Event chart- lawsuit

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Sep 8, 2008
IMG-20181011-WA0250.jpgHI to all,

A friend just found out there is a lawsuit against her. I checked the chart (exact time because electronic lawsuit) and the Moon is VOC and in Capricorn. I'm not sure if she is the 7th house (since someone else started the lawsuit) or the 1st.
Although Mercury and Mars AND Saturn retrograde -bad for lawsuits), Jupiter is conjunct MC.

So I'm not sure. Seems like nothing will come of it but this Jupiter is scary, and Sun conjunct NN and Saturn ruler of 1st in its sign and house (11th? Or should I just consider the 10tj house? It co-rules Aquarius after all) although retrograde.

Please help with:
-who is she here and who is the initiator.
-this seems to be a bad chart for whomever started it, but is it?

Many thanks to all.


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The chart you describe and the chart you show are two different charts.

The chart you show, read as an horary (Will I emerge victorious in the action against me?), seems to show a stronger opponent than querent.

Mercury is your friend. She rules Virgo her exaltation, at the Ascendant. Mercury is in the 7th House of Lawsuits, in her Fall (bad to worse; Pisces, sign of the victim & martyr), caught tightly between two squares, from Saturn 10th (a strict conservative judge) and Neptune 4th (weak support). These are Mercury's only major aspects.

Jupiter, lord of the 7th and your open enemy, also rules the 4th, "the Final Outcome". He beholds a sextile to exalted Sun, made ruthless by a close opposition Pluto. He trines Pluto. Mars, who is conjunct Jupiter, did him the favor of staying in his exaltation, Capricorn, so that the conjunction would be more beneficial to Jupiter. Jupiter will not back down.

Moon is by no means Void. She is very dynamic. But she is immediately trapped by the Sun-Pluto-Venus squares. And she is in Exile.

This chart strikes me as "an important event" for your friend.
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This event has happened, so it's not notary... it was started by the opponent...

The chart you show, read as an horary (Will I emerge victorious in the action against me?), seems to show a stronger opponent than querent.

Mercury is your friend. She rules Virgo her exaltation, at the Ascendant. Mercury is in the 7th House of Lawsuits, in her Fall (bad to worse; Pisces, sign of the victim & martyr), caught tightly between two squares, from Saturn 10th (a strict conservative judge) and Neptune 4th (weak support). These are Mercury's only major aspects.

Jupiter, lord of the 7th and your open enemy, also rules the 4th, "the Final Outcome". He beholds a sextile to exalted Sun, made ruthless by a close opposition Pluto. He trines Pluto. Mars, who is conjunct Jupiter, did him the favor of staying in his exaltation, Capricorn, so that the conjunction would be more beneficial to Jupiter. Jupiter will not back down.

Moon is by no means Void. She is very dynamic. But she is immediately trapped by the Sun-Pluto-Venus squares. And she is in Exile.

This chart strikes me as "an important event" for your friend.
Many many thanks!!!

reading alike any chart,

mer debilated over malefic pisces 7th, the opposition may look weak and confused,
but mer retrograde and strong; good at legal drafting;
mer retro towards 6th acq, reformist-innovative, lawyerly, but need not be quarrelsome;

inimical jup over acq 5th, stress-delay in luck-advisory roles, and gains from opposition;

sat lord 6th for legal matters/opponents over 10th gemini,
extra efforts needed towards success; sat 10th rise-fall;

11th lord moon over 4th, gains from mother-property;
moon-rahu NNode conjunct, clouding of mind, rise-fall;

mars 9th lord for luck elevated 5th capricorn,
methodical and disciplined, good for event management etc
but debilated aspect over cancer 11th for gains;

ketu separative SNode over cancer 11th,
hyper-sensitive, detachment from income-gains-friendships-relationship;

sun lord 12th elevated aries 5th,
success amidst adversity, able to cope with challenges;

venus aspect own libra 2nd supportive of family-finances;

mars aspect own aries 9th, supportive of luck-edu-travels;

hope luck prevails, amidst adversity, confusion, stresses-delays, ups-downs,
calling for extra efforts, method-discipline, legal drafting;

hope enables take stock and adapt, share feedbacks on ground realities,

wishing luck, all is well that ends well, hopefully,

any comments-ground feedbacks, helpful!
Ok. Im not sure but they started the lawsuit so it would be their chart? It's a family lawsuit which involves a small child. The initiator is a violent albeit very wealthy man. The odds are against her. But has has tons of proof.
Ok. Im not sure but they started the lawsuit so it would be their chart? It's a family lawsuit which involves a small child. The initiator is a violent albeit very wealthy man. The odds are against her. But has has tons of proof.
I deeply apologize!!! I sent her chart and not the event chart!!!😶😶😶

I have now fixed it and sent the event chart!!!
The chart you show, read as an horary (Will I emerge victorious in the action against me?), seems to show a stronger opponent than querent.

Greybeard, I deeply apologize!!! I sent her chart and not the event chart!!!😶😶😶
I thougjt you were bring ironic when you said I described a different chart, as in "your description is far from what I see here 😂😂
I have now fixed it and sent the event chart!!!
So sorry for the mess up! Although hses in big trouble she got her chart read ������
I have now fixed it and posted the event chart!!
Greybeard, I deeply apologize!!! I sent her chart and not the event chart!!!������
I thougjt you were bring ironic when you said I described a different chart, as in "your description is far from what I see here ����
I have now fixed it and sent the event chart!!!
It also occurred to me that in the event chart Jupiter is conjunct MC BUT IN VIA COMBUSTA. N.B Event initiated by her adversary...
I was going to ask to see her chart.

Isn't astrology amazing? This lawsuit has been sitting latent in her chart for all these years.

Jupiter, the wealthy man, with a younger male, Mars, who doesn't seem to want to leave his present situation (Capricorn, where he is advantaged or exalted). However, there is turmoil around him (last degree of sign).
I was going to ask to see her chart.

Isn't astrology amazing? This lawsuit has been sitting latent in her chart for all these years.

Jupiter, the wealthy man, with a younger male, Mars, who doesn't seem to want to leave his present situation (Capricorn, where he is advantaged or exalted). However, there is turmoil around him (last degree of sign).
Yes... and she certainly doesn't have an easy chart. The younger man is the son for sure... but I supposed its a good thing that this younger man doesn't want to leave his situation (the wealthy guy will do anything, a really terrible situation. Although I thought the event chart did not look favourable for him.
Yes... and she certainly doesn't have an easy chart. The younger man is the son for sure... but I supposed its a good thing*v that this younger man doesn't want to leave his situation (the wealthy guy will do anything, a really terrible situation. Although I thought the event chart did not look favourable for him.

I give preference to the nativity. In my opinion the nativity does not favor the native in the upcoming action.

Hope the best interests of the kid trump the wounded egos of the adversaries.
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Ok. Im not sure but they started the lawsuit so it would be their chart? It's a family lawsuit which involves a small child. The initiator is a violent albeit very wealthy man. The odds are against her. But has has tons of proof.

any true-untrue feedbacks on the natal chart reading!
Everything favored makes sense, not sure about her luck towards lawsuits (seems to favor the opponent but there were also lucky things, right?)
Yes... hope so too.

She does have another, older child, a girl from her first marriage. Who would that girl be in her chart? Since there are these 2 planets in her 5th...
natal and transits reading in case helps :

mer debilated over malefic pisces 7th, the opposition may look weak and confused,
but mer retrograde and strong; good at legal drafting;
mer retro towards 6th acq, reformist-innovative, lawyerly, quarrelsome;

ketu separative SNode now transit acq 6th, accident prone, job separation,
coping effectively with opponents;

inimical jup over acq 5th, stress-delay in luck-advisory roles, and in gains from spouse/opposition;

ketu heading towards jup acq 5th, detachment from luck-edu-romance-children-position;
prayers to Christ, offer red flowers at the alter at home Mon evenings;

sat lord 6th for legal matters/opponents over 10th analytical gemini,
tech aptitudes-information processing etc,
extra efforts needed towards success; sat 10th rise-fall;

11th lord moon over 4th, gains from mother-property;
moon-rahu NNode conjunct, clouding of mind, rise-fall;

mars 9th lord for luck elevated 5th capricorn,
methodical and disciplined, good for event management etc
but debilated aspect over cancer 11th for gains;

ketu separative SNode over cancer 11th,
hyper-sensitive, detachment from income-gains-friendships-relationship;

mars aspect own aries 9th, supportive of luck-edu-travels;
but not good for health of father probably;

sat now transit moon-mars-rahu NNode cap/acq 5th, seeking change but stuck,
negating employment prospects;
observe fast sat evenings taking milk-fruits;

sun lord 12th elevated aries 5th,
success amidst adversity, able to cope with challenges;

sun-venus 8th, artistic aptitudes, romantic, chronic health issues,
urological-kidney-heart-stomach inflammations;

venus aspect own libra 2nd supportive of family-finances;

jup now transit scorpio 3rd for research-occult-advisory aptitudes,
trine own pisces 7th protective of marriage-relationship-vocation;
trine elevated aspect cancer 11th for gains;

inimical jup year end moves to own sag 4th for property matters,
under stress-delays;
trine aries 9th supportive of luck-edu-father-travels;
trine sun-venus aries 8th protective from major dangers;
while jup-sat opp, prone to misjudgments-missed opportunities
in career and domestic-property matters;

prayers to saint of faith, offer yellow flowers sat mornings at the alter at home;

sat-ketu transits not positive,
hope jup transit offers the needed support and relief,
while again prone to misjudgments-missed opportunities to avoid;

hope ketu transit 6th acq enables cope with the opponents effectively;
a mixed bag to watch with care, and sat stuck for the moment;
hope remedies and prayers bring relief;

hope luck prevails, amidst adversity, confusion, stresses-delays, ups-downs,
calling for extra efforts, method-discipline, legal drafting;

hope enables take stock and adapt, share feedbacks on ground realities,
how true-false-insightful-helpful,

wishing a bit of luck with jupiter transits, though under stress-delays,


event chart :

acq asc the 5th natal for children; asc lord over 11th for gains, retrograde-delayed results;
gains from technology, old friends, old people, event management;

jup lord 11th for gains over scorpio 9th for luck-education-father-travels, research-occult-advisory-forensic roles;
jup trine own pisces 2nd for family-finances; trine cancer 6th
for health-employment and protection from challenges-opponents;
moon aspect own cancer 6th protective again;

jup year-end sooner moves to own sag 10/11 for success and gains in matters of law-justice;

sun-rahu leo 6th, able to influence through power of personality and political tactics,
success amidst adversity;

mars-ketu acq 12 tending to foreign lands, pain-injury-surgery head-legs-feet-sciatica etc;

libra inimical for acq asc, stress-delays in luck-edu-travels;
venus negating to virgo 8th debilated, negating luck-father's support etc;
lord mer over 7th quadrant, debilation cancelled, gradual improvements;
prone to chronic kidney issues;

venus elevated aspect pisces 2nd, supportive of family-finances;
jup lord 2nd over scorpio 9th for luck;

wishing luck amidst adversity.
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She is reading this as we speak and said she is going to the market tomorrow morning for fresh yellow roses! 🌹💛💛

natal and transits reading in case helps :

mer debilated over malefic pisces 7th, the opposition may look weak and confused,
but mer retrograde and strong; good at legal drafting;
mer retro towards 6th acq, reformist-innovative, lawyerly, quarrelsome;

ketu separative SNode now transit acq 6th, accident prone, job separation,
coping effectively with opponents;

inimical jup over acq 5th, stress-delay in luck-advisory roles, and in gains from spouse/opposition;

ketu heading towards jup acq 5th, detachment from luck-edu-romance-children-position;
prayers to Christ, offer red flowers at the alter at home Mon evenings;

sat lord 6th for legal matters/opponents over 10th analytical gemini,
tech aptitudes-information processing etc,
extra efforts needed towards success; sat 10th rise-fall;

11th lord moon over 4th, gains from mother-property;
moon-rahu NNode conjunct, clouding of mind, rise-fall;

mars 9th lord for luck elevated 5th capricorn,
methodical and disciplined, good for event management etc
but debilated aspect over cancer 11th for gains;

ketu separative SNode over cancer 11th,
hyper-sensitive, detachment from income-gains-friendships-relationship;

mars aspect own aries 9th, supportive of luck-edu-travels;
but not good for health of father probably;

sat now transit moon-mars-rahu cap/acq 5th, seeking change but stuck,
negating employment prospects;
observe fast sat evenings taking milk-fruits;

sun lord 12th elevated aries 5th,
success amidst adversity, able to cope with challenges;

sun-venus 8th, artistic aptitudes, romantic, chronic health issues,
urological-kidney-heart-stomach inflammations;

venus aspect own libra 2nd supportive of family-finances;

jup now transit scorpio 3rd for research-occult-advisory aptitudes,
trine own pisces 7th protective of marriage-relationship-vocation;
trine elevated aspect cancer 11th for gains;

inimical jup year end moves to own sag 4th for property matters,
under stress-delays;
trine aries 9th supportive of luck-edu-father-travels;
trine sun-venus aries 8th protective from major dangers;
while jup-sat opp, prone to misjudgments-missed opportunities
in career and domestic-property matters;

prayers to saint of faith, offer yellow flowers sat mornings at the alter at home;

sat-ketu transits not positive,
hope jup transit offers the needed support and relief,
while again prone to misjudgments-missed opportunities to avoid;
hope ketu transit 6th acq enables cope with the opponents effectively;
a mixed bag to watch with care, and stuck for the moment;
hope remedies and prayers bring relief;

hope luck prevails, amidst adversity, confusion, stresses-delays, ups-downs,
calling for extra efforts, method-discipline, legal drafting;

hope enables take stock and adapt, share feedbacks on ground realities,
how true-false-insightful-helpful,

wishing a bit of luck with jupiter transits, though under stress-delays,


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