The Great Air Mutation in 2020 doesn't bode well for the UK. The Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions sits in partile opposition to the Ascendant. Worse than than, both the 8th Place Moon and Ascendant Ruler Sun in the 6th Place are in aversion to the Ascendant.
Moon in a Night Chart in the 8th Place is the Queen Mother (Moon's antiscia is the 3rd Place). I'd say just off the top of my head that Mars directed to the body of Moon or Mars to the square of Moon will be the death of the Queen Mother.
Note Ascendant ruler Sun in aversion to both Benefics. Sun as Ascendant ruler in the 6th Place signifies financial difficulties for the people. Not severely though.
I don't see the Sun being impeded, nor Venus as ruler of the 10th Place nor Mars as ruler of the Midheaven. Those are positive things, since being impeded makes things much worse.
Mars in Aries with Saturn in the 7th Place often indicates war.
Bonatti says of Mars in Gemini:
For if Mars were in Gemini in a revolution of the year, and Gemini were the 9th house, and the inferior planets were follow him, it signifies the Roman Church is going to take up a temporal sword in that year, and that it will wield it; and it will strive for the shedding of the blood of Christians, both of the innocent and the guilty.
What inferior Star is following/chasing Mars in the 2000 Great Conjunction?
Venus, which signifies Islam.
Bonatti is referring in part to religious-based conflicts.
Anyway, I haven't had time to analyze either chart, since it's time consuming (and I'm not British). But here they are if anyone wants to do so.