with Scorpio Mercury and Lord of the 3rd house is the Moon. So this combined is how I give speech to others?

I tend to speak with feelings but in a quiet voice and I often have paused during the sentences I am trying to say. It's obvious to me that the lack of Air had a big part in my quietness growing up. Now that I have awareness of this void I can use Astrology to strengthen that element by being around airy people or observing them. It makes me wonder if people with lack of fire would be attracted to me and how I can help them
So without the full picture I will just speak on those chart points you’ve shared. Mercury in Scorpio on its own has a tendency to reserve most of what it thinks to be kept in private. Scorpio is a private sign quite naturally. I’m not surprised you don’t speak a lot. You think through emotion, an intense emotion that can be enhanced by whatever your Mars is doing, plus aspects or aspect patterns involving Mercury. Mars rules your Mercury so their relationship matters.

If you are fire dominant, then normally you may assert yourself more easily, but seems Scorpio has initial say, Mars next, then finding the end dispositor planet.