Fixed signs and love

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Well, Aquarians are good at friendship and tend to like all and love none. THey are essentially airy, live in the mind and not really the victims of passion and are generally not possessive or a general scenario.....their concerns are for humanity as a whole and individual intimacy is often not their bag.

I think aquariuns do love, its just strong emotion are not as forthcoming or apparent at first, that’s how I find my placement anyway, it’s like you don’t just feel, you have to understand it then you can own it. I think feelings of love don’t come easily, but once its felt then it probably stays, depending on how fixed the chart is.

Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Aqua, Venus in Gemini here. Sadly, I must admit I have always had the 'why am I with this person' moments. Hmmmm.... Also, every time I've broken up, with one exception, I tend to idealise the other person as well as the relationship and I tend to analyze everything which makes it very hard to get closure. Perhaps that's a Scorpio thing.

I find Scorpios fascinating, I have a brother that has an heavily scorpio influence, and boy when he is in love, its like watching Romero and Juliet, they are constantly preoccupied with each other and when they fight its like his whole world crumbles, nothing else in his world exist apart from her, the intensity NEVER lets down. I literally find that mindboggling.:andy: Is it weird that I secretly kinda envy him, I’m a Libran after all I want the love of fairytales too.:crying:

I think all in all it safe to say that fixed signs make great and consistent lovers.:biggrin:
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I have moon and venus in taurus, mars in capricorn and I am ALWAYS in love, whether they love me back or not, and I don't get over it until i meet the next one. it's pathetic.
Maybe you just enjoy being in love?
I really want to hear from people who have venus mars and moon in fixed signs, preferably two or more of these planets should be fixed.

When you are in a relationship are your feelings for that person consistent, or do you have moments when you think ‘why am I with this person’.

When you break up with someone, do you feel deep down you will always love that person or do those feeling completely go.

Moon in Gemini, Mars and Venus in Leo. 1 Mutable, 2 Fixed.

I have asked myself many times 'why am i with this person', i have also in the past felt a great relief once the relationship is over, however i still feel for them very much.. but am glad i am no longer involved.

It's quite odd, its something that's followed me all my life.. I suppose having Moon in Gemini makes me very fickle with my emotions, they tend to change alot very rapidly.
two fixed...moon in leo in the 12th and mars in taurus in the 9th. They are square each other. My venus is in virgo in the 12th.

Regardless of how it ended or who ended it, I always think about them. Depending on how the relationship ended determines my feelings about them. Some I don't feel love or fondness for, but ponder the lessons learned and try to heal the pain and wounds. If someone doesn't want me, well your loss. It hurts but I get over it. But for the ones I loved and left, it is really hard for me, even years later. I feel so sad that something inside would make me leave someone I loved so much. I hate hurting them. I think of them fondly. I feel guilty even though they have moved on and are with much better matches for them.
Mars in Scorpio
Venus in Taurus
and Moon in Scorpio

I can honestly say in the time i've been with my last and only gf (we were together in about 2 years), i didn't once think about leaving her. Why it ended, was more like feelings that maybe died out a little bit over time, and in the end we both were in agreement that maybe it would be the best to end it... We're still friends (nothing more) though, she's the friend of my life actually ^_^
Mars in Scorpio
Venus in Taurus
and Moon in Scorpio

I can honestly say in the time i've been with my last and only gf (we were together in about 2 years), i didn't once think about leaving her. Why it ended, was more like feelings that maybe died out a little bit over time, and in the end we both were in agreement that maybe it would be the best to end it... We're still friends (nothing more) though, she's the friend of my life actually ^_^

So sweet, and I'm sure that is exactly how it would be with my boyfriend if we ever broke apart.

Mercury, Venus, Mars in Leo
Moon in Taurus

Yes, when I'm with someone I could see myself being with them forever. But I also tend to make the relationship about me much more than about the other person. I pretend to be hard to get, but really I'm always ready to fall in love for life.
Moon + Venus = Leo 1st house

Mars = Scorpio 4th house

When you are in a relationship are your feelings for that person consistent, or do you have moments when you think ‘why am I with this person’.

I have consistent feelings of 'why am I with this person?', but not in a negative sense.
I like to think of them as evaluations, like an employer might have for an employee. I like to keep up with people who are going in the same direction as I am. If I let a person in, it is surely because they are worth my time for whatever that reason is and I like to keep up with their life.

When you break up with someone, do you feel deep down you will always love that person or do those feeling completely go.

I don't really break up with people. If you can score loyalty from me once, you will have it for life. I have a moral high ground I keep with my guard up, and become selective of the people I associate with, and no, I will not let close feelings go once people are in.

I have only had two relationships. One in High School for three months, and we have remained friends. We also went to prom 9 months later.
My next relationship started a year later, and is now a marriage.
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