Well, Aquarians are good at friendship and tend to like all and love none. THey are essentially airy, live in the mind and not really the victims of passion and are generally not possessive or jealous......as a general scenario.....their concerns are for humanity as a whole and individual intimacy is often not their bag.
I think aquariuns do love, its just strong emotion are not as forthcoming or apparent at first, that’s how I find my placement anyway, it’s like you don’t just feel, you have to understand it then you can own it. I think feelings of love don’t come easily, but once its felt then it probably stays, depending on how fixed the chart is.
Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Aqua, Venus in Gemini here. Sadly, I must admit I have always had the 'why am I with this person' moments. Hmmmm.... Also, every time I've broken up, with one exception, I tend to idealise the other person as well as the relationship and I tend to analyze everything which makes it very hard to get closure. Perhaps that's a Scorpio thing.
I find Scorpios fascinating, I have a brother that has an heavily scorpio influence, and boy when he is in love, its like watching Romero and Juliet, they are constantly preoccupied with each other and when they fight its like his whole world crumbles, nothing else in his world exist apart from her, the intensity NEVER lets down. I literally find that mindboggling.

I think all in all it safe to say that fixed signs make great and consistent lovers.

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