everythings connected at 22 degrees?

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Sep 13, 2009
For those with anythng at 22 degrees in their chart see todays aspect.
In my natal I have a bunch so I marveled at the connections.
In the sky today

  1. Chiron 22' 48 Aquarius...wounded healer larger social and ruled of Uranus in tight aspect with neptune (dissolve) and jupiter (expansion).
  2. Uranus at 22'58 in Pisces...unexpected from collective unconscious
  3. North node at 21 degrees in Capricorn south at cancer...responsibility or order and family, environment.
  4. Mercury at 21'27 retrograde in Capricorn with nodes ...fated return, rewrite, repair, reemergence, communication, travel, siblings..government, , order.
  5. Mars retrograde at 19'28 the apex of a yod from mercury and uranus.
  6. The moon passed 22 degrees in Aries early this morning
This aspects my sun at 22'28 in Gemini, my moon at 22'58 Virgo and Jupiter at 24 degrees Scorpio in the 8th.
My first call from mother this morning waspish about all the money the girls are getting and going out to spend money on when they have piles of clothes at home. Born in an era of thrift and aghast at the spending. We are on our way also today to the mall. I wonder if its safe!
This is very interesting Cass!

I have my true node at 22° Capricorn which sextiles tr Uranus at 22° Pisces - ( transiting through my natal 6th house) .... and yesterday (26 Dec) our pet budgie died.

ETA: Retrograde Mercury is conjunct true node too
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I am so sorry about your budgie. We have a thing about pets here too so I am in sympathy. The afternoon of shopping was quite interesting. I had to get out as soon as possible. Too many folks and as sure as I was leaving an area a fight broke out and I saw police going in the opposite direction from where I was heading....thank goodness. Saw Sherlock Holmes...a good mercury sextile Uranus to inconjunct mars movie!!!!! Maybe a good outlet for the energy.
Mercury retrograde at 21 with north node sextile Uranus....Uranus in my 12th right now.
Had a dream last night of an electric plant. There were two parts of it. I was looking as if from a Hill down at the plant and could see energy radiating outward out of each side. I saw the energy building and smoke coming from it. It intensified and I saw and realized it was going to blow up. The energy increased and fired up and finally sparks flew as fire came up from the plant. Surges of the energy was seen on the wires going up to the houses through the lines. I could see the energy going up the lines and yelled a warnings.
Quite odd really. Electricity=Uranus +malfunction in systems=mercury retrograde toward apex in mars in fire sign =accidents.
I don't know about anyone else but I have been terribly accident prone of late. I have little cuts and injuries where I have over done or been careless or just plan clumsy. Not sure what that is about.
Malefic, unfortunate number, to kill or to be killed.

When I lived at 22, I was under threat, someone mentally ill was trying to kill me.

I was dying to get out of that place.... for an obvious reason!

This is very interesting. I have had a non-stop synchronicity with the number 22 for the past 11 years (that's half of 22). My telephone number (not my choice) contains 22 and adds to 22, my address contains a 22 and adds to 22, the telephone pole in my yard is numbered "222", most of my account numbers have 22 in them, I constantly see 22 whenever I look at a clock for the time, my ex-lover who cheated on me was born on 2/22, the realtor who cheated me on my house was born on 2/22...and on and on and on. Oh, and both my very dysfunctional parents were born in 1922.

Ever since this recurrence of 22 began on a daily basis, I've had nothing but serious disappointments associated with it. I've learned to view it as some people view "13" - a sure sign of bad luck.


(oh, and my namesake, the poet "Lord Byron", was born on Jan. 22.)
Hmmm I will have to keep up with that one with two planets at the 22 degree mark Gemini in 3rd at 22'28 and Moon in Virgo in the 6th at 22 '58 . It has not meant much to me until recently when Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron have been circling about this area. But you now have me officially aware!
BTW, my own natal SUN is at 22AQ58, and Chiron, Neptune and Jupiter all bunching around it seem to be putting me through an inner torment like I've never known before, as I've posted elsewhere in this forum. Plus I've had a hell of a life, growing up as an abused child and teenager.

I bought two things yesterday - a prescription and dinner at a restaurant. EACH bill came up to 22 dollars and some odd cents. This happens to me daily.