Feelings towards me?

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Jan 13, 2017

I’m wondering if he has feelings toward me. He is Mercury and I’m Jupiter. We already agreed to stay friends but I find it hard. Because L7 is inside H1 and that emplacement..I think there is feelings towards meZ also his second significator Sun is inside first house. I’m wondering what is delaying or preventing things happening between us? Why he won’t make a move and ask me out or something like that?

I’m Jupiter inside second house..I’m feeling depressed and applying conjunction with Saturn would be another disappointment? I think?
I don’t know exactly. He has two children..maybe it’s related to them. Anyway he is faster planet Mercury, so might make some moves. Is there indication when he might be able to act?
I don't know. This chart - sorry if I'm wrong - is this the first time you ask about this person? A combustion happening right in the ascendant, Moon and Venus both in Scorpio their detriment and fall respectively, Moon just out of via combusta, ascendant lord Jupiter in fall. It just feels a bit desperate... if this is not the first chart, it's not going to be accurate. In any case, a combust planet can hardly be relied upon no matter his placement.
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Also venus, which is the general significator of love affairs in love charts, is not only in the sign of her detriment (Moon's fall). It is also in the weakest house of the chart. Usually in a hopeful relationship chart, you see strong healthy sigs, including Venus, you see sigs in their own or Venus' dignity, you see conjunction or a strong aspect or at least a weak aspect with strong reception, from generally nice houses. Those charts really shout tenderness and LOVE! at you. The only positive thing about this chart is a combust sig in your house, and combustion is about the worst that can happen to a planet. I personally don't think it is quite enough to outweigh the other bad signs. But it's your chart, your call. Good luck!
I think you will change ur mind on him
Hes combusted plus not aspecting jup.
Not seeing anything going on

Hes hung up on his kids which is preventing him from dating period
Merc/mars trine (his 5th house)+incoming combustion. It wont surprize me if he will return to his x
Tikana, it might be ..they still own some property together :( (they are not married but separation is not finalised) she has more income and more inherited money that he has. I’m also afraid he is thinking about this financial aspect if he will go back to her. I don’t have any property of my own or high income..so it feels I’m not her match. And Of course I don’t want a man who makes this kind of life decisions based on money.

Thank you Amelia..it’s not first chart but there is time difference between two charts about 3months. So I think this should work? It’s difficult situation. I have love for him but I’m also feeling depressed and desperate.
Thank you for clarifying. Well... I don't think a few months merit a new chart, really. When a relationship was going to happen with the person desired, and in so short a time, I haven't yet seen a horary chart that failed to pick that up. I personally would wait at least a year, probably two, in fact, unless some over-the-top drama happens.
Thank you for clarifying. Well... I don't think a few months merit a new chart, really. When a relationship was going to happen with the person desired, and in so short a time, I haven't yet seen a horary chart that failed to pick that up. I personally would wait at least a year, probably two, in fact, unless some over-the-top drama happens.
Really? For me it seems that horary charts won’t show long term happenings but merely what is going to happen during next couple of weeks or months. And sometimes only what is going to happen next time when two people in question will see each other.
None of the astrologers I read says what you said. :) Horary is not progressions but horary, by tradition, is not meant to be used and discarded within a few days like a meal box (being tongue-in-cheek here, hope you don't mind). By nature it is not ad-hoc. It is an act of seeking divination (which is a pretty serious matter) on a serious issue that perplexes the querent. The agreed rules of timing for example, is that houses and signs determine if the unit is going to be week, month, or year, when perfection is shown. It is all in Lilly's book. And Bonatti's. I particularly suggest you study William Lilly closely. He really is unavoidable for any serious student.

To quote just some of the modern astrologers, and I did this just from memory and a quick flip of their books/articles: there are example charts that perfect within 2 years in Barbara Dunn's book (page 497 - a querent was offered the job two years later). John Frawley mentioned romance charts that can perfect in years (see page 128). Deb Houlding somewhere on her Skyscript forum disregards second, third charts on the same subject within weeks or months. She always prefers the first chart. John Frawley deals with the issue of repetitive charts with a similar attitude (see his book). He actually went as far as saying that the cosmo would deal you random, cloudy charts because it is fed up.

I also have romance charts that perfect months (close to a year) after the questions are asked. The charts are accurate.

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None of the astrologers I read says what you said. :) Horary is not progressions but horary, by tradition, is not meant to be used and discarded within a few days like a meal box (being tongue-in-cheek here, hope you don't mind). By nature it is not ad-hoc. It is an act of seeking divination (which is a pretty serious matter) on a serious issue that perplexes the querent. The agreed rules of timing for example, is that houses and signs determine if the unit is going to be week, month, or year, when perfection is shown. It is all in Lilly's book. And Bonatti's. I particularly suggest you study William Lilly closely. He really is unavoidable for any serious student.

To quote just some of the modern astrologers, and I did this just from memory and a quick flip of their books/articles: there are example charts that perfect within 2 years in Barbara Dunn's book (page 497 - a querent was offered the job two years later). John Frawley mentioned romance charts that can perfect in years (see page 128). Deb Houlding somewhere on her Skyscript forum disregards second, third charts on the same subject within weeks or months. She always prefers the first chart. John Frawley deals with the issue of repetitive charts with a similar attitude (see his book). He actually went as far as saying that the cosmo would deal you random, cloudy charts because it is fed up.

I also have romance charts that perfect months (close to a year) after the questions are asked. The charts are accurate.


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Thank you Amelia for your long response. I have to learn more :D . I went through my archive and this is the first chart. Can I ask your and and Tikanas opinion about it? I draw it when I knew I was going to be at same work place with him almost exactly two years ago. My question was if something romantic would develop between us. It has developed since but it won’t go forward.
No..child support is expensive

Yes but you have to pay yours child’s expenses are you in relationships with the another parent or not. And also in my country it’s not always mom that lives with children after separating. I know more single dads with kids than moms.
Yes but you have to pay yours child’s expenses are you in relationships with the another parent or not. And also in my country it’s not always mom that lives with children after separating. I know more single dads with kids than moms.

We cant go that far into this horary. Combustion shoes thst something controls him in fear
I only have time for a glance - I hope I won't miss anything. Venus the descendant lord is in the 7th, not good. But there is a strong mutual reception between Venus and Mars. Now I can see why you are so hung up on this. You think he likes you, and he probably did/does at least at some point. Note that not many astrologers give weight to mutual reception (much much less single reception). John Frawley considers even single reception but traditionalists consider him a bit of a maverick. Deb Houlding thinks feelings are shown by an aspect or placement. I personally think mutual reception has to be supported by good house placements i.e. his sigs in your house, to show a relationship. There is root of this in traditional writing but I don't bother go into that now.

Thing is Mars and Moon are both in house 12, and House 12 is the weakest house in the chart; the planets (except Saturn, because that is his house of joy) are hurt badly there. Lilly gives this minus-5 points in his planetary score sheet.

The trine between these two are out of orb so neither Lilly nor most traditional astrologers would count on that. In any case Venus meets Saturn first.

Next we inspect Moon and her next aspect. Moon is quite hurt by being peregrine and in the 12th. She makes a sextile with sun without reception (in fact Moon is in the sign of Sun's detriment). Now that could show some interest (though Lilly would say a weak sextile mainly shows the querent's hope), but one wouldn't be surprised this only develops halfway. I really wouldn't say he doesn't like you. But the unfortunate house placement and the lack of aspect between the main sigs, in addition to a weak sextile being the Moon's immediate aspect, still are notable. His house is loaded also with mercury natural significator of children. Or it is his other romantic interest.

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Thank you Amelia again for detailed answer! <3 its just im feeling very hurt and disappointed. Maybe I should resign that I don’t have to be near him anymore.
Thank you Amelia again for detailed answer! <3 its just im feeling very hurt and disappointed. Maybe I should resign that I don’t have to be near him anymore.

I tend to think if a person says he doesn't have feelings for us, no matter what we feel to be true, it is far better for the sake of sanity and emotional health to let go than trying to change his mind. I'm sorry you're going through this. It doesn't feel this way right now, but it will pass. All the best.