Getting away with it

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Out of sheer mischievous curiosity, I've been wondering what kind of electional chart would be helpful if you wanted to do something "bad" and not get caught. Anything from a lighthearted prank to getting away with being somewhere you're not supposed to be (like, say, in a bar when you're underage) to getting away with actual crime.

I only intend to use this for imaginative and entertainment purposes. Not recommending anything else.

My thought is you might want a void of course moon, to not be noticed... or would you? Would Mercury be a planet you want well placed, being the tricky one, the patron of thieves? And perhaps get authoritarian Saturn out of the way?
I guess you would want to debilitate the significator of whoever is supposed to catch or discover you as much as you can, placing it in combustion + in detriment or fall, in bad house. Additionally, you should place it in sign that doesn't "see" the sign where L1 is placed, no ptolemaic aspect is possible.
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with the current Mars in crafty Gemini square illusory Neptune transit, to me that is all about trying to 'get away with it'
I guess you would want to debilitate the significator of whoever is supposed to catch
or discover you
7th House significator?
as much as you can, placing it in combustion + in detriment or fall, in bad house.
Additionally, you should place it in sign that doesn't "see" the sign where L1 is placed, no ptolemaic aspect is possible.

interesting: TRANSIT GEMINI MARS ON 13 JANUARY 2023 CONJUNCT SUN of day Murder Victim Discovered
i.e. 2 June 1975

of day Murder Victim Discovered i.e. 2 June 1975

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Do you know what time her father found her body? All I could find was “the early hours” also a term used for when her boyfriend left, before McGrory killed her. It would have been a Monday morning.

The chart is 6am Monday morning, transits March 3 2020 day of McGrory arrest.

Looking for transits, that may depict being caught, after “getting away with it”
Neptune is below the horizon.

The only water is the moon.

Mostly Cardinal energy.

It actually looks similarly to the McGrory chart.

Moon is domicile.

All three charts have water moons. Two Cancer, one Pisces
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Everyone, since the discussion about the Moscow murders took on a life of its own, I made it its own thread. Please go there to continue that discussion. Keep this one on the general subject of getting away with things, astrologically. That or any other case may be briefly mentioned as an example, but if the discussion of a particular case goes on for a page or longer, it's really a separate topic.
Everyone, since the discussion about the Moscow murders took on a life of its own, I made it its own thread. Please go there to continue that discussion. Keep this one on the general subject of getting away with things, astrologically. That or any other case may be briefly mentioned as an example, but if the discussion of a particular case goes on for a page or longer, it's really a separate topic.
Thank you for the explanation, and for your patience. :innocent:
Out of sheer mischievous curiosity, I've been wondering what kind of electional chart would be helpful if you wanted to do something "bad" and not get caught. Anything from a lighthearted prank to getting away with being somewhere you're not supposed to be (like, say, in a bar when you're underage) to getting away with actual crime.

I only intend to use this for imaginative and entertainment purposes. Not recommending anything else.

My thought is you might want a void of course moon, to not be noticed... or would you? Would Mercury be a planet you want well placed, being the tricky one, the patron of thieves? And perhaps get authoritarian Saturn out of the way?
I would want very few planets in angular houses. So overall a "weak" chart. It should be good for not being noticed.
I would want very few planets in angular houses. So overall a "weak" chart. It should be good for not being noticed.
That’s a very good point actually. The best spies, are people that are unseen. Invisible people, unnoticed. People whose charts are inconspicuous.

Very good point!
I would want very few planets in angular houses. So overall a "weak" chart. It should be good for not being noticed.
That’s a very good point actually. The best spies, are people that are unseen. Invisible people, unnoticed. People whose charts are inconspicuous.

Very good point!

Again, this thread is about event charts, not natal charts.
Neptune, would show deception in the house it resides.

Aspects to it would show the industry or people involved, by planet and sign.

It would be dependant on what the mundane question or event chart was for.

Getting away is deceiving, so yeah, Neptune .
Neptune, would show deception in the house it resides.

Aspects to it would show the industry or people involved, by planet and sign.

It would be dependant on what the mundane question or event chart was for.

Getting away is deceiving, so yeah, Neptune .

So is Saturn, each in its own way. Saturn bestows earthly power and authority in worldly matters. The Saturnian power-structure is getting away with murder, and claiming it's for a "good" cause. Neptune's problem is wishful thinking.

When the Saturnian powers-that-be wanted to restore the legality of gain-of-function research in this country, after it had been banned for 3 years as being too dangerous, they chose the day Saturn ingressed its domicile-sign at the Winter Solstice in 2017.

Not a word about it in the media, as far as I can tell.
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