Gay or asexual?

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Like what? where is YOUR chart? is this the one you posted in number 1??

If you read my post in 16 you will see I have addressed this..

Yes, that's my chart.
I read your explanation on Moon opp Ven, now was just wondering can it change my orientation from being only emotionally (not phisically) in love with this girl (and I never felt anything like this before for any girl) to something equal (non-sexula) toward a male person, or change to total absence of any kind of attraction (even idealised, non-sexual one).
Don't force anything just because you feel weird or not like everyone else.
Spend some time alone and start learning about you. The more you know about yourself the more comfortable you will feel.

Anyways just some advice from a silly Pisces Moon lol.

I wish you the best :)

Thank you!
Yes, that's my chart.
I read your explanation on Moon opp Ven, now was just wondering can it change my orientation from being only emotionally (not phisically) in love with this girl (and I never felt anything like this before for any girl) to something equal (non-sexula) toward a male person, or change to total absence of any kind of attraction (even idealised, non-sexual one).

Interesting question, though I'd be more concerned about being able to fall in and out of love with someone to being back in love with someone else than the gender! again, seeing her chart may help explain why you're thinking these feelings, there could be a conflict with your descendants or moons and though you love her, something doesn't just feel complete, and that could be causing the confusion.
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One more question: I have a gay friend who has opposition Moon Venus. Can it sometimes also be indicator of homosexulaity at some male charts in some way?Like: impossibility to merge
If you read my post in 16 you will see I have addressed this

also, the sun does not make an aspect to neptune...
sun is wide orb but approaching, so therefore is relevent. Age 8 sun would be exactly square using solar arcs, so did something happen around that age please?

scorpio on the ascendant, you're a powerful person, and with scorpio there people take notice and pay attention to you,
Sccorpio, is very very private and not overly sociable either. It would be more poignant if pluto was in first rather than 12th as first house is like a 'shop window'

well, although your chart doesn't show it, chiron does make a trine
with your north node, creating a grand trine from node, chiron and pluto, and thus a star of david on your chart, (not a true one but as long as they overlap it works) which will offer some protection to you. Also after doing my own calculations, is giving a very wrong representation of what is really going on here, the degrees are far too off for these aspects to be happening. For example, chiron is at 6 degrees with sun at 29, it is actually slightly over 8 degrees, just as there is no T square with Venus pluto and moon, venus does not aspect pluto [well, I'm sorry to disagree with you yet again here but I feel this T Square valid] but DOES aspect the AC (so with the pluto conjunction you COULD argue that it does, though it is not directly affecting)
strange,me and thousands others find astro extremely accurate and wide orbs are used and accepted by mainstreams. Although i do reduce the orb ratio in extended chart selection to 85% which I find more acceptable for orbs. But looking at the degrees and aspects I think it's accurate and valid...

Chiron in 8th
“The path to growth and life may come through repeated experiences with the great mysteries of life, death, birth and transformation. These are the powerful mystics whose inner visions dominate their life-path. They may have empathic and psychic abilities which are sharpened through experiences of profound insight. They may suffer deaths and losses when Chiron is adversely aspected, but each loss will be followed by benefits or insights that boost them to new levels of understanding”.

Chiron in the 8th house:
“What a great sex therapist you can be. A more likely scenario is that you have the ability to bring out the sexual best in a romantic partner, while giving yourself the short end of the stick (no pun intended). But the 8th house rules more than sex. You could also get stuck with taking care of partnership resources because "you're so good at it," or, conversely, keep getting partners who want to "take care" of it and do you out of your fair share.”
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Chiron in 8th cont/….
“Perhaps you become too dependent on money from others for support, or too much of what you earn goes to support others. You might tend to accept other people's values (your family, group or society) too readily. One other thing. The myth of Chiron can actually come alive with this placement. You could have a talent for healing or rehabilitating others, but not yourself”

Yes, that's my chart.
I read your explanation on Moon opp Ven, now was just wondering can it change my orientation from being only emotionally (not phisically) in love with this girl (and I never felt anything like this before for any girl) to something equal (non-sexula) toward a male person, or change to total absence of any kind of attraction (even idealised, non-sexual one).

hard aspects and espec oppositions are all about learning through *balance* and with age and experience with 'will come to you' :wink:
Age 8 sun would be exactly square using solar arcs, so did something happen around that age please?

Crisis with health again, asthma.

And about Chiron in 8th house, that people with that planet in that house are great sex thrapists, I guess it also depends on Sign and aspects. So with all the squares and oppositions, and in Cancer 6th degree (which i read is a degree in cancer that indicates some kind of handicap), maybe I will need some time...
Hey Luxsaxon,

I'd like to look at a different field of interest here for you said that you're living in a conservative country. What is your relationsship to religion? Have you been raised according religious laws? With a strict catholic raising e.g. it might be quite possible to develop a antipathy for sexual matters.

What I look at astrologically here is a only a vage connection but I see your 9th house cusp falling into cancer, so 9th house matters are connected to those of the moon. Moon in aquarius intellectualizes everything emotional and sexual, it's tendency is to think about these things instead of feeling them. Your venus is in the 9th house too, I could image a person with this venus placement e.g. thinking badly of prematerial sex and idealizing a relationship due to religious reasons. Your jupiter falls into the 7th house implying that relationships are a thing in your life which might lead to in a prosperous (religiously?) future.
Hey Luxsaxon,

I'd like to look at a different field of interest here for you said that you're living in a conservative country. What is your relationsship to religion? Have you been raised according religious laws? With a strict catholic raising e.g. it might be quite possible to develop a antipathy for sexual matters.

What I look at astrologically here is a only a vage connection but I see your 9th house cusp falling into cancer, so 9th house matters are connected to those of the moon. Moon in aquarius intellectualizes everything emotional and sexual, it's tendency is to think about these things instead of feeling them. Your venus is in the 9th house too, I could image a person with this venus placement e.g. thinking badly of prematerial sex and idealizing a relationship due to religious reasons. Your jupiter falls into the 7th house implying that relationships are a thing in your life which might lead to in a prosperous (religiously?) future.

if it hasn't been touched on, there is a quincunx with jupiter and neptune.

Jupiter to Neptune
Orb 1°18' Applying
Aspect is Quincunx
You feel a call to serve others perhaps through a profession or through religion. You will need to learn what is reasonable to do for others, and what is over stepping the boundary of your responsibility.

since jupiter is in 7th this would add a bit more pieces to the puzzle
Hi Rageypoo,

I've to say that my own chart is full of these quinqunxes but I've never been able to determine if they're really "at work". I got about 10 of them and couldn't observe direct connections and interaction between the planets involved which could not be explained by the other aspects and placements.

Has your experience brought up any evidence for these aspects are *efficently* involved in connection planetary energies?

I'd be really intersted in that.
Hi Rageypoo,

I've to say that my own chart is full of these quinqunxes but I've never been able to determine if they're really "at work". I got about 10 of them and couldn't observe direct connections and interaction between the planets involved which could not be explained by the other aspects and placements.

Has your experience brought up any evidence for these aspects are *efficently* involved in connection planetary energies?

I'd be really intersted in that.
that's because they can be rather subtle, just under the surface, sometimes cause health problems to.

With 10 quincunx or actually with around 3/4 even then you must always be *searching for answers* to life and it's mysteries.

going back to OP
Jupiter Quincunx (Inconjunct) Neptune

"The imaginative and humanitarian side of your nature needs lots of exercise in a "trial and error" manner before you are able to get your best skills to emerge in a way that is non-intrusive and can elicit the best qualities in others. The artistic side of your nature may seek a manner of expression that allows you to stay behind the scenes so you do not have to climb the learning curve required to interface directly with the public."

My take on this one is *reality v fantasy* could do well in fields of music, young children and spiritual matters. Expansive enthusiasm (jupiter) is clouded and confused and disillusioned with a nagging feeling of falsely evaluating things...:biggrin:
Crisis with health again, asthma.
[thanks for that, neptune is illusive, sometimes hard to diagnose]

And about Chiron in 8th house, that people with that planet in that house are great sex thrapists, I guess it also depends on Sign and aspects. So with all the squares and oppositions, and in Cancer 6th degree (which i read is a degree in cancer that indicates some kind of handicap), maybe I will need some time...

chiron stays in a sign for donkeys years and is generational, with loads of people having the oppositins to uranus and/or saturn even.

Cancer at 6th degree, not sure why you are referring to this as if it's bad somehow?
why not use the links I gave you do the research in to chiron in cancer as it will have a 4th house/family flavour...
Hey Luxsaxon,

I'd like to look at a different field of interest here for you said that you're living in a conservative country. What is your relationsship to religion? Have you been raised according religious laws? With a strict catholic raising e.g. it might be quite possible to develop a antipathy for sexual matters.

I live in orthodox christian country, but my family was not religiuos. It is simply traditional conservative - meaning famoly values, obligation to marry etc.
if it hasn't been touched on, there is a quincunx with jupiter and neptune.

since jupiter is in 7th this would add a bit more pieces to the puzzle

So what would mean if jupiter is in 7th and there is quincunx with jupiter and neptune?
Hello?? did you read my post 46??:sad:

I read it after I post the comment/question. And it is a general about the aspect, so as I am beginner in astrology, I cannot know what can it mean if the Jupiter is in the 7th, and Neptune in 3rd House.

Thanks for your links on Chiron, especuially the link to the book by Barbara Hand Clow.
Astrologer50, thank you for all the references. But even when I read what means Neptune in 3rd house and Neptune in Capricorn, and what means Jupiter in 7th house and in Gemmini, and what is quincunx of jupiter and neptune, I cannot guess the situation that comes from Jupiter in Gemini in 7th House quincux Neptune in capricorn in 3rd House? I am sipmly a beginner, and reading the general thing (planet in house and sign, or aspect between planets), is far from a knowlegde an experienced astrologer can have about the aspect of the planets in these houses/signs. Reading the links gives me partially, fragmentary opinion, and the one who had insight into someone's chart that had this aspect in exactly these houses can have the real knowlegde about it.
sexuality in charts, get back on topic


Sexuality in charts is a VERY sensitive matter. Some people think you can see it, while others don't. While there are VERY strong opinions on BOTH sides of this issue, this thread is NOT the place for expressing them. If you want to talk about whether or not you can see sexuality in a chart, start up a different thread or go to the numerous threads around the AW forum already started up on the subject.

THIS thread is ONLY for discussing the OP's question. If you don't think the question can or should be answered, DON'T post on this thread. I have deleted all the attacking and counter-attacking remarks and will continue to do so if any more re-occur.

Back on topic,

I still have not received an opinion what is the meaning of the quincux of Jupiter and Neptune, when Jupiter is in the 7th house in Gemini and ruler of the 2nd house, and Neptune is in the 2nd House in Capricorn and ruler of the 5th house.
Thanks for everyone who will answer the question.
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