Expressing interest?

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2010

Fairly simple question really: is he interested in me and if so will something happen?

My interpretation: I am mercury in scorpio peregrine and in his 12th house so no power and not showing my interest. He's jupiter retro in 12th in taurus: controlled by venus (previous interest?) and hidden (he doesn't work with me any more but I can still see him occasionally at external work events).

The positive points would be the following:
- moon, my co-significator will trine jupiter his significator.
- last aspect of the moon is trine jupiter
- he's in taurus and exalts moon and moon in triplicity (so kind of likes me)

Somehow I don't think it's overly positive though and I'd say that nothing will probably happen.... What do experts think? Any comment gratefully received.

Very many thanks xx


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I'm new to horary astrology but it looks positive to me. Exaltation means you put him on a pedestal, but triplicity doesn't mean he only likes you a little. It just means he sees you more realistically. But he likes you a lot. Triplicity is more true compatibility based than exaltation, but it doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Also the significators are in dignity by triplicity, so you do like each other. The significators and co-signifator will also make a trine so that's great for the future prospects of the relationship. Horary only counts for 3-4 months but its good enough.

Gemini rising isn't so good for long-term prospect of the relationship though as it is mutable and not fixed. But that is the only negative thing I see. Dignities are always very important from what I read, so I guess consider the fact that you have it with high regard.
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