Hmm, thanks Shining Ray for posting up quotes from various sources; as far as fears go, I have a fear of being abandoned/left for someone else (friendship wise or love wise, doesn't matter).
As far as Saturn goes, I have Saturn in Scorpio, in the 3rd, Pluto in Scorpio in the 3rd as well and Mars in Taurus in the 9th.
I do have Mars opp Pluto however, which does bring some issues into my life at times if not properly dealt with.
I have no Cancer in me, whatsoever, my empty Cancer house is the 11th. As far as the moon goes, I have an Aries moon in the 8th, lots of lovely conj with that since I have so many Aries planets.
My third house is my Scorpio house, obviously, and not only holds my Saturn and Pluto, but Vesta and South Node as well; I have Pluto conj Vesta, which gives me great insite and helps me dig into people when I want to (which is often

I don't have any 6th degree of Gemini or Sagittarius though, hmm.
As far as any other water things, I have a Pisces DC and I am a Pisces cusp.
I do have a T-Square though, between my Scorpio Pluto in the 3rd, my Aquarius Jupiter in the 6th and my Taurus Mars in the 9th.
Also, something that is not mentioned- I have 2 yods, one which I know what correlates to what in my life and the other that I'm not sure of: 1) Pluto/Vesta & Neptune in the base, pointing to Chiron; 2) Pluto in the apex with Sun & Chiron at the base.
As far as the anxiety and the 8th house, I have my Sun, Mercury, Venus and Moon there (along with Lilith and Eros), so technically only 4 planets there, but still- I can identify with that.
The introversion/extraversion thing, I'm an E that is right between E and I, I have pretty good balance between upper and lower half planets- it is equal except for the fact if you count my Chiron in the upperhalf.
Hmm.. I have:
Fire: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Uranus
Earth: Rising (haha, I know that's not a planet), Mars, North Node
Air: Jupiter, Chiron, MC
Water: Saturn, Pluto, South Node, DC
So I'm mostly fire with a good amount of water; balance between an I and an E cept for I lean towards the E