first horary -- will they hire me?

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Apr 14, 2009
hi, i applied for a job a couple weeks ago and i haven't heard back yet. i can't tell if this means i haven't been shortlisted or if they are just taking their time.
i cast my first horary chart to ask about this. i am mars and the 10th house ruler is mercury in 9th. mars is sextile mercury. mars and moon are conjunct in the 7th. should i read this as positive? saturn is in the 10th and mercury in a cadent house, to me that suggests difficulty and delay.
can anyone help interpret this?


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Yes, your analyse is right, because Me, job, faster planet than Ma, will sextile Ma, you, and that is "yes" answer to your question.
thanks fensi! i hope you're right :)
so the saturn in the 10th is not bad news?
If you mean about that aspect Moon square Sa it is out of orb, but I agree with you that there will be delay because both Me and Ma are peregrine. But acctually, your question was "will THAY hire me", so "thay" are represent with Ve, and Moon will translate the light from Ma, you, to Ve, thay, so in my opinion thay will.
its been a while, but i just want to report that i actually didn't get that job, not even an interview :(

i will try again and post another horary question soon.
Thanks for update.
Really strange. It seams that we had to look this chart on your way; you are Ma, job is Me. Before Me sextile Ma, Moon will conjunct Ve, 7 house ruler, so, someone else get job before you. Usually we use Moon as co significator of querent, but here it seams we can not do that. I will remember this!
This may be a good lesson for all of us as though the applying aspect is the most clear indicator of a yes and it shows this it may be the condition of the planets or other factors that tell us more.
Mercury is combust, though in different signs than the sun, it is infact in the suns sign indicating it is a guest in the suns home and beholden to the sun. Mars is peregrine in the house of open enemies and partners.

Moon joins mars then passes to venus ruler of 11th hopes and wishes.
The moon square to saturn in the 10th some disappointment or obstruction. Saturn rules third primarily. Thus some dissappointing news.
The last aspect is to a retrograde Jupiter by trine. Jupiter is with Neptune and Chiron. Jupiter rules 2nd. I am not sure if this implies a reversals of hope or a healing. Did you get a different job?

Saturn in the 10th could be the culprit or the general condition of the applying planets.
It appears the employer may have been constrained.
I've been thinking about this chart and wondering if the changing sign of the moon made the Mars-Mercury unradical (I've checked that the moeity between Mars and Mercury is 7.4 degree, whild the perfection of it will need 6 degree, it is still within the moeith).

Mercury although is peregrine, but it is swift and direct and free from combustion and sun beams.....I am wondering why the Mars-Mercury aspect didn't count.....

Or the conjuction of the moon with venus(7h ruler, the competitor) before the perfection of the Mars-Mercury is more important because it is a kind of prohibition of light or there is tol of col before the perfection?

It seems like a question of weighing which part is more important, but I am not sure next time I see a chart like this I will have a clear idea to judge.

This may be a good lesson for all of us as though the applying aspect is the most clear indicator of a yes and it shows this it may be the condition of the planets or other factors that tell us more.
Mercury is combust, though in different signs than the sun, it is infact in the suns sign indicating it is a guest in the suns home and beholden to the sun. Mars is peregrine in the house of open enemies and partners.

Moon joins mars then passes to venus ruler of 11th hopes and wishes.
The moon square to saturn in the 10th some disappointment or obstruction. Saturn rules third primarily. Thus some dissappointing news.
The last aspect is to a retrograde Jupiter by trine. Jupiter is with Neptune and Chiron. Jupiter rules 2nd. I am not sure if this implies a reversals of hope or a healing. Did you get a different job?

Saturn in the 10th could be the culprit or the general condition of the applying planets.
It appears the employer may have been constrained.
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