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Mar 12, 2007
I was thinking what ruled fears...Im thinking 8th or 12th house....I think a lot of our fears are things tied in our past lives...what do you guys think? I have weird memories of things ive never experienced....
I think some signs are more prone to having fears...

I would say all the negative, receptive signs, except Taurus...
Especially Capricorn or Virgo, being prone to fear...

Of the positive signs, i would say Libra is most prone to fear...
Fear is traditionally associated with the 12th and Saturn. The Lord of the 8th may show the fear of death as well.
Here is a good Astrology article on fears:


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Fears in Astrology

Avoid instilling fear. No matter how negative a situation may appear, it can be approached in a positive spirit. - Marcia Moore & Mark Douglas
Even a quick look at astrological literature shows that the astrological chart seems to be a story of our fears. Almost every astrological writer says something about fear and anxiety - and most of them do not just offer a couple of fear significators, every planet and aspect and house seems to be able to tell its part in the story of our fears.

And many astrological writers seem to have their own fear favorites. As can be expected most astrologers mention Saturn as the main culprit, and the next in line seems to be Cancer (or water element in general), but otherwise there are almost as many opinions as there are astrologers. All astrologers may not be talking specifically about fears or fear indicators as such but they mention fear here and there in all kinds of interpretations.

Fear Indicators

One would hope that by virtue of their studies astrologers have the means of being less nervous and fearful. - Dennis Elwell

Let's start at the beginning. The Rulership Book by Rex E. Bills says that fears - and even ailments caused by fear - are indicated by Saturn and also by Neptune and the twelfth house (and partly the eighth house), panic by Uranus and partly by Saturn. Terror belongs to Saturn and terroristic activities to Pluto. The only significator of fearlessness is Mars.

In many ways this is the common tendency with many writers: several indicators for fear and terror (or anxiety) but only Mars (and sometimes fire element) for courage. Even ancient astrologers seemed to agree, most of them emphasized Saturn's role in fears: for instance, Ptolemaios said that Saturn ruled fears and Gadbury emphasized especially Saturn in the twelfth house.

Cancer, the sign in which Saturn is in detriment, seems to be the favorite fear sign both for ancient and modern astrologers. Also the Moon is often mentioned, as is natural, because in most serious fear cases there has been an insecure mother relationship or childhood in general. From ancient astrologers at least Dariot emphasized Moon's fears, and many modern astrologers - often emphasizing the unconscious as the seat of fears - mention Cancer and Moon quite as often as Saturn.


The precise nature of the "fear" will probably be best shown by the horoscope as a whole, although further investigation might reveal this as depending upon certain recognizable features. - C.E.O. Carter

C.E.O. Carter says that morbid fears (phobias) - "irrational fears or aversions" - are of great interest to astrologers, although they may not have yet received all the attention they deserve. According to Carter morbid fears (phobias) might be basically indicated by Neptunian afflictions to those portions of the chart that reflect health (the three hylegiacal points, the 6th house and the 8th house). Water might be emphasized, and also Gemini and the 3rd house because of their mental relation.

In so far as phobias might reflect suppressed complexes rising into consciousness, "we might expect Scorpio, the 'repressed' sign par excellence, to figure prominently, as well as Pluto". But also Saturn might be indicated as Saturn binds down and is active in self-control. But fears might also be indicated by a struggle between positive and negative elements - especially Fire and Water - and especially if Water houses are also involved.

In all cases of morbid fears there is some connection between Water and the 3rd house, its ruler, or Mercury. According to Carter Gemini and Sagittarius are particularly liable to these fears, because with them a watery sign falls on the cusp of the 3rd house. Especially the sixth degree of either Gemini or Sagittarius seems to point to irrational fears.

Like many other astrologers, Carter also emphasizes the role of water in fears as opposite to fire (courage); compare for instance Leo and Cancer: a Leo says "I believe" and a Cancer "I am afraid". Water is a psychic and occult element, which means that strange psychic images and feelings may rise up from the unconscious creating anxiety and fears that may feel quite irrational, especially in contact with air and earth.

For instance, according to Carter, Air square Water conflict is frequently productive of phobias and irrational fears, because of the impact between the reasoning conscious mind and the contents of the unconscious. Squares from Gemini to Pisces can reflect phobic dreads of solitude, and sometimes even fears of insanity. And squares from Cancer to Libra can signify stage-fright and shyness. A prominent Saturn may, of course, make all these fears stronger.


I have long suspected that FEAR lies at the root of much of what astrologers do -- quintessentially the fear of chaos". - Candy Hillenbrand.

According to Candy Hillenbrand astrologers can try to either deny or countermand fear by attempting to peek into the future and thus rendering the future less fearful or offering client choices and options. As I see it, sometimes this works but not always. Astrology can also produce fear because clients begin to feel being at mercy of stars and planets, thus of powers they can't influence or control. In addition, astrology has a very strong suggestive effect. When an astrologer claims that your planets in this or that house - for instance in the eight house, the house in which William Lilly and John Partridge placed most fears - can cause great anxiousness, it's like a medical dictionary prediction: a suggestible client with five planets in the eight will have a hard time of not beginning to feel anxious.

Some astrologers give so much fear indicators that it's almost impossible to think of the chart without any. For instance, according to astrologer Noel Tyl fear is suggested by any planets in opposition or square to the Moon or Saturn; by the planets within and ruling House XII; and by the planets afflicting the Sun, and anxiety by square and opposition aspects, or conjunctions of Uranus and the Sun or Mercury, especially in Mutable Signs. Also T Square without outlet can signify anxiety, says Tyl. This list alone offers so many possibilities that you could ask: Is there anyone without a couple of fear significators?

In addition to Carter and Tyl many other astrologers - from al-Birumi to Isabel Hickey - place fears mainly into the twelfth house. But all water houses are mentioned, in fact, almost every planet gets some fear votes often depending on the chart of the astrologer, especially of the astrologer's own Saturn. For instance, Ingrid Naiman (Saturn in Gemini) talks about fears of the air signs.

But Saturn alone says very little about serious fears, they are usually shown by several indicators with very few contra-indications. For instance, with a strong and optimistic Jupiter a person might easily have no problems even with a bad Saturn and a couple of other fear indicators. And even with many fear indicators, the only sure thing is that the native will have something to do with fears, but still fears may never be a big problem for the native herself or himself. Instead the native may be a sensitive person who takes the smallest hint life offers and thus avoids serious dangers and fears altogether.

In fear analysis the whole chart is always the best starting-point, for instance, introversion-extroversion dimension (water and earth versus fire and air) may tell a lot. According to C.G. Jung the extrovert values its relationship with outer objects and fears its own inner self. The introvert doesn't fear her or his self at all but may fear outer objects. In other words, for an introvert the world is a scary place, for the extrovert the inner world

In studying fears astrologically it's wise to remember Jung's remark about human psyche: in each case we must always ask, whether an attitude or expression is real or whether it is just a compensation of the opposite. Strong fear indicators may work themselves out in many different ways: others may act your fears out or they maybe afraid of your safety. In some cases strong fear indications may even mean that the native likes to intimidate others, either on purpose or without being aware of what they are doing. Fear indicators may also signify people who work with fears in a more abstract way, they do fear research, write about fears, or perhaps help anxious or fearful people, for instance, as a psychologist or a policeman. Or they may just be artists using fears as their main subjects.


I am appalled sometimes at the damage that can be done by astrologers who have no understanding of psychology and who are free with "predictions" and sow seeds of doubt and fear in their clients. - Alice O. Howell.

Understanding fears and anxieties is of utmost importance for every astrologer so that they do not scare anyone by, for instance, offering an array of predictions for someone sensitized to fears. Predictions are not stuff you should throw freely around; they are meaningful only if they are helpful in avoiding dangers ahead or handling your life better. I think that this is very seldom the case: astrological predictions are usually not accurate enough, mostly they just create new fears or aggravate the existing ones making people who are already prone to fears to pay too much attention to things they are afraid of or feel helpless about.

In analyzing fears a positive attitude is a must but doesn't always help, in some cases it may make things worse: if you feel yourself completely helpless and are full of fears because you 'know' that you can't handle your life situation - and there are situations were you actually can do very little about - the astrologer emphasizing positive attitude - and the native's power to do this or that - may make the native feel being put responsible for things he or she can do nothing about. That just makes it all feel worse than ever. And adds self-blame into other existing problems.

Any prediction, even a positive one, may just give words for the native's diffuse unconscious fears making them feel more real as they begin to emerge into the consciousness. Without the prediction the client might have been able - after getting some respite - to use her or his own creativity to find other and better options. But when the prediction gives words and thus a clear form to those diffuse fears, the native is stuck with the fear without perhaps finding any new options. Or at least feeling unable to create those options suggested for her or him. Thus, with a fearful client you should always take a step back - and think twice - before you predict anything. Anything at all!

The astrologer who presents list of good and bad features, favorable and unfavorable days or months in terms of expectable specific events, does not really treat his client as a human being, still less as an individual person, but rather as an object registering series of events. Besides, it remains to be seen, whether the expectation of danger or misfortune evoked by the more or less thinly veiled and ambiguous statements of so many astrologers will help the person to be "prepared" - or whether by creating anxiety or fear for the future it will not be a "self-fulfilling prophecy". - Dane Rudhyar
Frisiangal said:

Usually considered as the shadow side of Saturn


Great word game,Frisiangal!

Your post made me think about paranoia,so perhaps Uranus is also involved?.When we fear something,we can get so obsessed about it that we put a lot of effort and make changes in our life to avoid what we fear.Altough I believe paranoia would be more associated with phobias than fear itself.
I have saturn in the 12th house of aries and north node there too!
Fears and negative thinking have certainly been a theme in my life...and then again I have the north node there too. What does that mean in terms of fear?
I have a fear of driving and I also do not like all attention on me. ex.. standing on stage or public speaking. I also have a fear of failure. But once I do it I am fine, I think it is a fear of the unknown. I have Saturn in Cancer in the 9th house.
I also have a T-Square: T-Square from Sat: 26Can06'41" to Moo: 27Lib02'23" and Jup: 28Ari07'50
Always look to Neptune first. It rules fear, obsession, illusion.... what we can't see - can't KNOW and we always fear what we can't know. Paranoia is also Neptunian. If one is excessively fearful, Neptune will be active, and probably Saturn, too. But look to Neptune FIRST and then go from there.
Saturn is the planet which 'rules' fears ie he will push the buttons of the areas where we feel most vunerable
Look at the sign of your Saturn to see the area where you doubt yourself
and the house placement to see the arena where those doubts are most likely to play out.
I have my saturn and uranus in house 8 saggi. So what actually does that implies ?
Neptune rules irrational fears and it's polar opposite blind faith.

When Saturn makes you uneasy, there's usually a practical 'reason' for it and it's not just fear, it's Saturn trying to teach you something.... something you may not want to be taught.
The house where Saturn is placed will show fears about the issues relating to that house.
Replying to Dylan - I suppose its could be in in areas around intimacy where we merge with the other or possibly money issues or issues you consider taboo etc
I agree on the 12th house. I think of it as the button pushing house - when someone pushes our subconscious buttons in this house we retreat or react. People with strong 12 or having a transit there can pick up collective fears and might want to avoid absorbing too much TV news or frightening movies. I think the 8th house reflects a fascination with exploring the edge of a fear and finding out about boundaries. Fear seems a bit more tantalizing in the 8th. The 4th can be a carry over/karmic fear or ingrained from childhood especially if there are planets in the 4th that are involved in an opposition to the 10th. Looking inside and tools like hypnosis can help.

Saturn, Pluto and Mars depending on sign and position and aspects to other planets that might amplify fear - moon/emotions,Mercury/thought.

I have done more consultation for women than men and I see Pluto and Mars being fear planets for many women. Instead of being that planet for themselves and using the energy actively they use it passively and project it out. Then it shows up as another person, usually male, that frightens them in some way.

The exciting thing about astrology and fear is that often when a person becomes aware of the energy dynamic behind the fear and that there are options ( because planets have multiple possibilities) it changes the dynamic and the fear is handled better or released. Some fears are transit related and it's nice to know there is an expiration date!

A post script on fear. I've noticed the mutable sun signs seem afraid to be alone or cut off from people. It seems theys feel reassured and affirmed when they have a good social network.

Hmm, thanks Shining Ray for posting up quotes from various sources; as far as fears go, I have a fear of being abandoned/left for someone else (friendship wise or love wise, doesn't matter).

As far as Saturn goes, I have Saturn in Scorpio, in the 3rd, Pluto in Scorpio in the 3rd as well and Mars in Taurus in the 9th.

I do have Mars opp Pluto however, which does bring some issues into my life at times if not properly dealt with.

I have no Cancer in me, whatsoever, my empty Cancer house is the 11th. As far as the moon goes, I have an Aries moon in the 8th, lots of lovely conj with that since I have so many Aries planets.

My third house is my Scorpio house, obviously, and not only holds my Saturn and Pluto, but Vesta and South Node as well; I have Pluto conj Vesta, which gives me great insite and helps me dig into people when I want to (which is often :D).

I don't have any 6th degree of Gemini or Sagittarius though, hmm.

As far as any other water things, I have a Pisces DC and I am a Pisces cusp.

I do have a T-Square though, between my Scorpio Pluto in the 3rd, my Aquarius Jupiter in the 6th and my Taurus Mars in the 9th.

Also, something that is not mentioned- I have 2 yods, one which I know what correlates to what in my life and the other that I'm not sure of: 1) Pluto/Vesta & Neptune in the base, pointing to Chiron; 2) Pluto in the apex with Sun & Chiron at the base.

As far as the anxiety and the 8th house, I have my Sun, Mercury, Venus and Moon there (along with Lilith and Eros), so technically only 4 planets there, but still- I can identify with that.

The introversion/extraversion thing, I'm an E that is right between E and I, I have pretty good balance between upper and lower half planets- it is equal except for the fact if you count my Chiron in the upperhalf.

Hmm.. I have:

Fire: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Uranus
Earth: Rising (haha, I know that's not a planet), Mars, North Node
Air: Jupiter, Chiron, MC
Water: Saturn, Pluto, South Node, DC

So I'm mostly fire with a good amount of water; balance between an I and an E cept for I lean towards the E :D
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When you go through fear you become fearless.

Sounds ridiculous, but I find some innate truth in that.
In my experience 8th house... house of DEATH.

What else is there to fear which is worse than death?

How would you explain a morbid obsessive fear of death by suffocation/drowning? Astrologically.