Forgiveness -what signs/aspects

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overthetop10 said:
This is strange...I'm dealing with an emotionally vengeful ex right now, Libra Sun, Cancer Ascendant, and I'm a big time Scorpio-Taurus fellow...

I'm actually the one forgiving and moving on, and the ex is trying to get in contact with me to dredge up lots of issues and punish me for wrongs inflicted on him during the relationship...

I'd be interested to know if he has any personal planets in the first decanate ( 0-10 degr.) of Libra, which Black Moon Lilith has been transiting for several months, that is creating a 'warped' image of you within him. He may have difficulty accepting that the relationship is now 'non-existent' and you 'are not treating him fairly'. With transiting Mars now square from Capricorn, there's probalby also a lot of inner anger and possible 'feelings of revenge' brewing.
Were you the stronger one in the relationship?

I feel like my life is about forgiveness. I have a sun in scorpio, taurus ascendant. This is a great thread. I'm also trying to let go of my anger. I'm so emotional that I feel I have to mentally separate the good people from the bad people so I don't hurt myself. It's good to read about all of you because one gets to see that there are a lot of different points of view. I wish I could really have a "live and let live" attitude because I really think that a lot of people are very dangerous. It's a daily struggle to overcome one's negative aspects: to be defensive and judgmental and angry.
Frisiangal said:
I'd be interested to know if he has any personal planets in the first decanate ( 0-10 degr.) of Libra, which Black Moon Lilith has been transiting for several months, that is creating a 'warped' image of you within him. He may have difficulty accepting that the relationship is now 'non-existent' and you 'are not treating him fairly'. With transiting Mars now square from Capricorn, there's probalby also a lot of inner anger and possible 'feelings of revenge' brewing.
Were you the stronger one in the relationship?


Thanks for your reply Frisiangal; he's a later Libra, though it's quite possible that Lilith is squaring his asc. -- not exactly sure, because one of my "moving on" gestures was to delete his chart from my astro data. :)

I think he felt that I was the stronger one in the relationship, mostly because I was very cautious in allowing my emotions for him to develop (been burned too much in the past, natal Sun conj. Saturn in the 7th opp. natal Moon in the 1st -- an ugly aspect for relationships!) while he threw himself into it. I've recently been realizing, however, that because of this he was totally in control of the emotional tenor of the relationship...

I appreciate the analysis of Lilith...I've been wondering about Lilith for some time now -- what principles does it embody? I have several aspects to Lilith, and I feel that there are some details in my personality that are only partially explained by placements in my chart...
Watersign said:
I feel like my life is about forgiveness. I have a sun in scorpio, taurus ascendant. This is a great thread. I'm also trying to let go of my anger. I'm so emotional that I feel I have to mentally separate the good people from the bad people so I don't hurt myself. It's good to read about all of you because one gets to see that there are a lot of different points of view. I wish I could really have a "live and let live" attitude because I really think that a lot of people are very dangerous. It's a daily struggle to overcome one's negative aspects: to be defensive and judgmental and angry.
I definitely feel you on that Watersign! I seem to internalize any personal slights and abuse and blame them on myself; in consequence I manifest my anger with myself in harsh criticism of others. I've only really started work on letting go of negativity since seeing that my natal chart has a great potential for bitterness, and the potential for dangerous conflicts and ruined relationships because of it.

Your chart also has a very tight yod -- "Finger of God" -- with Jupiter and Neptune's sextile pointing to Saturn in Pisces. I feel like interactions between Jupiter and Neptune point to faith and ideals; perhaps to discover your higher purpose and nobler aims, you've been forced to integrate forgiveness in to the structure of your life (Saturn in Pisces)?

It sounds like you're handling it well, though, especially with that near-grand cross in the Cardinal signs...I feel like we Scorp-Tauruses are built to persevere :).
Great post. What is this "finger of god". I noticed the green dashed line and I was wondering today what that was. I do appreciate what you're saying. We have no choice, we must forgive whatever our charts say. It's just really a lot harder for some people.
I find this question interesting.

Yes, I believe Jupiter is in the realm of forgiveness.

It seems forgiveness is a big part of letting go of the past and moving on, no matter what the deal has been.

Teddybull, maybe the lady has something in her past she has not ever been able to let go of. It has become so ingrained in her personal self, it colors her children even. Taurus holds on to anything, so does Scorpio. I find those signs to be the most vindictive and revengeful of any signs. I once knew this Taurus guy, and revenge was his middle name. No matter what the other person did against him, he took revenge. Problem it always came back at him.
The double edged sword of revenge and being unforgiving.

People at times seem to to do things that seem unrelated to their present life. I imagine she does not even realize it or does she.
Something came to my mind!

Jupiter is linked both to religious idealism and compassion.

Since your co-worker seems to be so devoted to her religion but,at the same time,so unforgiving...would it be interesting to see if her Jupiter is aflicted?Or maybe Saturn/Pluto aflicting Jupiter...

Anyway,I'm not sure...:confused:
I have a sun scorpio with taurus asc , cancer moon.

I guess i could say I'm someone who didn't know what forgiveness was. Yes even if i do forgive, i could never forget. Once conflict arise, the relationship i had with another one would never be the same again.
In love, in i ever was hurt, hate would run me all over for very long.
Look at the opposite of forgiveness - ie resentment
The signs who struggle with forgiveness the most are probably Scorpio and Taurus polarity
they are the very signs who once they embrace forgiveness find the most self healing & personal growth from letting go of old wounds
Although she is not an astrologer I will mention her - Louise L Hays cd's & books on forgiveness are very interesting & positive. She sees it as something done for a person to release old hurts to allow inner healing to occur. Very interesting & insightful.
I dont know her DOB but it would be interesting
She had a dificult childhood & thru learning to forgive & love (respect) herself for the person she is turned it all around
Forgiveness belongs to Neptune as the higher octave of Venus and unconditional love. We may forgive but no one forgets. For our own sakes we can learn to forgive others in order not to make ourselves ill with resentment, hatred and to let go of the past.

So with strong Neptune aspects we are capable of this and it is the mark of the evolved soul or one striving for spiritual progress. Also strong Pluto may help with this.
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I have lots of air and earth in my chart...water, nothing hardly! I want everyone to get along and love one another, must be the aquarius rising aspect, therfore I hate people fighting and arguing. If someone hurts me I rationalize the behavior, Virgo moon. The other day someone told me to go to hell, and that they hoped I died of breast cancer. It was very hurtful especially when I was trying to help her, but I rationalized it out that she was hurting because her own battle with cancer and was in the anger phase of the healing process, so on and so forth. I rationalized it out so much that I had trouble sleeping, when I wish I had just cried and gotten the pain out that way...seems easier, as I can rationalize for hours!!
I agree that since I have a lot of air in my chart, I dont develop close relationships, so if you do something bad to me, you will never hear from me again, just as easy as that, I fly away and find something else to keep my attention. I keep my distance so that no one can have the chance to hurt me, as I would not know what to do with those deep emotions if someone did hurt me...easier to keep my distance than feel anger, resentment or jealousy.
Sun Gemini
Rising Aquarius
Virgo moon
Forgivness - the first thing came to mind was Pisces/Neptune.

I was reminded about forgiveness this past week, if I didn't forgive a friend first, our silence would have gone on forever, someone had to break the ice and it was me. I know personally, I like to let go of as much tension as possible as I go through life, and that includes resentments. If ever i come across difficulties with people, I find it easier to break the ice. I prefer to cut through/examine anything that may be making either party close up or act hostile. Maybe its to do with Neptune on ascendant in Sagitarious, and Jupiter/Moon in Pisces.

I just want to hug/heal people (and myself)!:eek:

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smilingsteph said:
I have lots of air and earth in my chart...water, nothing hardly! ..........
If someone hurts me I rationalize the behavior, Virgo moon.

I know what you mean; heavy Earth/Air with a Virgo Ascendant:)

The other day someone told me to go to hell, and that they hoped I died of breast cancer. It was very hurtful especially when I was trying to help her, but I rationalized it out that she was hurting because her own battle with cancer and was in the anger phase of the healing process, so on and so forth. I rationalized it out so much that I had trouble sleeping, when I wish I had just cried and gotten the pain out that way...seems easier, as I can rationalize for hours!!

Crying as an emotion to get rid of the pain without understanding why/where the pain comes from may help for the moment. It's the understanding that comes through the rationalization that will help to keep you healthy in the long run because you are able to work out your problems instead of burying them.;) The person suffering from breast cancer could have had problems dealing with her the maternal line might also have had....through which nothing was ever discussed to clear the air.
Mars is strongly associated with the development of cancer, apparently. Her transiting Mars in Cancer anger was directed at you and/or anyone else who crosses her path as a projectile against the sickness itself. There's probably a lot of inner anger within her as result of past circumsances. Knowing that would make it easier for you to forgive any outbursts because you understood the reason.

I agree that since I have a lot of air in my chart, I dont develop close relationships, so if you do something bad to me, you will never hear from me again, just as easy as that, I fly away and find something else to keep my attention. I keep my distance so that no one can have the chance to hurt me, as I would not know what to do with those deep emotions if someone did hurt me...easier to keep my distance than feel anger, resentment or jealousy

The ability to express emotions :60: is what makes us human. It separates us from all other kingdoms of species as well as robots. :) Fleeing from emotions is also part of Neptune. We close our eyes to avoid what we actually see. You might just as well lock yourself in a prison and throw away the key if you don't want to take part in human life. That's the gift of your analytic side. It helps you rationalise and deal with those emotions that otherwise might stand in the way of your enjoyment of life.;)

dylan said:
I have a sun scorpio with taurus asc , cancer moon.

I guess i could say I'm someone who didn't know what forgiveness was. Yes even if i do forgive, i could never forget. Once conflict arise, the relationship i had with another one would never be the same again.
In love, in i ever was hurt, hate would run me all over for very long.

ohh you sound like me now

i have leo rising
scorpio sun
scorpio moon in a conjunction

"In love, in i ever was hurt, hate would run me all over for very long."
ohhh yeah bull's eye that is exactly what is going on with me

Even if there isn't hate, the resentment would be there for life. It can never be completely erased. So i guess those scorpios who do not have the word forgiveness in their dictionary just keep moving on in life and never turn back. People just come and go in life.
Neptune / Pisces could indicate an image of altruistic forgiveness
but Scorpio / Pluto could indicate learning that to forgive - ie letting the whole thing go and releasing - is beneficial to the ones health & relating to others
1. I wouldn't say I hold onto resentments, except when a person is unforgiving towards me. Genuinely people who are vindictive and nasty, are this way because they need to manipulate and and gain power. This I would associate with Plutonian aspects (lower archetypal energy) - And commonly they have been severely hurt in the past. You have to revisit the 4TH HOUSE, which is the family of origin, and your early roots in order to see where all this hatred has 'stemmed' from, and then you can work on healing early wounds. Scorpio is the middle water sign (8TH HOUSE) and the middle sign of any element is always an intense area in the natal chart. For water it is the transition between our past (4th) and where we can put old 'ghosts' (12TH HOUSE) to rest, and complete the water :trine:. Forgiveness can be one way of spiritually evolving, letting go of intense pain, releasing yourself from bondage.

2. In understanding the psychology of Scorpio (ruled by Pluto) you know the reason why he is always guarded, in my opinion forgiveness leaves him a little too vulnerable for attack. Scorpio is not willing to make the same mistake again, or be made a fool of in front of others because he detests this and sees it as a weakness.
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