Ok, thank you, is it s or f?
Just to keep the narrative clear.
S is a friend of my friend. She fell in live with F,who doesnt want relationship with her.
Ok, thank you, is it s or f?
Just to keep the narrative clear.
So your friend is f?
Ok, so S is a friend of your friend, so the 11th from the 11th.
And F is an unknown, so we can assign him to the 7th.
Your friend as the 11th is Jupiter, and there are links between you ascendent and your friend. Sun (8th house) separates from a sextile with Jupiter who is in your house, and moon leaves sun transferring light to Jupiter. Jupiter is approaching a conjunction with Saturn, ruler of the ascendent. So we see you have a very close and strong developing tie with your friend. You also have Part of Fortune conjunct the ascendent.
Your friend's friend is the 11th from the 11th, so the 9th house, ruled by libra, with Venus in libra in the house. Venus approaches a square to Jupiter, so not very friendly to your friend, although she is in Jupiter's Face, but there is no mutual reception.
These aspects are about to culminate, be become perfect, so the difference is very close between their movements. You would have to consult an ephemeris to see which completes the aspect first, if Venus reaches Jupiter first, or if moon reaches Saturn first.
If the first situation happens, they will block your friend's contact with you.
The unknown man in the picture is the 7th house, an unknown and not in a relationship with your friend or your friend's friend.
He is moon in scorpio, and between him and Venus (your friend's friend) there is no contact.
So, the short answer to your question is No, he and your friend's friend will not have a romantic relationship.
If we were to look at an alternative house for him, he would be the radical 4th which is the 7th of your friend's friend, mars. Mars is strong by sign and no longer retrograde, but makes no aspect with Venus who is separating from him. So in this case as well, no, there is no romantic relationship.
In fact, first house Part of Fortune squares mars, so your intervention is also blocking his movement.
What remains in this chart is Saturn, you, sitting strong by sign, waiting to be aspected by everyone else.
Remember when you do a chart to insert the South node, in this case it is exactly at 20 degrees on the cusp of the 12th house of your subconscious, and North node is exactly on the cusp of your 6th house of healing, so these are the two themes being worked on in this spiderweb of relationships, where you are an active player.
You really do not need this other chart, which is susceptible to a couple of considerations before judgment anyway. The previous chart already showed that the man and the woman were going to be together - Saturn received Moon by exaltation (traditional definition) and obviously the square worked. (In all my romance charts, an aspect between main significators that WORKS, i.e. hard aspects or sextiles with reception, or trines and conjunctions with or without reception, generally from good houses and free from debilities, and that perfect without refranation, prohibition or evasion, of course - means that the relationship WILL develop, simple as that).
As to whether this is a casual fling and nothing else: see Moon, who's the descendant lord and by her own right is telling above all other planets in a horary chart, and Venus, the natural significator of love affairs, are both in Venus' dignity (I'm still talking about the previous chart). The MC and the IC are fixed signs. Saturn is known to be a ponderous planet, not one casual or sexual to give in to passing fancy, and is also angular in the chart. There is some real affection between the guy and the woman, no matter whether this ends in a deeper commitment such as marriage or not. A relatively early ascendant and significators being in cardinal signs could mean the relationship is still changeable/developing in some sense, which seems to describe the budding relationship perfectly, so I don't see any sign of this being just a fling, if that's what you mean.
I am just not sure what role you were in to cast this chart. I use the Moon who rules the matter and the 1st-7th axis anyway.
Just curious.... why would you want your friend to go back to a person who would dump her and in no time fall in love with another, get herself a new lover? I'm pretty sure (from the previous chart) she really has liked that guy.
As pointed out by others the first chart shows moon translating between Venus and Mars with some reception (though very weak) so not all hope is lost, but Venus and Mars are in opposition and from each other's sign of detriment(!) If I were their friends I would advise them to think about whether they were right for each other to start with.
Thanks for the update.
Yes it was an opposition. Oppositions come together to break apart.
Not seeing it.
Sun just changed signs. They feel free and liberated.
Saturn is comfortable where it is right now, in its own sign.
They seem happier separate![]()