Full Moon 27°11' Aquarius - 19th August

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Jan 5, 2023
Not sure if anyone does the write ups for the lunations? We used to do that in the old Astrodienst forum, posting the chart and sometimes the Sabian Symbol too. I haven't seen a thread yet so thought I would start one off 🙂

I'll attempt to interpret this, but as we know already, this full moon may be a handful! Looking at the chart, I may be punching well above my weight in terms of astro analysis lol 😂🤦

Here goes: we have the Full Moon in Aquarius, which is both square it's own ruler Uranus, and also opposite Mercury retrograde.

Uranus is currently stationing and ready to turn retrograde, beginning of September at 27°15' Taurus. Stationary planets are heightened, potent, and much more noticeable because it's so focused.

With it square the Aquarius Full Moon - which is also a Supermoon - which is also Out of Bounds (a Uranian energy in itself) - this will be like Aquarius Full Moon on steroids!

Quite likely, there will be things from the New Moon that culminate in surprises, sharp left turns, the unexpected. With the square to Uranus, this could be something that disrupts and interrupts.

Even more likely, is that it could culminate in major epiphanies, sudden moments of clarity, but with the square, could also be a rude awakening. Maybe even kundalini awakenings.

There could also be an emphasis on the future, something novel, or unusual, or thinking outside the box. With the Moon being about needs/emotional reactions, be mindful of some very erratic feelings erupting to the surface.

This is due to the Full Moon also making an opposition to Mercury retrograde, in Leo.

On the same day, we have the halfway point of the retrograde, where the Sun and Mercury have the Cazimi conjunction. Mercury being at the heart of the Sun and therefore strengthened.

This usually results in things becoming clear, information coming to light to be revealed.

Uranus rules lightning, Mercury conjunct the Sun in domicile in Leo, so the sudden burst of clarity could be super fast, a bolt out of the blue, and dazzling like the Sun itself. Maybe something blindingly obvious? Or simply, a blindside.

Mercury retrograde rules Venus Virgo, and Mars/Jupiter conjunct in Gemini. They are locked in an exact T-square with Saturn Pisces, which in turn is co-ruled by Jupiter Gemini. Venus ties into Uranus by rulership. Confused yet? Me too!

Venus Virgo, Mars/Jupiter Gemini, Saturn Pisces, and additionally, Neptune at the Anaretic degree, are all in Mutable signs. Adding to the changeable nature already with the Aquarius Full Moon.

Aquarius can be about change to shake up something that is stuck, stale, non-moving, especially long overdue (with Uranus Taurus).

Mutable signs are about adaptability, so whatever changes do occur, even though it may feel uncomfortable, jarring, maybe even unwelcome, you may feel compelled, maybe even able, to adapt.

Briefly, Venus Virgo would be about the values that you may need to put under a microscope with critical scrutiny. Mars/Jupiter Gemini could be about your beliefs, ideologies, your worldview, and what drives and motivates you to pursue them, on an intellectual level.

Saturn Pisces could be what brings in the reality of any ideals, linked to Jupiter, but with Pisces, the worldview and beliefs of the collective.

Do your personal values truly align with your worldview? Does your worldview fit in with the collective? Does the collective align with your personal values? It's a T-square after all, this may feel like an existential crisis.

The Full Moon Aquarius, could potentially disrupt that, maybe with a sharp moment of clarity, an awakening.

Or you yourself could take everyone by surprise, and end up suddenly rebelling against the collective/your own values and worldview altogether! 😎 That can't be a bad thing though!

Chart below:

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Most welcome to add other insights or details I may have overlooked, which may be likely due to Mercury retrograde!

There is a lot to unpack as the planets are so intertwined, it's difficult to parse.

How will it show in your own chart? 🙂
I lurked and saw how much traction those threads got on astro.com. I am sure we won't mind it here. Because let me tell you, we have absolutely garbage threads that are allowed to perpetuate here (mostly non-astrology threads). Have at it friend
Welp, I have an appt with a divorce attorney on August 19th Monday which I scheduled before Mercury went retro last month. Pesky matters regarding shared property ownership and dog. 27 of Leo Aquarius blue moon is just a hair past my 2nd/8th houses of 26 leo and aquarius. pluto is about to enter my 7th. Done and Done'r, lol. Merc retro in my 2nd tells me that I'm gonna have to revisit my derelict husbands debts since I'm married to him. My only ace in the whole hole is this: "You can sell one of the houses to pay off your debt, not a problem. The house I live in stays with me and so does the dog. Then I'll probably have to show 10 years of vet and dog costs to the judge that came out of MY pocket. Whatever. I'm a blue moon waiting to happen on my 2nd and 8th house and I don't care if Merc in my 2nd is retro or not. I got the receipts, lol.
It is a very difficult chart to try and gauge what may likely happen! Especially with the heavy Aquarius/Uranus emphasis (anything can happen!). And the back drop of Mercury retrograde and the Mutable T-square

One of the millions of possibilities could be that the Mercury retrograde is about reviewing, revisiting, revising, taking a second look in hindsight, spotting details that were overlooked.

The gathering of information (Gemini) revisited (Mercury retrograde) may allow you to be armed (Mars) with knowledge (Jupiter) so you can take bold action (Mars)

Venus Virgo is the ruling planet of the South Node Libra, so it could be about analysing past information using tried-and-tested means, verified by past knowledge and experience.

Additionally, it could bring relationship issues or even people from the past, especially tied in with Mercury retrograde!

Note the dominant Air sign influences, it leans more towards ideas. This may be about mental processes, the intellectual realm, cerebral thinking, logic, the rational side, although with Mercury retrograde AND Jupiter in detriment in Gemini, it leans towards the more creative, subjective, right-brained thought processes. Jupiter being about beliefs, ideologies, symbolism, moral codes.

For now, it may be difficult to detach (Aquarius) from subjective thinking (Mercury retrograde/Jupiter), until the Sun/Mercury Cazimi and Aquarius Full Moon arrives (both within mere hours of each other)
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It is a very difficult chart to try and gauge what may likely happen! Especially with the heavy Aquarius/Uranus emphasis (anything can happen!). And the back drop of Mercury retrograde and the Mutable T-square

One of the millions of possibilities could be that the Mercury retrograde is about reviewing, revisiting, revising, taking a second look in hindsight, spotting details that were overlooked.

The gathering of information (Gemini) revisited (Mercury retrograde) may allow you to be armed (Mars) with knowledge (Jupiter) so you can take bold action (Mars)

Venus Virgo is the ruling planet of the South Node Libra, so it could be about analysing past information using tried-and-tested means, verified by past knowledge and experience.

Additionally, it could bring relationship issues or even people from the past, especially tied in with Mercury retrograde!

Note the dominant Air sign influences, it leans more towards ideas. This may be about mental processes, the intellectual realm, cerebral thinking, logic, the rational side, although with Mercury retrograde AND Jupiter in detriment in Gemini, it leans towards the more creative, subjective, right-brained thought processes. Jupiter being about beliefs, ideologies, symbolism, moral codes.

For now, it may be difficult to detach (Aquarius) from subjective thinking (Mercury retrograde/Jupiter), until the Sun/Mercury Cazimi and Aquarius Full Moon arrives (both within mere hours of each other)
You have great observations and knowledge backed up. I may sound smug/cocky - but in reality, this mercury retro in virgo in my 2nd is telling me that I have all the details filed in order of day,year,month. I have initiated divorce papers for the past 5 years, always retracting them for a host of reasons: my husband's health, his job status, taxes owed, 8th-chance efforts that failed, et al. I have a pluto/nnode conjunction in my second house.
Come mid-September, I think this will be hashed out and completed or near completion.

The love and affection and mutual commitment aspect of our marriage ended a long time ago. It has been a 'business' economic relationship for the most part since 2019. I'm ready to sell my shares. Down to the penny, I know exactly what he contributed and what I contributed in our 10 years of marriage and 13 years of community property status as a couple.
Thanks PT 😵‍💫 ! Mostly everything in the chart affects mine. The major disruptions seemed to be yesterday (fingers crossed) when all plans went down, there were sudden and unexpected changes, interruptions and events. All my energy and attention required.

Things seem to be 'back to normal' today and everyone's plans and travelling have happened okay.

I am hoping there will be some time of calm although I am not holding my breath for very long!
This FM has reiterated my feelings of being an outsider, which is one of the meanings of Aquarius.

I had a major experience with being rejected today. 🙃 These are moments when I am even more very grateful for astrology. It really helps to understand energies and the bigger picture.

Saturn in 7h, Venus in 1h.
Well, admittedly I did go back on a certain forum which I will not name, but some may know, and put my two pennies worth on what issues I was not happy about, in terms of the dynamics on there. Yes, it may have come across quite harsh, but there were things I felt needed to be called out. Whether I was right or wrong, doesn't matter.

Towards the end, I definitely felt like an outsider, but part of that was self-directed as well. I've not check for responses, nor do I intend to. I'm sure they are far from complimentary! But I would prefer to stick to my principles, rather than bend or yield to other people's group mentality, which I simply couldn't fit into. Full Moon opposite Saturn Leo.

(In a nutshell, the issue of contention was that I believe that political bias shouldn't interfere with Chart readings in mundane topics, as it skews the reading and can be misleading, if people try to shoehorn a favoured outcome for/against a political party/leader it renders the reading void. But that is my take. I suppose there will always be differences of opinion there!)
For learning purposes only

Monday afternoon 19th August we received a phone call that my husband's best friend for 55 years had died suddenly of a heart attack.
A Leo Sun he was a heart patient for many years. With the help of medication he lived a full and active life.

Out of (as always) learning interest I looked up his chart. No time of birth.
His natal Saturn on 27*09 had progressed to 27*0 r Taurus. Tr. Uranus was conjunct and was hit by the Full Moon across the Leo-Aquarius axis.

S. P Sun is either during last minute of 29* Libra or could be 0* Scorpio ...... square retro. transit Pluto.
He planned to leave his body to medical science. I find it rather comforting that there wil be no funeral as such, and more a celebration of his life.

Could ' a return to physical non-existence' be explained by s.p. TRUE Black Moon Lilith in Taurus retrograde exact degree square natal Sun?

A walking time bomb, was the Full Moon the deciding factor of his (date of) decease. :cry:

This FM definitely had a distinct outsider quality to it. It's an Aquarian theme, but at the same time it's also reflected by Venus opposite Saturn. You might have noticed that I've been feeling quite a bit like an outsider recently. As things stand, I'm starting to view being an outsider and loneliness as positive aspects. I've realized that I can't tolerate people who aren't good for me (Saturn transit through 7th house).
I'm not sure what role I play in certain situations, but that's a different matter. The South Node in Libra makes people pleasing a bottomless pit. Right now, the path leads to Aries for everyone of us. I'm starting from square one with the people around me. My well-being is my main focus right now. I suppose you could say that I'm now at the center of my own life, and everyone else is an outsider until I've decided who's allowed into this circle, in what role, and how intensively. I absolutely understand that you needed to vent, whether you were right or wrong. Think of Uranus, who's a big player in this FM through the T-square. Isn't Saturn moving through your 3rd house right now? Clear the air in terms of communication and thinking. Jupiter in 6h brings a new perspective on your health and what you are willing to stand up for.

ps. Saturn really makes it difficult for me to have compassion for others beyond my measure. Or should I say sacrificing myself for the needs of others? I think that's one of the big themes Saturn in Pisces is bringing up.

Hugs to you!
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Well, admittedly I did go back on a certain forum which I will not name, but some may know, and put my two pennies worth on what issues I was not happy about, in terms of the dynamics on there. Yes, it may have come across quite harsh, but there were things I felt needed to be called out. Whether I was right or wrong, doesn't matter.

Towards the end, I definitely felt like an outsider, but part of that was self-directed as well. I've not check for responses, nor do I intend to. I'm sure they are far from complimentary! But I would prefer to stick to my principles, rather than bend or yield to other people's group mentality, which I simply couldn't fit into. Full Moon opposite Saturn Leo.

(In a nutshell, the issue of contention was that I believe that political bias shouldn't interfere with Chart readings in mundane topics, as it skews the reading and can be misleading, if people try to shoehorn a favoured outcome for/against a political party/leader it renders the reading void. But that is my take. I suppose there will always be differences of opinion there!)
The last time I paid for an astrology reading by a 'professional' was in 1993 and his name was Robert Blaschke and he was something else. He was a jew, a catholic, a buddhist and christian in his many manifestations of life. He told me two things that stuck in my life permanently, and others that that I remember intermittently:

When you sell a used car, take the money and walk away - don't bother with the ones that come back to haggle. It's a done deal. leave it.
When you talk to others and share and sell with others - make sure it's genuine.
About my 'chart' - he said - find yourself among others whom you understand and respect and they will understand and respect you.
Is being shunned or shamed and ridiculed for not fitting into Someone Else's Paradigm a comment on you or is it on them?

He asked me that, I have the recording of the whole reading - when I sought his reading about a very lucrative and longevity job that I was miserable at and wanted to quit.

Back in those days - the readings were done on cassette tape recorders. Isn't it weird how they become obsolete? sigh.

I lurked and saw how much traction those threads got on astro.com. I am sure we won't mind it here. Because let me tell you, we have absolutely garbage threads that are allowed to perpetuate here (mostly non-astrology threads). Have at it friendyou might have just fallen off the hot dog stick right onto the wienie fire at the cook out with that statement.