Full Moon 24°01' Taurus - 15th November

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Jan 5, 2023
I've already started posting about this Full Moon elsewhere, so I thought I would amalgamate the posts here (omitting the political stuff):

We have a very potent and volatile New Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus, even though the Moon is exalted in Taurus.

Notice the ruling planet, Venus, is at the Bendings - almost exactly square the North and South Node. So an incredibly karmic point, which may play out in relationships, values, connections with others.

Venus rules the Libra South Node, but is placed in Capricorn, where Mars (ruler of Aries North Node) is exalted. Venus is also currently in its Evening Star phase (resonant to Libra). Time to take authority and accountability over old patterns of relating to others. Capricorn doesn't let anyone off the hook!

Venus is currently at its closest to the Earth from November 3rd to 5th 😮 It will reach its Greatest Elongation (maximum separation from the Sun) on 10th January 2025 at 7° Pisces .... the sign of its exaltation. So Venus is gaining in strength.

Uranus is fallen in Taurus, but conjunct the Moon which is exalted in Taurus (which enhances Venus), and both are still close to Algol too.

Pluto about to take its final gasp of death in Capricorn, at 29°56'. About to enter Uranus ruled Aquarius.

There is an applying trine (things yet to come) from Moon/Uranus to Pluto. So maybe a "reluctant acceptance" from Pluto, as it hands over the reins to Uranus /Aquarius/Venus.

There may be colossal fall-downs and come-uppances, but also reversal of fortunes and a massive 180 turn on those old Pluto Capricorn power structures and people, whatever they have been in your life since 2008.

And especially if it has felt like Pluto Capricorn has won all the power and gained the upper hand. Think like the Tower Card in Tarot.

The Full Moon conjunct Uranus, will be the portal and doorway to Pluto Aquarius, where the direction of power will shift. They are too close together in time (15th to 19th Nov) to act separately.

Uranus rules Aquarius after all. And the Moon is exalted in Taurus. Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) will go direct in between the two, a release via a flow of movement.

The Full Moon/Uranus is also sextile Neptune Pisces, which suggest the transfer of power will be met with little resistance, or a surrender to the inevitable, an acceptance of the changing landscape, a smooth flow of release.

It could be a sense of accepting defeat from the Anaretic Pluto Capricorn, accepting that life is what it is, the situation or person has won the battle, got away with it, and gained the power ......And then, whoosh! Along comes Uranus to upend that entirely!

This could also indicate earthquakes, and disasters involving large bodies of water (Neptune) as so far seen in Spain currently. Uranus shakes, and Taurus rules nature, the literal earth under our feet, so there may be literal - and also metaphorical - earthquakes occurring.

Where will it fall in your chart? Personal and mundane thoughts welcome 🙂

Bumping this up, has anyone noticed the energies of this one drawing it yet?

This one will fall on my 5th house cusp and will square my Saturn Leo in 8th, nothing noteworthy so far, except for a medical check up appointment on the same day.

Staying cautious though, because, Uranus 🤔 Especially as Saturn is not a planet that's too keen on surprises. Venus will be at the Bendings of my own North and South Node, let alone the transit ones! 😮 (Node reversal transit currently)

I think this Full Moon may play out far more dramatically on the world stage, as it seems to be these days, especially given the recent US Election. There might be some surprise plot twists on the horizon.
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Today I’ve been speaking to an ex boyfriend from a few years ago, who has Moon-Saturn in Scorpio conjunct his Asc at 22-23 degrees. So he’s already experiencing t-Uranus on his DC right now and the Full Moon should trigger all those planets of his.

We’ve been talking a lot about relationship stuff. We decided to agree to disagree on some issues, and admit both were at fault. As a typical Scorpio, I am finding he is still being quite manipulative and not taking full accountability.

I wonder if this is the Full Moon experience for him, or if something else will happen.
Maybe the Full Moon/Uranus conjunct his DC may trigger a wake up call for him, especially if he's still not taking accountability.

Another side of Uranus are epiphanies and blinding moments of clarity, maybe the conversations you've been having may lead to that.
Thanks yeah, I’m going to look out for it and see if I can see any signs. Will be interesting to see what transpires.
Moon has entered Taurus now

I woke up today with a surge of energy, almost like an electric antsy feeling. Must be the Uranian energies. It's like a month of low energies and recovery has done a 180 and now I can't sit still!

Alas, I'm still not allowed to exercise (internal stitches) but I may go for a long walk, also some extra Qigong too.

Had weird dreams too and I couldn't get back to sleep either.

How is everyone else feeling? 🙂
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The Taurus Moon is on my Mercury now and Sag Mercury is on my Moon...............feeling tired from lack of sleep too and all these insights 😂
Fascinating interpretation, PenguinTrauma. Thanks for sharing. Several parts feel very on the nose. Though it's hard to distinguish elements shifting as being just Capricorn vs Aquarius, or being specifically Pluto Capricorn vs Pluto Aquarius. Maybe the reason is that they both feel Saturnine in some way. One form of injustice being traded for a different form of injustice. The in-group mentality is what's of concern.

This full moon is near my natal Fortuna.
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Today I’ve been speaking to an ex boyfriend from a few years ago, who has Moon-Saturn in Scorpio conjunct his Asc at 22-23 degrees. So he’s already experiencing t-Uranus on his DC right now and the Full Moon should trigger all those planets of his.

We’ve been talking a lot about relationship stuff. We decided to agree to disagree on some issues, and admit both were at fault. As a typical Scorpio, I am finding he is still being quite manipulative and not taking full accountability.

I wonder if this is the Full Moon experience for him, or if something else will happen.

Just an update. I learn something about myself. It turns out I’m very emotionally unavailable. He didn’t feel very much emotions from me. Anyway, he offered to write me a poem and I said I would rather you take accountability for the cheating, to which he replied that he regrets nothing, and so I replied that I don’t want him to message me anymore because I don’t think he’s a very nice person. 🤷‍♀️
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Big Media Event for the Full Moon---this might be the Mars/Pluto opposition:

Mike Tyson and Jake Paul attend the Fanatics Fest press conference at Javits Center on Aug. 18 in New York City.

Tyson's no node @ 23Taurus. His Mercury @ 1 Leo opposed by tr Pluto

Jake Paul Moon@ 20 Taurus His Jupiter@29 Cap conjunct tr Pluto.
Just an update. I learn something about myself. It turns out I’m very emotionally unavailable. He didn’t feel very much emotions for me. Anyway, he offered to write me a poem and I said I would rather you take accountability for the cheating, to which he replied that he regrets nothing, and so I replied that I don’t want him to message me anymore because I don’t think he’s a very nice person. 🤷‍♀️

That's awful that he never took accountability, but good that you stuck to your guns and showed him the door! It sounds like he was trying to scope you out to see if you were still available for him to take advantage again.

Maybe that's another part of the Full Moon - conjunct Uranus, which can also represent liberation. So a liberation and freedom from his manipulative tactics. Maybe that was the surprise he needed, that you weren't going to play his game anymore. As they say, exes are exes for a reason.

You can be sure as night follows day, the same thing will happen to him one day. Seen it so many times now. The Cosmos has a funny way of turning the tables!

You could write him a poem back:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Here are my fingers
The middle one is for you!
