For other Scorpios -- What sign do you prefer to date (get involved with)?

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I'm not a Scorpio but I have Scorpio Moon, Moon conjunct Pluto & Venus square Pluto so the main signs I prefer to date are Scorpio & Libra.

Signs I seem to either attract or become drawn to are: Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini & Aries.
I"m a scorpio with sun conjunct pluto and venus in scorpio. I do not get along with any earth signs, especially Virgos and Capricorns, nor am I attracted to any. I hate critical, bossy men who offer their opinions when i don't ask for them and all earth signs tend to be that way. Not a big fan of pisces either. I like people that are easy going, light and fun and want to stay away from all the intense crazy possesive controlling drama so there is no way in hell that I would ever consider dating a Scorpio either.

One of my really serious relationships was with an Aquarius. It didn't turn out too well because HE was possesive and controlling and liked mind games. i'm really attracted to them though because i'm a leo rising so i have aquarius on the descendent, and my juno is there as well. My mars is in libra. So overall, i prefer air signs. Right now i'm dating a Cancer with a Gemini moon though.
I'm a Taurus with a Taurus Rising and Leo moon and I swear I can sense when a Scorpio is within 10 feet of me! I have rarely met one that I haven't found attractive on some level.
I've heard that opp signs are attracted to each other because the other has what they are lacking. I know what Taureans are attracted to in Scorpios but what is it that Scorpios are attracted to in Taureans...calmness, stability, safety?? What is it?
I know what Taureans are attracted to in Scorpios but what is it that Scorpios are attracted to in Taureans...calmness, stability, safety?? What is it?

It's because Taurus is Scorpio's polar opposite. prehaps it could be because of a Taurus's sense of loyalty, since the scorpio's can't be loyal or keep a secrect, maybe cause it's that, and well ur probably right on the calmness part, scorpio's are intense and they probably need a bull to calm them down and tighten their intensity reigns.
I have Sun, Moon & 4 other planets in Scorpio & Aquarius on the Asc.

Just general compatibility, Pisces & Cancer are the best. Virgos are way cool.

Leo the worst.. but we lasted four years on a roller coaster of passion.. man.. but with Leo on my Dsc, I always fall for them.. seems fated.. but maybe I'm over all the drama. (Mom the Leo taught me how to behave in relationships & I'm over it Mom but I still love you!!)

Gemini I will not go anywhere near.. Once I find a girl is a Gemini, I say sorry, see you later.. Seriously.. I dated two of these two-faced people.. Really I like Gemini's because of the intellectual stimulation (My Gemini in the 5th), but definitely not compatible for anything after the physical because where are they?? .. They're fun but not to be taken seriously by Scorpios.

Aries lots of physical action then see you later.. Respect.. I like Aries a lot.. I need more of them in my life now.

Taurus.. not sure if I've dated one.. Probably didn't else they'd still be around.

Libra.. no way

Capricorn.. maybe

Virgo.. oh I got a Virgo now & she's the best.. I LOVE VIRGOS NOW.. but wait, oh, we're "just friends".. & if I come on strong, she runs away, if I leave she chases me down.. Maybe I should just walk away.

Aquarius.. My best friend is one.. would consider it if she was great & had fire & earth in her chart.

Sagittarius.. No way, I know what they do.. ;-) Great friends though, abso-<you-know>-lutely..

Scorpio.. tried this many times & we just see right through each other & the mystery is totally gone.. but Scorpios out there, you are my best friends, you understand me completely & that means everything.

Pisces.. the Best.. why did you leave me?? & where did you go??

Cancer.. I love.. I'm sorry I hurt you.

But this is only SUN signs & there's so much more to love.. In my life, each relationship, whether love or friendship, taught me something about myself.. it's all in my chart.. They're all there, inside me.. :)
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I'm Sco stellium--Sol, Mercury, Uranus(chart ruler). Aquarius Asc...Luna in Pisces.

I've never paid too much attention on astrological compatabilities back in the days but now I do. From my experience and those who I actually remember:

Leo-I had an off and on relationship with one for almost 3yrs and I must say it was kind of cool. But it didn't work out. Why? it has been said already....we were really hard on each other. Great sex but one of the things I didn't like about her was the fact that she craved for men's attention(typical Leo) way too much. She used to buy a lot of blouses with crazy cleavages because she knew her ****s were her magnets. Long story short...she cheated on me.

Not so long ago I met another Sol Leo female...but we are just friends. She's really cool and outgoing...but still a true Leo. She's a Suicide Girl model....enough said. Great friend though.

Virgo-High School friend of mine who I was attracted to and she felt the same way about me but neither of us confessed. It really s*cks because she's great. We get along pretty well so there must be something compatible with our charts. Needless to say, she still in love with me..but I feel we are a little too late. A true Virgo without being anal. Great girl, very beautiful.

Aquarius-Ohhh boy! I have two cases from this sun sign. A friend..and someone I still like. What has been written about them is sooo true. Fun to be with, outgoing, friendly, curious, off the wall/dark/cruel/slapstick humor....just the way I like it. I truly get along with Aqu people because of my Asc. Both of them are beautiful, but one thing I don't like about them is that they don't discriminate. In other words...they have no taste when it comes to choosing a guy. If it's true that most women choose the total opposite of what they consider a "dream man" magnifies to the 10th power with these two water bearers. Another bad trait is their inconsistency. But I understand why since I'm pretty good with behavioral patterns. Another thing, even though I don't like their 'emotionally detached' demeanor...I can relate to it. Obviously. But all in all, they're fun and funny.

Sages-I've met two females from this sun sign. Both of them were really beautiful but something didn't click. They just love to tell you the truth about everything, me, and others but can't take it when the tables are turned. Like true fire signs, they just go from cool to p*ssed off in 3.5 seconds. Another thing...I'd always had to go to clubs just to see them and hang around. What a surprise!...*rolleyes*.....

Cappy-My current gf is Sol, Mars Cappy.....Leo Asc but 1/2 a degree from she's both. Moon/Chiron in Taurus. Saturn in Virgo. She's the most intelligent, persistent, emotionally sane, hard working, goal-oriented, professional, understanding, supporting woman I've ever met. She has been with me all the way...good and bad times. She's bossy alright...but not in a bad way. She's fun to be with but sometimes it tends to get wayyy too serious, and that collides a little with my Asc and other factors in my chart. I could write a whole essay-like post about her but I won'

In general I'd say that.....

Leos are great for sex and fun....nothing serious unless there's some compatibility. Or if you're truly willing to ignore their attention-whorism.

Virgos are cool to be with but one thing is true about them. Beware of their bossy, picky behavior.

Aquarius-I loooooove my water bearer chicks....but they're wayyy too friendly with everyone..especially with guys. And their inconsistent, contrary, emotionally detached, and Jedi mind tricking behavior gets on my nerves. It gets ugly sometimes.

Sages-Just like a coincidence!

and have to be patient and appretiate them.

My 4 cents....:biggrin:
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I've been reading this with interest, have a Scorpio asc, moon and Gemini sun, venus and sun in 8th house. Sometimes I feel like the Scorpio is taking over my life :lol:

I've just come out of a long relationship with a Virgo, so don't know how that works. It was very strong on the communication, but didn't fulful my scorpio I think. Thankfully he wasn't picky at all, just a very good friend.

But my strong but brief romances have always been Gemini (I guess I'm trying to drag poor Gemini back out!). I'm always drawn to them.

I don't associate with other water signs at all (there's enough right here thanks), but I have recently met a couple of cancers with strong air influence, who I have found very attractive.

I have lots of friends who are Leo, but I'm not sure I could cope with their pride in a relationship. I've got a massive thing for a gemini sun, leo moon. Although I can laugh at his flirting and 'centre of attention' ways now, I suspect he could drive me to a jealous rage with his flirty nature if we were together.

Aries scare me. Too forceful.

Saggi - really hot passion, but just doesn't work. At all.

Aquarians make me howl with laughter, I love their oddball nature. But I reckon their emotional detachment wouldn't work for me in a relationship. Perhaps with a water moon though...

Capricorns are my saviours of calm. I love being around them. Never had a relationship with one though. A capricorn moon would be nice I think...

Librans? Not sure, I've a few good friends but I just don't think so.

I like Taurus a lot but have never had a relationship with one. Maybe I just need to dig a little to find their sensual earthy nature? But their 'home-making' thing would probably bore me.

I'd be interested to see what would happen with another Scorpion. I suspect power fights and the possessiveness would never sit happily with my Gemini sun :innocent:
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I'm an aquarian with scorpio rising, scorpio moon, and both mars and pluto in scorpio as well. The guy I've been dating for some time now is an aquarius like me, but on the cusp of capricorn. His capricorn side irritates the hell out of me, however, he has a lot of scorpio in his chart so I think that's why mentally, and in the bedroom, we get along so well :wink:.

I do adore leos for some reason, and aquarians. I find leos to be warm, genuine, powerful, funny and protective (in a goodway). I've had some issues with virgo and gemini males. I dated a virgo that constantly picked me apart and made me look stupid in front of other people, and the gemini guy didn't think I was honest enough or straightforward and constantly urged me to talk more; this bugged me and made me want to go further into my shell. He was super impatient as well, and made fun of my "deep" side.

I don't connect on any level with taureans from what I've experienced so far. There seems to be a huge brick wall.


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I'm an aquarian with scorpio rising, scorpio moon, and both mars and pluto in scorpio as well.

That's awesome. I am a Scorpio with Aquarius Rising & Moon in Scorpio.

I love Aquarians but I'd only have them as friends. I can't ever imagine getting one to submit to me. The one I was recently seeing said we're just friends & dated other guys. That's unacceptable. It destroyed me.

But there was more to it than just the Sun sign.
am a 'real' scorpio i guess??? sun, moon, mercure, asc neptune, all joined together in conjunction in scorpio??
haha, had 3 divorces: one libra man, one aquarius sun/virgo asc man, one aries sun/virgo asc.
another thing: ever heard of the constellation: snakeholder? (ophiuchus in latin)
Ophiuchus is not included in standard astrological zodiacs, which divide the ecliptic into abstract 30-degree segments (implying exactly 12 signs) rather than using the physical constellations. However, a few astrologers using a sidereal zodiac use it as a zodiacal sign.
it is the first part of november scorpios whom might be different then the rest of the scorpios, no stingin, no revenge, no jealousy, softer, friendly,
I observed this with people born in first 10 degrees of scorpion, that they highly sensitive, to the extend of clearvoyance, and more softer then the rest of scorpio

also: a relation = 2 people, so why just looking to asc and sun? i always look for the interaction between them to all aspects they make towards one another radix
and always make a combine and composite horoscope too, that way you can see why they attracted to eachother, and why they are together, what reason this relationship has for them, also how they work it out.

one person with fixed signs can easily understand another one with also lot of fixed signs in his chart
but that doesnt give a guaranty for a happy relationship..... there is no guaranty for that at all

My experience as scorpio is now: the best lover is a scorpio for a scorpio, lol,
I'm a Sagi rising and I need lots of freedom. I love Scorpios as friends, but as lovers they suffocate me :) I forgot my ex husband is a Scorpio rising now that I look back at his chart.
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yes, you are right, lot of people thinking that loving someone is to own them
it is a pitty, true love isnt sufficating at all, it gives the partners opportunity to grow in possiitive way, without any demandings or ownership
think not only scorpios need to learn that lesson about what true love is
Yes, it's true, we detach emotionally and then make a sudden move and just leave. As far as I'm concerned, I always gave plenty of signs that something was wrong in the relationship. If the other would have paied attention, he would understand that things are not ok. The problem is I stay involved till the last moment, so the partner always thinks I'm so inlove with him that there's no chance I would go. Which is half way true. I just fall out of love very quick when I understand that it's not worth it.

I'm not sure all scorpios are like that. I also have uranus conjunct the ascendant, so that could influence my sudden changes as well

This is so true
My 7th harmonics has Venus in Sagittarius in the 10th :tongue:.

MD could you please expand on using the 7th harmonic chart for Venus' purposes ......

After reading your post, I checked my 7th harmonic Venus (in Pisces .... and thats the exact type of partner I'm drawn to!)
i noticed that scoprios usually leave the relationship emotionally before they technically break up, so when they do it seems to catch the partner off guard & they move on almost immediately afterward. do you scorpios notice you do this?

Yes. I have Scorpio Asc. I was in a relationship for several years but it had been dead to me long before it ended, so getting over it was much easier than I thought it was going to be. She was a Taurus with Sag Asc and lots of fire. We were way too different.

I personally tend to be, though not always, attracted to watery people for intimate relationships. I tend to attract Taureans, which makes sense, but I find that I prefer them as friends. In fact, pretty much all of my friends, or people I've really cared for on a platonic level, are Sun Taureans. It's strange.
Personally as a scorpio .. I LOVE GOATS! they tend to have dry wicked sense of humor and dont trust people a lot just like scorpions. so it is all good
I am not a Scorpio but do have strong Pluto and Scorpio energy in my horoscope...

The people with whom I have (or have had) the closest relationships with always seem to have prominent Scorpio, Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Venus (Taurus/Libra), Leo, Virgo and Pisces present in their horoscopes (Aquarius too but not as strong as the others) - via Sun, Moon, ASC or MC placements. Or, the rulers of these signs either were in prominent houses or strongly aspecting the lights. Some examples include the following:

1. Aries Sun + Pisces Moon + Libra ASC

2. Leo Sun (Pluto conjunct Sun; Moon & Mars parallel Sun) + Libra Moon + Virgo ASC (Saturn and Mercury in 1st house)

3. Pisces Sun (Mars conjunct Sun) + Virgo Moon + Cancer ASC (Pluto out-of-orb and in 1st house)

4. Capricorn Sun + Scorpio Moon + Scorpio ASC

5. Cancer Sun + Scorpio Moon conjunct Pluto in 1st house + Libra ASC (28* degree) + Mars conjunct MC (in Leo)

6. Leo Sun + Aquarius Moon + Scorpio ASC (Pluto in 1st house)

7. Cancer Sun + Libra Moon + Libra ASC (Pluto prominent on ASC angle in

8. Cancer Sun + Aries Moon + Capricorn ASC (Scorpio MC, Pluto in 10th - in Scorpio)


9. Cancer Sun + Capricorn Moon + Scorpio ASC (Venus parallel MC; MC in Leo)

10. Aquarius Sun + Capricorn Moon + Scorpio ASC (deceased)

11. Taurus Sun + Cancer Moon + Scorpio ASC (deceased)

Others (used to be close very close to):

12. Leo Sun + Virgo Moon (conjunct Pluto and Venus) + Sag ASC (Pluto and Mars parallel and aligned to both ASC/DSC)

13. Aries Sun + Libra Moon + Pisces ASC

All of the above pertain to close friendships and people I get along very well with

Intimate relationships have been with:

Leo Sun + Scorpio Moon + Leo ASC
Scorpio Sun + Capricorn Moon + Scorpio ASC
Capricorn Sun + Scorpio Moon + Leo ASC
Leo Sun + Aries Moon + Capricorn ASC
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Hi! I'm a sun sign scorpio,mercury in scorpio, mars in scorpio,uranus in scorpio, nn in scorpio,juno in scorpio person

I've always, for some reason, been attracted to fire signs that are mixed with water in their chart. Which seems odd to me because I have Juno in scorpio,but it is in my 5th house.

Anyway,I'm attracted to other scorpio's I've only been in a relationship with one in my life for some reason and there wasn't enough of a spark.
I have never gotten along with cancer men,but I do get along with some Pisces. I've never dated a virgo that I know of. I dated a capricorn man once and he got on my nerves. I've never dated a Taurus man because the one's I knew were too bossy and material oriented. I've dated an Aries guy before and we got along fairly well. I've also dated a leo before,but there was too much of a power struggle, lots of sexual attraction,but it can't all be sex, can it? I am now married to a man who is an Aries-Leo-Leo with a grand trine in fire and his sun in the 8th house. Kind of ironic huh?
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