I'm Sco stellium--Sol, Mercury, Uranus(chart ruler). Aquarius Asc...Luna in Pisces.
I've never paid too much attention on astrological compatabilities back in the days but now I do. From my experience and those who I actually remember:
Leo-I had an off and on relationship with one for almost 3yrs and I must say it was kind of cool. But it didn't work out. Why? it has been said already....we were really hard on each other. Great sex but one of the things I didn't like about her was the fact that she craved for men's attention(typical Leo) way too much. She used to buy a lot of blouses with crazy cleavages because she knew her ****s were her magnets. Long story short...she cheated on me.
Not so long ago I met another Sol Leo female...but we are just friends. She's really cool and outgoing...but still a true Leo. She's a Suicide Girl model....enough said. Great friend though.
Virgo-High School friend of mine who I was attracted to and she felt the same way about me but neither of us confessed. It really s*cks because she's great. We get along pretty well so there must be something compatible with our charts. Needless to say, she still in love with me..but I feel we are a little too late. A true Virgo without being anal. Great girl, very beautiful.
Aquarius-Ohhh boy! I have two cases from this sun sign. A friend..and someone I still like. What has been written about them is sooo true. Fun to be with, outgoing, friendly, curious, off the wall/dark/cruel/slapstick humor....just the way I like it. I truly get along with Aqu people because of my Asc. Both of them are beautiful, but one thing I don't like about them is that they don't discriminate. In other words...they have no taste when it comes to choosing a guy. If it's true that most women choose the total opposite of what they consider a "dream man"....it magnifies to the 10th power with these two water bearers. Another bad trait is their inconsistency. But I understand why since I'm pretty good with behavioral patterns. Another thing, even though I don't like their 'emotionally detached' demeanor...I can relate to it. Obviously. But all in all, they're fun and funny.
Sages-I've met two females from this sun sign. Both of them were really beautiful but something didn't click. They just love to tell you the truth about everything, me, and others but can't take it when the tables are turned. Like true fire signs, they just go from cool to p*ssed off in 3.5 seconds. Another thing...I'd always had to go to clubs just to see them and hang around. What a surprise!...*rolleyes*.....
Cappy-My current gf is Sol, Mars Cappy.....Leo Asc but 1/2 a degree from Virgo...so she's both. Moon/Chiron in Taurus. Saturn in Virgo. She's the most intelligent, persistent, emotionally sane, hard working, goal-oriented, professional, understanding, supporting woman I've ever met. She has been with me all the way...good and bad times. She's bossy alright...but not in a bad way. She's fun to be with but sometimes it tends to get wayyy too serious, and that collides a little with my Asc and other factors in my chart. I could write a whole essay-like post about her but I won't....lol.
In general I'd say that.....
Leos are great for sex and fun....nothing serious unless there's some compatibility. Or if you're truly willing to ignore their attention-whorism.
Virgos are cool to be with but one thing is true about them. Beware of their bossy, picky behavior.
Aquarius-I loooooove my water bearer chicks....but they're wayyy too friendly with everyone..especially with guys. And their inconsistent, contrary, emotionally detached, and Jedi mind tricking behavior gets on my nerves. It gets ugly sometimes.
Sages-Just like Leos.....wow...what a coincidence!
and Cappys.....you have to be patient and appretiate them.
My 4 cents....