FIFA World Cup 2026 WINNER prediction

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Aug 8, 2009
Goiânia, Brazil
First of all
The Netherlands win the FIFA WC 2026,
final to be played in USA, Sunday 19th of July.
It has been my dream to prove that astrology works. And with this very prediction I hope it to come true. The other big dream*, for my Holland to win at least one World Cup final, is therefore included!
*After seeing them losing against and in Argentina (WC final1978). I was ten years old, loved football already for a few years, when I watched my very first Oranje game on (colour!) tv.
I discovered astrology in 1992, but only in 2007 I started to combine the love for (worldcup)football and western astrology: I decided to read the constellation of any next final (world cup and EURO) and to see if that would "match" with the horoscopes of the dutchies (coach, players, supporters etc). On youtube can my Holland/world cup 2010 prediction still be found.

I am writing a book that will reflect the results of studying 196 (= 14*14) people from the Netherlands. The number fourteen is the key in my book. It refers to the great Johan Cruyff(1947-2016) who was responsible for the orange nation to become worldfamous in a flash(WC1974). But also, it refers to the actual zodiac position of Saturn during the final in 2026:
Saturn in 14° Aries
Mars, ruler of anything in Aries, in 14° Gemini!

The number FOUR is also a great indicator to find the winner, because:
Neptune (r) in 4° Aries
Jupiter in 4° Leo
both are rulers of the highly important North Node in Pisces
Pluto in 4° Aquarius
and last but not least
Uranus in 4° Gemini

A mindblowing constellation on itself, during the final of 19th of July 2026!

To give the first clue away:
The progressed horoscope (for the WC final of course) of the Netherlands will show its Uranus in 4° Sagittarius...
You do the math!
Impressive ahha. I hope for your sake Holland win WC26. Have you looked at other countries ?
Impressive ahha. I hope for your sake Holland win WC26. Have you looked at other countries ?
Thanks dbozics. I only have good charts of Argentina and France. And to me its possible that the boys of Messi are going to join us in the final. Their captain, not sure if he plays of course, will face the Mars(tr) opposing his own Saturn for example. Mars being the ruler of Saturn(tr) in Aries. Saturn(tr) exact trine his Saturn...It would be the perfect final for me, because what was my very first football match ever to watch on (the brand new COLOR!) TV? It was Argentina-Holland final of WC1978, as I was 10 years old.

I would like to share my way of thinking here ( As I never changed this strategy in the 15+ years of this research-quest) that it can not be interesting enough to see other countries when you see more than 200 charts of one country all having a blast, showing the strongest power possible (a combination of natal and progressed) for a specific date (in this case 19 July 2026).
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Funny to read this because you had released a book on Amazon saying Holland would win World Cup 2022 and it failed again !
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Funny to read this because you had released a book on Amazon saying Holland would win World Cup 2024 and it failed again !
First of all: there was no World Cup in 2024
Second: Ever heard of trial and error? We only learn through mistakes?
Third: Show me an astrologer that is going to explain in detail how the prediction was done.
Fourth: Are you still laughing?
You have been selling a book or writing a topic each 4 years since 2010 to prove that Holland would win each world cup...
How can you be taken seriously if, every four years, you publish a book or an article full of explanations yet still fail? At the very least, if you were often predicting matches with a high success rate, you would capture our attention.
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Also, where is this book? You keep saying it will become a bestseller in the future. Maybe send me a link via private message or add a link to your bio? Let's see how it performs
Ok, way too much negativity here. It seems to be the new world.
I thank the readers with a good heart.And wish you, the normal people, all the best.