Favorites/Least favorite signs

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Sun: Pisces 24°30'15 (12th)
Asc: Aries 19°07'30 (1st)
Moon: Cancer 1°30'42 (3rd)
Mercury: Pisces
Venus: Aries 6°34'43 (12th)
Mars: Taurus 6°01'56 (1st)
Jupiter: Scorpio

My friends are: Pisces, Libras, Caps and Aries
I'm most attracted/lust after haha-- Aries, Aquarians and Gemini
Not a big fan of: Leos, Virgos, Cancers or Scorpios (Just my opinion of course.)
I'm on the fence with Sagittarians.(Once you get past the ego they're a riot.)
Taurus are ok. No frills or thrills.
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I'm most attracted/lust after haha-- Aries, Aquarians and Gemini

maybe we should talk....

... Aries Sun, Gemini Moon, Aquarius Rising here...

:aries: :mercury: :retrograde: :aquarius:
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you know, Sanura, it's very interesting that you say that...

all this time i thought my sensitivity made me cancer-like ( i think im sensitive anyways) but i only have two signs in cancer (asc & merc) i do not react in cutting people off as a way to defend myself... i feel as if im actually -too- expressive with my emotions that i cannot hold them in. (too overemotional)
:/ my friend though, reacts exactly the way you explained. she had even cut off our friendship once because it was getting difficult between us. i was really depressed, but she didn't want to talk. ¬_¬; i kept bothering her (desperation D:) to try to fix it, but it got worse.
are cancers good at holding their emotions back? whenever we have a disagreement i always go to tears. it doesn't seem to faze her at all, and she looks like she's not listening to me.
she barely has any signs in cancer it seems though. this makes me question the importance of sun signs..
Sun: cancer
moon: aqua
mer: leo
venus: leo
xXizzaXx I am exactly like you, and I am Moon Cancer. I am totally too expressive of my emotions and I feel bad if someone does not talk about their feelings all the time, cause I feel like they don't want to open up to ME.

And with any disagreement, I always start to cry. Even though I am very realistic (Sun, Mercury, MC in Capricorn) and very logical also and I understand that disagreements are just things, not feelings, but still I somehow always end up crying. :p Oh dear. :D
Ebenia said:
xXizzaXx I am exactly like you, and I am Moon Cancer. I am totally too expressive of my emotions and I feel bad if someone does not talk about their feelings all the time, cause I feel like they don't want to open up to ME.

And with any disagreement, I always start to cry. Even though I am very realistic (Sun, Mercury, MC in Capricorn) and very logical also and I understand that disagreements are just things, not feelings, but still I somehow always end up crying. :p Oh dear. :D


i want to ask you something ... are you sensitive to full/new moon phases? My mom is she has moon in cancer
You are crying because you are emotionally sensitive. i dont know if it makes any sense

tikana said:

i want to ask you something ... are you sensitive to full/new moon phases? My mom is she has moon in cancer
You are crying because you are emotionally sensitive. i dont know if it makes any sense

I have actually never thought about moon phases before! :eek: It could make sense, since I have also Moon in 4th, so it is like "double-Moon" with Cancer in 4th. I have to take notes of the phases. Thanks!

my mom has moon in cancer and 4th house.. she is very very sensitive to new moon

Let us know what you find

D: aw geez. why does everybody hate Geminis so much?
either that or indifferent.

it's funny because they always keep saying Geminis are superficial but I don't think I'm anything like that. I don't gossip, but I do like to talk (to people close to me at least). As for others, I keep to myself.

and I don't like emotional distance either. I, in fact, like feeling close to others. It's saddening because usually I can't seem to get any connection >_<; (perhaps this is actually due to sun in 12th house?)
xXizzaXx said:
D: aw geez. why does everybody hate Geminis so much?
either that or indifferent.

it's funny because they always keep saying Geminis are superficial but I don't think I'm anything like that. I don't gossip, but I do like to talk (to people close to me at least). As for others, I keep to myself.

and I don't like emotional distance either. I, in fact, like feeling close to others. It's saddening because usually I can't seem to get any connection >_<; (perhaps this is actually due to sun in 12th house?)

Well, but you have Moon in Cancer! No wonder you want to be emotionally close and like to keep things to yourself. Moon in Cancer has a huge effect on you, especially cause you are a woman (I suppose?) and with women the Moon effects a lot to us. And Moon in Cancer is very strong placement, so no wonder you are not an "ordinary" Gemini...

I get a long with Geminis, but I have to say, that we usually don't find that much in common - we can talk (cause I love to talk :D)...But I have to say, unfortunately, that every Gemini I have ever known, have somehow deceived me in some point or let me down...:( I dated once one Gemini (with Moon in Pisces) and he was always so all over the place and did not say anything to anything and wanted to be "free" all the time, not telling me whole story, and so on...which really hurt.

But anyway, Moon sign makes a huge difference! In good and bad!
X3 heheh actually i don't have a moon in gemini. i have a moon in aqua which makes me quite detached. i do, however, have an ascendant and MERCURY in cancer though :3 i listen to when others talk a lot and love helping others out with their problems. i think im very intuitive and i genuinely care but in a way where i don't get myself too involved with their problems (probably due to my moon)

D: i think maybe perhaps the root of the problem is... my ascendant perhaps?... maybe i want emotional security but my moon keeps preventing me from gaining closeness to others. *shakes fist*

i still think that maybe 12th house placement in my chart has something to do with holding down my ego.
as for your ex... hmm well i do have a few problems with restrictions.. but if something needs to be to discussed then i don't ever try to make excuses or avoid it. im actually the one who always tries to solve it and do my best not to offend the other person in a discussion >_<;;

btw, im curious, what is your sun sign?
I am a capricorn moon, and I've always felt as if my life just turns around when my lunar return comes around.
I am a Gemini ascendant with sun and Mercury in Virgo(in the 4th), I don't think I'm superficial at all...flighty yes, crazy....for me, most of the time. I really don't have good relationships with women, women in my family, I am very close to, but other women who I have no blood relation to, I really do not get along with.
I always wanted to be a piscean ascendant!!! Even though I don't get along with piscean women in particular.
I've always hated being a Gemini ascendant.
I hate having such a strong Mercury in my chart, and then combined with Saturn in Aquarius and a Capricorn Moon, it makes me very obsessive, and manipulative, I am barely learning how to control these traits.
xXizzaXx said:
X3 heheh actually i don't have a moon in gemini. i have a moon in aqua which makes me quite detached. i do, however, have an ascendant and MERCURY in cancer though :3 i listen to when others talk a lot and love helping others out with their problems. i think im very intuitive and i genuinely care but in a way where i don't get myself too involved with their problems (probably due to my moon)

D: i think maybe perhaps the root of the problem is... my ascendant perhaps?... maybe i want emotional security but my moon keeps preventing me from gaining closeness to others. *shakes fist*

btw, im curious, what is your sun sign?
Oh, I don't know where I got to thinking that you have Moon in Cancer. Sorry! But of course you have cancer themes in your chart obviously, with the Ascendant and everything...The Moon in Aqua could be one of your "problems" if we think about the closeness thing. Aquarius wants to be free and being close could mean to Aquarius "tied down". So that could be one thing, cause Cancer wants to me tied down and obviously your Moon in Aquarius does not...

I understand this problem, cause I have Moon in Cancer BUT also Venus in Aquarius. So that has caused a lot problems for me in relationships and mostly in female-male-relationships. I want to get close, but I am scared of it...I want to be near, but always avaible to go away if I feel the need to...and so on. Some book said that I have "odd emotional needs" and that is so true - maybe for you too? :)

Other ways, I am Capricorn, Moon in Cancer and Asc Taurus. :) But I have very strong Neptune and Moon, so I am not so Taurean or Cappy-like as you would imagine. I have Capricornian features, like ambition, but I live very emotionally, just like a true Moon Cancer. :38:
My Libra rising surely hopes I don't offend anyone :p

Okay my Taurus Loves:

Scorpios - we just seem to understand each other without having to say much - certain parts of my personality they have as well and there is no need to explain it or justify it, as well as I understand that part of them without them needing to explain.

Virgos - dunno I just seem to always have a large amount of virgo friends or strong virgo in their chart perhaps it's because I have jupiter in virgo so we just have feel good times not sure :)

Capricorn - father of my daughter is a triple cappy - my pisces moon I think likes the security and the groundedness they give me..but you will see them in my not so favorite too lol.

and least but never last SAGGGGGGGG - I'm sure it's my mars in sag but always have a slew of saggy friends that I love love love we can go on for hours about philosophy - traveling - we even just pick up and go and do something off the cuff - we once just picked up and went to the grand canyone with no planning just left lol and decided just to go hiking down the highest point with no water in july in the middle of the afternoon lol half way down and dying for water a couple coming back up said it was still another 4 hour hike down lol so we turned about but with my sag friends you never know what's gonna happen and I like that :)

Ones I don't especially like so much lol :eek:

Leos - sorry but I just can't deal with the drama - and the biggest things that get me is their "word games" like they are always trying to fish out a compliment - I can clean house all day and I don't get a woo whoo from them but if they take out the trash they want a ticker parade and a key to the city.. gets very annoying.

Aqua peeps - I find them interesting to a point but then when my Taurus wants to get closer that whole detached attitude is a turn off. Plus they can be just as stubborn as me lol :D

and sorry my Cappy friends - they really turn my mars in sag off.. all the good times I talked about with my saggy friends well my cappy friends would come along and poo poo on it lol - if I wanted to just get up and do something all of sudden no planning the ol cappy is yeah but what if and what if and then what blah blah blah totally rain on my mars in sag parade lol.
I myself get along with most cardinal and mutable signs best. In my group of friends there is pretty much no fixed signs. we just take there fixed quality as stubberness. I just don't see how people are so set in there ways like they figured out everything. I don't know. I deffenitley respect the fixed signs but just to set for my group of friends.

I have my moon in virgo and 2 of my best friends are virgos. They are always nit picking the details and critical also. But all in all they are the comedic relief, and my broad mindedness (being a double sag at that) goes nicley with them. I see the big picture, they see detail. Almost an unstoppable team.

Also I have a good sag friend and in every serious conversation going on its always halted by some sag humor that only he gets. I love a good sag little kid humor, deffenitley one of my top 4 best friends.

I love Aries. My one friend is so impulsive/blunt, its rediculous. Always a good time. I have my mercury in scorpio so when there is something to talk about, i always have the best/ most ignorant thing to say. which is a huge laughing factor in my group. And we seem to just motivate each other in the word game.

Taurus- is prolly my least favorite. I really don't care what you bought, I doubt its healing your soul.

Scorpio- Is ok but not for me. I handel all intensity with a stoic attitude pretty much and there falbergasted to see I really don't care.

Cancer- Is cool, but to clingy. Nice conversations though. Mood swings are a drawback.

Gemini- I like but I'm almost surprised about the few i ment by how little they know.

Leo- I like em, but just to set in there ways. LOOK AT ME ! is what i get from most of em.

Pisces- love pisces. These people got it rough. Breaking down all boundries is not an easy task. These people are a good influence to a sag i feel.

Cap- great but i get shadowed in there ambition.

Aquarius- Aqaurius is pretty much the only fixed sign i really like.

libra- is cool. harmony is always good but my group lacks a libra.

I would love to have a best friend from every zodiac sun sign. Then i feel we'll be making the big bucks.
You took the words right out of my mouth Fool, except l have a real problem with Capricorn's and you don't :D

I am
sun taurus
moon aries
venus aries
mars taurus
mercury taurus

The Fool said:
Sun Sag
Moon Capricorn
Mercury Scorpio
Venus Scorpio
Mars Scorpio
Jupiter Capricorn

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Scorpios. passion, intense, sensitive but strong..... best relationship ever.....my boyfriend is a Sun Venus Mars Scorpio.....yummy yum!!!!:D

I HATE Aries, pure ego, me me me........GAAAAH....!!! Had one, but he was boring in bed....

Capricorn: Had a few boyfriends in that sign, comes in second place after Scorpio.

Sag: Neutral, like'em or don't

Gemini: Too superficial for me...but can be funny to hang out with....had one....

Cancer: Too sensitive and critical....I allways have to watch what I'm saying in their company.....I'm not blunt, but I can be intense....had one

Libra: Too much on the Scales there, but I had a Libra Sun/Moon once, and he was sweet as honey....

Taurus: Boring....had one

Leo: They are OK, NOT my dad though....

Pisces: Had a Pisces Sun/moon once, too weak for me......Pisces come heather and I will eat you....just slice'em and dice'em:D

Aquarius: Really cool people, not as partners though....had one

Virgo: I'm sorry, but the virgos I met really was getti'n on my nerves, but GOOD in bed....what a waste....had a few....he he....the only thing that works for me is the physical with virgo....

Have a nice week all of ya.........;) :D
I'm Sag Sun, Aries AC, Cap Moon, Sag Mercury, Sco Venus, Aries MArs

Aries: i mostly liked them, but ofcourse there is a exception to every rule. they could be over the top sometimes or too egoistical .

Taurus: not topping my favourites list for sure. met total one who was awesome... rest are just barely bearable

Pisces: i know 3 and im great friends with them. they are sort of a support system for me. im extremely close friend to one, the other two i know from high school and uni and they are pretty good to pal around with.

Gemini: They tend to be too "sun flowery" to me, they skip from one place to the other all the time, they can be users. I'm ok with one. Talky, nice spirit. Playful not a lot of over thinking.. my contrast on that matter

Cancer: My dad's a cancer and we dont really get along well. It's either we talk common interests or not at all. Horrible to talk to personally. Hv one close friend whose a cancer, though i could never gues what she is. very similar attitudes to me. they dont really hv much to do with cancer side

Leo: They've shown interest in me. I mostly didnt like them, I like to be challenged... to conquer more then to hv attention 24/7. I met one now whose not that into me, which is why im into him :D . sick little world i live in :D

Virgo: I dont really get along with them. Though one of my pals is. a tad too emotional for me

Libra: limited expirience with them. one of childhood friends. we're good friends... but 2 neat, 2 controlling character . friendship lives on cause of the childhood history mostly

scorpio: my mom, my [hated] grandma and the guy i was in love with. its definitely love/hate relationship with them, often both . my mom isnt really a typical scorpio... but the guy is. and i really couldn't explain the attraction to him. i knew everything wrong with him and that relation from day one till the last day and i just couldnt help it. nowadays im avoiding it. letting all the extreme [my venus in sco, conjunct pluto in 7th] feelings subside...

Sag: best friend is a sag. i like that she can be optimistical, disarm my pesimism. but sometimes its too much. i just c how shallow her view is on the world. mostly awesome relation , i hardly ever open up and somehow we manage to keep it going

Cap: uncle that i adore and that everyone compares me to is cap so i gues im buyist though i dont like them all, all the ambition drive [not in my uncle] can be exhausting

Aqu: My oldest friend is Aq. He is so creative. Its disarming. We're friends long long time and i c it lasting for ages more. My 11th field is in Aq... so maybe that just helps. Another old friend is Aq. Not too crazy about that one though,,, struggling to find her identity, can be what she seems "she should be like" not what she wants to be..

thats about it ! :)
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