Experience from the bird's eye view

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Nov 1, 2020
Hello and a nice togetherness,
since I am now more and more interested in astrology
and also get to know me personally with it better and better, I have again a question to a topic with me.

With me in life it is often so that I seem to perceive many things only from the bird's eye view.
Many things that are close to others, I experience as if I were very far away from these things. As if these things were far away.

I then find myself mentally as if in the clouds. So from the bird's eye view.

So little can really shake me.

Which constellations could there be for it in my radix ?

LG Marc


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Since I experience many things as if they were far away from me, some things are naturally very strange to me.

LG Marc
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It can be described as a feeling of detachment from everyone. So you would be far away from everything
Marc, have you always felt that way? Emotional detachment is more associated with Aquarius.

Have you always felt this way?

Because I note your Venus conjunct Chiron square moon, and the Saturn-Uranus opposition. Sometimes people, especially males, are taught to suppress their emotions. Sometimes emotions just hurt too much, so it's easier to ignore them.

I assume you're not using any substances or on medication that would have this effect.
Dear Marc, :)
Venus rules your ASC, so it is a very important planet for you. In your natal it is found in sensitive Cancer but opposite Uranus/Saturn exactly. Maybe your experience of others when you were very young was of coldness and distance, which must have been hurtful-also note that Chiron is conjunct your Venus-. You must have some innate fear of allowing yourself to expect emotions/empathy from others, so you prefer to protect yourself-Venus in Cancer-from the disappoint of such expectations developing distance yourself. It is a defence mechanism!

If this is the case, or is any close to what is described, perhaps seeing a therapist could help. Emotions, are in human nature, it is good to allow them into your life, but first you need to learn to trust others and with Uranus/Saturn in 8th, there are severe issues of trust in you, I feel, which were created to you probably from infancy.
Marc, have you always felt that way? Emotional detachment is more associated with Aquarius.

Have you always felt this way?

Because I note your Venus conjunct Chiron square moon, and the Saturn-Uranus opposition. Sometimes people, especially males, are taught to suppress their emotions. Sometimes emotions just hurt too much, so it's easier to ignore them.

I assume you're not using any substances or on medication that would have this effect.
It's actually a Saturn-Uranus conjunction and a Saturn-Venus opposition, and not a Saturn-Uranus opposition, W
Dear Marc, :)
Venus rules your ASC, so it is a very important planet for you. In your natal it is found in sensitive Cancer but opposite Uranus/Saturn exactly. Maybe your experience of others when you were very young was of coldness and distance, which must have been hurtful-also note that Chiron is conjunct your Venus-. You must have some innate fear of allowing yourself to expect emotions/empathy from others, so you prefer to protect yourself-Venus in Cancer-from the disappoint of such expectations developing distance yourself. It is a defence mechanism!

If this is the case, or is any close to what is described, perhaps seeing a therapist could help. Emotions, are in human nature, it is good to allow them into your life, but first you need to learn to trust others and with Uranus/Saturn in 8th, there are severe issues of trust in you, I feel, which were created to you probably from infancy.

Hello IRIS70 =)

thank you very much for your answer.
Well I am a person who can live quite well without a relationship. I need just in relationships a high degree of freedom.

I think that is also with me on Mars Uranus and venus Uranus.

LG Marc
It's actually a Saturn-Uranus conjunction and a Saturn-Venus opposition, and not a Saturn-Uranus opposition, W

Hello Humanitarian,

Thank you very much for your answer.
Yes Venus opposition Uranus is very exact.

Hence the great urge for freedom.

LG Marc
This is all very well, Marc. You get an A+ in the Detachment category.

But how did things go for you as a small child? I think your feelings were probably wounded, and you resolved not to leave yourself so vulnerable ever again.
its easy enough to see and you describe it accurately enough.

your sun is almost unaspected. it has a square to mars pisces which all it does is act as escape artist…contrary to your own best interests. in other words….it runs for cover because you have no means to handle anything or integrate your own identity in the world at large. its like living in a house with ghosts.

neptune uranus opposition adds its own piscean film of detachment and preference for bizare and arms length.

the way forward is to master transits to sun. particularly trines and sextiles. however brief those are the only good contact points you have. but with mercury opp neptune, i dont think you can be objective anyhow to take advantage and achieve some understanding. you would need to trust another to act as your mirror. but with sun sq mars whatever they do isnt of benefit. with moon opp neptune, uranus emotions and or women are fleeting and unreliable.

its an interesting perspective though. and a unique interesting life.

try getting to know your ‘ghosts’ and see what story unfolds. it might not be reality according to us, but would be interesting.

at the end, who knows who is right? its all possible….
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I have had a similar feeling quite often throughout my life and I also have Jupiter in the 12th conjunct to my ascendant (but in Libra)), 3 degrees away.

I’m wondering if seeing things from a broader perspective, which is descriptive of the planet Jupiter, is where it’s shown in your chart.

Having Jupiter angular makes it stronger and more personalized (on the ascendant).

For you this Jupiter seems to be part of a grand trine with your Moon and Neptune so that may contribute to that feeling of head in the clouds that you’re describing.
I have had a similar feeling quite often throughout my life and I also have Jupiter in the 12th conjunct to my ascendant (but in Libra)), 3 degrees away.

I’m wondering if seeing things from a broader perspective, which is descriptive of the planet Jupiter, is where it’s shown in your chart.

Having Jupiter angular makes it stronger and more personalized (on the ascendant).

For you this Jupiter seems to be part of a grand trine with your Moon and Neptune so that may contribute to that feeling of head in the clouds that you’re describing.

Hello allie_b=),

Thank you very much for your contribution.
I would not have suspected Jupiter in the matter.

But because it is in the 12th house, it surely has something to do with detachment from life. Certainly also through the connection to Neptune.

I would have associated my Uranus with detachment and bird's eye view. Certainly also a component or ?

LG Marc
Hello allie_b=),

Thank you very much for your contribution.
I would not have suspected Jupiter in the matter.

But because it is in the 12th house, it surely has something to do with detachment from life. Certainly also through the connection to Neptune.

I would have associated my Uranus with detachment and bird's eye view. Certainly also a component or ?

LG Marc
The bird's eye views are ruled by Jupiter and Uranus, because Jupiter is broadness and Uranus is detachment from yourself... (From perspective of birds, it's definitely a Jovial one, rather than a Uranian one).
The bird's eye views are ruled by Jupiter and Uranus, because Jupiter is broadness and Uranus is detachment from yourself... (From perspective of birds, it's definitely a Jovial one, rather than a Uranian one).

Hello Humanitarian,

thank you for your message.

How do you see it with me with the aspect: Jupiter one and a half square Uranus ? I also have this aspect in my radix.

Some say that one and a half squares are only valid up to a certain orb.

But it would still work for me or ?

LG Marc
its easy enough to see and you describe it accurately enough.

your sun is almost unaspected. it has a square to mars pisces which all it does is act as escape artist…contrary to your own best interests. in other words….it runs for cover because you have no means to handle anything or integrate your own identity in the world at large. its like living in a house with ghosts.

neptune uranus opposition adds its own piscean film of detachment and preference for bizare and arms length.

the way forward is to master transits to sun. particularly trines and sextiles. however brief those are the only good contact points you have. but with mercury opp neptune, i dont think you can be objective anyhow to take advantage and achieve some understanding. you would need to trust another to act as your mirror. but with sun sq mars whatever they do isnt of benefit. with moon opp neptune, uranus emotions and or women are fleeting and unreliable.

its an interesting perspective though. and a unique interesting life.

try getting to know your ‘ghosts’ and see what story unfolds. it might not be reality according to us, but would be interesting.

at the end, who knows who is right? its all possible….
Uranus opposed Neptune in the start of the 20th century until the 1910s, and Uranus conjuncted Neptune in late 1980s till mid 1990s, and he was born in late 1980s, so the aspect you said about is actually a conjunction and not an opposition.
Hello Humanitarian,

thank you for your message.

How do you see it with me with the aspect: Jupiter one and a half square Uranus ? I also have this aspect in my radix.

Some say that one and a half squares are only valid up to a certain orb.

But it would still work for me or ?

LG Marc
My Mars-Pluto sesquiquadrate (one and a half square) can still be felt by me, even if it roughly has the same orb as your Jupiter-Uranus sesquiquadrate, so yours definitely work!