Forecast For 2012

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Forecast For 2012
Astrology Versus The Popular Culture Of Fear

By Theodore White; judicial Astrolog.S
October 2009

Over the course of several months I've received many emails from people asking me about the doomsday scenario painted by popular culture astrology and those in the mainstream media about the "end of the world" that they say is coming on December 21, 2012.

While reminding anyone who asked that the end of the world certainly will not occur on that date, it still amazes me to no end how many people continue to believe - and fear - the year of 2012 as the Apocalypse.

Astrologers will be busy people in the years 2010, 2011 and 2012 as the public's fear levels rise due to unsubstantiated rumors, television shows mixing a patchwork of metaphysics with biblical prophecies and astrology to build a case for the end on the world on one day without having even the most basic understanding of Mayan mundane astrology, their astronomic calendar, or even the calendar of the modern astronomical age.

An Associated Press article dated October 11th zeros in on much of the popular culture fear surrounding the Mayan Calendar, and the year 2012 -

MEXICO CITY – "Apolinario Chile Pixtun is tired of being bombarded with frantic questions about the Mayan calendar supposedly "running out" on Dec. 21, 2012. After all, it's not the end of the world.

Or is it?

Definitely not, the Mayan Indian elder insists. "I came back from England last year and, man, they had me fed up with this stuff."

It can only get worse for him. Next month Hollywood's "2012" opens in cinemas, featuring earthquakes, meteor showers and a tsunami dumping an aircraft carrier on the White House.

At Cornell University, Ann Martin, who runs the "Curious? Ask an Astronomer" Web site, says people are scared.

"It's too bad that we're getting e-mails from fourth-graders who are saying that they're too young to die," Martin said. "We had a mother of two young children who was afraid she wouldn't live to see them grow up."

Chile Pixtun, a Guatemalan, says the doomsday theories spring from Western, not Mayan ideas.

A significant time period for the Mayas does end on the date, and enthusiasts have found a series of astronomical alignments they say coincide in 2012, including one that happens roughly only once every 25,800 years.

But most archaeologists, astronomers and Maya say the only thing likely to hit Earth is a meteor shower of New Age philosophy, pop astronomy, Internet doomsday rumors and TV specials such as one on the History Channel which mixes "predictions" from Nostradamus and the Mayas and asks: "Is 2012 the year the cosmic clock finally winds down to zero days, zero hope?"

For more, see -

One can see such mass fear building such as in this video here -

See -

Though our Sun will rise on December 21, 2012, on the winter solstice at 0-Capricorn, and be situated at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. This does not mean that the world is coming to an end.

Yet, all over the Internet, and on popular culture television shows, we continue to see a series of patchwork "doomsday scenarios" created; mixing confusing and error-filled astrology, Nostradamus, the Mayan Calendar and "quoting" biblical prophecies as pointing to one single date - that of December 21, 2012.

In reviewing the transits of that day not much stand outs other than two Yod configurations which I have interpreted as not pointing to the "end of the world" - but to the "end of the rumors of the end of the world."

Actually, this chart for this day is quite favorable, as there are not too many hard aspects and the elements of earth, fire, air and water are nicely balanced.

For those not familiar with what a "YOD" means. It is called in mundane astrology, "The Finger of God." Basically, a Yod is constructed by a sextile aspect between two planets that are 60-degrees apart - with both planets in a 150-degree aspect called a quincux to third planet - forming what appears to be a "finger" pointing to the single third planet from the other two planetary bodies.
There are deeper mystical connections to the Yod in theological astrology that originated with Hebrew mysticism however, for the sake of length, I will not go into that here. For more,

See -

The month leading up to December 2012, shows that on November 28, 2012, there is a strong Yod involving Mars/Pluto in Capricorn conjoined by sextile aspect to Venus/Saturn in Scorpio - and all four planets pointing to Jupiter, retrograde in Gemini.

This shows that the public mania in the run up to mid-December 2012 consists of true fear, scare tactics, rumors, and acts of suicides based on a lie that is being promoted by the Internet popular culture of fear, media scare tactics and pronouncements of the "end of the world" and most dangerous of all - plain, unfettered, and total ignorance.

Making matters worse, and emotions at a fever high pitch, is that November 28, 2012 is the start of a Full Moon Week in Gemini - adding to mass actions, cult-like gatherings, and exploitation of many people who truly believe that the world is going to end in less than a month from that date.

This period, from November 28, 2012 to December 21, 2012, is therefore the most dangerous period for impulsive actions based on wild rumors and ignorance. It is important to remember that before this time to talk and help educate others - especially the young and impressionable, to educate them against believing what they read, see and hear on the Internet, television and on Twitter about the Mayan Calendar.

Expect lots of chatter, rumors (Gemini) and running around clueless leading up to this date in December 2012; with news shows headlining "something" is supposed to happen - scaring the daylights out of tens of millions of people who will run on the stores, clearing out shelves; driving dangerously on the streets chatting mindlessly on cellphones, while others decide this is a time to get away with just about anything that causes trouble and scares even more people.

I've seen it - and it is not only very shameful, but is a total mess.

Just like the Y2K scare of 1999 - even those who considered themselves to be "intelligent" went about preparing furiously for the crash of all civilization on December 31, 1999, while many - just think of it - were wholly and totally unprepared for the events of September 2001.

Back to December 21, 2012:

The day before the winter solstice - Thursday, December 20, 2012, is a mess. The transiting Moon in Aries is conjoined to Uranus in Aries and is square to the transiting Sun about to enter Capricorn. There are multiple accidents on this day, mainly to the head and eyes (Aries) due to the conjunction of Moon to Uranus in Aries.

This comes from the mindless rushing around from place to place caused by the public mania that has built up over the years, and especially since late November. That whole period - late November to December 22, 2012 is a very good time to stay off the roads. Talk about car insurance rates jumping! Jeez.

Of the two main Yods on that "fateful Friday," of December 21, 2012, the first Yod is formed from a sextile aspect between Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn pointing to Jupiter in Gemini (the public) - this one is showing the general world's fear of this date in December 2012.

Saturn shows the talk/rumors the Mayan calendar and of dark things (Scorpio) and Pluto is the power-structure (Capricorn) concern over the popular fears pointing to the release point of Jupiter, retrograde in Gemini (the masses.)

The second Yod is also worrisome because this one feeds off the first, but is a reactionary response that can hurt others. This Yod has the North Lunar Node in Scorpio in sextile aspect to Mars in Capricorn - both pointing to Ceres, retrograde in Gemini (the public's children.) The kids are scared and a rumor among the young - especially teenagers peaks during this period from late November to mid-December 2012.

The Lunar Node in Scorpio reinforces all the talk/rumors of dark things (popular talk of the end of the world) and Mars is a control mechanism in Capricorn seeking to "make plans" just in case "something happens" - both point to Ceres, indicating the young, who have been scared of what is going to happen because they have been told by friends, the media, etc., to "expect something bad to happen on December 21, 2012..."

The effects are a lot of people doing the Y2K run around all over again. Then, afterward, being felt let down by others who talked Dec. 21, 2012 to death - mostly online and on TV - and then looking to find blame for being so gullible.

Because both Yods point to tropical Gemini, you can expect the popular culture shows before that time in December 2012 to continue to hype that time - but nothing will happen as they say it will according to my calculations. What is important is to look several months earlier, the months of May and June 2012.

As for the "end of the world" on December 21, 2012: Astrology does not work this way. The important transits are signs of things to come - and these are numerous events that are connected to geographic regions by transits, but not for the entire planet on one single day.

This is in accordance with the principles of mundane astrology. Only God himself knows when Judgment Day will occur, but few astrologers may or may not have knowledge of the times and seasons nearer to that time. However, according to my calculations the end of the world will not happen on December 21, 2012.

My concern for December 2012 is that some nutty and very badly ill-informed people will attempt to "make something" happen when the date comes and passes by, since the transits after this time are quite strong going into late 2013, and 2014.

The real issues are much deeper, broader, and longer-range, and stem from the configurations highlighting most of the 2010s - however, earlier in 2012 (spring, summer & autumn) there will be problems associated with influenza, that will make 2012 remarkable for the world. More on this below in my forecast...

However, by December of that year, and especially on Friday, Dec. 21, all that will happen is a lot of fearful expectations for something - anything - to happen - the expectation itself is the real "event" in my estimation.

However, most of this shows a lot of worry evaporating and people calling one another names on Internet boards, discussion groups after the media hypes everything and then turns and says,

"See - nothing happened. It was all bunk."

The huge let down is followed by massive Internet postings with acerbic and blaming comments found everywhere - particularly on the day after, on Saturday, December 22, 2012. Fathers especially are pissed off - Mars in Capricorn squares the Moon in Aries that day. Many women are ticked off at some of their "astrologers" (Venus opposed to Jupiter on that day) who perpetuated the December 21, 2012 myth of the end of the world.

You see - it ruined the Christmas feel for much of the month of December, which, by the way, is just three days away from Dec. 21-22, 2012.

All that wild talk about the "end of the world" with the fear associated with it - and many people simply forgot about Christmas.

"Why buy gifts if the world is going to end anyway?"

What a total, unforgiving, waste of time mess.

Watch and see for yourself. However, when the world does not come to an end on December 21, 2012, most people will close their minds once again to the real astrological events to come during the rest of the decade, particularly the events after the total eclipse of the Sun over the U.S. in August 2017, but then again, that's for a later mundane forecast.

August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse -

A Mundane Look at The Year 2012

What stands out about this year is the fact that major celestial transits do take place in 2012 - continuing the strong world transits in the world since 2008. The Cardinal Crisis transits of mid-summer 2010 extend into the early months of 2011.

As the transiting Lunar Nodes wind down on the Capricorn/Cancer axis to enter the Sagittarius/Gemini axis in March 2011 we see that transiting Uranus ends its 84-year cycle since 1927-28 and begins a new orbital period by entering 0-Aries on March 11-12, 2011.

The year 2011 is mainly a positive year, especially for the United States, which had been for a decade mired by internal domestic conflicts along with international condemnation since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

I expect popular culture fear to begin becoming more pronounced with two lunar eclipses: one on June 15, 2011 at 24-Sagittarius and the second lunar eclipse of the year on December 10, 2011 at 18-Gemini. These eclipses point to global events that will take place in the spring months of 2012.

The Venus Transit of May/June 2012

If Florence was in the grip of an epidemic of colds, coughs and fevers, astrologers declared that it was caused by the influence of an unusual conjunction of planets. This sickness . . . came gradually to be known as "influenza."

- Chronicles of a Florentine Family 1200-1470.
Time, June 24, 1957, pg. 80

While most of the media's attention is on December 2012, I have been looking deeply into the coming Venus transit of May/June 2012. It is here that I believe the concern should be, and not on December 2012. I will explain my reasons why.

The major celestial happening in 2012 will occur in May & June 2012, with the Venus Transit across the face of the Sun. The last transit was in June 2004.

This transit of Venus in June 2012 will also take place on Venus' southern node, and it is the coming 2012 Venus Transit that, according to my mundane judgment points to a very serious global health emergency - a pandemic - which is most likely the return and another mutation of the H1N1 virus - this time, much more expansive than the 2009 outbreak. More on this below.

This transit of Venus begins as Venus stations retrograde at 23-degrees of tropical Gemini on May 15, 2012 with Venus crossing the face of the Sun on June 6, 2012. The sidereal position will be at 20-degrees of the horns of the Bull, Taurus, in early June 2012.

The Sidereal astrologer Nick Anthony Fiorenza says that,

"The retrogrades of 2004 and 2012 occur in the second half of sidereal Taurus--in the "horns of the bull." El Nath is the north horn and Al Hecka is the south horn. The 2004 / 2012 retrogrades begin just under Auriga (the charioteer) and under the auspices of Capella, the messenger of light, and just under Al Nath, the north horn.

The retrogrades complete over Aldebaran and Hyades. Aldebaran is the "Eye of the Bull" marking the center (~15°) of sidereal Taurus. The "Gate of Man" of the Holy Cross is also shown. It lies at 5° sidereal Gemini, at the feet of the Twins, Pollux and Castor. The Twins stand upon the galactic equator."

"Venus begins its retrograde on May 15 2012 conjoined El Nath and Al Hecka (the horns of the Bull) and Meissa (the head of Orion) and the belt of Orion.

The Transit occurs on June 6, 2012 conjoined Kursa of Eridanus (when Venus crosses the ecliptic). The retrograde completes on June 27, 2012 in the Hyades, which is a stellar asterism that lies just before Aldebaran (the Eye of the Bull). Aldebaran marks the center of the sidereal sign of Taurus."

For more of Fiorenza's insight on the Venus Transit of 2012, see -

Global Health Concerns

It is my belief that there will be another major global pandemic in the spring, summer, and autumn months of 2012.

The best way to protect against this coming pandemic is to use the knowledge of astrological medicine, which leads to the application of Silver in protecting yourself and your loved ones from infection while at the same time powerfully strengthening the immune system.

Astrologers of yore discovered how silver applied to human maladies not only heals, but then protects a person from further sickness.

See -

I also suggest that those reading this take steps to protect themselves, and their families by countering this pandemic with the use of Colloidal Silver:

See -

See -

And -

At this time, most people know of the global pandemic of the H1N1 virus, which spread like wildfire throughout the world in March 2009, continuing to infect millions of people into the autumn of 2009.

In my practice of astrobiology, a sub-set natural astrology that studies the effects of planetary transits on the health of populations, it has been observed that plagues are associated with the transits and inferior conjunctions of Venus to the Sun -

See -

See -

1918 Global Influenza/Venus -
So, what we have here is a mundane forecast, and a warning to take care of one's immune system. This comes at a good time since many people are still very much unhealthy, overweight, and eating much too much junk food that diseases just love as it breaks down our natural defenses that much more for them to try to sicken, and, if possible, to kill us.

Remember that the H1N1 is still out there, and though in a weakened form, it still has made, and continues to make many people sick, and has also continued to take lives.

This year, next year of 2010, and 2011 is an excellent time to build up your immune systems, those of your families, and pets, and to be ready - not solely for the date of the so-called "end of the world" on December 21, 2012, but for that earlier spring, summer and autumn months of 2012.

Forewarned is very much indeed forearmed. I believe in the power of foreknowledge, and to give that to human beings who can choose their own destiny - not the other way around. Fear is for suckers. But we must battle ignorance at every turn.

The stars incline, but they do not compel. We, human beings, are in control, and foreknowledge is power. Use that power yourself to fight ignorance - especially the ignorance about December 21, 2012.

A wise American president once said, "There's nothing to fear except fear itself."

Can you dig it?

Theodore White; judicial Astrolog.S
Last edited:
Forecast For 2012
Astrology Versus The Popular Culture Of Fear

By Theodore White; judicial Astrolog.S
October 2009

Over the course of several months I've received many emails from people asking me about the doomsday scenario painted by popular culture astrology and those in the mainstream media about the "end of the world" that they say is coming on December 21, 2012.

While reminding anyone who asked that the end of the world certainly will not occur on that date, it still amazes me to no end how many people continue to believe - and fear - the year of 2012 as the Apocalypse.

Astrologers will be busy people in the years 2010, 2011 and 2012 as the public's fear levels rise due to unsubstantiated rumors, television shows mixing a patchwork of metaphysics with biblical prophecies and astrology to build a case for the end on the world on one day without having even the most basic understanding of Mayan mundane astrology, their astronomic calendar, or even the calendar of the modern astronomical age.

An Associated Press article dated October 11th zeros in on much of the popular culture fear surrounding the Mayan Calendar, and the year 2012 -

MEXICO CITY – "Apolinario Chile Pixtun is tired of being bombarded with frantic questions about the Mayan calendar supposedly "running out" on Dec. 21, 2012. After all, it's not the end of the world.

Or is it?

Definitely not, the Mayan Indian elder insists. "I came back from England last year and, man, they had me fed up with this stuff."

It can only get worse for him. Next month Hollywood's "2012" opens in cinemas, featuring earthquakes, meteor showers and a tsunami dumping an aircraft carrier on the White House.

At Cornell University, Ann Martin, who runs the "Curious? Ask an Astronomer" Web site, says people are scared.

"It's too bad that we're getting e-mails from fourth-graders who are saying that they're too young to die," Martin said. "We had a mother of two young children who was afraid she wouldn't live to see them grow up."

Chile Pixtun, a Guatemalan, says the doomsday theories spring from Western, not Mayan ideas.

A significant time period for the Mayas does end on the date, and enthusiasts have found a series of astronomical alignments they say coincide in 2012, including one that happens roughly only once every 25,800 years.

But most archaeologists, astronomers and Maya say the only thing likely to hit Earth is a meteor shower of New Age philosophy, pop astronomy, Internet doomsday rumors and TV specials such as one on the History Channel which mixes "predictions" from Nostradamus and the Mayas and asks: "Is 2012 the year the cosmic clock finally winds down to zero days, zero hope?"

For more, see -

One can see such mass fear building such as in this video here -

See -

Though our Sun will rise on December 21, 2012, on the winter solstice at 0-Capricorn, and be situated at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. This does not mean that the world is coming to an end.

Yet, all over the Internet, and on popular culture television shows, we continue to see a series of patchwork "doomsday scenarios" created; mixing confusing and error-filled astrology, Nostradamus, the Mayan Calendar and "quoting" biblical prophecies as pointing to one single date - that of December 21, 2012.

In reviewing the transits of that day not much stand outs other than two Yod configurations which I have interpreted as not pointing to the "end of the world" - but to the "end of the rumors of the end of the world."

Actually, this chart for this day is quite favorable, as there are not too many hard aspects and the elements of earth, fire, air and water are nicely balanced.

For those not familiar with what a "YOD" means. It is called in mundane astrology, "The Finger of God." Basically, a Yod is constructed by a sextile aspect between two planets that are 60-degrees apart - with both planets in a 150-degree aspect called a quincux to third planet - forming what appears to be a "finger" pointing to the single third planet from the other two planetary bodies.
There are deeper mystical connections to the Yod in theological astrology that originated with Hebrew mysticism however, for the sake of length, I will not go into that here. For more,

See -

The month leading up to December 2012, shows that on November 28, 2012, there is a strong Yod involving Mars/Pluto in Capricorn conjoined by sextile aspect to Venus/Saturn in Scorpio - and all four planets pointing to Jupiter, retrograde in Gemini.

This shows that the public mania in the run up to mid-December 2012 consists of true fear, scare tactics, rumors, and acts of suicides based on a lie that is being promoted by the Internet popular culture of fear, media scare tactics and pronouncements of the "end of the world" and most dangerous of all - plain, unfettered, and total ignorance.

Making matters worse, and emotions at a fever high pitch, is that November 28, 2012 is the start of a Full Moon Week in Gemini - adding to mass actions, cult-like gatherings, and exploitation of many people who truly believe that the world is going to end in less than a month from that date.

This period, from November 28, 2012 to December 21, 2012, is therefore the most dangerous period for impulsive actions based on wild rumors and ignorance. It is important to remember that before this time to talk and help educate others - especially the young and impressionable, to educate them against believing what they read, see and hear on the Internet, television and on Twitter about the Mayan Calendar.

Expect lots of chatter, rumors (Gemini) and running around clueless leading up to this date in December 2012; with news shows headlining "something" is supposed to happen - scaring the daylights out of tens of millions of people who will run on the stores, clearing out shelves; driving dangerously on the streets chatting mindlessly on cellphones, while others decide this is a time to get away with just about anything that causes trouble and scares even more people.

I've seen it - and it is not only very shameful, but is a total mess.

Just like the Y2K scare of 1999 - even those who considered themselves to be "intelligent" went about preparing furiously for the crash of all civilization on December 31, 1999, while many - just think of it - were wholly and totally unprepared for the events of September 2001.

Back to December 21, 2012:

The day before the winter solstice - Thursday, December 20, 2012, is a mess. The transiting Moon in Aries is conjoined to Uranus in Aries and is square to the transiting Sun about to enter Capricorn. There are multiple accidents on this day, mainly to the head and eyes (Aries) due to the conjunction of Moon to Uranus in Aries.

This comes from the mindless rushing around from place to place caused by the public mania that has built up over the years, and especially since late November. That whole period - late November to December 22, 2012 is a very good time to stay off the roads. Talk about car insurance rates jumping! Jeez.

Of the two main Yods on that "fateful Friday," of December 21, 2012, the first Yod is formed from a sextile aspect between Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn pointing to Jupiter in Gemini (the public) - this one is showing the general world's fear of this date in December 2012.

Saturn shows the talk/rumors the Mayan calendar and of dark things (Scorpio) and Pluto is the power-structure (Capricorn) concern over the popular fears pointing to the release point of Jupiter, retrograde in Gemini (the masses.)

The second Yod is also worrisome because this one feeds off the first, but is a reactionary response that can hurt others. This Yod has the North Lunar Node in Scorpio in sextile aspect to Mars in Capricorn - both pointing to Ceres, retrograde in Gemini (the public's children.) The kids are scared and a rumor among the young - especially teenagers peaks during this period from late November to mid-December 2012.

The Lunar Node in Scorpio reinforces all the talk/rumors of dark things (popular talk of the end of the world) and Mars is a control mechanism in Capricorn seeking to "make plans" just in case "something happens" - both point to Ceres, indicating the young, who have been scared of what is going to happen because they have been told by friends, the media, etc., to "expect something bad to happen on December 21, 2012..."

The effects are a lot of people doing the Y2K run around all over again. Then, afterward, being felt let down by others who talked Dec. 21, 2012 to death - mostly online and on TV - and then looking to find blame for being so gullible.

Because both Yods point to tropical Gemini, you can expect the popular culture shows before that time in December 2012 to continue to hype that time - but nothing will happen as they say it will according to my calculations. What is important is to look several months earlier, the months of May and June 2012.

As for the "end of the world" on December 21, 2012: Astrology does not work this way. The important transits are signs of things to come - and these are numerous events that are connected to geographic regions by transits, but not for the entire planet on one single day.

This is in accordance with the principles of mundane astrology. Only God himself knows when Judgment Day will occur, but few astrologers may or may not have knowledge of the times and seasons nearer to that time. However, according to my calculations the end of the world will not happen on December 21, 2012.

My concern for December 2012 is that some nutty and very badly ill-informed people will attempt to "make something" happen when the date comes and passes by, since the transits after this time are quite strong going into late 2013, and 2014.

The real issues are much deeper, broader, and longer-range, and stem from the configurations highlighting most of the 2010s - however, earlier in 2012 (spring, summer & autumn) there will be problems associated with influenza, that will make 2012 remarkable for the world. More on this below in my forecast...

However, by December of that year, and especially on Friday, Dec. 21, all that will happen is a lot of fearful expectations for something - anything - to happen - the expectation itself is the real "event" in my estimation.

However, most of this shows a lot of worry evaporating and people calling one another names on Internet boards, discussion groups after the media hypes everything and then turns and says,

"See - nothing happened. It was all bunk."

The huge let down is followed by massive Internet postings with acerbic and blaming comments found everywhere - particularly on the day after, on Saturday, December 22, 2012. Fathers especially are pissed off - Mars in Capricorn squares the Moon in Aries that day. Many women are ticked off at some of their "astrologers" (Venus opposed to Jupiter on that day) who perpetuated the December 21, 2012 myth of the end of the world.

You see - it ruined the Christmas feel for much of the month of December, which, by the way, is just three days away from Dec. 21-22, 2012.

All that wild talk about the "end of the world" with the fear associated with it - and many people simply forgot about Christmas.

"Why buy gifts if the world is going to end anyway?"

What a total, unforgiving, waste of time mess.

Watch and see for yourself. However, when the world does not come to an end on December 21, 2012, most people will close their minds once again to the real astrological events to come during the rest of the decade, particularly the events after the total eclipse of the Sun over the U.S. in August 2017, but then again, that's for a later mundane forecast.

August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse -

A Mundane Look at The Year 2012

What stands out about this year is the fact that major celestial transits do take place in 2012 - continuing the strong world transits in the world since 2008. The Cardinal Crisis transits of mid-summer 2010 extend into the early months of 2011.

As the transiting Lunar Nodes wind down on the Capricorn/Cancer axis to enter the Sagittarius/Gemini axis in March 2011 we see that transiting Uranus ends its 84-year cycle since 1927-28 and begins a new orbital period by entering 0-Aries on March 11-12, 2011.

The year 2011 is mainly a positive year, especially for the United States, which had been for a decade mired by internal domestic conflicts along with international condemnation since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

I expect popular culture fear to begin becoming more pronounced with two lunar eclipses: one on June 15, 2011 at 24-Sagittarius and the second lunar eclipse of the year on December 10, 2011 at 18-Gemini. These eclipses point to global events that will take place in the spring months of 2012.

The Venus Transit of May/June 2012

If Florence was in the grip of an epidemic of colds, coughs and fevers, astrologers declared that it was caused by the influence of an unusual conjunction of planets. This sickness . . . came gradually to be known as "influenza."

- Chronicles of a Florentine Family 1200-1470.
Time, June 24, 1957, pg. 80

While most of the media's attention is on December 2012, I have been looking deeply into the coming Venus transit of May/June 2012. It is here that I believe the concern should be, and not on December 2012. I will explain my reasons why.

The major celestial happening in 2012 will occur in May & June 2012, with the Venus Transit across the face of the Sun. The last transit was in June 2004.

This transit of Venus in June 2012 will also take place on Venus' southern node, and it is the coming 2012 Venus Transit that, according to my mundane judgment points to a very serious global health emergency - a pandemic - which is most likely the return and another mutation of the H1N1 virus - this time, much more expansive than the 2009 outbreak. More on this below.

This transit of Venus begins as Venus stations retrograde at 23-degrees of tropical Gemini on May 15, 2012 with Venus crossing the face of the Sun on June 6, 2012. The sidereal position will be at 20-degrees of the horns of the Bull, Taurus, in early June 2012.

The Sidereal astrologer Nick Anthony Fiorenza says that,

"The retrogrades of 2004 and 2012 occur in the second half of sidereal Taurus--in the "horns of the bull." El Nath is the north horn and Al Hecka is the south horn. The 2004 / 2012 retrogrades begin just under Auriga (the charioteer) and under the auspices of Capella, the messenger of light, and just under Al Nath, the north horn.

The retrogrades complete over Aldebaran and Hyades. Aldebaran is the "Eye of the Bull" marking the center (~15°) of sidereal Taurus. The "Gate of Man" of the Holy Cross is also shown. It lies at 5° sidereal Gemini, at the feet of the Twins, Pollux and Castor. The Twins stand upon the galactic equator."

"Venus begins its retrograde on May 15 2012 conjoined El Nath and Al Hecka (the horns of the Bull) and Meissa (the head of Orion) and the belt of Orion.

The Transit occurs on June 6, 2012 conjoined Kursa of Eridanus (when Venus crosses the ecliptic). The retrograde completes on June 27, 2012 in the Hyades, which is a stellar asterism that lies just before Aldebaran (the Eye of the Bull). Aldebaran marks the center of the sidereal sign of Taurus."

For more of Fiorenza's insight on the Venus Transit of 2012, see -

Global Health Concerns

It is my belief that there will be another major global pandemic in the spring, summer, and autumn months of 2012.

The best way to protect against this coming pandemic is to use the knowledge of astrological medicine, which leads to the application of Silver in protecting yourself and your loved ones from infection while at the same time powerfully strengthening the immune system.

Astrologers of yore discovered how silver applied to human maladies not only heals, but then protects a person from further sickness.

See -

I also suggest that those reading this take steps to protect themselves, and their families by countering this pandemic with the use of Colloidal Silver:

See -

See -

And -

At this time, most people know of the global pandemic of the H1N1 virus, which spread like wildfire throughout the world in March 2009, continuing to infect millions of people into the autumn of 2009.

In my practice of astrobiology, a sub-set natural astrology that studies the effects of planetary transits on the health of populations, it has been observed that plagues are associated with the transits and inferior conjunctions of Venus to the Sun -

See -

See -

1918 Global Influenza/Venus -
So, what we have here is a mundane forecast, and a warning to take care of one's immune system. This comes at a good time since many people are still very much unhealthy, overweight, and eating much too much junk food that diseases just love as it breaks down our natural defenses that much more for them to try to sicken, and, if possible, to kill us.

Remember that the H1N1 is still out there, and though in a weakened form, it still has made, and continues to make many people sick, and has also continued to take lives.

This year, next year of 2010, and 2011 is an excellent time to build up your immune systems, those of your families, and pets, and to be ready - not solely for the date of the so-called "end of the world" on December 21, 2012, but for that earlier spring, summer and autumn months of 2012.

Forewarned is very much indeed forearmed. I believe in the power of foreknowledge, and to give that to human beings who can choose their own destiny - not the other way around. Fear is for suckers. But we must battle ignorance at every turn.

The stars incline, but they do not compel. We, human beings, are in control, and foreknowledge is power. Use that power yourself to fight ignorance - especially the ignorance about December 21, 2012.

A wise American president once said, "There's nothing to fear except fear itself."

Can you dig it?

Theodore White; judicial Astrolog.S

I can dig it, mostly because I've also studied the situation close at hand. And it was my own belief that the number "12" is representative of everything. The twelveth and final sign of the zodiac.

That which is Pisces(Neptune). Mutable and idealism. While Pisces is strong in 2011/2012, I cannot imagine death befalling us. For so long as we believe in the better ideals of our human nature.
I dig it.

This is all very interesting and worth forwarding to friends and family--especially as you say teens.

Of course now I´m worried about the influenza pandemic. Jeeze...can´t seem to get a break!

Can you see where the illness would hit hardest? Is it a worldwide thing? Any signs that would be most vulnerable?

See what you did? now I´m worried about a new doomsday!

Question is: waht do I do with the 50,000 cans of beans I´ve got stashed away in my closet!
the burning question I have is this:

if the Mayans could predict something so far in advance why could they not forecast their own demise?

I lean towards thinking that the calendar was a record of what has already happened during their particular 'end of time.' There have been many civilizations that have come and gone, not to mention the Fall of Rome and Easter Island. The jury is still out on Atlantis. In these such 'cycles' the consensus is that it was because the leaders squandered the resources of the time because of greed and stupidity; much like what is happening now. And when a civilization is so over-populated, of course there is going to be a period of unsustainability. And in the case of Rome their plight was in over-expanding in the attempt to control the world...seems like the new world order to me.

Perhaps the crazy unpredictable weather worldwide could be explained by a shift of the Earth's magnetic poles. This has already been documented following the disaster in Japan and while they have not totally reversed even a gradual shift can make an impact on the earth.

On the other hand it could be the puppet masters pulling the strings now that they have the technology to alter the weather according to their own plans. And then there are the chemtrails that are contributing to ill health and erosion of the soils so that nothing grows well and we are forced to submit to the codex alimentarus. There are a lot of pans in the fire waiting to be unleashed, whether it be aliens or our own governments who seek to bring us down. Unfortunately with astrology there are so many variables to consider that it makes it difficult to to pinpoint any one specific cause. :joyful:
With the current condition of the world economy (i.e., the debt crises in Greece, Spain and now Italy; high worldwide unemployment) several people fear a repeat of the Great Depression of the 1930's occurring in 2012. Interestingly, there are some astrological similarities between Oct. 29, 1929 (the Great Wall Street crash) and the date June 11, 2012:

On June 11, 2012 Pluto (R), Uranus and Mercury are in an almost exact T-square, with Uranus incidentally about one degree conjunct the Mars - Pluto midpoint of the natal U.S. chart. [On Oct. 29, 1929 Pluto (R) was in a nearly exact square to Mercury.] So, although on June 11, Pluto (R) will be in opposition to Mercury, instead of square to it (as it was on Oct. 29, 1929), I believe that the overall configuration is worse because of the presence of the T-square that now also involves Uranus.

On both Oct. 29, 1929 and June 11, 2012 Uranus is at 8 degrees Aries.

On June 11, 2012 Mars is less than two degrees square the Sun. On Oct. 29, 1929 Mars was exactly inconjunct Jupiter. [See where the author, Mark, says "you always need to factor Mars into any economic crisis as it always functions to some extent as a triggering mechanism – inflaming a situation, adding a rash/reckless nature to the proceedings, and – particularly – injecting a sense of panic that leads to major bouts of volatility and, for the majority of traders, losses due irrational exuberance".]

In the earlier part of June 11, 2012, Jupiter is at the anaretic degree of Taurus, less than one degree away from 00 degrees 20 minutes Gemini, which is the position of the annular solar eclipse that will have occurred on May 20, 2012. So, again, the affairs of Gemini (such as commerce) may be greatly impacted (possibly triggering the Mercury-Pluto-Uranus T-square). [See also,_2012 where mention is made that "the annular phase will be visible from the Chinese coast, the south of Japan, and the western part of the United States and Canada. Tokyo will be on the central path....It will be the first central eclipse of the 21st century in the continental USA...]

So, I think June 11, 2012 may be a good candidate for a repeat of the events surrounding the Wall Street crash of Oct. 1929.

(BTW, might there be some natural disaster related to the May 20, 2012 solar eclipse that could impact Japan or the west coast of the U.S.? Note how Saturn is inconjunct the Mercury-Jupiter midpoint/conjunction in Taurus on that day.)
Or, in the third drawing, the figure with the bow and arrow may represent Pallas (as huntress) in Pisces.
Re: Lost book of Nostradamus

The three women in the next drawing could represent Lilith (with the head scarf), Fortuna [Pars Fortuna] (portrayed as a voluptuous woman/ harlot) and Ceres in the (scholarly) sign of Gemini:

Hey, You are going off of a post of someone that was banned for a very good reason. So why do you think Theo was all gloom and negative? What would he get out of it...what was the payoff????? His **** looks pretty good on paper I must say. He always did have a good line of ********. If your out there somewhere Theo come and defend your **** that you have posted.

I think we should get some other astrolgers opinions. Theo posted this when the big recession hit and he knew he could cash in on other peoples misery.
Gads....guess I swore too much in the last post....some words came out as******whoops. Didn't mean to attack anyone, just trying to get my point across. .....And if theo wants to tango with me I'm ready for that little/...whoops...*****

i think the age of aqurius is upon us , hasnt it just or about to happen? and good had enough of the nasties of pisces for a while now
may it never return until its learnt to behave oops lol

welll perhaps, but what of the fact that Neptune is returning to its own sign for an extended period after a long absence? remember that Neptune can be the harbinger of a lot of mischief as well...we can expect more floods and disasters on the sea [tidal waves included]; other associations include deceptions, secrecy, treachery, illusions, paranoia, betrayals, dissappearances, chemical toxins and the ill effects of drugs...there is considerable evidence to show that our so-called vaccinations are more sinister than we know, as part of the global plan to reduce populations...we now know the farce about the Drug Wars...who are the real drug lords? Our own government? Much suffering and sorrow can be engendered by Neptune in Pisces and often many sacrifices are also demanded of us...we are far from out of the woods yet.

consider also that Uranus has recently entered Aries so there are apt to be more open riots, uprisings and rebellion as we move closer to the brink of revolution for the sake of freedom...neither of these planets relate to peace. there have been a lot of misconceptions about the Age of Aquarius, when you consider that it is ruled by the Maker or upheaval and choas...Uranus in Pisces was just setting the stage for more choas...the problem was that we were just in denial for so long about what is really going on with the global stage.

I definitely appreciate and DIG this thread. I especially enjoyed reading and absorbing the reply post via kimbermoon.

Awesome discussion, guys! Keep the thoughts coming!

the burning question I have is this:

if the Mayans could predict something so far in advance why could they not forecast their own demise?

I lean towards thinking that the calendar was a record of what has already happened during their particular 'end of time.' There have been many civilizations that have come and gone, not to mention the Fall of Rome and Easter Island. The jury is still out on Atlantis. In these such 'cycles' the consensus is that it was because the leaders squandered the resources of the time because of greed and stupidity; much like what is happening now. And when a civilization is so over-populated, of course there is going to be a period of unsustainability. And in the case of Rome their plight was in over-expanding in the attempt to control the world...seems like the new world order to me.

Perhaps the crazy unpredictable weather worldwide could be explained by a shift of the Earth's magnetic poles. This has already been documented following the disaster in Japan and while they have not totally reversed even a gradual shift can make an impact on the earth.

On the other hand it could be the puppet masters pulling the strings now that they have the technology to alter the weather according to their own plans. And then there are the chemtrails that are contributing to ill health and erosion of the soils so that nothing grows well and we are forced to submit to the codex alimentarus. There are a lot of pans in the fire waiting to be unleashed, whether it be aliens or our own governments who seek to bring us down. Unfortunately with astrology there are so many variables to consider that it makes it difficult to to pinpoint any one specific cause. :joyful:
Theo was banned...i wouldn't take his post to heart or truth. If you have something to say about the different transits ect...that would be awesome. ..a little in put...would be nice. For me he was full of it.
Just as a footnote, transits, solar returns depends upon a nations natal chart. We are having some significant transits...mercury rx "now", then saturn and jupiter turn direct in december. Then, lets not forget the recent solar eclipse. the present time the planets are not happy.
kimbermoon: You're being too hard on Neptune. Neptune is the revealer of secrets and the bringer of balance. When your entire society is based on institutionalised inequality, Neptune will ruin your tyrannical day. It will bring the pressures of nature to bear on human society, like heat to iron in a forge, burning away impurities and re-shaping base materials into tools. We have voluntarily become fat, slow, and stupid. Our current society deserves to be destroyed and it will be. Still, you can't blame the messenger. Neptune is only a mirror that shows us how truly weak and ugly we are.

well, you could put it that way...still as we must always remember the planets are energy forces set into play at birth, and whether any one will express neutrally, positively or negatively will be determined largely by the aspects and the overall feel of the chart...Certainly Neptune in Libra with no afflicting aspects would be expressed positively through the arts: but we must rember that Neptune can also bring betrayals, secret enmity, disappointment of our ideals and secretive plots...I have long lived with my Saturn/Neptune conjunct and have personally experienced the negativities that come with it...and they have been consistent and at times have caused a severe lack of trust and faith throughout my life...plots against me have been numerous...Neptune is also square to mercury in my chart and I have often been the subject of being duped or while it is true that the planets may only be messengers, it will still influence our actions that are perceived through the soul and the subconscious...we all respond to our planetary energies in unique ways according to the imprint of our birth chart...don't forget that Neptune is also 'the messenger' of illusion, obession and compulsion, paranoia and dissapointed ideals. I'm just exanding on your quote and not disagreeing with it.
kimbermoon: Your statements are true, but I feel they should be put in a certain light. Neptune brings ideals that get disappointed because Neptune inspires a kind of imagination that surpasses one's inability to see the obvious. I find it quite common that other people will react to these ideals of mine because of their own short-comings (shown in their charts), not because of me nor Neptune. They don't see the real me. They see the role in their head that they assign to me.

It's true that the influences of Neptune must be learned like riding a bike, so nobody is good at it at first. Over time, however, it begins to become obvious that Neptune is doing nothing more than showing you the difference between illusion and reality. In fact, I'm beginning to think that a strong Neptune-like influence is necessary in order to see past the usual bull**** of daily life with other people. Without such wild, illusion-breaching influences, a person is left to think that what they see before them is real (which is pretty much never true).

This is how I think Neptune influences scientific thought: by drowning the illusions of the mundane and thereby forcing the individual to look for Truth as an anchor so as to not float away. Neptune is associated with illusion and betrayal, but is it the cause of those things? I don't think so. I think Neptune is the indicator/predictor of those things. This influence is an highly valuable force of nature within an individual.

P.S. My natal Neptune is conjunct my natal galactic centre with a separation of less than 0.03 degrees (separating).
kimbermoon: Your statements are true, but I feel they should be put in a certain light. Neptune brings ideals that get disappointed because Neptune inspires a kind of imagination that surpasses one's inability to see the obvious.

to be seen in a certain light? Through my own experiences of Neptune I can acknowledge the negative side yet still respect the positive experiences it can bring...I am referring to the delusions we can sometimes create for ourselves through the imagination, which can very often lead us the same time I honor the imagination as a necessary part of facilitating the differentiation between the Illusion and one's personal reality...but then individual realities are highly variable and that depends on a lot on our own actions and reactions...cause and effect.

In my reality, I have seen both sides of the coin regarding Neptune, which is the higher octave of Venus and in my case has the energy has finally directed me to a reconnection with the inner has helped me to regain the sense of trust, sincerity and faith that was drained out of me. My point is that we have to remember that according to the birth aspects all the planets can express in a good way, or in a negative way.

In the natural vitasphere, the concept of polarity is also expressed; it also shows that Mercury is 'naturally opposed to Neptune and as such the imagination can either be idealistic and inspired, or it can be expressed more negatively as the individual experiences being worrisome, insecure, obsessive or we end up having to consider whether the imagination has a basis in reality or whether it gets trapped in the web of illusion...Would you care to elaborate your own Neptunian aspects, and how you feel the energies work through you?
thanks for replying to my post.