I have lots of air and earth in my chart...water, nothing hardly! ..........
If someone hurts me I rationalize the behavior, Virgo moon.
I know what you mean; heavy Earth/Air with a Virgo Ascendant
The other day someone told me to go to hell, and that they hoped I died of breast cancer. It was very hurtful especially when I was trying to help her, but I rationalized it out that she was hurting because her own battle with cancer and was in the anger phase of the healing process, so on and so forth. I rationalized it out so much that I had trouble sleeping, when I wish I had just cried and gotten the pain out that way...seems easier, as I can rationalize for hours!!
Crying as an emotion to get rid of the pain
without understanding why/where the pain comes from may help for the moment. It's the understanding that comes through the rationalization that will help to keep you healthy in the long run because you are able to work out your problems instead of burying them.

The person suffering from breast cancer could have had problems dealing with her emotions....as the maternal line might also have had....through which nothing was ever discussed to clear the air.
Mars is strongly associated with the development of cancer, apparently. Her transiting Mars in Cancer anger was directed at you and/or anyone else who crosses her path as a projectile against the sickness itself. There's probably a lot of inner anger within her as result of past circumsances. Knowing that would make it easier for you to forgive any outbursts because you understood the reason.
I agree that since I have a lot of air in my chart, I dont develop close relationships, so if you do something bad to me, you will never hear from me again, just as easy as that, I fly away and find something else to keep my attention. I keep my distance so that no one can have the chance to hurt me, as I would not know what to do with those deep emotions if someone did hurt me...easier to keep my distance than feel anger, resentment or jealousy
The ability to express emotions :60: is what makes us human. It separates us from all other kingdoms of species as well as robots.

Fleeing from emotions is also part of Neptune. We close our eyes to avoid what we actually see. You might just as well lock yourself in a prison and throw away the key if you don't want to take part in human life. That's the gift of your analytic side. It helps you rationalise and deal with those emotions that otherwise might stand in the way of your enjoyment of life.