Full Moon 24°01' Taurus - 15th November

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That's awful that he never took accountability, but good that you stuck to your guns and showed him the door! It sounds like he was trying to scope you out to see if you were still available for him to take advantage again.

Maybe that's another part of the Full Moon - conjunct Uranus, which can also represent liberation. So a liberation and freedom from his manipulative tactics. Maybe that was the surprise he needed, that you weren't going to play his game anymore. As they say, exes are exes for a reason.

You can be sure as night follows day, the same thing will happen to him one day. Seen it so many times now. The Cosmos has a funny way of turning the tables!

You could write him a poem back:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Here are my fingers
The middle one is for you!


He cheated on me multiple times, but the girl he left me for, he was with for a long time, but they’re broken up now. And guess what, he described her as ‘psychologically manipulative,’ although he didn’t see the irony in that, when I pointed it out to him it was karmic justice.

Tbf, I learnt more about myself too - I was emotionally unavailable due to issues from my childhood, and I can see it hurt him a lot. But still, there was zero acknowledgement from his side for anything he did.

Love the poem!
He cheated on me multiple times, but the girl he left me for, he was with for a long time, but they’re broken up now. And guess what, he described her as ‘psychologically manipulative,’ although he didn’t see the irony in that, when I pointed it out to him it was karmic justice.

Tbf, I learnt more about myself too - I was emotionally unavailable due to issues from my childhood, and I can see it hurt him a lot. But still, there was zero acknowledgement from his side for anything he did.

Love the poem!

Wow he sounds diabolical! And definitely looking for a "rebound" and sympathy, as he broke up with the girlfriend he left you for 😡

It's good that you learnt about yourself too, maybe that's what the Full Moon brought up, Sun Scorpio (digging deep into the psyche) with Moon/Uranus conjunct (bringing things to light). You can take that into your next relationships, and have things play out differently 🙂

But your emotional unavailability never excuses his behaviour, that's all on him - he may have done the same things if you were emotionally available, and he's probably done the same to other women too.
Wow he sounds diabolical! And definitely looking for a "rebound" and sympathy, as he broke up with the girlfriend he left you for 😡

It's good that you learnt about yourself too, maybe that's what the Full Moon brought up, Sun Scorpio (digging deep into the psyche) with Moon/Uranus conjunct (bringing things to light). You can take that into your next relationships, and have things play out differently 🙂

But your emotional unavailability never excuses his behaviour, that's all on him - he may have done the same things if you were emotionally available, and he's probably done the same to other women too.

God, he is diabolical. Really manipulative character and his behaviour only got worse over the years, from what I heard. I could tell you some stuff I’ve heard you’d be shocked at. He’s since been diagnosed with Skitzophrenia, which makes sense.

Thank you for saying my emotional unavailability didn’t excuse his behaviour. It means a lot because even though I said that to him, and even told myself that, I was still blaming myself. So *thank you* for saying it!!

Anyway, good riddance to an ex from hell, and sorry to that 18 year old me who didn’t see it coming.
Have you checked your Solar Return and where this Full Moon falls on it? It sounds like you have an important year coming up, with a FM being a theme.
Not quite yet (I vaguely tried to do it from memory of my chart a little earlier today when reviewing the first post), but I will follow your suggestion with the chart in front of me. Thanks!
Have you checked your Solar Return and where this Full Moon falls on it? It sounds like you have an important year coming up, with a FM being a theme.
Have you checked your Solar Return and where this Full Moon falls on it? It sounds like you have an important year coming up, with a FM being a theme.
I’m wondering how you know if you have an important year coming up. Is it true that if your solar return ascendant matches your natal ascendant for that year it means that that year will be an important year? I read that on a thread here.
I’m wondering how you know if you have an important year coming up. Is it true that if your solar return ascendant matches your natal ascendant for that year it means that that year will be an important year? I read that on a thread here.

I was just going by the fact that Moon-Uranus will be opposite his Sun, as a theme for the whole year ahead. Pretty major to have a Full Moon on your birthday for this reason.
So do I have it right that I would use my current location for the time of the solar return? That seems to be the consensus from another post, and that's what astro-seek seems to suggest. I'm kind of thinking of being brave and posting my solar return chart (in a separate thread) just to see what other people might see as obvious, which might very well be blind spots to me.
So do I have it right that I would use my current location for the time of the solar return? That seems to be the consensus from another post, and that's what astro-seek seems to suggest. I'm kind of thinking of being brave and posting my solar return chart (in a separate thread) just to see what other people might see as obvious, which might very well be blind spots to me.

I’ve personally only ever used the natal birth place, but maybe that is something you could enquire about when you post your SR.

Also, have you got an Astro.com account? You can create a solar return chart there too and they are by far the easiest charts to read. You’ll be more likely to get responses is you post an Astro.com chart.
I have found that the birth place works for the Solar Return, rather than the current place.

I check both charts, and by the end of the Solar year I check to see which one played out, it's usually the birth place that resonates.

That said, if I'm abroad it's only for a few days birthday celebratory holiday, so I'm not sure it counts anyway

Not sure how it works out for anyone that's relocated permanently to somewhere thousands of miles from the birth place.
I’ve personally only ever used the natal birth place, but maybe that is something you could enquire about when you post your SR.

Also, have you got an Astro.com account? You can create a solar return chart there too and they are by far the easiest charts to read. You’ll be more likely to get responses is you post an Astro.com chart.
I have found that the birth place works for the Solar Return, rather than the current place.

I check both charts, and by the end of the Solar year I check to see which one played out, it's usually the birth place that resonates.

That said, if I'm abroad it's only for a few days birthday celebratory holiday, so I'm not sure it counts anyway

Not sure how it works out for anyone that's relocated permanently to somewhere thousands of miles from the birth place.
(Oh, good! I finally learned how to multi-reply.)

Thank you both. :)

That's a good idea, PT. Hmm hmm hmm.

If I use location at the time of the return, for this time around I have the Sun in 1st opposite Moon and Uranus in the 7th. Haven't yet cast a chart using the natal location for the time of return, though.

UKPB: yeah, looks like it could be pretty significant to me, too -- or very disruptive! ;)
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