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Embolismic lunation is a bit demanding method, but in my experience it's very accurate. I hope you all know what the embolismic lunation is and how it's calculated, but the simple explanation would be - return of the Moon to the exact same position as natal in regard to Sun. It takes time to calculate but is pretty simple to interpret since the most important thin is position of the Asc in embolismic lunation in regard to natal houses. For example, in the year 2021. my husband lost his father, grandmother, aunt and unce all in 8 months - his embolismic lunation Asc for that year was in his 8th natal house. My embolismic lunation Asc for this year is in the 9th natal house - most of my focus this year is on finishing my PhD studies, I've participated on two international conferences, published two papers, prepared one more, subbmited my PhD thesis proposal etc... In both cases, I've confirmed the above mentioned by profections of the year as well as with solar return charts. The same indicators could be seen by multiple methods.
For the next year (starts July 14th on my birthday) the embolismic lunation is in my 5th house for the first time in more than 20 years I used the method. The year profection is in the 9th house (probably some more focus on PhD studies), the solar return Asc is also in 5th house (this is very commen with embolismic lunation, it's confirmed with some other method). My natal ruler of the 5th house is Saturn, that is the strongest planet in my natal, it's in the sign of Libra 4,16 degree in close conjunction with Jupiter on 3,37 degree of Libra, and the Asc ruler Mercury applies closely from the sign of Cancer 1,16 degree. As you can see the Saturn is in his sect, in the sign of his exaltation, triplicity and his own term. There is an aphorism (Dorotheus I believe) about this position that says something about the children that are not upbrought (sorry if I didn't translate this well, English is not my first language). I was abandoned by my parents when very little and raised by my maternal grandma and uncle.
The ruler of the profection Venus is in Leo in solar return chart (the same as natal position) but it's on the natal North Node position. The thing that's interested is that in solar return chart North Node is in close conjunction with Part of Fortune, in Aries, that is 8th natal house.
I think that this combination of indicators should predict an important event from the signification of the 5th house, but I'm still not sure what kind.
What do you think about this and what's your experience with embolismic lunation method?
I attached charts.
For the next year (starts July 14th on my birthday) the embolismic lunation is in my 5th house for the first time in more than 20 years I used the method. The year profection is in the 9th house (probably some more focus on PhD studies), the solar return Asc is also in 5th house (this is very commen with embolismic lunation, it's confirmed with some other method). My natal ruler of the 5th house is Saturn, that is the strongest planet in my natal, it's in the sign of Libra 4,16 degree in close conjunction with Jupiter on 3,37 degree of Libra, and the Asc ruler Mercury applies closely from the sign of Cancer 1,16 degree. As you can see the Saturn is in his sect, in the sign of his exaltation, triplicity and his own term. There is an aphorism (Dorotheus I believe) about this position that says something about the children that are not upbrought (sorry if I didn't translate this well, English is not my first language). I was abandoned by my parents when very little and raised by my maternal grandma and uncle.
The ruler of the profection Venus is in Leo in solar return chart (the same as natal position) but it's on the natal North Node position. The thing that's interested is that in solar return chart North Node is in close conjunction with Part of Fortune, in Aries, that is 8th natal house.
I think that this combination of indicators should predict an important event from the signification of the 5th house, but I'm still not sure what kind.
What do you think about this and what's your experience with embolismic lunation method?
I attached charts.