Favorite Foods of the Zodiac

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Jan 22, 2011
By the Ocean
Some food questions!
Answer the following, then give your sun/rising/moon.

1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!)
2) What food grosses you out the most?
3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?
4) Do you eat fast food?
5) Do you like to cook?
7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?

I'll go first!
1) Huge Cesar salad with extra dressing and extra Parmesan cheese. Crepes. Hot dogs. French fries with ranch dressing. A big rice crust mushroom pizza with hot sauce on top. Oh and lots of sushi with spicy mayo and wasabi!
2)I'm very open, I can eat anything.
3) Yes, I'm really good at making myself able to enjoy eating under all circumstances.
4) No not anymore, but I used to and I loved it. I'm finally away from it and I don't want to go back.
5) Every day!
7) a-Scrambled eggs, hash browns, bagels with locks, cream cheese, and onions. And french toast. b- Cesar salad or sushi. c- Fettuccine Alfredo and pizza!
8) Very important but I cycle. Some days I will be ferociously healthy and others I couldn't care less. Obviously, I answered on the days that I couldn't care less (because those are so much more fun).

Sun- Cancer, Rising- Scorpio, Moon- Taurus (of course)
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This is great. I'll have a go!

Answer the following, then give your sun/rising/moon.

1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!) I'm not one of those people that LOVE food, never been a big eater since childhood except with one medication that caused huge appetite and extreme weight loss.... Fave food would be....hmmmm.....:whistling: pizza? That's gross but the only indulgence I have lately.

2) What food grosses you out the most? haha, see above and anything involving unconventional animal parts, especially when labelled "delicacy".

3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?
Yes and I do. Certain animals/meats,...

4) Do you eat fast food?

5) Do you like to cook?
NO. It's a chore. I will bake on rare occasion but I really have to be in the mood. :(

7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
BFST: Used to be cottage cheese/blackberries and raspberries + sprinkled granola. Sounds gross but it's good.
Lunch: Lately yoghurt with granola. Or salad and chicken.
Dinner: Veggies, pasta or cereal.

8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?
I'm very sensitive to my health and have had extremes w/food. I went through about a yr. mainly eating just sweets and cake, but was on a medication that made me crave that. I go through stages of fave foods that I can eat daily for a long time period, but about 80 percent of the time I eat very healthy.


:capricorn: Rising


Great questions!

So - how would you say these answers will relate to our astro-placements, Mooncereal?
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1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal?
Chicken Pad Thai, water and Tiramisu for dessert.

2) What food grosses you out the most?
Anything with a Face or is ate as a whole body part.
Fish with head attached, gizzards, bull testicles, Menudo.

3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?
Yes, I try to eat RAW, and eat Clean. The only baked sweets I eat are Gluten Free, or vegan.

4) Do you eat fast food?

5) Do you like to cook?
Yes and No. I love the control of knowing what I am consuming, and the nutrients of each meal. I hate to clean and even moreso, needing to stay within one room of the house to tend to the meal needs.

7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
Breakfast - Oatmeal, Belgian waffle or baked french toast.
Lunch - Soup
Dinner- Pan sauteed Veggies with rice and beans.

8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?
Very much.
Organic, Free range, Grass fed animals from local producers get my business for meat and eggs. I don't drink Milk, but I will use it for baking if I have to.

Sun/moon/asc - LEO in 1st
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This is great. I'll have a go!

Answer the following, then give your sun/rising/moon.

1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!) I'm not one of those people that LOVE food, never been a big eater since childhood except with one medication that caused huge appetite and extreme weight loss.... Fave food would be....hmmmm.....:whistling: pizza? That's gross but the only indulgence I have lately.

2) What food grosses you out the most? haha, see above and anything involving unconventional animal parts, especially when labelled "delicacy".

3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?
Yes and I do. Certain animals/meats,...

4) Do you eat fast food?

5) Do you like to cook?
NO. It's a chore. I will bake on rare occasion but I really have to be in the mood. :(

7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
BFST: Used to be cottage cheese/blackberries and raspberries + sprinkled granola. Sounds gross but it's good.
Lunch: Lately yoghurt with granola. Or salad and chicken.
Dinner: Veggies, pasta or cereal.

8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?
I'm very sensitive to my health and have had extremes w/food. I went through about a yr. mainly eating just sweets and cake, but was on a medication that made me crave that. I go through stages of fave foods that I can eat daily for a long time period, but about 80 percent of the time I eat very healthy.


:capricorn: Rising


Great questions!

So - how would you say these answers will relate to our astro-placements, Mooncereal?

That is exactly what I am trying to find out, haha!
I've always felt that my moon dictated my eating since I'm a moon in Taurus, as well as my Cancer sensibility. Basically, I've always been curious about what placement rules our food indulgences, but I guess it would be moon? What do you think?
I think the moon primarily dictates food but some other things have influence as well, like rising, which would influence our appearance. I would say your capricorn rising keeps you in check with your strict diet (and that you would actually find pleasure in keeping a very maintained diet!) Your moon in aquarius would also help in knowing exactly what you want and how you want to do it... more goal-oriented and independent than pleasure-oriented. You're probably very honest and real with yourself about your diet more than you get lost in the fantasy of how delicious the creamy fatty goodness tastes.
My scorpio rising wants to keep me looking good, but also encourages me to indulge and take risks for the sake of pleasure, no matter the outcome. Of course moon in taurus is always thinking about food 24/7.

Also- my boyfriend is a moon in aquarius and he had very similar answers. He does not like to cook no matter how much I try to persuade him (unless he is in an extra special mood). You should enlighten me more on what his reasoning is, since I love cooking!
1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal?
Chicken Pad Thai, water and Tiramisu for dessert.

2) What food grosses you out the most?
Anything with a Face or is ate as a whole body part.
Fish with head attached, gizzards, bull testicles, Menudo.

3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?
Yes, I try to eat RAW, and eat Clean. The only baked sweets I eat are Gluten Free, or vegan.

4) Do you eat fast food?

5) Do you like to cook?
Yes and No. I love the control of knowing what I am consuming, and the nutrients of each meal. I hate to clean and even moreso, needing to stay within one room of the house to tend to the meal needs.

7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
Breakfast - Oatmeal, Belgian waffle or baked french toast.
Lunch - Soup
Dinner- Pan sauteed Veggies with rice and beans.

8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?
Very much.
Organic, Free range, Grass fed animals from local producers get my business for meat and eggs. I don't drink Milk, but I will use it for baking if I have to.

Sun/moon/asc - LEO in 1st

Would you say your answer to #8 is because you want to look good and glamorous or because of a serious concern with your vitality (sun)?
That is exactly what I am trying to find out, haha!

I've always felt that my moon dictated my eating since I'm a moon in Taurus, as well as my Cancer sensibility. Basically, I've always been curious about what placement rules our food indulgences, but I guess it would be moon? What do you think?

You are really hitting on something, I think! Astrobites, foodology, Astrapasta! Yes.

I could tell by your nickname that you had either a Taurus or Cancer influence. I immediately thought "comfort" and then the cereal is a dead-Taurus/food giveaway... ;)

My opinion about your posed question: I agree Moon must have a huge influence, but I was thinking Venus as well must. Venus being about indulgence. Maybe Moon is the nourishment and Venus is the excess - or Jupiter. I can't decide. But certainly Venus is more sensual and thus I'd think of the enjoyment w/Venus. I have Venus in detriment in Scorp. Maybe that's why I don't really find food as an enjoyable act. Sometimes I forget to eat and can go for a long time without. Cap rising restrictive influence probably factors.

I think the moon primarily dictates food but some other things have influence as well, like rising, which would influence our appearance. I would say your capricorn rising keeps you in check with your strict diet (and that you would actually find pleasure in keeping a very maintained diet!) Your moon in aquarius would also help in knowing exactly what you want and how you want to do it... more goal-oriented and independent than pleasure-oriented. You're probably very honest and real with yourself about your diet more than you get lost in the fantasy of how delicious the creamy fatty goodness tastes.
My scorpio rising wants to keep me looking good, but also encourages me to indulge and take risks for the sake of pleasure, no matter the outcome. Of course moon in taurus is always thinking about food 24/7.

Your theory is proving correct. All that is true!

Also- my boyfriend is a moon in aquarius and he had very similar answers. He does not like to cook no matter how much I try to persuade him (unless he is in an extra special mood). You should enlighten me more on what his reasoning is, since I love cooking!

Ask him if he agrees and we'll compare?

Food was a chore in my house. My Mom did it, then in later years my father took it up as a hobby. When my Mom asked me to help her in the kitchen, it was more about the chores there, the cleaning, the garbage taken out, the stress of cooking for a family of 6. When she'd ask me, I'd run and hide. It wasn't fun for a kid. Only when my father started to experiment with homemade falafel or various ways to make the perfect bread loaf or when he concocted some new creative dish did it get interesting. Still, parents were both Capricorn Suns and they were really strict with their task. Helping my Dad in the kitchen was something I actually wanted to do and be around, except he'd make us only do the clean up or cut the salad into precise sizes. I remember these 2 Caps arguing over pancake colour and salad cutting! Again, highly suffocating to me.

Back to the question. Food must be monitored not to burn, there are precise measurements and rules. If he was a Cap and stuggled with feeling restricted in some way, getting away from cooking maybe relieves that pressure. The measuring and monitoring is so mind-numbing to me. I'd rather read a book. We Aqua-Caps don't express loving emotion very easily either and I think the act of cooking is very generous and demonstrative. Look at Julia Child and Cake Boss. They are not Caps or Aquas. Julia must be a Taurus. I'll check - she even speaks with indulgence.... Hard for an Aqua Moon or Cap Rising. To follow a recipe is hell for me. I'd rather do something unexpected and wild instead like see how many spices you can add to something before it stops turning pretty colours and just turns grey. Now that's a fun experiment! Also, I don't know, but cooking is pretty physical if you think about it. Standing up, being near temperatures, moving things around, painstaking stirring....ugh....I am a comatose brick when I get home. I really think its something to do with my blood/Moon in Aqua (mine is in 1st house) connection. I haven't made a theory on it yet.

WOW. I've never thought about cooking this much outside of watching Chocolat and Julia & Julia! I never got hungry during those movies or even now talking about it. I just want water. Weird.

Great topic.
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Thanks for the compliment about the thread!
I've lately thought of food as being super important- not only its ingestion but the process of cooking. It represents our vitality, survival, generosity, and ability to please ourselves. Then again, that's coming from someone with almost no air signs. I'm very grounded and give off a lot of maternal energy so of course that's how I would approach food.
Growing up with two capricorn parents must have been insane! Especially with food. It's no wonder you'd rather stay away from it.
My Aqua moon boyfriend also felt that his mother made it feel like cooking was a chore, and gave off a lot of pressure that if he didn't do it her way it would turn out bad (Taurus mother). It seems that must be paralyzing for an aquarius moon. Even when I cook with him he recoils when I try to correct how he does anything. He really needs to feel the freedom to experiment and have fun and be confident in order to do anything, especially cook! I find he most often cooks when I am very far away and not in the kitchen- he probably feels more free that way. I, on the other hand, never felt too intimidated by specific cooking rules. I guess that shows the difference in moons huh?

This thread is getting fun, I'd be curious to see more people answer the questions xD
Would you say your answer to #8 is because you want to look good and glamorous or because of a serious concern with your vitality (sun)?

It is about vitality and nutrition for me.
I don't want my stomach to be a junk yard with **** food.

I don't like that commercialized food market is full of preservatives, hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, ecoli etc. What they eat, is what I eat, and I don't want that **** in my body.
Another issue is the treatment of animals. I like meat, and can't prevent the low cost deplorable conditions that the big companies thrive on to keep up with mass production of food. I can however make the choice not to support it.
I still have my guilty foods that are horrible for me, like popcorn, Which I have a few times a week.
Some food questions!
Answer the following, then give your sun/rising/moon.

1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!)
2) What food grosses you out the most?
3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?
4) Do you eat fast food?
5) Do you like to cook?
7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?
1)Pasta/Alfredo sauce/shrimp---Also: Hot chocolate & cheese.
2)Beets/Rice with Ketchup:sick:
5)More or less... It is not the cooking, but the planning before and the mess afterwards that nobody wants to help out with.
7)Depends on the mood/craving.
Breakfast-Omelet with vegetables, Ham, cheese; Corn cream, coffe.
Lunch-Rice & Beans, Fish/Steak
Dinner-Pasta Alfredo/ If rainy-Soup.

1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!) A big platter of sushi and sashimi with a lot of toro. I also really love green peas and beets (and pretty much eat those daily).

2) What food grosses you out the most? Mostly meat and related stuff like intestines, over-processed garbage like Twinkies.

3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?
I tried veganism for a while and found that too difficult. I was a vegetarian for many years but these days I do eat fish. Probably too much of it.

4) Do you eat fast food?
Very rarely. If I go out for dinner I might have pizza but I don't eat that at home.

5) Do you like to cook?
I do like it but only if it's for somebody else (Cancer Sun!). For myself I don't really cook, other than making omelettes, rice, some soup sometimes.

7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
Depends on my mood, but right now something along these lines:
Brekkie: either veggie fried rice, or omelet with lots of veggies (especially spinach or arugula), avocado and Danish feta.

Lunch: Brown rice with avocado or tuna and tomato

Dinner: Butternut squash soup with a wholegrain baguette

8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?
Very. The entire family on my dad's side (with the exception of my dad who is in very good shape) is obese (so much for that healthy Mediterranean diet) and I don't want that.

I also quit smoking about 4 months ago and even though it made me depressed for the first 2 months or so (or could also be lack of sunlight), I am now feeling so much better. I also cut out the alcohol completely and did not gain any weight.

I even exercise for at least an hour a day and I eat healthy and I think I can say I'm in the best shape of my life.

Cancer Sun | Scorpio Moon | Pisces Rising
Some food questions!
Answer the following, then give your sun/rising/moon.

1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!)
2) What food grosses you out the most?
3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?
4) Do you eat fast food?
5) Do you like to cook?
7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?

1) Sushi with soy sauce and wasabi....green olives on the side

2) Tapioca or rice pudding

3) no

4) no

5) yes.........casseroles, pies and stews.....and cakes

7) croissants with butter and jam,:kissing:
baked fish with new potatoes and fresh vegetables

*) quite, though I have a fondness for butter and cream cakes, so I gobble and then feel guilty about my cholestrel :pinched:

SUN: Leo, RISING: Saggi, MOON: Taurus
1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!)
A lot of foods. For example some good vegetable stuff. Bakery food.
2) What food grosses you out the most? Processed food, i.e. sausages.
3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?
No. Not forever.
4) Do you eat fast food? Yes
5) Do you like to cook? Yes
7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
Breakfast - If I had.. yogort, fruits, bread, pastry, pourages
Lunch - salad, bread
Dinner - If I had.. Some rough, honest food - eg. Russian.
8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you? On 1-10, 8.

Sun :cancer:, moon :gemini:, rising :libra:

Also Venus :leo:, and moon aspects :)moon::square::venus:,:opposition::saturn:)count.
1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!)

A fire oven pizza loaded with veggies, no cheese and light on the sauce.

2) What food grosses you out the most?

Most fast and prepared frozen meals or anything loaded with lard.

3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?
I think the Standard American Diet is a dietary restriction. I do restrict most animal products with the exception of local farm raised eggs and the occasional sustainable fish while dining out. I don't feel restricted because there is more room in my stomach and on my plate for colorful and nutrient rich foods. I end up feeling satisfied and not restricted.
4) Do you eat fast food?
5) Do you like to cook?
For others
7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
Whole Grain Pancakes Loaded with Strawberries and Maple Syrup
Lunch I enjoy a tomato and basil sandwich with olive oil
Dinner Soup, Salad and Bread is my ultimate comfort meal.

8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you
Important to my mind, body and spirit. I know that I am nourishing myself while not contributing to suffering and trying to protect my home aka The Earth.

Sun Aqrs
Rising Cap
Moon Cap
Some food questions!
Answer the following, then give your sun/rising/moon.

1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!)

yummm smoked herring with boiled potatoes, pickles and sourkraut YUMM

2) What food grosses you out the most?

Avacado and persimmons

3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?

Yas long as i can have my herring, i can live off on veggies no problem

4) Do you eat fast food?


5) Do you like to cook?

Only if i can do it in the open wood burning flame. I hate stoves and ovens

7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Breakfast - crepe with fresh fruits and fresh pomagranate
Lunch - ceasar salad with dried anchovies
dinner - anything involves seafood

8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?

right now probably 5 .. as soon as i get my backyard with a house then it will be 10 (growing my own food - time to leave supermarkets)

Sun - scorpio
moon - scorpio
rising - leo
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1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!)

Very hard to say. A well balanced meal including fresh salmon, the freshest vegetables and a light sauce to go with it comes very high on the list. Rich sumptious stews are also delicious.

2) What food grosses you out the most?

Anything that shouldn't be eaten by people... like insects and such.

3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?

I don't think so. Maybe for a period of time.

4) Do you eat fast food?

Sometimes, unfortunately yes if i work a lot.

5) Do you like to cook?

I love it more than most other things.

7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Breakfast: Bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms and toast.
Lunch: Something easy to make, like coarse bread with canned tuna or something.
Dinner: Already stated above ^^

8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?

I'd say very important. I try to buy the cleanest of ingredients, with as little "synthetics" or added ingredients as possible.

Taurus with libra rising and scorpio moon.
Some food questions!
Answer the following, then give your sun/rising/moon.

1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!)
2) What food grosses you out the most?
3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?
4) Do you eat fast food?
5) Do you like to cook?
7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?

Sun- Cancer, Rising- Scorpio, Moon- Taurus (of course)

I think it is interesting that water and earth signs are mostly answering the food thread (esp. Cancers). :)

heres mine:

1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!)

Vegan biscuits and gravy

2) What food grosses you out the most?

Well meat because I am a veg but I HATE green beans - they make me throw up.

3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?

Yes, I already do. A vegetarian for 20 years, a vegan for 5 years. I am also a diabetic so I have to eat a low carb diet (no sugar - at least not a lot of it). I thank my Scorpio Rising for all this willpower to stick with this and the restriction in of Saturn in my 6th!

4) Do you eat fast food?

No, not anymore - it's just gross and not real food. And they are evil corporations in my eyes.

5) Do you like to cook?

Yes, as along as the other people appreciate it. :)

7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Favorite? or what I can eat? (ha thats the real question for me!).
Favorite breakfast that I can't eat: vegan biscuits and gravy, orange juice and coffee.
Favorite breakfast that I can eat: low carb toast with peanut butter, soy chocolate milk and coffee.

I don't really like lunch I prefer brunch but I love popcorn and yes I would eat it for lunch and I did today! :)
Favorite lunch I can't eat: big vegan philly steak sandwich and English "chips" and Veganaise.
Favorite lunch I can eat: popcorn or vegan dog with vegan melted cheeze and low carb vegan soup with low carb bread for soup dipping.

Dinner I can't eat would be: vegan fetticuine alfredo with garlic bread.
Dinner I can eat is: blue corn mexican tacoes with refried beans and all the fixins.

Does alcohol count as food?
Alcohol I can't have anymore: BIG PINT of heavy Irish ale or Margaritas!
Alcohol I can have: Red Wine or any hard liquor (even though I don't care for shots)

8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?

Very important. Even if it wasn't too much before when I was younger, I kinda have no choice now.

Sun in Virgo, Scorpio Rising, Moon in Sagittarius.

(ok, I realize I have possibly the weirdest food answers - such is my life. haha!)
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..."'Taters"...Pass them 'Taters over to me...Hashbrown 'Taters with sausage gravy...Mashed 'Taters with brown gravy...baked 'Taters smothered with chili and chedda' cheese....Did I mention....'Taters'?
Asc. :scorpio:
1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!)
fried calimariii , any meat grilled w/ veggies (steamed no sauce of any sorts). (i loooove BBQs :D) , and for dessert..... RED VELVET CAKE, drink would be a tea of some sorts.
2) What food grosses you out the most?
ranch. BELCH.
3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?
4) Do you eat fast food?
5) Do you like to cook?
Love to.
7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
Breakfast- hmmm, any thing sweet but you cant go wrong with french toast scrambled eggs, and cottage cheese. but on more lazy days im all for a nice biiig bowl of cereal, yummm.
Lunch- any thing floats my boat
dinner- soup :] any time of the year.
8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?

Sun - Leo
Moon - sag/scop
Rising - cancer
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1) What is your ULTIMATE hypothetical/real meal? (Your stomach is also bottomless!)

I am from India and like home made Indian foods. It is difficult to describe so some images are here:


2) What food grosses you out the most?


3) Would you be able to have dietary restrictions (veganism, kosher, etc)?

For me, list of non-veg is Fish (Salmon and Rohu), Goat, Chicken, Turkey and Egg.

Rohu is fresh water fish - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohu

4) Do you eat fast food?

If not on restricted diet then Samosa, Idli/Dosa, Chicken Nuggets, Chicken Burgers, Subway Turkey Sandwitches.

Images of Samosa, Idli and Dosa


5) Do you like to cook?

I do great cooking (North Indian foods)

7) Favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Breakfast - None, I am happy without BF
Lunch - Fish, Cheese and Salad
Dinner - Mostly on Ketogenic Diet, otherwise Indian meal as in (#1)

8) How important is the effects of food on your health to you?

Very important. Dinner cycle changes as above.

Rising Uranus
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