Gemini curse?

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Here's another possible pattern that involves the three Realms in which we all experience Existence: The Cardinal-signs are most Aware of the Conscious; the Fixed-signs, the Subconscious; and the Mutable-signs, the Unconscious. This hypothesis would mean we're moving from a strong connection to the Unconscious Realm into the Subconscious as we approach the Aquarian Age. Scorpio is the key to entering the deeper Realm of Remembering and Forgetting. Is that right? The Once and Future Age of Aquarius...
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Here's another possible pattern that involves the three Realms in which we all experience Existence: The Cardinal-signs are most Aware of the Conscious; the Fixed-signs, the Subconscious; and the Mutable-signs, the Unconscious.

That seems more likely than the one you've previously posted. An Aquarius is way ahead of it's time

I think this thread teaches us that it is wrong to make assumptions and label people or jump to conclusions about being labeled if someone asks whether we have certain flaws based on our charts, it is all so painful, why not take second looks at things...

I do wish with all my heart that people would come to an understanding and use astrology to bring themselves together, I can't imagine a tool more perfect for that, there's nothing like love
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This hypothesis would mean we're moving from a strong connection to the Unconscious Realm into the Subconscious as we approach the Aquarian Age. Scorpio is the key to entering the deeper Realm of Remembering and Forgetting. Is that right? The Once and Future Age of Aquarius...

That’s right. We need to link the Aquarian unassuming approach with the Scorpio’s understanding of the deepest depth. I think that the Scorpio mating dance was just the perfect metaphor for any kind of intimacy issue between people (I was not talking about sex). Both sides want to come together, but one is afraid to surrender because it fears the consequences, so the one that has the upper hand should gently show what they intend to do with the other side’s stake. She is then able to look Pluto straight into the eyes and stays. A Scorpion being intimate is as intimate as it gets. She trusts him with her mouth and her back. It’s worth everything. Very applicable to Mr Gemini’s situation here.

And yes, the greatest gift our age bestows is tolerance on the deepest, most sincere level. It is a gift of peace, understanding and equality for all. Aquarius is an angel. I can’t think of a better time to be around. We could count the blessings forever. However, people can’t come together until they have forgotten, and they need to forgive in order to forget, so it’s a fixed cross issue indeed.

I believe that in order to achieve this noble goal truly, we need to work on the areas Aquarius squares and opposes first. I am a little grumpy these days, so I often address the dark side, which doesn’t mean I forget about the bright one. Although this age enables us to optimistically expand to our liking, we grow detached and fail to connect fully on the inside. We may have finally lost the borders, but people don’t hang out together like before. We need to apply the positive sides of Leo here, hope and lack of fear being two, not only the ambition for fame and dominance. And another thing, to me, Neptune is eternity, and what people seem to lack the most these days is time. That can sometimes mean that they lack other things Neptune stands for. That’s one of the things we should focus on, I believe.

There’s also the Taurus side we’ve lost, and overcoming that square makes me think of Johnny the Appleseed. We instead change the seed for worse; it’s losing its essence. We’ve forgotten how to enjoy the simple things, connect with nature and protect it and be relaxed. But, it’s about team work in this age, and that excludes quitting.
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I second that if you really like this girl, you should ask her what about Geminis it is she doesn't like. Honestly ask yourself, "do I fit into this category or no?" And if you don't, don't just tell her. Prove it to her. Earth signs like concrete action. If she doesn't want to give you a chance, for that reason ALONE, then it says more about her than you.

I think I'd find it hard to date anybody whose "into" astrology for that reason. I take relationships seriously and I take astrology seriously too so for me to hear some trendy new age type who barely knows what they're talking about to say, "I like you but I can't date you because youre a libra". That's just ridiculous! Love isn't supposed to be that planned out anyway, in my opinion

No offense but it's people like her that give astrology the bad reputation it has

I don't believe our personalities stay complete stagnant throughout our lives anyway, not even for Tauruses (I'm a Taurus moon). There's progressions and transits, the nodes of the moon, outside forces that shape who you are but mostly I just believe in free will. With knowledge of astrology, you could make steps towards better yourself, in my view, but some people are immature and look at it as just another way to judge others.
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I'm a Gemini moon with the Sun, Venus, Mars, Pluto in Scorpio. I'm also discriminated for my Gemini moon, if you will for being labeled fickle minded, bipolar and untrustworthy. To add insult to injury, I've got a stellium of my planets in Libra 7th house...ouch! Attaining the balance in relationships is vital for my transformation. But of course, its easier said than done. So, I feel you Mr. Gemini!