Finally figured out the Scorpio worship in modern astrology.

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I know someone whose style is to go to war with those that cross him. In the workplace, this has translated into him getting enemies fired, destroying their reputation, etc. He’s very tactical.

He has Leo sun, Leo Asc, Leo Mars and a strong Saturn.

What are his tactics out of interest? I’m having some work place drama at the moment and can give my own tactics of how I’ve been handling it, although the guy you describe seems like I could learn some lessons from lol
I actually believe, given that it is my sign and I have a lot of it in my chart, that most Leos are real good at cruelty if need be. All of this warm, affectionate and buddy-buddy stuff is good for close friends and people who are on our good side. I would go to bat for my friends and make sacrifices to people who have been on my good side or helped me. A lot of the good traits of Leos revolve around people who have been good to them.

The issue is, so much of this stuff about how an angered Leo is either going to have the woe is me mentality or turn into some snob is off base. I actually think that unlike fellow fire-sign Aries who will straight up punch you in the face, Leos are more tactical in the way that a king is tactical when disciplining anyone that has wronged them.

Won't get their own hands dirty but there is almost always a promise that the subject will get what is coming to them. I don't think the darker traits and traits of an angry Leo are properly discussed.

Even using common sense, you have a fixed sign that is big on pride, why are astrologers saying it is a good idea to step on those toes?

You're extrapolating from your own experience (one Leo out of a 12th of the population of Earth) to make sweeping generalizations about all Leo energy and all people with a Leo sun. It's the same mistake you make about Scorpio. Astrology describes patterns, not absolutes. The Leos I know best are well adjusted, incredibly good people, who are never cruel. And that's a good thing. Cruelty is not a trait to be proud of. Leos who are cruel are under-developed spiritually. In fact, the Scorpio I know best is also a sweetheart, a girl who loves animals above all things.

Astrologers don't advocate for anyone stepping on anyone else's toes. Life is not a zero sum game in astrology. The point is not to defeat other people. The point is to develop oneself positively, to be enriched spiritually, and ideally, to become enlightened.
You're extrapolating from your own experience (one Leo out of a 12th of the population of Earth) to make sweeping generalizations about all Leo energy and all people with a Leo sun. It's the same mistake you make about Scorpio. Astrology describes patterns, not absolutes. The Leos I know best are well adjusted, incredibly good people, who are never cruel. And that's a good thing. Cruelty is not a trait to be proud of. Leos who are cruel are under-developed spiritually. In fact, the Scorpio I know best is also a sweetheart, a girl who loves animals above all things.

Astrologers don't advocate for anyone stepping on anyone else's toes. Life is not a zero sum game in astrology. The point is not to defeat other people. The point is to develop oneself positively, to be enriched spiritually, and ideally, to become enlightened.

See that’s the issue with personal experience and even then I’d love to see how Leo’s you know react if you harass their loved ones and try to ruin their lives, go on, I dare you since you called an entire sign soft.

Better yet, use common sense. Fixed fire sign, ruled by excessive pride and domicile in sun. Go ahead and tell your readers it’s a great idea to step on that signs toes....

[Deleted attacking comments. - Moderator]
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I actually believe, given that it is my sign and I have a lot of it in my chart, that most Leos are real good at cruelty if need be. All of this warm, affectionate and buddy-buddy stuff is good for close friends and people who are on our good side. I would go to bat for my friends and make sacrifices to people who have been on my good side or helped me. A lot of the good traits of Leos revolve around people who have been good to them.
Are you using Leo as shorthand for "born in the last week and a half of July or first three weeks of August?"

All having a birthday in that time frame means is that your sun is in Leo. People without Leo suns can also be very Leo, if they have a Leo ascendant, moon, and/or strong planetary presence in Leo. People with Leo suns always have Leo as a significant sign, but in some cases their strongest planetary presence is somewhere else. It's possible for a person born in Leo month to be less Leo in many respects than a person who was not born in Leo month but has a lot of Leo in their chart.

In your case, not only were you born in Leo month, you have several planets and your ascendant in Leo. So, you are very Leo, no question.

That said, I agree with you that the warm, affectionate, etc. Leo traits are for people who are on our good side (being a fellow Leo, I can say this!). But for some of us, that's most people. Personally, the only people not on my good side are the ones who have done something really, really awful to me, and that's a very short list. Those people are simply not in my life. But, if they lived nearby and I had to see them regularly... it might be a different story. With everyone else, whether they're a close friend or just a casual acquaintance, I think I'm the warm, generous Leo. They certainly respond to me like I am.

What Leo needs, overall, is positive relationships with others. That's key to Leo development. We need ourselves to be validated by those around us. The validation can be simple, quiet affection or appreciation, or it can be the roaring crowds that go with stereotypical Leo. If people are validating us, we give them our warmth. If they're not, we'll probably freeze them out.

The issue is, so much of this stuff about how an angered Leo is either going to have the woe is me mentality or turn into some snob is off base.
I didn't say an angered Leo would react that way. I said that either arrogance or low self esteem would be a manifestation of unhealthy, poorly adjusted Leo. Unhealthy and poorly adjusted doesn't necessarily mean angry.

Because Leo is naturally self centered--Leo sun in particular, considering that sun and Leo are both about the self--the options for Leo are to be self centered in either a healthy or an unhealthy way. Unhealthy self centeredness manifests as either an overinflated sense of self or a negative sense of self, in other words, low self esteem. Healthy self centeredness means you're well grounded in yourself, you have a realistic sense of who and what you are and you like that well enough, and you have plenty of love to share with others because you love yourself enough. To others, it might not even look much like self centeredness, but it is.

Even using common sense, you have a fixed sign that is big on pride, why are astrologers saying it is a good idea to step on those toes?

What astrologers say it's a good idea to step on Leo's toes?
What are his tactics out of interest? I’m having some work place drama at the moment and can give my own tactics of how I’ve been handling it, although the guy you describe seems like I could learn some lessons from lol

Well here are some though I would need more context.

You make it seem as if the sign is incapable of destroying the lives of others, this is where I disagree. I think that part of the sign is unrecognized.
See that’s the issue with personal experience and even then I’d love to see how Leo’s you know react if you harass their loved ones and try to ruin their lives, go on, I dare you since you called an entire sign soft.

Nowhere in Witchyone's post does it say Leos are soft. And you are breaking the rules against attacking. I deleted the attacking comments in your post.

Back on topic, attack free,

You make it seem as if the sign is incapable of destroying the lives of others, this is where I disagree. I think that part of the sign is unrecognized.

I never said Leo was incapable of destroying the lives of others.

Anyone could destroy the lives of others if they chose to. How they would do it, and what would motivate them to do it, would correlate with their natal chart, but it's not as simple as which sign their sun is in or which sign(s) are emphasized.

But destroying the lives of others is irrelevant if we're talking about the archetypal characteristics of a sign.
See that’s the issue with personal experience and even then I’d love to see how Leo’s you know react if you harass their loved ones and try to ruin their lives, go on, I dare you since you called an entire sign soft.

Better yet, use common sense. Fixed fire sign, ruled by excessive pride and domicile in sun. Go ahead and tell your readers it’s a great idea to step on that signs toes....

[Deleted attacking comments. - Moderator]

I didn't call an entire sign "soft." I said they were good people. In other words, I complimented them. Being a good person is a good thing. [deleted attacking comment - Moderator]
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I never said Leo was incapable of destroying the lives of others.

Anyone could destroy the lives of others if they chose to. How they would do it, and what would motivate them to do it, would correlate with their natal chart, but it's not as simple as which sign their sun is in or which sign(s) are emphasized.

But destroying the lives of others is irrelevant if we're talking about the archetypal characteristics of a sign.

See there is my issue Osa.

The image that a Leo is just some phuk who will yell at you like a spoiled brat, it is a garbage portrayal. Yet some emotionally unstable water sign hungry for power is supposed to be the schemer of the zodiac? I don't think so, that's for Capricorns because they are actually good at it.
The image that a Leo is just some phuk who will yell at you like a spoiled brat, it is a garbage portrayal. Yet some emotionally unstable water sign hungry for power is supposed to be the schemer of the zodiac?

Who said those things?

It wasn't anyone who's posted in this thread. Except you.
What you have to understand is that the lesser signs seem to think scorpios are special and put it on a pedastal, meaning anything lower than scorpio is a lesser sign, anything after scorpios tend to see scorpios as they are.

Scorpios love telling people that they are the strongest sign, you have to understand, why are they so obssessed with power and being strong? Would someone powerful and strong be obsessed with stregnth? It's because they come from a place of weakness and cowardice, they hide in the shadows so you can't see how weak they really are. They don't like being exposed.

You speak some extremely wise words, I was frustrated that so many sites I ran through were praising this overrated power-hungry insecure excuse of a sign. If I have to hear how Mars in Scorpio is "formidable" one more time I am going to call out the nonsense astrologer who said that, main one being the lunatic over at My Christian Psychic.

It seems like the achilles heel of Scorpios or Scorpio heavy charts as I have been saying all throughout my threads is exposure. They love to keep the fight in the dark and have full control over people without an audience, that is why it is such a secretive sign.

I think of the recent rap beef involving Drake and Pusha T, as soon as Pusha T shed some light on Drake being a deadbeat dad, Drake was too scared to respond. Same with politics when Scorpio politicians are defeated time and time again against aggressive opponents that air their dirty laundry out in public.

They hold power by being secretive and scaring the victim into thinking that they are trapped but I think this is part of the reason why Geminis almost always wreck the daylights out of Scorpios, they are the messengers. It is like the news media coming down on a corrupt politician and then you see the downfall happen.

Scorpios are used to being in a totalitarian environment where they are dictator but as soon as things level out and they have to face the press, they crumble hard under pressure.

I cannot wait until someone actually sheds some light on the heavy Scorpio bias in Astrology, it just has to be done. [deleted attacking comment - Moderator]
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Scorpio bash fest


This thread has devolved into a Scorpio bash fest so I have closed it. As a reminder EVERYONE has the sign Scorpio somewhere in their chart. And, if you're a modern astrologer and use Pluto, in modern astrology Pluto rules Pluto, so EVERYONE has Scorpio-influencer Pluto somewhere in their chart.

Back to astrology,

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