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Night Sky said:
In my experience 8th house... house of DEATH.

What else is there to fear which is worse than death?

How would you explain a morbid obsessive fear of death by suffocation/drowning? Astrologically.

Now having so much in the 8th house, I have to comment on that lol: I came so close to death last year that I no longer... fear it, if that makes any sense. When I was younger, I had a fear of my parents/grandmother dying, so at times at night I'd cry/pray that they wouldn't. Odd I know, but I had a bit of an obsession with it back then.
What about someone who doesn't have much fear, I just did a blog on a man who jumped off the Eiffel tower. I would never in a million years do that, although I do think you have to be little crazy to do it. It was kind of creepy to watch knowing he was about to die.


Although he has an exact Sun in Aquarius square Saturn in Taurus aspect, this may mean he has to learn how to Slooow down on his inventions and not takes risks. Not the most responsible kind, although this apsect would have had it's fears.

I am scared of new situations and meeting new people, Saturn conjunct Asc.
I would not want to be instrumental in creating new fears of the future through an astrological reading. But the first cookbooks I read were somewhat fear-installing, with their 'helpful' advice - eg 'don't drive any fast cars this month because you have a Mars transit,' that kind of thing.

I also know that Tracy Marks is very good about not allowing fear to colour our apprehension of future transits.

Then again, fear may have its uses. I read that there were some experiments done on 'fearful' animals as oposed to those that were supremely confident - well, the more confident counterparts tended to live much shorter lives. They just walked into the maws of Danger and...that was that.
Shining Ray said:
Hi nejispirit,

I can't even imagine what you must have been feeling or the pain you must have felt at that time. I hope you have fully healed.

*smiles* Well, I'm sure that metal in me doesn't help with the pain (have read how it can definitely contribute to it) but I'm here and it's ok- I've just gotten used to chronic pain I suppose, doesn't really phase me anymore.

Thanks, I'll be fully healed eventually nerve wise- it'll probably be a few years down the line, but I'm getting there.
It depends on what you fear, and where the fear comes from. If the fear comes from a delusion. Or in the case of astrology, a bad sign then the fear comes from Saturn(Restriction, oppression). If the fear is based off of a strong possibility or a fact, I'd say Mercury(Intelligence, higher thinking) is the cause of the fear. But at any rate, one shouldn't fear knowledge. One shouldn't fear his own fears. He should conquer them. Now that I know about Mars Conjunct Sun in Natal 8th. I'll be sure to choose my friends and my enemies. I'll be sure to look at everything with objectiveness. To insure my protection.
nejispirit said:
*smiles* Well, I'm sure that metal in me doesn't help with the pain (have read how it can definitely contribute to it) but I'm here and it's ok- I've just gotten used to chronic pain I suppose, doesn't really phase me anymore.

Thanks, I'll be fully healed eventually nerve wise- it'll probably be a few years down the line, but I'm getting there.

I wish you well with the healing, your stronger than most. I looked up what neji means as I wondering about your name nejispirit, you have a fighting spirit. ;)

Shining Ray said:
I wish you well with the healing, your stronger than most. I looked up what neji means as I wondering about your name nejispirit, you have a fighting spirit. ;)

Ha, I didn't even know that- I named my user name after a character whom almost died in an anime/manga series. My AIM name used to be that too, but I changed it a couple of days ago :D

But thank you, I'm sure things will work out somehow.
Hi again nejispirit. That Yod in your chart is all powerful. The action point is pluto:
I do remember having lots of fear, so much fear.
. You could not handle all that Yod energy at Pluto (death/resurrection). You must have some kind of protecion to survive! One result is steel in your body. Mars is ruler of iron. Mars is at reaction point of Yod. Have you found the strength to do a transit chart of that day?:)
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jamiescott said:
Hi again nejispirit. That Yod in your chart is all powerful. The action point is pluto: . You could not handle all that Yod energy at Pluto (death/resurrection). You must have some kind of protecion to survive! One result is steel in your body. Mars is ruler of iron. Mars is at reaction point of Yod. Have you found the strength to do a transit chart of that day?:)

Ah, I didn't know that about Mars. One day I was talking to someone and we had a look at my transits for that day, on that day there was a transit which happened on 911, Pluto opp Mars.
nejispirit said:
Ha, I didn't even know that- I named my user name after a character whom almost died in an anime/manga series. My AIM name used to be that too, but I changed it a couple of days ago :D

But thank you, I'm sure things will work out somehow.

Now I know where your name comes from, I was curious about it. Thanks for explaining :) .
Do you think it is possible to separate fear from confidence?

I think confidence is a Saturn issue. Confidence is vital for Authority. Authority entails Respect. All of these terms are ruled by Saturn, lord of Status and the giver of Authority. (I'm in a mood for capitals today.) A badly aspected Saturn can show where we lack confidence, where we feel we lack authority and cannot be seen as reliable. It shows dependancy and where we would like to be independant and not have to rely on others. I think this is similar to fear but it is not nearly so emotional.

This kind of fear- confidence based fear, I think of as based on the earth signs, for it stems from a lack of solid foundations. A lack of trust, a lack of something being established.

I would suggest this is a useful way to interpret Saturn.

As for the second kind of fear- phobia, or irrational or emotional fear- maybe this is Neptune's domain? Fear of the unknown is countered by faith, and all of these things are tested by Pisces and the 12th house. We find the 12th house shows us what our subconscious is struggling to comprehend, as the mutable signs are based upon comprehension- intellectual, practical, philosophical and spiritual (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces respectively.)

I think one's faith can demonstrate one's fear. Those with a strong faith in having a divine purpose for instance often have this faith stemming from a an original fear that they have no such purpose and are futile.

A third kind of fear reminds me of terror. It is fear of pain, in all forms and I would associate it with Pluto. I think this is much more instinctive- part of a survival instinct. Fear of violence, or emotional vulnerability, abuse, death. I think the opposite of this fear is courage, strength and truth, as can be seen from Pluto and Mars moving from Scorpio to Aries, the courageous fighter. In some respects Scorpio is also associated with the unknown and hence the previous form of fear. I guess with two water signs there is an inevitable overlap. However Scorpio fights fear by recognising it, and Pisces fights it by not believing in it.

So three kinds of fear-

1) Fear as a lack of authority, being inhibited.
Represented by Saturn and Capricorn.
Overcome by experience and confidence,

2) Fear as the unknown, fear as darkness, or the irrational or obsessive
Represented by Neptune and the 12th house- paranoid enemies
Overcome by faith? love? All that jazz. Putting unknown fears to rest

3) Fear of the known- terror, fear of death, enemies, pain,
Represented by Pluto and Scorpio and the 8th house
Overcome by courgage, truth, acceptance,

Any thoughts? I guess the Moon would also be a good connecting point of all of these three types of fear. The moon, exalted in Taurus has an earthy and watery quality to it that unites all three types. I think we are more afraid in childhood...
IntenseWhisper said:
The first thing that comes to mind is the Aries fire initiative stellium, 8th, death, and overcoming it like a transformation within yourself. I remember you saying your moon was there too? I hope you are a new you, having a stellium in the 8th. My 8th stellium Virgo/ Libra & as an astrologer it did make me stress on it a bit, I needed someone elses perspective on it, there were too many thing that could happen. I also throughout life tended to worry over someone else-my dads life (my saturn 20 gemini is conj his sun) he is 83 now:) I am happy you are here & appreciate you InWh

Yeah, it is rather hard to believe eh? At times I question it myself, I was at the top of the garage building and then in a hospital bed- did that really happen? I do not rememeber the falling part so... but anyway:

I have my sun, venus, mercury and moon in Aries there- as well as my Lilith and Eros; I really do feel reborn and nothing like I did before I fell- medication for anxiety (the *right* kind also) helps that feeling, but I believe I was given a second chance at life and that I'm supposed to be here- for what, I'm not sure yet.

Thank you though :39:, I am very glad to be here as well.