Eris VS Pluto -- Who wins the power war?

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Opinions,opinions. I am the truth. the way.
Like I said before, on what is your opinion based?
Mine is based on a reading of the Eris myths themselves.
To quote Hesiod:
So, after all, there was not one kind of Strife alone, but all over the earth there are two. As for the one, a man would praise her when he came to understand her; but the other is blameworthy: and they are wholly different in nature. For one fosters evil war and battle, being cruel: her no man loves; but perforce, through the will of the deathless gods, men pay harsh Strife her honour due.
(Nyx), and the son of Cronus [i.e. Zeus] who sits above and dwells in the aether, set her in the roots of the earth: and she is far kinder to men. She stirs up even the shiftless to toil; for a man grows eager to work when he considers his neighbour, a rich man who hastens to plough and plant and put his house in good order; and neighbour vies with his neighbour as he hurries after wealth. This Strife is wholesome for men.
And potter is angry with potter, and craftsman with craftsman and beggar is jealous of beggar, and minstrel of minstrel.

Or Homer:
... and Discord [Ἔρις]
(characters in bracket are ERIS in Greek alphabet, of course) that rageth incessantly, sister and comrade of man-slaying Ares; she at the first rears her crest but little, yet thereafter planteth her head in heaven, while her feet tread on earth. She it was that now cast evil strife into their midst as she fared through the throng, making the groanings of men to wax

So driving man to work, the positive side, and struggle to achieve, is congruent with Capricorn; and the endless sowing of strife, and delight in battle and suffering, with Aries.
Mine is based on a reading of the Eris myths themselves.
And I've also been looking at Eris in every chart I've analyzed for the past couple of years, celebrity, clients, and mundane.
Granted it will take time before there is a consensus on this planet. But we can start doing the work.
Asteroids do not have any energy of their own, they are simply fragments of rock. They disrupt the energy of planets, much in the way that a stick up in the water will disrupt the wave motion of a rock thrown in a quiet pond. And so Eris cannot have any energy to disrupt Pluto which actually has energy of its own. Now relatively, if Eris is in a placement(like a really high fiction house), it will be fatter and stick higher and may appear to be more disruptive to the energy of another Planet in the chart than Pluto. But in an absolute sense, asteroids cannot beat planets.
Eris is actually a planet of comparable size and mass as Pluto. Astronomers consider it a minor planet.
Whatever effects it may have are of course yet to be completely determined.

Correction: Dwarf planet & Plutoid
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Pluto is certainly more relevant.

Pluto takes only 248 years to orbit the Sun, while Eris takes 559 years to orbit the Sun.
So Eris spends around 46.6 years in each sign?
So an Eris transit might be 10 years, or multiple decades if retrograde?
I'm not sure Eris has any relevance at all, unless it has a direct aspect with a natal planet.
Eris has been in Aries for 100 years, and today is still in Aries 24:04. Truly it marks very long periods of time. Note that many people mark the presence of fixed stars, whose movement in hundreds of years is negligible.
For the past several years Eris has been square Pluto. I believe we have seen some possible effects of this aspect in our societies and politics.
But time will tell.
Size doesn’t matter....surely you understand this. It's what the planet does, not its size. Most women know this.
Yes, I get it. The point is, Eris is not just an asteroid-sized rock tumbling around out there (way out there).
I am seeing some effects of Eris though. The vehemence, the tendency to disintegration, chaos, to refusing to work together and cooperate, "identity politics." I see it active in some of the charts of clients.
I think Eris has to do with the primordial process of individualization of the soul, of it separating from the Oneness, way before embodiment or the other facilities of the soul are adopted or developed. Hence it's farther out than even the other so-called "transpersonal" or "generational" planets.
Eris was square Pluto from March 2019 through October 2021, in Aries and Capricorn respectively. The aspect was very close from early January 2020 through early February, culminating January 26th. Without being too conspiracy theory minded, anything unusual going on during that period of time?
I appreciate that we don't really know, and won't know, for quite some time. All one has to do is review some of the current productions on the various planets, not limited to Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, to realize there is still plenty of misunderstanding or incomprehension of the planets we have millennia of observation of.
At least they didn't name the planet Xena, like they wanted to.
97 times the earth sun distance at its furtherest, 38 times at its closest(one distance is 93 million miles).
You're welcome to your opinion, but without more observation(its orbit is over 514 years) and at least 2 orbits there is no way to know.
Be that as it may, I'm watching it now. When it shows up in some configuration, I'm noting it. And IMO it is significant, and the mythology is suggestive.
And not just in feminists' charts, either (as in Henry Seltzer's book The Tenth Planet, which I find somewhat disappointing).
If nobody buys my hunches on this planet, OK. I'm not selling readings or cult memberships. I'm not selling a book or courting subscriptions on YouTube. I'm just studying astrology and posting on a forum.
Eris is about three times farther out than Pluto, last I checked.
Plenty of people are tracking asteroids and fixed stars, and most of the data on them is fuzzy at best. People are tracking asteroids with their names on them, as significators. So I'm tracking Eris.
without more observation(its orbit is over 514 years) and at least 2 orbits there is no way to know
The thought did occur to me -- we do have some depth of history behind us. We can put the more recently discovered planets into horoscopes from prior centuries, both personal and mundane, and make observations.
As has been done with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
Where was Eris in 1914? 1861? 1789? Etc.
We do not just have from 2005 forward to judge from.
At 0430 April 12, 1861, when the bombardment of Ft. Sumter began in Charleston harbor, kicking off the American Civil War, Eris was in a T-square with Saturn, Mars and Uranus. It was also 20' from an exact semisquare with the Sun; of Saturn, Mars, Uranus and Eris, it was Eris that had the closest aspect to the Sun.
Eris was also within 46' of a sextile to Pluto.


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If we take the storming of the Bastille at approximately 1330 as the beginning of the French Revolution, Eris was within 12' of a square of Neptune, and in opposition to Mercury and the Sun, with orbs of 3:00 and 2:01, respectively, forming a T-square. Mars is semi-square the Sun (50') and Mercury (09') and sesquiquadrate Eris, orb 2:51.


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If we take 1045 as the time of the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, Eris was in the 7th house of open enemies, square Saturn (4:03) and Pluto (3:07) conjoined in the 10th of authorities and public figures, semisquare Uranus (1:43) and sesquiquadrate Venus (2:52). Eris is also inconjunct Mars (3:38). The Saturn/Pluto midpoint is Gemini 27:12, just 28' from an exact square of Eris.*

BTW, Eris is not considered an asteroid by the IAU, but a dwarf planet and trans-Neptunian object (TNO).
All this is simply answering my own questions, above, about 1861, 1789, and 1914 (which were just random historical events that came immediately to mind).
These cases may be considered anecdotal, but they are suggestive, and do not contradict the mythological symbolism we are working with. If nothing else, they show a heavenly body making appropriate hard aspects in charts of historical significance.

*I realized the chart originally posted, and some of the aspect orbs listed, were incorrect. I have corrected them and uploaded a new chart.


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Another example from the current century, the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Feb. 25, 2022, at 0340. First shots fired.
Eris is square Mars (1:27), Venus (2:03), and Pluto (3:47), sesquiquadrate the Moon (1:45), and semisquare the Sun (3:27) and Jupiter (3:49). The Sun/Jupiter midpoint is Pisces 9:03; Eris is within semisquare of this point by 12'.


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Another significant event in the 21st Century in the USA, the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol, approximately 1400.
Eris is square Pluto (55'), Mercury (3:45), Sun (6:46 -- long, I admit), in opposition to the Moon (1:39), and conjunction to Mars (6:27, again, long). The Moon, Pluto, Mercury and Eris make a T-square. The Sun is applying to a square of Eris at about the same orb as Mars is separating from it (her?). Also, the Uranus/Eris midpoint is at Taurus 00:06, making Mars only 12' from that midpoint.
As I said, these aspects to Eris seem to be significant in these charts; at least they suggest further investigation would be appropriate.


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Eris is not a planet and so not to be compared with Pluto, which is. The myths around Eris are just that.
Even so, it does appear that Eris is in the thick of things in the charts above, don't you think? In appropriate ways?
Eris a feminine body rules a masculine sign VS Pluto a masculine body ruling a feminine sign. Who wins :devil:
Eris is open, and she can be a warrior who is very open about herself, but Pluto is more closed, and he is a warrior which has a spy-like behavior, and Eris can only win if she has many good weapons (many soft aspects), and so Pluto is more likely to win than Eris, since Pluto is more secretive, like a male guerrilla soldier, so he can work well even with few aspects.