Friendship Analysis

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Apr 9, 2008
Hi all!

I've known this guy for almost 10 years now but only became closer friends with him for the past 5 or 6 years, due to mutual friends. We have the same "main group of close friends" and we all share very close bonds together, however with this specific guy I've never had that kind of "best-friend" type of connection - just good friends that hang-out whenever we go out as a group.

There is this one problem, though... He is an extremelly blunt person, often comes off as very verbally agressive and confrontational in conversations. I don't feel that he is mean-intented, it's just the nature of who he is, though... It doesn't take too much to get him irritated either. He is not extremelly expressive though, I'm not quite sure how to explain it exactly... Sometimes I can feel that he is being quiet, just observing while judging you or the situation, and all of a sudden makes a nasty, precise and blunt comment attacking you. Sometimes it's easy for me to just ignore and move on but lately it has been bothering me, I can't lie! Adding to this, he seems to have zero empathy skills. He can act in a very cold manner. However, besides our differences in nature, we have some great memories and shared good experiences together (again, due to those mutual friends) and I do value his friendship and some qualities of his personality.

On Saturday, a friend of ours posted a photo of us of some years ago and I made a comment, which he then indirectly criticized in shape of a question, as usual ( he somehow always seems to find something to criticize about me or what I say ). My gut was telling me to not even answer and I wasn't planning to, however yesterday, while answering to other friends, I ended up answering him aswell, only to find this morning another nasty comment from him there. This time I didn't answer but when I read that I just wondered why does he seem to be so judgemental of everything I do!

At that point the thought of making a horary chart popped up in my mind and my question was "How does he see me as a friend?". Because I am at a point where I actually begin to doubt that he even appreciates me as a person? I don't know, I just feel that he gets easily annoyed with me. I do have to say though that he doesn't act this way only with me. He is generally like this. Maybe I make myself an easier "prey"? lol I don't know. It just bothers me because I'd like him to value me more as friend, as I do with him in spite of our evident differences!

I will now post the chart and make my comments about it in a post below. :wink:

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Firstly, I'd like to say that this is only practice and I'm quite amateur in interpreting Horary charts, but I'll try! :)

So, I am represented by the Moon - there's no doubt about that. The thing I am concerned about is what would his ruler be in this chart? I'm not sure if I should award him the 7th or the 11th house here. Yes, he is only a friend of mine, but since the 7th is also attributed to "other people" in general or the second person concerning in the chart... I don't know, let's try to interpret both, lol.

Him being represented by the 7th house - This would make his significator Saturn - would make sense as this can be seen as a cruel, cold planet if we look at it in a negative way. It is retrograde and intercepted in his 10th house of social reputation, however it's exalted in Libra and conjunct the very positive fixed star Spica. This would perhaps tell me that he feels confident in his own e skin and conjunct that spectacular fixed star, he is lucky to have the friends he has because we all respect him for who he is and ending the friendship would never be an option. Him being intercepted may mean that perhaps he is being misunderstood by me or his lack of control in his attitudes, his default in relationships with other people. The retrograde situation will soon change so this can maybe show a progression on his part, a maturity that will come with age and he might be able to change his behaviour. I am the Moon, in his 3rd house of thoughts, which makes sense as I made the question just moments after he posted the comment, so it could still probably be on his mind. The Moon is conjunct both Quíron and Neptune, which shows deception and most likely confusion or not being able to fully see things clearly - also strenghtened with it being in the Pisces sign aswell ( which points to oversensitivity aswell, yes, lol ). Moon opposite Mars in Virgo - shows the anxiety, nerves and worries this situation has caused in me. Fixed star Sirius on the Ascendant - very positive star aswell, perhaps meaning this type of situations or his behaviour won't have a big impact on our friendship? Pluto in Capricorn ( the fall of the Moon ) is also on the Descendant, again an overcritical Saturnian side to his intense and blunt behaviour. If I'm not wrong, I think Saturn in Libra receives the Moon by triplicity, so perhaps he means more to me as a friend than I do to him. I'm not quite good with these reception things though, so please bear with me, lol.

Him being represented by the 11th house - This would make his significator Venus in Gemini... Hum... Should I end it here? lol. Not sure how would he be represented by this planet and sign. But him being in my 12th house - a subconscious creator of anxiety etcetc. in me - would make sense. Venus would also be exalted by the sign of the Moon, Pisces. Hum...... No, I don't think so, lol.

This may seem weird - and I'm not sure how would this be possible - but he seems to fit the interpretation of the Mars planet in this chart quite well. The only way this could be possible is if the 11th house was represented by Aries and not in the very early degrees of Taurus. However, I'm quite sure of the time I made that question, so that should probably not be considered.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance! :)
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Your significator : Moon in Pisces.
His significator : Venus in Gemini.

Moon's last aspect was a sextile to Mercury.
Moon in Pisces(detriment & fall of merc.) = You were as pleasant as possible(sextile) but didn't really want to hold the conversation or like what was being said.
It was this conversation that made you ask this question.

11H cusp at 0 deg Taurus.
Something recently changed.
At 29 deg Aries,
lord of 11H, Mars in Virgo.
dispositor = Mercury

Venus sits in your 12H of hidden enemies.
Disposited by Mercury.
Mercury is the lord of your 12th.

This friend of yours is greatly influenced by whatever/whoever Mercury represents.
Mercury rules his 2nd & 6th.

The Moon's in Mercury's detriment & fall = you don't like whatever/whoever mercury is.
However, Mercury in Taurus is in Moon's sign of exaltation = whoever/whatever mercury is, this thing/person is well disposed toward you.

However, Mercury is still the lord of your 12th.

Moon's in Pisces where Venus is exalted. It's widely conjunct Neptune....You are looking at him through rose tinted glasses. He could be a hidden enemy or a friend not behaving in your interests.
Moon's last aspect is a square to Venus which means you'll have to face more of such things coming from him.
Your significator : Moon in Pisces.
His significator : Venus in Gemini.

Moon's last aspect was a sextile to Mercury.
Moon in Pisces(detriment & fall of merc.) = You were as pleasant as possible(sextile) but didn't really want to hold the conversation or like what was being said.
It was this conversation that made you ask this question.

11H cusp at 0 deg Taurus.
Something recently changed.
At 29 deg Aries,
lord of 11H, Mars in Virgo.
dispositor = Mercury

Venus sits in your 12H of hidden enemies.
Disposited by Mercury.
Mercury is the lord of your 12th.

This friend of yours is greatly influenced by whatever/whoever Mercury represents.
Mercury rules his 2nd & 6th.

The Moon's in Mercury's detriment & fall = you don't like whatever/whoever mercury is.
However, Mercury in Taurus is in Moon's sign of exaltation = whoever/whatever mercury is, this thing/person is well disposed toward you.

However, Mercury is still the lord of your 12th.

Moon's in Pisces where Venus is exalted. It's widely conjunct Neptune....You are looking at him through rose tinted glasses. He could be a hidden enemy or a friend not behaving in your interests.
Moon's last aspect is a square to Venus which means you'll have to face more of such things coming from him.

Thanks Scorpio! :smile: Very nice analysis. After I posted this I made a little search on Horary Astrology and found out that yes, he had to definatelly be represented by the 11th house, I was not sure how to interpret that, though!

I'm just wondering, how can I be seeing him through rose tinted glasses? I mean... Can he actually feel even WORSE about me than what I already think? :lol: Is there any other possible interpretation for that reception/Neptune connection? Yes, I can see the relation of him being a "hidden enemy" to me... Because I would never "declare a war" agaisnt him in the open, due to our social circumstances.

Thanks again :smile:
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