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Jul 21, 2009
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hi everyone,

Though I've always needed more sleep than others, over the past four years my fatigue has gotten worse, to the point that I'm currently unable to work. I also suffer from chronic headaches and throat problems. So far, medical tests have only yielded a deficit in white blood cells. So my question is: would anyone here care to have a look at my chart and perhaps offer their perspective? Thanks in advance.

For myself, I do have some knowledge of astrology, and my thoughts have tended mostly to the assertive, energizing Mars and Sun, both of which have a strong link to Neptune (disspipation) in my chart; i.e. Sun conjunct Neptune and Mars in Pisces. But perhaps the Pluto transit through Capricorn is important too.

Anyway, I'd love to hear what others think.



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Hi everyone,

Though I've always needed more sleep than others, over the past four years my fatigue has gotten worse, to the point that I'm currently unable to work. I also suffer from chronic headaches and throat problems. So far, medical tests have only yielded a deficit in white blood cells. So my question is: would anyone here care to have a look at my chart and perhaps offer their perspective? Thanks in advance.

For myself, I do have some knowledge of astrology, and my thoughts have tended mostly to the assertive, energizing Mars and Sun, both of which have a strong link to Neptune (disspipation) in my chart; i.e. Sun conjunct Neptune and Mars in Pisces. But perhaps the Pluto transit through Capricorn is important too.

Anyway, I'd love to hear what others think.


I too have pluto in transit currently conjunct my natal sun and I do tend to get exhausted easily. Natally, perhaps its uranus square to your mars which gives it erratic energy levels. And your moon square venus could also cause some of it. Maybe its something apart from astrology - your diet, nutrition, lifestyle - since ruler of 6th venus is conjunct your ascendent you could be interested in these matters.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, the Pluto transit might be a big part of it. Interesting that you also mention the Mars-Uranus square; I hadn't really thought of it in this connection, since it's usually associated with nervous tension, accident proneness, etc. But with the Pisces Mars and both in mutable signs, there might be something to it.
hi kasper,

thanks for sharing. an emphasis in water is sometimes more of a connection to greater need for sleep. the throat and headache problems make me think of venus in scorpio with saturn in the 1st house.. mars is important to your chart too, but let me talk about saturn in the 1st.. saturn in the 1st house area is sometimes challenging in that the need to retreat from the world and pull back from getting more involved is a strong feature to a persons chart. i think sickness can sometimes be used to stay out of action and not have to deal with living life in a more 'head on' manner on some level.

saturn is at the direct midpoint of venus/neptune here too. it is also on the mercury/moon midpoint via 45- semisquare as well.. you have had the long transit of neptune going over the moon/venus square and then squaring onto your ascendant the past couple of years as well which would further emphasize this conscious or unconscious need to retreat from the world stage too.. further to this saturn transit at the moment is headed down towards the lower half of your chart and will go over this strong venus/moon square on the ascendant in the next 2-3 years before it makes it back to it's place at the time of your birth - a saturn return..

perhaps saturn is an especially important consideration here as it is also the ruler of your sun, always an indicator of health.. in capricorn the cold energy is more emphasized here.. one remedy i can think of immediately is getting out into the sun and getting as much heat as possible, which might help offset the strength of saturn and give a greater feeling of health.

i mostly do an equal house type thing with rulerships.. for me mars and venus rule your 6/12 houses and are an important consideration to your health picture.. typically headaches are a head thing - mars, aries, 1st house, while throat is a venus thing - taurus, 2nd house.. hopefully something i have said here will be of some help to you.. all the best working it out..

Thanks for your thoughts. The pronounced Saturn influence might be something to consider.

It also struck me that you mention the Venus-Neptune midpoint, which is indeed closely conjunct my natal Saturn - which does fit with a certain tendency towards over-idealization/romanticism (and subsequent rejection) in affairs of the heart.

You might be right that, with the strong Saturn influence, meeting life 'head on' rather than 'in the head' is also an issue. In any case, these are things worth giving some more thought; it's comforting to know people are willing to take the time to look at my chart and give their thoughts. So thanks again!
Do you have the information for the last time you went to the doctor's office? I feel a decumbiture is probably going to be more helpful here than natal analysis. I notice this is your 25th profection year (first house) which emphasizes your ill dignified lady of the Sixth and Saturn in the first. This could show why the problems have become more pronounced lately. Where is your PoF? Releasing from Fortune could give some insight.
I do not have much experience with horary astrology, so I'm not sure what information you would need exactly.

I went to the GP the 22nd of March (1 pm), and have an appointment in the hospital the 17th of April (10 am) for more detailed testing. Both were/are in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Also, just to be complete, I might mention that the only result of previous tests is a deficit in white blood cells.

I'll have to look up the notion of profection years, which I haven't heard of; but it's never too late to learn. My Pars is closely conjunct the Sun in Cap/H2.
Depression is very bad for health.In this case we should be concern the sicologiest doctor.Before few month my friend suffering in depression.After a proper treatment he is better.

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Hi Kasper,

Interesting question. I'm no expert, but I'll have a look at your chart for you.

You were only a week or so before me, so you share some of the aspects I do. You have Mars square Neptune, which can indicate fatigue (it has for me in the past). Also having Mars in Pisces may exacerbate this - I have Mars in Aries, so I wouldn't know myself. Also, your Sun is conjunct Neptune, which may come into it somehow. Mars square Uranus means your energy levels probably go up and down, or are a bit unpredictable. Also note, your 5th is in Aries, so Mars is the Ruler of your 5th House (The house of vital energy). Mars is also one of the Rulers of the 12th House.

Your throat...could have something to do with your 6th House being in Taurus, and it's ruler in the 12th House. Or it could be to do the 2nd House, as that house rules the throat and speech if I remember correctly. The 2nd is also the house in which your Sun and Neptune (plus Mercury) are located.

I'm not sure about your headaches. The head is ruled by Aries, Mars and the 1st House - it could be related somehow to one of these. Maybe something to do with Uranus (nervous tension) in the 1st House.

The transit of Pluto may have something to do with it. It's currently conjunct your Natal Neptune (like it is mine, just in different houses) as well as your natal Mercury and Sun in the 2nd House. Pluto is currently in my 7th House...I haven't seen it's effects yet, but it's a slow moving planet, so it will be in my 7th House and your 2nd House for quite a long time. Pluto would have been squaring your natal Mars for a bit, but it's just moved out of that aspect for you recently. For me, it's just moved INTO that aspect recently.

There are other things to take into account, such as your lifestyle and diet habits. If your not getting enough sleep that could be causing problems, such as the headaches and fatigue. Actually, talking about sleep...I recently had a sleep study as I was having trouble sleeping, and I was diagnosed with Restless Legs Syndrome, which disrupts deep sleep. You may have something like this, or Sleep Apnea, or maybe you just need a couple of hours extra sleep each night? If the sleep problems continue, I highly recommend seeing a sleep specialist and having a sleep study, both Restless Legs Syndrome and Sleep Apnea can disrupt your sleep and have serious effects on your health.

I hope that helps, let me know how you go!

♠ Janus ♠
Hi Janus,

Thanks for your suggestions and my apologies for this belated reply.

Especially the bit about the current Pluto transit through Capricorn makes a lot of sense to me. This is something I have been considering for a while. In my chart, both the masculine/assertive planets Mars and Sun have strong aspects with Pisces/Neptune: Sun conjunct Neptune and Mars in Pisces. The current transit of Pluto over my Mercury-Neptune conjunction might well be related to my health difficulties.

As for now, I'm still feeling quite bad and awaiting a new appointment in the hospital. Mostly, I feel like I could, and would like, sleep non-stop for months.

It's also interesting that you were born shortly after I was born. I actually have an old friend who was also born about a week after me, and I must say that the transition of Mars/Venus from Pisces/Scorpio to Aries/Sag. makes quite a change in character.
With Neptune, virus infections immediately comes to mind.

And with CFS, which your condition sounds like, EBV and CMV
are the first viruses to be thought of. Have your doctors checked
you out for that ? Constant fatigue, chronic headaches and throat infections
should be enough to make them think of that.




Other viruses implicated in CFS are HHV-6 and Coxsackie. Basically,
all of them are from the herpes family.

You mentioned a low white blood cell count. What are the details ?
Low neutrophils ? Is your ESR normal ?

Read my post here :


These pesky herpes viruses have been implicated in a wide
range of human diseases, particularly CMV and EBV.

CMV is most likely the culprit behind glioblastome multiforme, the
most aggressive of brain tumors.




Vascular dementia as well.

" .... a very high proportion of the VaD patients,
93%, but not of age-matched normals, 34%,
harbor CMV DNA. "

Thanks for the comment and information. I've always considered the possibility of a virus infection with all the Neptune influence, but quite a few have been tested I believe. But a herpes-type disease or toxoplasmosis (both of which run in the family) might be worth testing for.

As for the WBCs, I'm not sure about the ESR but I think my leucocytes where just too low. But apart from that, and some minor deviations (high calcium, low ferritine and vitamin c), the blood tests did not yield any significant results.