Ghost of San Francisco

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hmmm interesting coincidence.

in tacoma, the population of homeless has risen dramatically over just a few weeks. actually it was suddenly one weekend.thi rush of homeless ,many don't seem homeless or at less not there attitudes as there are many couples. i bit unusual and the energy was almost like a "date" outlining from some. this sudden influx has already challenged the existing shelters.

this reminds me of Seattle 16 months ago. a sudden rush of homeless arrived in seattle and this was followed by new pressure to displace the homeless the city. i felt it was political or than this was a manifestation of Rothschild corporations control of seattle. i wonder what happen. about 3 months ago 40 cops resigned , so there is some deep revisions occurring in seattle. the significance of the cops resigning is that,like everywhere the cops are part of the illegal drug dispensing. so for these may cops to resign also implies a structural change in the "drug" commerce.
apparently mossad is tightening their grip on local drug dealings as well as their international importation of ICE/methamphetamine from Israel thru seattle

i have been struck by the similarities of this influx of "bused in homeless" to tacoma and the various large groups of Latin Americans that are heading to the border of the US.
something political seem to me to connect the mass immigration to the US and the mass "immigration" to Tacoma. both situations seem to be trying too overload the social life net.

it is still unclear why the Rothschild corporations have left the exploitation of seattle unfilled and now are attempting to control the spirit of Tacoma as they have all the other north western central coast of the US.

coupled with"evangelical" preachers trying to convince the local evangelicals that Yahweh was the original name of god and that some "crazy priests" later wrote Elohim over Yahweh. the kabballalist propagandist have been doing this for 2000 years... rewriting the holy books to insert fallacious qualities to the problematic "Yahweh".

the ghost of San Francisco is coming back to haunt the world.
all the current world wide evil , the total addiction of all government, corporate and armed forces officials to mossad/cia drugs ,goes back to that moment of november 27 1978 when ex supervisor dan white murdered mayor george moscone and supervisor harvey in the city hall of San Francisco.
dan white was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and given 7 years in prison, of which he only serve 3 years. the defense was called the Twinkies defense. the defense lawyers said that dan white had eaten too much white sugar in the form of Twinkies and this caused him to murder two people

at the trial of dan white, every judge,prosecutor,defense lawyer, police officer and jurist knew that the white powder was cocaine.even the Pulitzer prize recipient columnist herb caen freely wrote about the use of cocaine by all levels of san francsco society including the mayor and chief of police.

the fact that no one spoke the truth , lead to the cia and mossad ,using cocaine addiction,to take over every aspect of society from gangsters to banksters with impunity. those drug assassinations of the Italian mafia leader georger moscone and gay drug mafia leader harvery milk, have directly lead to the current world wide addiction of every political leader in the world, by drugs provided by the mossad and the cia.

from the pages of the san francisco chronicle ,we learn that after dan white murder mayor moscone, he headed toward the office of Harvey milk.... on the way he met ....Diane feinstein, who talked with dan white for several minutes, after which he proceeded to harvey milks chambers and shot him.

i wonder what that conversation was about?

it is no coincides that dianne feinstein and nancy pelosi have risen to politcal prominence .
dianne feinstein and nancy pelosi were both knew the truth . nancy pelosi's husband was a supervisor as well as was dianne feinstein. feinstein was rewarded with her silence by ultimately being appointed to the trilateral commission after she was elected mayor. but her connection is much more evil that her position has the head of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, she was intergral in hiding the fact that the mossad brought torture in to the abu ghraib prison in iraq in 2003.

U.S. Army Reserve Brigadier General Janis Karpinski had been in command of Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison for only four months, in 2003,when he mossad brought torture into the prison. and she was never notified of this fact and was made scapegoat and relieved of command when the spectacle. broke out


it is no coincide that both nancy pelosi(now the democratic house whip) and dianne feinstein both have risen to national prominence.they rose to prominence because that kept their mouths shut about the central issue of cia/mossad cocaine in the murders.

so if anyone thinks that with the democrats in control of congress,that anything will change from the chaos that drumpf has unleashed.... they will be sadly disappointed.
now that gavin newsom is govern of California, the Rothschild drug dealing mossad is in fat city. and when kamala harris is elected president in 2020 ,this country will officially be a narco democracy.
while newsom was mayor of SF and harris district attorney, at woman worker in the evidence room at the police department started stealing cocaine. when discovered she said it was no big thing because everyone knew about it. then 2 weeks later ,this woman was busted in her san mateo homes..... for cocaine possession.
when DA harris wa aked about this new arrest she said it had nothing to do with the pending case in SF..... and he media clammed up asi never heard another thing about this case.
so newsom and Harris were right in the middle of the mossad's gaining control of the drug trade in SF .

newsom is trump redux. he claims the disparity between the rich and poor, needs to be addressed. he ran as a trump-like populist . single mother upbring etc .but all the while he had practically been adopted by the getty billionaires family.
and to attend his inauguration it will cost between 25,000$ and 200,000$ dollars. so he is already selling his influences to the Rothschild controlled corporations.

the rothschilds are intent on turning California into their personal fiefdom as Israel already is.
san Francisco will be the center of the mossad world wide drug dealing.
well actually SF will be the command center from the wharf area but all the actual handling of drugs will be in just across the golden gate, in Sausalito .
currently all drug dealing in san Francisco and the peninsula to san jose is being distributed from daly city which is just south of SF. even the Mexican mafia in SF is getting their drugs out of daly city .
and then the world wide distribution of cocaine is being shipped out from Sausalito via commercial airlines.

so it seems that SF itself is being turned into some sort of "safe haven".from the number of new Judaic centers sprouting up, it looks like SF will be the "spiritual "center of the Rothschild kabalistic fiefdom.

If you’re familiar with the American war on drugs, then it may not surprise you to learn that the CIA represents one of the largest drug dealing organizations in history.

The CIA originally designed LSD with the help of a Swiss manufacturer as a “mind control drug” as part of their MK Ultra program, hoping that it would allow patients under the influence to commit unspeakable acts commanded by the government and then forget they ever happened.

Of course, this plan backfired, and then the CIA introduced LSD to the American population.

The CIA is no stranger to money laundering, performing dangerous tests on unwilling patients, and even committing murder over drugs.

One of the drugs the CIA has focused on for decades is heroin, which is created using opium.

The CIA actually owned and operated a covert drug smuggling airline, referred to as Air America, which was used to transport numerous goods, including heroin.

Pablo Escobar's Son Reveals His Dad "Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine"

The CIA’s involvement with the opium industry doesn’t just stop there.

The CIA consciously turned a blind eye to the opium trade in Afghanistan in the 1980s, until the Taliban took control and attempted to put an end to production.

The opium industry in Afghanistan, which represented 90% of the world’s opium production, then plummeted.

9/11 occurred only a year later, giving the U.S. a perfect “reason” to invade Afghanistan.

Well, shortly afterwards, the U.S. seized the opium fields and took control of them, and then we witnessed opium production in Afghanistan skyrocketing again.


the ghost of San Francisco is coming back to haunt the world.
all the current world wide evil , the total addiction of all government, corporate and armed forces officials to mossad/cia drugs ,goes back to that moment of november 27 1978 when ex supervisor dan white murdered mayor george moscone and supervisor harvey in the city hall of San Francisco.
dan white was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and given 7 years in prison, of which he only serve 3 years. the defense was called the Twinkies defense. the defense lawyers said that dan white had eaten too much white sugar in the form of Twinkies and this caused him to murder two people

at the trial of dan white, every judge,prosecutor,defense lawyer, police officer and jurist knew that the white powder was cocaine.even the Pulitzer prize recipient columnist herb caen freely wrote about the use of cocaine by all levels of san francsco society including the mayor and chief of police.

the fact that no one spoke the truth , lead to the cia and mossad ,using cocaine addiction,to take over every aspect of society from gangsters to banksters with impunity. those drug assassinations of the Italian mafia leader georger moscone and gay drug mafia leader harvery milk, have directly lead to the current world wide addiction of every political leader in the world, by drugs provided by the mossad and the cia.

from the pages of the san francisco chronicle ,we learn that after dan white murder mayor moscone, he headed toward the office of Harvey milk.... on the way he met ....Diane feinstein, who talked with dan white for several minutes, after which he proceeded to harvey milks chambers and shot him.

i wonder what that conversation was about?

it is no coincides that dianne feinstein and nancy pelosi have risen to politcal prominence .
dianne feinstein and nancy pelosi were both knew the truth . nancy pelosi's husband was a supervisor as well as was dianne feinstein. feinstein was rewarded with her silence by ultimately being appointed to the trilateral commission after she was elected mayor. but her connection is much more evil that her position has the head of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, she was intergral in hiding the fact that the mossad brought torture in to the abu ghraib prison in iraq in 2003.

U.S. Army Reserve Brigadier General Janis Karpinski had been in command of Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison for only four months, in 2003,when he mossad brought torture into the prison. and she was never notified of this fact and was made scapegoat and relieved of command when the spectacle. broke out

it is no coincide that both nancy pelosi(now the democratic house whip) and dianne feinstein both have risen to national prominence.they rose to prominence because that kept their mouths shut about the central issue of cia/mossad cocaine in the murders.

so if anyone thinks that with the democrats in control of congress,that anything will change from the chaos that drumpf has unleashed.... they will be sadly disappointed.

Originally Posted by rahu
hmmm interesting coincidence.

it is still unclear why the Rothschild corporations have left the exploitation of seattle unfilled and now are attempting to control the spirit of Tacoma as they have all the other north western central coast of the US.

coupled with"evangelical" preachers trying to convince the local evangelicals that Yahweh was the original name of god and that some "crazy priests" later wrote Elohim over Yahweh. the kabballalist propagandist have been doing this for 2000 years... rewriting the holy books to insert fallacious qualities to the problematic "Yahweh".

another anomaly is that there is group of ?evangelical preachers? going around and trying to convince people that Yahweh was the original name for god written in genesis, elohim which means gods plural male and female, was written over Yahweh by some "crazy priest".after 2 thousand years the yahwist censors are still creeping around trying to instill yahweh as the original god of the Hebrews. but with a monarchy in Israel very near, there is no time to wait for a real messiah of the Jewish people but using evangelical misplaced knowledge of god,the yahwist hope to get political clout for pandering to the evangelicals delusions.

so even though Yahweh began as a cult god with asherah, the modern day kabalists are still trying to legitimize Yahweh's false status as a creator god even if they have to lie, which is not unheard of for them


the answer has been made clear with the recent measles outbreak.
Now, employees of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan were forced to admit that new toxic strains of contagious measles disease were first found in Ukraine, and local vaccines are unable to effectively fight them.

Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan – training grounds for the use of biological weapons
the country’s chief state sanitary doctor, said on January 29 that high-tech research was conducted to identify the causes of measles that are not typical for Kazakhstan, which showed that they caused the epidemic in Ukraine
On January 24, we received the results of a genomic study of pathogens that circulate among patients in Kazakhstan. The study showed that these are the same strains D8 and B3 that circulate in the European continent. We went further. And then a more detailed study showed that the strain “B”, which circulates to a greater degree in Kazakhstan, has the genetic lines “Dublin” and “Kabul”. Of these, especially “Kabul” is very toxic. He caused an outbreak in Ukraine, ”said the country’s chief sanitary doctor.

According to doctors, these two strains have never circulated in Kazakhstan. Against them there is no immunity in vaccinated children and adults. Experts believe that these are new strains that are resistant to the old vaccines and specifically designed for conducting so-called test tests for possible further spread of other more dangerous diseases.

. But, using the example of this contagious disease, modified in US military laboratories, the mechanisms for the spread of more dangerous diseases in the territories of the former republics of the Soviet Union — Ukraine, Georgia, and Kazakhstan — are now being worked out across the ocean.

(the CIO and Mossad have now brought these genetically altered measles strain to begin their infection of the US. they started in Washington because that state has a strong individual rights agenda.
sa I just posted on my mrsa thread
I was recently infected with a insect born virus which is exactly what has been reported that the CIA was working on in georgia
There was an incident that I haven’t mentioned but I will now,as I have read a couple of articles about he CIA using insects to spread genetically altered virus etc.this research is direct continuation of nazi research in the 1940’s as the articles above describe when CIA brought Nazi scientist, some who had been convicted of crimes against humanity yet inexplicably were pardoned and ended up working for the CIA on biological warfare ,among one of several demon endeavors.
Is the “deadly flu” coming from Georgia created in the US biolab?
Scientists from the Pentagon were sent to the Republic of Georgia and received diplomatic immunity to study deadly diseases and biting insects at the Lugar Center – Pentagon Biolab in the capital of Georgia Tbilisi.
The incident I will describe involved a biting insect, while I was in tacoma Washington .
About 4 months ago a was walking in Tacoma on a hot day, so I sat down on the remnant of a old house foundation that was just off the street .it was lower by several feet and was some what obscured from the street. this area was composed of sloping grassy area of several blocks that the university of Washington had cleared off of old houses etc.
There was near by a shopping cart with sundry bed blankets and tarps that had been abandoned for a week or so.
While sitting there a thuggish person came down and started asking who had gone through his things.
I mentioned they had been there for a week and I had no idea .
He had a strange, almost evil look so I took the time to give him a fist bump and got up and started continuing to a recovery center for a meal. To my surprise and dismay he started to walk along but luckily had left something behind so I thought I was rid of him.
After arriving at the center and waiting for the meals to be served this thug showed up again and sat down to me as if we were acquainted. after ignoring for several minutes he moved. But periodically would glare in my direction. I had never seen this thug before. But for the next few days he kept appearing.
It was already clear that I had been marked as a informant, so I didn’t not trust any seemingly innocent encounters.
At any rate about 4 days later I was walking in this area gain and stopped that same location off the street for a brief stop. the shopping cart was gone but as I sat own I noticed a pillow. it looked clean so I thought I would lay down for a few moments. But as I laid my head down I realized this was not a intelligent action as this pillow might not be as clean as it looked. So after just a few moments I rose my head,rested a few moment and then continued my walk
Well that night I fell a sharp sting but unlike any sting I had ever felt. This was sharp but like a very very small needle addition it did not feel like a had been stung on the surface of my skin. i put some anesthetic and forgot about it. But the next morning the white of my eye was completely filled with blood.
At this point I did feel I slight bump on my eye. When I shut my eye I could see a small hoof like white mark on my eyeball which I realized was in fact a insect bite. I careful bathed around my eye with antiseptic for the next couple of days and my eyes cleared up but I also bathed the other eye just in case there was come contamination. Finally about 5 days later, I felt another similar bite but it was smaller and not really painful and it seems to be be more on my lower eyelid. there was no blood or any other repercussions. I assumed this was a new “born” insect of whatever species this was that had bite me.
I realized immediately that this was not happenchance. The totally foreign insect had been planted on that pillow with the intention that I would do exactly what I did, use it for a head rest. Again, I have to remind the reader that have h nano “transmitters/sensors” in my neck/head area that keep in constant “surveillance” as well as monitoring my electrical signatures in my mind. These sensors can distinguish when I a awake, even when I mediate as well as my location. So every where I go is apparently recorded and as I am a creature of habit, it is very easy to anticipate where I m going.
I finally had to leave taoma,as I mentioned in another post recently, because I was threatened in the third person that I would be killed. As the CiA/mossad has been poisoning me since 2012, it seemed they are finally seriously wanting me neutralized. This is also made clear because two weeks ago my brother tried cause a stroke. I posted about this recently. The first time i recognized I had been poisoned and quickly neutralize the poison . the second time the poison actually started a stroke and I lost control of the right side of my body. But as I was “ready” so to speak, I had a can of 14% ale which neutralized the stroke immediately. If this had been a real stroke, the alcohol won’thave stopped the stroke. Luckily had no lasting affects but I did make it a point of drinking a can of ale once a day for the next few days.
The point of this post is to point out that the CIA/mossad have now brought their bacterial/insect warfare to the US main land.
The recent outbreak of measles in Washington and the north west is being directed by the CIA and mossad. It is not coincidence that Washington state is a bastion of opposition to the demonic vaccines that have been genetically created weaken and kill the people of this country. Now anti vaccination proponents are being demonized as the cause of this outbreak, when in fact it is theC IA and Mossad continuing their conspiracy to cause our country to continue it’s decay as has been instituted by thei puppet trump.

This is just the beginning , as the hysteria of the measles out break is also part of the plan to use Washington state as the departure point for confiscation of fire arms in this country
Is the “deadly flu” coming from Georgia created in the US biolab?
Scientists from the Pentagon were sent to the Republic of Georgia and received diplomatic immunity to study deadly diseases and biting insects at the Lugar Center – Pentagon Biolab in the capital of Georgia Tbilisi.
Plant 1998
Crash of Cargo Plane in Holland Revealed Existence of Israeli Chemical and Biological Weapons

NEO: Lugar Biolab, Will Truth be Revealed before Spin Doctors Label it a Conspiracy

Behind the walls of the Lugar Laboratory, biologists of the U.S. military-medical group in Georgia and private contractors under federal contract with the … Defense Threat Reduction Agency indeed could have performed secret experiments on residents of Georgia.

the Cia and mossad have started to focus on Tacoma because Tacoma is already under the tied control of mossad kaballists. tacoma is ruled by the Jesuits . and the Jesuits have been a front for kabalist influence since it's inception in 1500.

recently the media reported that a Jesuit priest that have been sexual assault native Indian children were reassigned to Seattle and their crimes coverup. the Jesuits have been subjugating the native American population for 100's of years.

the CIA is using bacterial knowledge that they have worked on since 1947 when the CIA brought Nazi scientist, some convicted of crimes against humanity, ionto the US illegally. breaking American laws and Nuremberg statues

"coupled with"evangelical" preachers trying to convince the local evangelicals that Yahweh was the original name of god and that some "crazy priests" later wrote Elohim over Yahweh. the kabballalist propagandist have been doing this for 2000 years... rewriting the holy books to insert fallacious qualities to the problematic "Yahweh".

i interesting turn of events is occurring here in the north west.
kabbalist disguised as evangelicals are trying to spread the word to local christians that elohim, the original name for the lord god in the bible is wrong. these yahwist propagandist are saying that yahweh is the original name of god and that "some crazy priest" changed the name of yahweh to elohim.

the yahwist propagandist have been distorting the truth of the bible for over 2000 years and this is the latest attempt to accomplish this.

elohim means the lords. that is it is plural and it also is masculine and feminine. that is male and female gods....... of course the levite yahwist have waged war on the feminine goddess for thousands of years and this is just a 20th century attempt to further lie about the true meaning of god/goddess.

when I was in tacoma couple of months ago , met with an evangelical. I had known them for several decades but we hadn't talk for many years. I mentioned the kabalistic trying to rewrite the bible and they concurred they had heard this. after meeting several times over a week they when to their pastor.
I had been served ice tea during these visits but the next time we met. the tea had been contaminated with nano mrsa, so I realized that the mossad kabalists had already taken over the minds and morals of the evangelicals in Tacoma.

May 6
A retired San Francisco public defender was stabbed to death Friday at her San Francisco home, and a man covered in blood inside the Potrero Hill residence was detained for questioning, authorities and neighbors said.
The victim, Marla Zamora, 65, was stabbed at her home on the 400 block of Arkansas Street, police said.

Police have held for questioning a man found covered in blood inside the home of a retired San Francisco public defender who was stabbed to death, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Friday.
Marla Zamora was killed at her house in the 400 block of Arkansas Street, San Francisco police told the newspaper. Officers who were called to the Potrero Hill residence late Friday morning found her body in the backyard, police said.

this seems to be a tragic occurrence, but Marla Zamora started her career among lawyers that were in the know about the moscone/milk assassinations.

as some of these lawyers became and are involved to the restructuring of the drug connections of moscone and milk(milks source was from salt lake city ,likely the fbi associated drug connection of the late howard hughes from Nicaragua).

it may not be innocent, as the mossad/cia has in the near past taken over san francisco's drug "cartels".

once the mossad takes over the local "cartels", there is often a "thinning out" of people in the know after they gain absolute control.

as we are in the nodal return time of the moscone milk assassination, I have to wondered it this murder doesn't resonate with a spate of deaths after the assassinations in 1978. most memorably was now senator Feinstein's campaign manager committing suicide by jumping off the golden gate bridge in 1979.


victim, Marla Zamora, 65, was stabbed at her home on the 400 block of Arkansas Street, police said.
As I mentioned this murder was suspicious to me as she would have been around during the moscone/milk murder by the CIA. working for the public defenders office she would have known about the endemic cocaine addiction throughout the government and police.
These speculations seems to be true, as my estranged step daughter regularly went to LA with zamora’s daughter.
My step daughter has been a cocaine addict since she was a freshman in high school in Amarillo texas. Actually our estrangement was because of her cocaine involvement.
She had a girl friend whose uncle was a deputy sheriff in Amarillo which means he was dealing drugs.
In the later 1980’s all the drug dealers were warned to stop dealing, no one was busted or murdered but this was followed by an exodus of dealers out of Amarillo. The only ones left were supplied by the sheriffs.
The Sheriff Shumate’ son cooked methamphetamine and sold it.
So my step daughter at a early age was connect to the biggest cocaine dealer in Amarillo which in turn are supplied by the CIA. and as a consequence she became totally unmanageable.
I had separated from my wife recently and she would not take my daughter but when cocaine became an issue my wife changed her mind and let my daughter moved in. with out going into detail this was jumping from the pot into the fire.
Next few years my step daughter visited san Francisco and became friends with my brothers daughter.
My brother,tito antony torres, was involved with the assassination of moscone and milk as well as his wealthy girl friend susan gertner, later his wife and now divorced. When I first told him the murders were over drugs ,he laughed me off.he really didn’t know even though he was being groomed to replace Harvey milk as supervisor(by his own words). But a few years later, on a visit , he told me that the murders were indeed over drug dealing.and he wanted more information about a man named dahlstom who I had previous told him had some connection which I did not know. But I ignored him. His wife had clued him into the reality of the murders and I wasn’t sure what he was trying to pick my mind for.
Since my brother has been poisoning me with nano mrsa and on at least 2 occasion has tried to kill me with a stroke inducing drug provided by the CIA/mossad, he has become a drug dealer for his cia/mossad connection.
I know his son is a meth dealer and his ex wife has always been connected to cocaine.
When my brother found I was looking for a lawyer to sue him for fraud and larceny, he had my mother lie to the courts and police and have me thrown on the street. My brother has been an informant since the 70’s and specialized in setting people up for assassination or arrest by the CIA.
my step daughter stayed with my brother and mother for a few years but became intimate friends with his daughter that she moved in with his daughter. And now my daughter celebrates the holidays with my brother’s ex and his kids instead of my brother and mother.quite a social climber.
During the last10 years or so she has been working as a waitress at the tourist site, pier 39. where moscone and milks assassin ,dan white, had a booth and sold pop corn, or so it was said.
My brother’s ex is close friends of warren simmons the developer of pier 39 .
Warren simmons even came over to my mother’s table at her85th birthday party t pier 39 some years ago.
Interestingly when I first started posting about the assassinations in san Francisco, I mentioned in passing that pier 39 had been built with no permits at all. No union workers , and seemed to reflect the general corruption the drug culture that was san Francisco….in response to that post someone calling themselves, doctor coos responded and warned me that warren simmons would send someone after me. This was3-4 years before warren simmon found out that as was related to my brother.i was just an anonymous poster but I was threaten for disparaging him, apparently. Well doctor coos left
I had read about this chicanery in a column by Charles macabe in the SF chronicle, so I searched for him and found out that he had been found dead in his Livingroom in 1983,which was shortly after I left san Francisco. He had apparently fallen down and suffered a lethal head injury.
My step daughter recently returned from Europe after a 3 month vacation. All on the savings of a waitress at pier 39. Obviously this is impossible so it is clear she has hooked up with mu brother’s covert connection and has been dealing for a while. And clearly the trip to Europe had something to do with drug distribution out of San Francisco.
I have posted before that it seems the mossad kaballists are making the west coast the point drugs distribution worldwide. though interestingly, the kaballists are keeping the actual drug transactions out of san Francisco, instead Sausalito and daly city are the points that drugs are being distributed from. .
This is reinforced as the Rothschilds have divested their last remaining property in Europe, so the last decade of buying out California and the northwest means they are going to now come en mass to the west coast and make it their international center financial center and world wide drug dealing center.
As mentioned at the beginning of this post she at the time of zamora’s murder, she was accompanying Zamora; daughter regularly on trips to LA.
This makes it clear that knowing the connection my brother has that the murder of Zamora was a cia/mossad hit to take over the drug connection zamora had.
My brother’s forte for the CIA was to setup person who were to be assassinated and to keep the CIA informed about his legal cases as he projected a façade of radial left so my lefts reformers came to him, never knowing everything they said was passed on the CIA. He was/is a go between between the SF DA office and the CIA, as I have seen emails to him addressed to someone else with thee warning:
“If you are not the person this is addressed to, you must delete immediately or subject to 10,000$ fine and incarceration as you are breaking federal law”(paraphrased)
My step daughter has been around CIA and Mossad dealers for half her life. And being associate up with my brother and his in-laws only seals the deal.
victim, Marla Zamora, 65, was stabbed at her home on the 400 block of Arkansas Street, police said.
As I mentioned this murder was suspicious to me as she would have been around during the moscone/milk murder by the CIA. working for the public defenders office she would have known about the endemic cocaine addiction throughout the government and police.
These speculations seems to be true, as my estranged step daughter regularly went to LA with zamora’s daughter.
My step daughter has been a cocaine addict since she was a freshman in high school in Amarillo texas. Actually our estrangement was because of her cocaine involvement.
She had a girl friend whose uncle was a deputy sheriff in Amarillo which means he was dealing drugs.
In the later 1980’s all the drug dealers were warned to stop dealing, no one was busted or murdered but this was followed by an exodus of dealers out of Amarillo. The only ones left were supplied by the sheriffs.
The Sheriff Shumate’ son cooked methamphetamine and sold it.
So my step daughter at a early age was connect to the biggest cocaine dealer in Amarillo which in turn are supplied by the CIA. and as a consequence she became totally unmanageable.
I had separated from my wife recently and she would not take my daughter but when cocaine became an issue my wife changed her mind and let my daughter moved in. with out going into detail this was jumping from the pot into the fire.
Next few years my step daughter visited san Francisco and became friends with my brothers daughter.
My brother,tito antony torres, was involved with the assassination of moscone and milk as well as his wealthy girl friend susan gertner, later his wife and now divorced. When I first told him the murders were over drugs ,he laughed me off.he really didn’t know even though he was being groomed to replace Harvey milk as supervisor(by his own words). But a few years later, on a visit , he told me that the murders were indeed over drug dealing.and he wanted more information about a man named dahlstom who I had previous told him had some connection which I did not know. But I ignored him. His wife had clued him into the reality ofthe murders and I wasn’t sure what he was tryingto pick my mind for.
Since my brother has been poisoning me with nano mrsa and on at least 2 occasion has tried to kill me with a stroke inducing drug provided by the CIA/mossad, he has become a drug dealer for his cia/mossad connection.
I know his son is a meth dealer and his ex wife has always been connected to cocaine.
When my brother found I was looking for a lawyer to sue him for fraud and larceny, he had my mother lie to the courts and police and have me thrown on the street. My brother has been an informant since the 70’s and specialized in setting people up for assassination or arrest by the CIA.
my step daughter stayed with my brother and mother for a few years but became intimate friends with his daughter that she moved in with his daughter. And now my daughter celebrates the holidays with my brother’s ex and his kids instead of my brother and mother.quite a social climber.
During the last10 years or so she has been working as a waitress at the tourist site, pier 39. where moscone and milks assassin ,dan white, had a booth and sold pop corn, or so it was said.
My brother’s ex is close friends of warren simmons the developer of pier 39 .
Warren simmons even came over to my mother’s table at her85th birthday party t pier 39 some years ago.
Interestingly when I first started posting about the assassinations in san Francisco, I mentioned in passing that pier 39 had been built with no permits at all. No union workers , and seemed to reflect the general corruption the drug culture that was san Francisco….in response to that post someone calling themselves, doctor coos responded and warned me that warren simmons would send someone after me. This was3-4 years before warren simmon found out that as was related to my brother.i was just an anonymous poster but I was threaten for disparaging him, apparently. Well doctor coos left
I had read about this chicanery in a column by Charles macabe in the SF chronicle, so I searched for him and found out that he had been found dead in his Livingroom in 1983,which was shortly after I leftsan Francisco. He had apparently fallen down and suffered a lethal head injury.
My step daughter recently returned from Europe after a 3 month vacation. All on the savings of a waitress at pier 39. Obviously this is impossible so it is clear she has hooked up with mu brother’s covert connection and has been dealing for a while. And clearly the trip to Europe had something to do with drug distribution out of San Francisco.
I have posted before that it seems the mossad kaballists are making the west coast the point drugs distribution worldwide. though interestingly, the kaballists are keeping the actual drug transactions out of san Francisco, instead Sausalito and daly city are the points that drugs are being distributed from. .
This is reinforced as the Rothschilds have divested their last remainingpropertyin Europe, so the last decade of buying out California and the northwest means they are going to now come en mass to the west coast and make it their international center financial center and world wide drug dealing center.
As mentioned at the beginning of this post she at the time of zamora’s murder, she was accompanying Zamora; daughter regularly on trips to LA.
This makes it clear that knowing the connection my brother has that the murder of Zamora was a cia/mossad hit to take over the drug connection zamora had.
My brother’s forte for the CIA was to setup person who were to be assassinated and to keep the CIA informed about his legal cases as he projected a façade of radial left so my lefts reformers came to him, never knowing everything they said was passed on the CIA. He was/is a go between between the SF DA office and the CIA, as I have seen emails to him addressed to someone else with thee warning:
“If you are not the person this is addressed to, you must delete immediately or subject to 10,000$ fine and incarceration as you are breaking federal law”(paraphrased)
My step daughter has been around CIA and Mossad dealers for half her life. And being associate up with my brother and his in-laws only seals the deal.

well the mossad trolls have just deleted everything I was adding to this post ,
clearly we have very little time before the Rothschild's CIA/mossad will crate a fascist state... they have drumpf in place and all his crimes are in the process of being ignored being pardon by the Rothschild's MSM/ .pedophilia ia already being legalize in France and will also be legalized here.
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The sudden death of public defender jef adachi is still under investigation though no evidence of foul play has been found but it is still strange. where the woman he was with when he was stricken is unknown and a the news reports are glaring lacking in the ident1es of the people around.
Adachi was a fervent as he was a advocate for justice of the most vulnerable in the community..
adiach public defender of the accused and a watch dog against police abuse. This is exact type of defender the kabalistic are now want eliminated

jeff adaici was pronounced dead at 6:54 at the California pacific medical center. i woman called 911 on adaici’s cell phone at 5:43Pm. The unidentified woman said she performed CPR until the paramedics arrived. The police photographed alcohol ,cannabis gummie and syringes the assumed were used by the paramedics.
The woman let the police into the unit which had been arrange for the use that weekend. In wsin a 3 story building with 4 units on telegraph terrace 150 yards from coit tower. The owners and residents could not be reached .the building was owned by the Kaplan family trust.

The public defender believe he had a heart attack but the medical examiner will conduct a autopsy to determine the cause of adaici death. the office said adaici “was having dinner with a friend “when he “began having trouble breathing” The office “does not know exactly what happened, and if there is an investigation, were awaiting more information”

Adachi was clearly murdered as he represented the enlightened san Francisco cultural history of standing up for the underdog.
as the Rothschild’s have recently sold their last remaining property in Europe ,they are now intending to
to establish their base of operations in san Francisco. That has been the purpose of buying everything in san Francisco and the immediate cities, over the last 10 years.
Their mossad thugs/CIA control the worlds drug dealing and san Francisco has been made the center of worldwide distribution.
With the Rothschild’s shill, trump’s crime now being brought into the open, assassinations are now beginning to remove any vestige of morality. the assassination of khashoggi has legitimized the murder of any critic or block to Rothschild pursue of world slavery.
San Francisco is being sanitized of any potential critics.but more importantly anyone who is symbol of san Francisco culture heritage will be murdered especially is in positions of power.
It is clear to me that this is the cases, as my demon brother apparently is now being employed, part ime by the public defender’s office. This is a sign that the cia/mossad are going to crack down on any one whose views they do not approve of my brother has for years been a informant and specialized in setting up people for prosecution or murder. I know this for fsct tht in the last month he almost killed be by poison my food and last night I nearly caught himi n the act again but he was unable to shut the oven door quickly before I could get him in sight…. He tried but he could not stop the noise of the shutting of the oven door. So after7 years of the CIA/Mossad, ith his assistance tying to kill me with genetically altered mrsa strains, they are now being more direct as the general cleansing” of the Rothschild critics begins.

victim, Marla Zamora, 65, was stabbed at her home on the 400 block of Arkansas Street, police said.
As I mentioned this murder was suspicious to me as she would have been around during the moscone/milk murder by the CIA. working for the public defenders office she would have known about the endemic cocaine addiction throughout the government and police.
These speculations seems to be true, as my estranged step daughter regularly went to LA with zamora’s daughter.
My step daughter has been a cocaine addict since she was a freshman in high school in Amarillo texas. Actually our estrangement was because of her cocaine involvement.
She had a girl friend whose uncle was a deputy sheriff in Amarillo which means he was dealing drugs.
In the later 1980’s all the drug dealers were warned to stop dealing, no one was busted or murdered but this was followed by an exodus of dealers out of Amarillo. The only ones left were supplied by the sheriffs.
The Sheriff Shumate’ son cooked methamphetamine and sold it.
So my step daughter at a early age was connect to the biggest cocaine dealer in Amarillo which in turn are supplied by the CIA. and as a consequence she became totally unmanageable.
I had separated from my wife recently and she would not take my daughter but when cocaine became an issue my wife changed her mind and let my daughter moved in. with out going into detail this was jumping from the pot into the fire.
Next few years my step daughter visited san Francisco and became friends with my brothers daughter.
My brother,tito antony torres, was involved with the assassination of moscone and milk as well as his wealthy girl friend susan gertner, later his wife and now divorced. When I first told him the murders were over drugs ,he laughed me off.he really didn’t know even though he was being groomed to replace Harvey milk as supervisor(by his own words). But a few years later, on a visit , he told me that the murders were indeed over drug dealing.and he wanted more information about a man named dahlstom who I had previous told him had some connection which I did not know. But I ignored him. His wife had clued him into the reality ofthe murders and I wasn’t sure what he was tryingto pick my mind for.
Since my brother has been poisoning me with nano mrsa and on at least 2 occasion has tried to kill me with a stroke inducing drug provided by the CIA/mossad, he has become a drug dealer for his cia/mossad connection.
I know his son is a meth dealer and his ex wife has always been connected to cocaine.
When my brother found I was looking for a lawyer to sue him for fraud and larceny, he had my mother lie to the courts and police and have me thrown on the street. My brother has been an informant since the 70’s and specialized in setting people up for assassination or arrest by the CIA.
my step daughter stayed with my brother and mother for a few years but became intimate friends with his daughter that she moved in with his daughter. And now my daughter celebrates the holidays with my brother’s ex and his kids instead of my brother and mother.quite a social climber.
During the last10 years or so she has been working as a waitress at the tourist site, pier 39. where moscone and milks assassin ,dan white, had a booth and sold pop corn, or so it was said.
My brother’s ex is close friends of warren simmons the developer of pier 39 .
Warren simmons even came over to my mother’s table at her85th birthday party t pier 39 some years ago.
Interestingly when I first started posting about the assassinations in san Francisco, I mentioned in passing that pier 39 had been built with no permits at all. No union workers , and seemed to reflect the general corruption the drug culture that was san Francisco….in response to that post someone calling themselves, doctor coos responded and warned me that warren simmons would send someone after me. This was3-4 years before warren simmon found out that as was related to my brother.i was just an anonymous poster but I was threaten for disparaging him, apparently. Well doctor coos left
I had read about this chicanery in a column by Charles macabe in the SF chronicle, so I searched for him and found out that he had been found dead in his Livingroom in 1983,which was shortly after I leftsan Francisco. He had apparently fallen down and suffered a lethal head injury.
My step daughter recently returned from Europe after a 3 month vacation. All on the savings of a waitress at pier 39. Obviously this is impossible so it is clear she has hooked up with mu brother’s covert connection and has been dealing for a while. And clearly the trip to Europe had something to do with drug distribution out of San Francisco.
I have posted before that it seems the mossad kaballists are making the west coast the point drugs distribution worldwide. though interestingly, the kaballists are keeping the actual drug transactions out of san Francisco, instead Sausalito and daly city are the points that drugs are being distributed from. .
This is reinforced as the Rothschilds have divested their last remainingpropertyin Europe, so the last decade of buying out California and the northwest means they are going to now come en mass to the west coast and make it their international center financial center and world wide drug dealing center.
As mentioned at the beginning of this post she at the time of zamora’s murder, she was accompanying Zamora; daughter regularly on trips to LA.
This makes it clear that knowing the connection my brother has that the murder of Zamora was a cia/mossad hit to take over the drug connection zamora had.
My brother’s forte for the CIA was to setup person who were to be assassinated and to keep the CIA informed about his legal cases as he projected a façade of radial left so my lefts reformers came to him, never knowing everything they said was passed on the CIA. He was/is a go between between the SF DA office and the CIA, as I have seen emails to him addressed to someone else with thee warning:
“If you are not the person this is addressed to, you must delete immediately or subject to 10,000$ fine and incarceration as you are breaking federal law”(paraphrased)
My step daughter has been around CIA and Mossad dealers for half her life. And being associate up with my brother and his in-laws only seals the deal.

The sudden death of public defender jef adachi is still under investigation though no evidence of foul play has been found but it is still strange. where the woman he was with when he was stricken is unknown and a the news reports are glaring lacking in the ident1es of the people around.
Adachi was a fervent as he was a advocate for justice of the most vulnerable in the community..
adiach public defender of the accused and a watch dog against police abuse. This is exact type of defender the kabalistic are now want eliminated

jeff adaici was pronounced dead at 6:54 at the California pacific medical center. i woman called 911 on adaici’s cell phone at 5:43Pm. The unidentified woman said she performed CPR until the paramedics arrived. The police photographed alcohol ,cannabis gummie and syringes the assumed were used by the paramedics.
The woman let the police into the unit which had been arrange for the use that weekend. In wsin a 3 story building with 4 units on telegraph terrace 150 yards from coit tower. The owners and residents could not be reached .the building was owned by the Kaplan family trust.

The public defender believe he had a heart attack but the medical examiner will conduct a autopsy to determine the cause of adaici death. the office said adaici “was having dinner with a friend “when he “began having trouble breathing” The office “does not know exactly what happened, and if there is an investigation, were awaiting more information”

Adachi was clearly murdered as he represented the enlightened san Francisco cultural history of standing up for the underdog.
as the Rothschild’s have recently sold their last remaining property in Europe ,they are now intending to
to establish their base of operations in san Francisco. That has been the purpose of buying everything in san Francisco and the immediate cities, over the last 10 years.
Their mossad thugs/CIA control the worlds drug dealing and san Francisco has been made the center of worldwide distribution.
With the Rothschild’s shill, trump’s crime now being brought into the open, assassinations are now beginning to remove any vestige of morality. the assassination of khashoggi has legitimized the murder of any critic or block to Rothschild pursue of world slavery.
San Francisco is being sanitized of any potential critics.but more importantly anyone who is symbol of san Francisco culture heritage will be murdered especially is in positions of power.
It is clear to me that this is the cases, as my demon brother apparently is now being employed, part ime by the public defender’s office. This is a sign that the cia/mossad are going to crack down on any one whose views they do not approve of my brother has for years been a informant and specialized in setting up people for prosecution or murder. I know this for fsct tht in the last month he almost killed be by poison my food and last night I nearly caught himi n the act again but he was unable to shut the oven door quickly before I could get him in sight…. He tried but he could not stop the noise of the shutting of the oven door. So after7 years of the CIA/Mossad, ith his assistance tying to kill me with genetically altered mrsa strains, they are now being more direct as the general cleansing” of the Rothschild critics begins.

now it seems that kamalla harris ,past district attorney and current senator running for president had issues with adachi though they had a working relationship and adachi had been Harris's tutor in law school

kamala harris is another new world order plant, in the mold of Obama ben Kenya. Obama server 157 das as a senator and then became president.
apparently harris's main role will be to ban gun ownership and legalize the police state......who could argue with a democrat after fascist trump? Obama primary role wa toget the African countries to allow the US militant to establish a African Command to pursue their new world order agenda....which they are .africa was the only continent that did not have a US military command before Obama ben kenya.

it was revealed in March 2010 that Harris and her staff had not informed defense lawyers that evidence from the police-run crime lab might have been tainted. A judge ruled in May 2010 that Harris had failed to inform defendants as required by law. Harris said in the interview she took responsibility and made “no excuses” for the failure.

It was during that time that Adachi told the San Francisco Chronicle that Harris was being “unethical” for not disclosing to defense attorneys that police officers who were essential to certain cases had been convicted of crimes or been investigated for misconduct. He said Harris “is putting the privacy interests of police officers who have misconduct records and who have been convicted of crimes above the rights of citizens to a fair and honest trial.”

(but more damaging and show kamala Harris's corruption and her protection of the mossad/police dealer is shown by:rahu)

One of Harris’s top deputies had emailed a colleague that a crime-lab technician had become “increasingly UNDEPENDABLE for testimony.” Weeks later, the technician allegedly took home cocaine from the lab, possibly tainting evidence and raising concerns about hundreds of cases.
Neither Harris nor the prosecutors working for her had informed defense attorneys of the problems — despite rules requiring such disclosure. Harris “failed to disclose information that clearly should have been disclosed,” Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo wrote in a scathing decision in May 2010.
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now it seems that kamalla harris ,past district attorney and current senator running for president had issues with adachi though they had a working relationship and adachi had been Harris's tutor in law school

kamala harris is another new world order plant, in the mold of Obama ben Kenya. Obama server 157 das as a senator and then became president.
apparently harris's main role will be to ban gun ownership and legalize the police state......who could argue with a democrat after fascist trump? Obama primary role wa toget the African countries to allow the US militant to establish a African Command to pursue their new world order agenda....which they are .africa was the only continent that did not have a US military command before Obama ben kenya.

it was revealed in March 2010 that Harris and her staff had not informed defense lawyers that evidence from the police-run crime lab might have been tainted. A judge ruled in May 2010 that Harris had failed to inform defendants as required by law. Harris said in the interview she took responsibility and made “no excuses” for the failure.

It was during that time that Adachi told the San Francisco Chronicle that Harris was being “unethical” for not disclosing to defense attorneys that police officers who were essential to certain cases had been convicted of crimes or been investigated for misconduct. He said Harris “is putting the privacy interests of police officers who have misconduct records and who have been convicted of crimes above the rights of citizens to a fair and honest trial.”

(but more damaging and show kamala Harris's corruption and her protection of the mossad/police dealer is shown by:rahu)

One of Harris’s top deputies had emailed a colleague that a crime-lab technician had become “increasingly UNDEPENDABLE for testimony.” Weeks later, the technician allegedly took home cocaine from the lab, possibly tainting evidence and raising concerns about hundreds of cases.
Neither Harris nor the prosecutors working for her had informed defense attorneys of the problems — despite rules requiring such disclosure. Harris “failed to disclose information that clearly should have been disclosed,” Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo wrote in a scathing decision in May 2010.

with the Rothschild completely buying and taking over San Francisco
(not to mention the entire northwest,with Rothschild mossad completely taking ovre the drug dealing in san francsoco (not to motion the world),
jeff adachi was emanated get rid of outspoken advocate of justice for the common man.
the woman who was with adachi has still not been found rahu

The ABC7 I-Team interviewed a San Francisco realtor, Susie Kurtz, who is a key witness in the Jeff Adachi investigation

Kurtz told police and the I-Team that she gave keys to the Telegraph Place apartment to Adachi(the original police reported stated that the apartment had been recently set up specifically for adaichi's rendezvous, what else can you call it, adachi was married with childern
rahu), who was excited about his friend, Caterina, coming from out of town. Kurtz says Caterina told her Adachi complained about stomach pains at a nearby restaurant, they took an Uber to the apartment, and he then became unresponsive.

left Caterina in the apartment. She was all alone in what police later considered to be a possible crime scene. Police sources tell me officers are now upset they were dispatched three hours after the 911 call. By then, Caterina was gone. She has not been questioned by police about what happened that night.

Jeff Adachi tried to fire medical examiner heading his death investigation

In the police report obtained by the I-Team, officers responding to the scene had suspicions about the handling of the case. Here's the timeline:

5:41 p.m.: Female named "Caterina" calls 911 using Adachi's cellphone

5:51 p.m.: Paramedics arrive and begin performing CPR

6:29 p.m.: King American ambulance #11 departs with Adachi

6:39 p.m.: Ambulance arrives at CPMC

6:54 p.m.: Time of death, as pronounced by Dr. Chandra

But, for some reason yet to be explained, police were not called to the scene until 8:37 p.m., nearly three hours after that 911 call first came in
(nancy Pelosi's decision to not proceed with impeachment of fascist trump is based on her concealing the truth about what occurred back in 1978.
her husband was a supervisor in san Francisco when the cia murder moscone and milk. she knows the truth . everybody knew the truth. her rise as a political leader is directly related to her willingness to keep the assassinations quite. in this she is just like Dianne feinstein who was a supervisor but by concealing the murders gas arose be a member of the trilateral commission and now head of the intelligence committee in congress. this is not coincidence.

the article below is just another MSM subterfuge to try to explain why Pelosi is letting trump go on to be a dictator rahu

the trolls are totally interfering .they are locked down the website the article is on I, and they locked down this page until I was able to toggle out and at least get this much posted. it is clear the sympathies of these resident troll because they intefer with anything critical of trump or the new world Oder in general. this attempt to censor me because the truth is that the assassination i978 are in fact the point from which all the 911- war-trump fascism comes from. an entire city, all judges, politicians ,law enforcement, covert agencies brushed this CIA drug related murders under the carpet. and the evil that is strangling our society right now gores directly to1978.and the politicians intent to not impeach the criminal mafia thug and let him turn our country into a corporate controlled fascist state.. all goes back to the pass given in1978 in san Francisco.

( well i got it psoted finally after an hour rahu)

TIME magazine’s Molly Ball told CNN on Thursday that Nancy Pelosi is “playing a deeper game” than simply deciding whether or not to impeach President Donald Trump — and that in fact, impeachment was more likely than most people think.

Host Brooke Baldwin quoted Ball’s latest column, in which she argued that while “Speaker Pelosi is right to resist the momentum but she’s playing a deeper game,” and asked for clarification.

“Just listen to those remarks that Nancy Pelosi made just today in response to the question,” Ball said. “The headline from those remarks is ‘she’s doubled down on being against impeachment.’ That isn’t what she said. What she says is, ‘we’re not going to impeach for political reasons and we’re not going to not impeach for political reasons.’ She has never shut the door to impeachment from the beginning.”

Ball added that Pelosi didn’t want “a repeat” of the Clinton impeachment, which ended up as an electoral fiasco for the Republicans who pursued it, and wanted to “send a public message” to counter Trump’s “witch hunt” narrative. But she added that impeachment was, in her professional opinion, more likely than not despite current polls.

“I am not arguing for impeachment,” Ball said. “Based on my reporting, I believe it is much likelier than most people believe and most of the conventional wisdom suggests.”

“I think the people who believe that impeachment is this fringe crusade are not recognizing that public support for it is quite high by historical standards,” she said. A recent Quinnipiac poll that showed support at 35% was “a little bit on the low end of the massive polling that’s been conducted on this topic. It’s been as high as 49%. This is before the Mueller report comes up, before people feel they have had enough information to judge.”

“That’s the highest that it’s been for any president since Nixon,” Ball said. “So there already is a pretty high bar of public opinion but as you point out, it’s not a majority.”

Watch the video below.
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Now Jake Phelps has died. Another cultural icon. His personality is a reflection of the san Francisco experience and now another tribe(skate boarders, musicians,) havelost a cornerstone of their passion and world view.57 years , fit still skate boards miles a day, jsu died suddenly with no explanation.The longtime 'Thrasher' editor dedicated his life to skateboarding, and it won't be the same without him.
His composite showed direct influence by the forces that have bought up the city and are tranforming the indigenous culture of san Francisco into the dark world of the elite occultists. As I have already mentioned, with the chaos
that trump has allowed to developed and with his assentation to assassination and his glory of murder and genocide of Netanyahu, this is just one more trace of the culture of san francisco being effaced. This is not the last or the first .

Jeff adachi’s, who just happens to be a cultural icon to the poor and defenseless in the legal system and an icon in the Asian population , death has not been explained. The woman with him when he died ,Catrina ,a Russian, has disappeared.
interesting another mystery Russian bringing in the larger political activities.pot and pot gummies were found, but what did they hide in the 3 hours before the police we notified There are no answers to why the police weren’t called or 3 hour.
It comes out the New World Oder's next president ,kamala harris was had been at odds with kamala, over the years, before ,dealing with harris coverup for the police. Not to mention kamala's sweeping , of the drug loss at the police department years ago, under the rug. San Francisco has been a nacro municipality since the assassination of moscone/harris . not political power figure in the police department ,the justice system or the political intuitions can not fail to know about this history.record shows .she has been partial to the police handling of drug disappearances. And the fact is she slept her way to the top by having a continuing affair, then major with the god father of black san Francisco willie brown.
Harris is a new world order plant and this is part of being protected to erase any mention of her bosses .

in addition to adachi jim pagano died recently , another cultural icon who had been associate with the public defender.
he was 90 so you might say so what. but as much as he would have the knowledge of many years to he truth of drugs and the moscone/milk assassination, not to mention he had knowledge of harris's drug/sex/police collusion in her rise to be touted for president, he might have known to much. when assassins work they don't spare the young or the old do they?
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The sudden death of public defender jef adachi is still under investigation though no evidence of foul play has been found but it is still strange. where the woman he was with when he was stricken is unknown and a the news reports are glaring lacking in the ident1es of the people around.
Adachi was a fervent as he was a advocate for justice of the most vulnerable in the community..
adiach public defender of the accused and a watch dog against police abuse. This is exact type of defender the kabalistic are now want eliminated

jeff adaici was pronounced dead at 6:54 at the California pacific medical center. i woman called 911 on adaici’s cell phone at 5:43Pm. The unidentified woman said she performed CPR until the paramedics arrived. The police photographed alcohol ,cannabis gummie and syringes the assumed were used by the paramedics.
The woman let the police into the unit which had been arrange for the use that weekend. In wsin a 3 story building with 4 units on telegraph terrace 150 yards from coit tower. The owners and residents could not be reached .the building was owned by the Kaplan family trust.

The public defender believe he had a heart attack but the medical examiner will conduct a autopsy to determine the cause of adaici death. the office said adaici “was having dinner with a friend “when he “began having trouble breathing” The office “does not know exactly what happened, and if there is an investigation, were awaiting more information”

Adachi was clearly murdered as he represented the enlightened san Francisco cultural history of standing up for the underdog.
as the Rothschild’s have recently sold their last remaining property in Europe ,they are now intending to
to establish their base of operations in san Francisco. That has been the purpose of buying everything in san Francisco and the immediate cities, over the last 10 years.
Their mossad thugs/CIA control the worlds drug dealing and san Francisco has been made the center of worldwide distribution.
With the Rothschild’s shill, trump’s crime now being brought into the open, assassinations are now beginning to remove any vestige of morality. the assassination of khashoggi has legitimized the murder of any critic or block to Rothschild pursue of world slavery.
San Francisco is being sanitized of any potential critics.but more importantly anyone who is symbol of san Francisco culture heritage will be murdered especially is in positions of power.
It is clear to me that this is the cases, as my demon brother apparently is now being employed, part ime by the public defender’s office. This is a sign that the cia/mossad are going to crack down on any one whose views they do not approve of my brother has for years been a informant and specialized in setting up people for prosecution or murder. I know this for fsct tht in the last month he almost killed be by poison my food and last night I nearly caught himi n the act again but he was unable to shut the oven door quickly before I could get him in sight…. He tried but he could not stop the noise of the shutting of the oven door. So after7 years of the CIA/Mossad, ith his assistance tying to kill me with genetically altered mrsa strains, they are now being more direct as the general cleansing” of the Rothschild critics begins.

"The 25-page autopsy report details Adachi’s final moments in dispassionate detail. It includes interviews with witnesses and police, details about Adachi’s anatomy, as well as a toxicology report that found cocaine, alcohol, and benzodiazepines in his system. Benzodiazepines, such as Valium or Xanax, are widely prescribed sedatives."

"A toxicology report later found small amounts of alcohol, cocaine, as well as benzodiazepines in his system.
“The levels of these substance in the blood are most consistent with them having been taken at some point during the day, with metabolism occurring over the subsequent hours,” Moffatt wrote. “The heart, with a significant amount of coronary artery disease and fibrosis already present, would have worked even harder with stimulant substances such as ethanol and cocaine in Mr. Adachi’s system.”
Adachi’s “already compromised heart” could no longer take the added stress and seized up around the time he was having dinner, Moffatt found. Hours later, he was pronounced dead."

( the problem with this is that adachi's wife said he did not drugs and was in good health. she last saw him the morning of huis death before he left to go to the gym. his physical conditioning was mentione by friends in the public defenders office rahu)

Adachi’s wife told investigators she last saw him around 6 a.m. when he left home that morning to go to the gym, Moffatt said. His wife said he had no known medical problems and was not taking any medications to her knowledge. She said he never used illegal drugs.

(the second problem is that the medical examiner that came to these obvious false conclusions was the same one thatadachi had tried to have removed rahu)

Jeff Adachi tried to fire medical examiner heading his death investigation

with marla Zamora murder, another lawyer with the public defenders office, there is clearly a conspiracy to kill public defenders who might know too much or be invoved wth drug distribution
As I mentioned this murder was suspicious to me as she would have been around during the moscone/milk murder by the CIA. working for the public defenders office she would have known about the endemic cocaine addiction throughout the government and police.
These speculations seems to be true, as my estranged step daughter regularly went to LA with zamora’s daughter.
My step daughter has been a cocaine addict since she was a freshman in high school and continues to be involved with drug dealers and lkives with the children of my brother tito Anthony torres. he has for years set up people to be killed by the CIA or has been invoved with cases of political moment and has passed information to the CIA from the district attorneys office. a number of years ago he left one of his email accounts open and I found a email from the san Francisco district attorney's office which began" if you are not such and such(my brother was not such and such), then you must delet this email or face felony charges including 10 years in prison ad/or 10000$ fine.
with the last tw years he has been brought into the dug trade and now supplies individuals in concord. my step daughter and him are very tight. so the fact my step daughter Zamora's daughter took frequent short trips to LA can mean one thing.

in addition I find it very suspicious that recently my brother has done contract work for the public defenders office.

keep in mind that this record of discipline is over 70 pages long and it has been censored by the California bar so as not all his offenses are divulged . the CIA controls the bar as well as media as is shown by the fact that my brother was suspended for two separate times each for 5 years, yet he did not serve either. he had been suspended form practicing law for one year in another case but continued to practice law with out notifying the courts. he was suspended once until he went into drug rehabilitation, but continued to practice law and lied t the bar and said he had gone into treatment. in another case his actions were the same as a other lawyer who was disbarred for the same offense... but he was not.

in fact until he was contacted by covert agencies and began to poison me with genetically altered mrsa... he had not worked at all for several years and spend his days smoking chemicals and sleeping .going in to SF once a month.

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The sudden death of public defender jef adachi is still under investigation though no evidence of foul play has been found but it is still strange. where the woman he was with when he was stricken is unknown and a the news reports are glaring lacking in the ident1es of the people around.
Adachi was a fervent as he was a advocate for justice of the most vulnerable in the community..
adiach public defender of the accused and a watch dog against police abuse. This is exact type of defender the kabalistic are now want eliminated

jeff adaici was pronounced dead at 6:54 at the California pacific medical center. i woman called 911 on adaici’s cell phone at 5:43Pm. The unidentified woman said she performed CPR until the paramedics arrived. The police photographed alcohol ,cannabis gummie and syringes the assumed were used by the paramedics.
The woman let the police into the unit which had been arrange for the use that weekend. In wsin a 3 story building with 4 units on telegraph terrace 150 yards from coit tower. The owners and residents could not be reached .the building was owned by the Kaplan family trust.

The public defender believe he had a heart attack but the medical examiner will conduct a autopsy to determine the cause of adaici death. the office said adaici “was having dinner with a friend “when he “began having trouble breathing” The office “does not know exactly what happened, and if there is an investigation, were awaiting more information”

Adachi was clearly murdered as he represented the enlightened san Francisco cultural history of standing up for the underdog.
"The 25-page autopsy report details Adachi’s final moments in dispassionate detail. It includes interviews with witnesses and police, details about Adachi’s anatomy, as well as a toxicology report that found cocaine, alcohol, and benzodiazepines in his system. Benzodiazepines, such as Valium or Xanax, are widely prescribed sedatives."

"A toxicology report later found small amounts of alcohol, cocaine, as well as benzodiazepines in his system.
“The levels of these substance in the blood are most consistent with them having been taken at some point during the day, with metabolism occurring over the subsequent hours,” Moffatt wrote. “The heart, with a significant amount of coronary artery disease and fibrosis already present, would have worked even harder with stimulant substances such as ethanol and cocaine in Mr. Adachi’s system.”
Adachi’s “already compromised heart” could no longer take the added stress and seized up around the time he was having dinner, Moffatt found. Hours later, he was pronounced dead."

( the problem with this is that adachi's wife said he did not drugs and was in good health. she last saw him the morning of huis death before he left to go to the gym. his physical conditioning was mentione by friends in the public defenders office rahu)

Adachi’s wife told investigators she last saw him around 6 a.m. when he left home that morning to go to the gym, Moffatt said. His wife said he had no known medical problems and was not taking any medications to her knowledge. She said he never used illegal drugs.

(the second problem is that the medical examiner that came to these obvious false conclusions was the same one that adachi had tried to have removed rahu)

Jeff Adachi tried to fire medical examiner heading his death investigation

then there is the problem of the woman he was with him, a Russian named catalina. there are reports the police interviewed her but she is not positively identified.why? why is her identity being protected?

she spent the entire day with adachi culminating bu dinner...and adachi's wife knew nothing about this? and when adachi started feeling unwell he took off all his clothes-except his underwear and got onto bed? catalina must be a really good friend . this does not add up. something is being covered up and why were the police not notified for 3 hours and why was catalina gone and she was not interviewed until some unspecified time later.

none of this adds up. he was married with a child....yet died after doing coke with a unknown Russian woman. though his wife said he didn't do illegal drugs. he went to the gym and worked every day but had a "bad" heart his wife knew nothing about.

this is San Francisco where the murder of a mayor can be covered up.

AOC, Sen Feinstein Calling for New Zealand-Style Nationwide Gun Confiscation & Mass Criminalization of Gun Owners Across America…Do They Realize They Are Begging for an Armed Citizens’ Revolt Against Left-Wing Tyranny? +Video
Democrats have become predictable in their efforts to capitalize politically off the tragedy of others, so it didn’t surprise us when a few of them came out in support of new gun bans in America following the horrific terrorist attacks on two mosques in New Zealand.
Following that horrific attack and without batting an eye, the Kiwi government, led by Leftist Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (who adorned herself in a hijab when visiting with Muslims following the attack), moved to immediately ban semi-automatic rifles of the kind used by shooter Brenton Tarrant, 28. There was no conversation with New Zealand citizens or the country’s other semi-automatic gun owners, none of whom were guilty of shooting anyone that day or any other day. There was no effort to compromise. There was no outreach to the country’s gun community. There was just this decree: ‘We will ban these guns!’ And poof, it was done.
That’s just fine and dandy with America’s Democrats including perennial semi-auto gun banner Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California. Never one to miss an opportunity to grab more guns, Feinstein declared on Twitter, “In country after country, massacres are followed by sweeping changes to gun laws, as logic would dictate. The United States needs to follow these examples and take action to protect Americans from this deadly public health scourge.”

(what is not mentioned here is that Dianne Feinstein was against a gun ban when the 'fast and furious" scandal was in full swing. various government agencies were selling automatic rifles to the drug cartels... but Feinstein didn't want to ban guns then..rahu)

(which leads into another interesting story rahu)

Seattle and san Francisco are have immense homeless problems. civil leaders are saying incarcerating the homeless will not change the cause of homeless .both Seattle and san fransciso say the problem has got out of hand in the past five years. the video above makes the point that new York city has a crime rate of about 150 incidents per 100,000 population, while seattle has a rate of around 5500 per 1000,000 and san Francisco has a rate of about 6500 per 100,000 populations.
reports are that nearly 100% of homeless have a substance abuse problem so there is no homeless problem ,there is a drug problem but civil leaders in both cities WILL say that..... why. well it is because about 5 years ago the mossad completely took over the drug distribution in these cities.
in san Francisco fro instance, I recall in 2014 going down to market st and 5th to get some pot and about 50-60 police officers had formed a semi circle around the portion of market street where the drug dealers were selling. but the dealers were still selling in the open... but if a dealer tried to sell drugs outside this ring, they were arrested. what the cops were showing was that these were their dealers and anyone else would be busted. And yes, the mossad was supplying these drugs and the SFPD was their enforcers. this was very clear because the entire city of san Francisco was being bought out by the Rothschild owned corporations. the mossad does not work for Israel ,it works for the Rothschild's .

for that matter Dianne Feinstein "works" for the mossad because when the report of torture at abu ghrail prison came out
Dianne Feinstein is head of the intelligence committee and made sure the mossad participation was deleted.
Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, commander of abu ghraib, said she was not notified that torture was introduced to the prison and she stated that the mossad brought the torture into abu ghraib prison. yet if you search for this story you will find that there is no mention of the mossad.... only the description is Israeli interrogators comes up.
Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, was the only officer reprimanded and she lost her command.

the reason that the civic leaders in San Francisco and Seattle prefer to say they have a "homeless problem" and not the actual drug problem is that the Rothschild's mossad control Seattle and san Francisco(as well as the world drug trade with the CIA) and the civic leader cannot stop the drug epidemic caused by the mossad.

(as senator Diane Feinstein's rise from civil obscurity to a member of the trilateral commission, this thread seems like a good place to post this story, as her silence about the cia assassination of Italian cartel leader mayor moscone and gay drug cartel leader Harvey milk, has given her the post of chairman of the senate intelligence committee rahu)

Sen Feinstein’s Chinese Chauffeur/Spy Scandal More Proof of Dem's Ineptitude +Video

By Jim Kouri / Conservative Base
It was revealed last week that Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s driver for 20 years was a Chinese spy. But it was discovered five years ago by the FBI and never disclosed until Politico and San Francisco Chronicle uncovered it. Now more questions are being raised not only about the spy but about the California Democrats closeness to the Chinese.

The news media love Sen. Fainstein, so don’t expect them to cover this story: Either she is a traitor or she is so stupid she couldn’t detect a spy who worked for her while she’s a bigshot on the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Feinstein’s driver also represented her at various functions and acted as a liaison to the Chinese community. Although the FBI advised her five years ago, it wasn’t made public and the driver was allowed to quietly retire. He was never arrested. Neither the FBI or Feinstein ever informed or questioned her staff about him or what they might know. And presumably, that means they also didn’t check other staff to see if anyone else had been compromised.

This raises lots of questions. The excuse for not charging him was it was judged he hadn’t passed anything top secret to the Chinese. But he had passed information to them. So why was he never charged? Even for failing to register as a foreign agent? Why is he still not being named?
And why hasn’t this been picked up by the national media? “Because the news media are more interested in sabotaging the Trump presidency than reporting on foreign spies working for Democratic Party leaders. That puts the Deep State in a defensive position rather than their usual offensive strategy against President Trump and the conservatives,” a former assistant district attorney said.
“This [spy] case will most probably end up the way the Democratic National Committee’ Muslim Awan brothers case failed to materialize,” said Jeffrey Lankas, a former federal prosecutor.
The case involved Florida’s U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the controversial former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), who had her office equipment seized by U.S. Capitol Police as part of a criminal investigation into congressional network security violations. Wasserman-Schultz admitted she frequently violates the DNC’s information security policy but still managed to point her finger at someone else.
The always boisterous congresswoman blamed the House of Representatives’ chief office manager for not stopping her from violating policies and perhaps the law regarding classified material. “This is how the Deep State operates: if one of their minions is found to be involved in unethical or criminal activities, the inhabitants of the D.C. swamp are sure to exert their power to rescue their ‘foot soldier,’” said a British police investigator.
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Nancy Pelosi Won’t Even Take A Position On Contempt, Let Alone Impeachment

Politics Nancy Pelosi Won’t Even Take A Position On Contempt, Let Alone Impeachment


WASHINGTON ― House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) declined to take a position Thursday about inherent contempt ― an obscure power that would allow Congress to fine or even jail Trump administration officials who don’t comply with subpoenas ― and once again made it clear that Democrats are extremely hesitant to move forward with the idea of impeaching President Donald Trump.
Asked about the House possibly holding Trump administration officials like Attorney General William Barr in so-called inherent contempt, Pelosi laid out how that’s “an option,” but she refused to endorse the idea.
“I’m just saying it is an approach,” Pelosi said during her weekly press conference. When pressed to take a position, she responded: “I don’t have to have a position.”
Pelosi did refuse to take inherent contempt “off the table,” but she made it clear she wasn’t eager to use the power, mentioning that a preferable outcome would be Trump administration officials complying with the subpoenas from House committees.
Democrats haven’t even moved forward with holding Barr in contempt. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Wednesday that he didn’t expect a floor vote on contempt until at least June, when more officials could be added to a resolution. Rank-and-file Democrats might not have the same timetable in mind, but they sounded largely on board with the slow approach earlier this week.
Trump has urged his administration not to follow subpoenas and to ignore requests for testimony before House committees. And while agencies and officials seem to have largely disregarded Trump’s instructions, some officials ― like Barr ― have been happy to ignore subpoenas from the House.
That’s left Democrats in a difficult position of their own making. Pelosi and other Democratic leaders have effectively slowed talk of impeaching Trump by arguing for more investigations. But the White House isn’t cooperating with those investigations, and administration officials are claiming Democrats lack legitimate legislative purposes for their probes.
On Wednesday, the White House sent a letter to the Judiciary Committee ― largely imitating a letter the Treasury Secretary sent to the Ways and Means Committee when it refused to turn over Trump’s tax returns ― arguing that it doesn’t need to furnish documents related to the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller.
Pelosi called that letter “a joke,” and said it was “beneath the dignity of the presidency of the United States, in defiance of our Constitution.”
She then said the information that had been requested wasn’t about impeaching the president per se. “It’s about impeachment as a purpose ― a constitutional purpose of justifying, constitutionally and court-wise, a path,” Pelosi said.
Essentially, Pelosi is arguing that Democrats need those documents in order to determine whether they move forward with impeachment. It’s a step removed from directly claiming that impeachment proceedings are the legitimate legislative purpose for which the documents are needed. But the White House is leaving Democrats with few options, if they continue to insist on holding off on impeachment in favor of more investigations.
Those investigations will inevitably mean more subpoenas. And if Trump officials keep ignoring those subpoenas, it will mean more contempt votes. Pelosi could use her inherent contempt powers at that point, but given her reluctance on impeachment and contempt, many of these questions would likely be decided by a lawsuit.
Federal courts have long said Congress has the right to demand information from the executive branch, finding that investigation is an inherent part of legislating. As those decisions have noted, it’s difficult to change laws effectively if you can’t find out how the executive branch is enforcing them.
But court victories can be worthless if they take so long that a new set of lawmakers assume office and a new president arrives in the White House.
That’s happened repeatedly over the past few decades. Democrats won testimony from former George W. Bush administration officials, and Republicans won rulings securing documents the Obama administration had sought to conceal. But the victories came too late and were politically irrelevant.
“The passage of time, together with the intervening congressional and presidential elections in each case, could be said to have diminished both the value of the disclosure and the committee’s ability to engage in effective, timely oversight,” Congressional Research Service expert Todd Garvey wrote in his March analysis of the recent history of congressional subpoena enforcement.
Congress used inherent contempt for most of its history ― including in the 1970s, when Sen. Sam Ervin (D-N.C.) threatened to arrest officials from the Nixon administration ― but lawmakers haven’t actually locked someone up since the 1930s.
“Although the power has long lain dormant, it remains a tool that Congress may use to enforce subpoenas,” Garvey wrote.
Instead of physical arrests, which legal experts have said would be unseemly according to modern standards, House Democrats are increasingly talking about using the inherent contempt power to sock Trump administration officials with fines.
House Judiciary Committee chair Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) told HuffPost on Thursday that “it’s being discussed,” but declined to go into any details.
“I’m concerned that we want to get this done as rapidly as possible and that we want to figure out how to expedite the court fights as rapidly as possible,” he said.
But Pelosi is clear that she doesn’t want to “leapfrog” any steps.
“First we ask,” she said. “Then we subpoena friendly. Then we subpoena otherwise. Then we see what we get.”
Pelosi has declined to say what might happen then.

(nancy Pelosi's decision to not proceed with impeachment of fascist trump is based on her concealing the truth about what occurred back in 1978.
her husband was a supervisor in san Francisco when the cia murder moscone and milk. she knows the truth . everybody knew the truth. her rise as a political leader is directly related to her willingness to keep the assassinations quite. in this she is just like Dianne feinstein who was a supervisor but by concealing the murders has arose be a member of the trilateral commission and now head of the intelligence committee in congress. this is not coincidence.rahu

Esquire’s Charles Pierce: Nancy Pelosi is ‘negligent at best’ for resisting impeachment

to MoreMore34

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is being “negligent” by resisting the move to impeach President Donald Trump, according to Esquire writer Charles Pierce.
In his Monday column, Pierce accuses the House Speaker of not taking seriously the actions of Trump’s administration, including Attorney General William Barr’s refusal to release an unredacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report.

Pierce points to Pelosi’s remarks in a recent New York Times interview “that indicate that at least part of the Speaker’s brain gets it and that another part does not, and that, somewhere in between, something has to be done.”
Pelosi told the Times that she had feared in 2018 Trump would not respect the results of the midterm elections.
“If we win by four seats, by a thousand votes each, he’s not going to respect the election,” the Speaker said. “He would poison the public mind. He would challenge each of the races; he would say you can’t seat these people.”
Pierce argues “that if Pelosi believes that the president* is venal and power-mad enough to discredit, if not defy, the results of a national election, she must realize that the crisis already is upon us

“If that is the case, waiting for 2020 and hoping that cooler heads prevail at the ballot box strikes me as negligent at best,” he adds.
On Tuesday, Pelosi accused the president of “goading” Democrats into holding impeachment hearings.
“That’s what he’s doing,” the Speaker told a group in New York. “Every single day he’s just like taunting, taunting, taunting because he knows that it would be very divisive in the country, but he doesn’t really care. He just wants to solidify his base.”

“We can’t impeach him for political reasons, and we can’t not impeach him for political reasons,” she added. “We have to see where the facts take us.”

(nancy Pelosi's decision to not proceed with impeachment of fascist trump is based on her concealing the truth about what occurred back in 1978.
her husband was a supervisor in san Francisco when the cia murder moscone and milk. she knows the truth . everybody knew the truth. her rise as a political leader is directly related to her willingness to keep the assassinations quite. in this she is just like Dianne feinstein who was a supervisor but by concealing the murders gas arose be a member of the trilateral commission and now head of the intelligence committee in congress. this is not coincidence.

the article below is just another MSM subterfuge to try to explain why Pelosi is letting trump go on to be a dictator rahu

the trolls are totally interfering .they are locked down the website the article is on I, and they locked down this page until I was able to toggle out and at least get this much posted. it is clear the sympathies of these resident troll because they intefer with anything critical of trump or the new world Oder in general. this attempt to censor me because the truth is that the assassination i978 are in fact the point from which all the 911- war-trump fascism comes from. an entire city, all judges, politicians ,law enforcement, covert agencies brushed this CIA drug related murders under the carpet. and the evil that is strangling our society right now gores directly to1978.and the politicians intent to not impeach the criminal mafia thug and let him turn our country into a corporate controlled fascist state.. all goes back to the pass given in1978 in san Francisco.

( well i got it psoted finally after an hour rahu)

TIME magazine’s Molly Ball told CNN on Thursday that Nancy Pelosi is “playing a deeper game” than simply deciding whether or not to impeach President Donald Trump — and that in fact, impeachment was more likely than most people think.

Host Brooke Baldwin quoted Ball’s latest column, in which she argued that while “Speaker Pelosi is right to resist the momentum but she’s playing a deeper game,” and asked for clarification.

“Just listen to those remarks that Nancy Pelosi made just today in response to the question,” Ball said. “The headline from those remarks is ‘she’s doubled down on being against impeachment.’ That isn’t what she said. What she says is, ‘we’re not going to impeach for political reasons and we’re not going to not impeach for political reasons.’ She has never shut the door to impeachment from the beginning.”

Ball added that Pelosi didn’t want “a repeat” of the Clinton impeachment, which ended up as an electoral fiasco for the Republicans who pursued it, and wanted to “send a public message” to counter Trump’s “witch hunt” narrative. But she added that impeachment was, in her professional opinion, more likely than not despite current polls.

“I am not arguing for impeachment,” Ball said. “Based on my reporting, I believe it is much likelier than most people believe and most of the conventional wisdom suggests.”

“I think the people who believe that impeachment is this fringe crusade are not recognizing that public support for it is quite high by historical standards,” she said. A recent Quinnipiac poll that showed support at 35% was “a little bit on the low end of the massive polling that’s been conducted on this topic. It’s been as high as 49%. This is before the Mueller report comes up, before people feel they have had enough information to judge.”

“That’s the highest that it’s been for any president since Nixon,” Ball said. “So there already is a pretty high bar of public opinion but as you point out, it’s not a majority.”

Watch the video below.
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this post was deleted and this is why I post:
if you find a post significant, copy it as my post are being deleted and altered.

"The 25-page autopsy report details Adachi’s final moments in dispassionate detail. It includes interviews with witnesses and police, details about Adachi’s anatomy, as well as a toxicology report that found cocaine, alcohol, and benzodiazepines in his system. Benzodiazepines, such as Valium or Xanax, are widely prescribed sedatives."

"A toxicology report later found small amounts of alcohol, cocaine, as well as benzodiazepines in his system.
“The levels of these substance in the blood are most consistent with them having been taken at some point during the day, with metabolism occurring over the subsequent hours,” Moffatt wrote. “The heart, with a significant amount of coronary artery disease and fibrosis already present, would have worked even harder with stimulant substances such as ethanol and cocaine in Mr. Adachi’s system.”
Adachi’s “already compromised heart” could no longer take the added stress and seized up around the time he was having dinner, Moffatt found. Hours later, he was pronounced dead."

( the problem with this is that adachi's wife said he did not drugs and was in good health. she last saw him the morning of huis death before he left to go to the gym. his physical conditioning was mentione by friends in the public defenders office rahu)

Adachi’s wife told investigators she last saw him around 6 a.m. when he left home that morning to go to the gym, Moffatt said. His wife said he had no known medical problems and was not taking any medications to her knowledge. She said he never used illegal drugs.

(the second problem is that the medical examiner that came to these obvious false conclusions was the same one thatadachi had tried to have removed rahu)

Jeff Adachi tried to fire medical examiner heading his death investigation

(the third problem is that the Russian woman Catalina who was with him has never been identified . adachi apparently felt so bad he took all his clothes off except his underwear and laid on the bed? clearly there is more being covered up here. rahu)

with marla Zamora murder, another lawyer with the public defenders office, there is clearly a conspiracy to kill public defenders who might know too much or be invoved wth drug distribution
As I mentioned this murder was suspicious to me as she would have been around during the moscone/milk murder by the CIA. working for the public defenders office she would have known about the endemic cocaine addiction throughout the government and police.
These speculations seems to be true, as my estranged step daughter regularly went to LA with zamora’s daughter.
My step daughter has been a cocaine addict since she was a freshman in high school and continues to be involved with drug dealers and lkives with the children of my brother tito Anthony torres. he has for years set up people to be killed by the CIA or has been invoved with cases of political moment and has passed information to the CIA from the district attorneys office. a number of years ago he left one of his email accounts open and I found a email from the san Francisco district attorney's office which began" if you are not such and such(my brother was not such and such), then you must delet this email or face felony charges including 10 years in prison ad/or 10000$ fine.
with the last tw years he has been brought into the dug trade and now supplies individuals in concord. my step daughter and him are very tight. so the fact my step daughter Zamora's daughter took frequent short trips to LA can mean one thing.

in addition I find it very suspicious that recently my brother has done contract work for the public defenders office.

keep in mind that this record of discipline is over 70 pages long and it has been censored by the California bar so as not all his offenses are divulged . the CIA controls the bar as well as media as is shown by the fact that my brother was suspended for two separate times each for 5 years, yet he did not serve either. he had been suspended form practicing law for one year in another case but continued to practice law with out notifying the courts. he was suspended once until he went into drug rehabilitation, but continued to practice law and lied t the bar and said he had gone into treatment. in another case his actions were the same as a other lawyer who was disbarred for the same offense... but he was not.

in fact until he was contacted by covert agencies and began to poison me with genetically altered mrsa... he had not worked at all for several years and spend his days smoking chemicals and sleeping .going in to SF once a month.

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(a coverup is still happening, the Russian woman who was with adachi, drinking and doing cocaine has still not been identified except as ,"Caterina".why are the police shielding his person? adachi had allegedly felt bad and took is clothes off and got into the bed..................and died rahu)

"While there may be legitimate questions on the circumstances surrounding the reporting of Adachi's death, the seizure of any journalist's notes or other reporting materials sets a dangerous precedent."

San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi died from a mixture of cocaine and alcohol, which caused his already-damaged heart to stop, the city medical examiner has concluded.
The San Francisco Medical Examiner’s Office released the autopsy report on Adachi’s death late Friday, one month after the 59-year-old public defender collapsed in an apartment on Telegraph Hill and was later pronounced dead at a hospital

“The cause of death is acute mixed drug toxicity with cocaine and ethanol, with hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease as a contributing factor,” Assistant Medical Examiner Ellen Moffatt wrote in the report. “Based on the history, autopsy, microscopic and toxicology finding, the manner of death is accident.”

San Francisco -- A freelance journalist is vowing to protect his source after San Francisco police raided his home and office while keeping him handcuffed for several hours as part of a criminal investigation, according to a newspaper report. Bryan Carmody told the Los Angeles Times that officers banged on his door Friday and confiscated dozens of personal items including notebooks, his cellphone, computer, hard drives and cameras.

A judge signed off on search warrants, which stated officers were investigating "stolen or embezzled" property, the newspaper reported Saturday. Authorities said the raid came during an ongoing probe into who leaked a confidential police report about the Feb. 22 death of San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi.

San Francisco -- A freelance journalist is vowing to protect his source after San Francisco police raided his home and office while keeping him handcuffed for several hours as part of a criminal investigation, according to a newspaper report. Bryan Carmody told the Los Angeles Times that officers banged on his door Friday and confiscated dozens of personal items including notebooks, his cellphone, computer, hard drives and cameras.

A judge signed off on search warrants, which stated officers were investigating "stolen or embezzled" property, the newspaper reported Saturday. Authorities said the raid came during an ongoing probe into who leaked a confidential police report about the Feb. 22 death of San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi.

City officials also criticized police for allowing the details of a confidential report to end up in the headlines. The police launched an internal investigation into the report's leaking, which led to Friday's raid at Carmody's home.

When a reporter would not betray his source, police came to his home with guns and a sledgehammer

this post was deleted and this is why I post:
if you find a post significant, copy it as my post are being deleted and altered.

"The 25-page autopsy report details Adachi’s final moments in dispassionate detail. It includes interviews with witnesses and police, details about Adachi’s anatomy, as well as a toxicology report that found cocaine, alcohol, and benzodiazepines in his system. Benzodiazepines, such as Valium or Xanax, are widely prescribed sedatives."

"A toxicology report later found small amounts of alcohol, cocaine, as well as benzodiazepines in his system.
“The levels of these substance in the blood are most consistent with them having been taken at some point during the day, with metabolism occurring over the subsequent hours,” Moffatt wrote. “The heart, with a significant amount of coronary artery disease and fibrosis already present, would have worked even harder with stimulant substances such as ethanol and cocaine in Mr. Adachi’s system.”
Adachi’s “already compromised heart” could no longer take the added stress and seized up around the time he was having dinner, Moffatt found. Hours later, he was pronounced dead."

( the problem with this is that adachi's wife said he did not drugs and was in good health. she last saw him the morning of huis death before he left to go to the gym. his physical conditioning was mentione by friends in the public defenders office rahu)

Adachi’s wife told investigators she last saw him around 6 a.m. when he left home that morning to go to the gym, Moffatt said. His wife said he had no known medical problems and was not taking any medications to her knowledge. She said he never used illegal drugs.

(the second problem is that the medical examiner that came to these obvious false conclusions was the same one thatadachi had tried to have removed rahu)

Jeff Adachi tried to fire medical examiner heading his death investigation

(the third problem is that the Russian woman Catalina who was with him has never been identified . adachi apparently felt so bad he took all his clothes off except his underwear and laid on the bed? clearly there is more being covered up here. rahu)

with marla Zamora murder, another lawyer with the public defenders office, there is clearly a conspiracy to kill public defenders who might know too much or be invoved wth drug distribution
As I mentioned this murder was suspicious to me as she would have been around during the moscone/milk murder by the CIA. working for the public defenders office she would have known about the endemic cocaine addiction throughout the government and police.
These speculations seems to be true, as my estranged step daughter regularly went to LA with zamora’s daughter.
My step daughter has been a cocaine addict since she was a freshman in high school and continues to be involved with drug dealers and lkives with the children of my brother tito Anthony torres. he has for years set up people to be killed by the CIA or has been invoved with cases of political moment and has passed information to the CIA from the district attorneys office. a number of years ago he left one of his email accounts open and I found a email from the san Francisco district attorney's office which began" if you are not such and such(my brother was not such and such), then you must delet this email or face felony charges including 10 years in prison ad/or 10000$ fine.
with the last tw years he has been brought into the dug trade and now supplies individuals in concord. my step daughter and him are very tight. so the fact my step daughter Zamora's daughter took frequent short trips to LA can mean one thing.

in addition I find it very suspicious that recently my brother has done contract work for the public defenders office.

keep in mind that this record of discipline is over 70 pages long and it has been censored by the California bar so as not all his offenses are divulged . the CIA controls the bar as well as media as is shown by the fact that my brother was suspended for two separate times each for 5 years, yet he did not serve either. he had been suspended form practicing law for one year in another case but continued to practice law with out notifying the courts. he was suspended once until he went into drug rehabilitation, but continued to practice law and lied t the bar and said he had gone into treatment. in another case his actions were the same as a other lawyer who was disbarred for the same offense... but he was not.

in fact until he was contacted by covert agencies and began to poison me with genetically altered mrsa... he had not worked at all for several years and spend his days smoking chemicals and sleeping .going in to SF once a month.

(the shadow of the assassinations of mayor moscone and supervisor milk still to this day shade the truth and actions of government officials that lived through that times such as nacy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein. it is no coincides that that Dianne Feinstein as a going no-where supervisor and nacy Pelosi was the wife or supervisor Ron Pelosi when the assassination occurred in November 1978. both have risen to political prominence by acting as foils to the truth of the CIA assassinations of these san francsico politicians/ cartel bosses.(nancy Pelosi's decision to not proceed with impeachment of fascist trump is based on her concealing the truth about what occurred back in 1978,her husband was a supervisor in san Francisco when the cia murder moscone and milk. she knows the truth . everybody knew the truth.

her rise as a political leader is directly related to her willingness to keep the assassinations quite. in this she is just like Dianne feinstein who was a supervisor but by concealing the murders has arose be a member of the trilateral commission and now head of the intelligence committee in congress. this is not coincidence.rahu
Nancy Pelosi Won’t Even Take A Position On Contempt, Let Alone Impeachment

Politics Nancy Pelosi Won’t Even Take A Position On Contempt, Let Alone Impeachment


WASHINGTON ― House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) declined to take a position Thursday about inherent contempt ― an obscure power that would allow Congress to fine or even jail Trump administration officials who don’t comply with subpoenas ― and once again made it clear that Democrats are extremely hesitant to move forward with the idea of impeaching President Donald Trump.
Asked about the House possibly holding Trump administration officials like Attorney General William Barr in so-called inherent contempt, Pelosi laid out how that’s “an option,” but she refused to endorse the idea.
“I’m just saying it is an approach,” Pelosi said during her weekly press conference. When pressed to take a position, she responded: “I don’t have to have a position.”
Pelosi did refuse to take inherent contempt “off the table,” but she made it clear she wasn’t eager to use the power, mentioning that a preferable outcome would be Trump administration officials complying with the subpoenas from House committees.
Democrats haven’t even moved forward with holding Barr in contempt. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Wednesday that he didn’t expect a floor vote on contempt until at least June, when more officials could be added to a resolution. Rank-and-file Democrats might not have the same timetable in mind, but they sounded largely on board with the slow approach earlier this week.
Trump has urged his administration not to follow subpoenas and to ignore requests for testimony before House committees. And while agencies and officials seem to have largely disregarded Trump’s instructions, some officials ― like Barr ― have been happy to ignore subpoenas from the House.
That’s left Democrats in a difficult position of their own making. Pelosi and other Democratic leaders have effectively slowed talk of impeaching Trump by arguing for more investigations. But the White House isn’t cooperating with those investigations, and administration officials are claiming Democrats lack legitimate legislative purposes for their probes.
On Wednesday, the White House sent a letter to the Judiciary Committee ― largely imitating a letter the Treasury Secretary sent to the Ways and Means Committee when it refused to turn over Trump’s tax returns ― arguing that it doesn’t need to furnish documents related to the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller.
Pelosi called that letter “a joke,” and said it was “beneath the dignity of the presidency of the United States, in defiance of our Constitution.”
She then said the information that had been requested wasn’t about impeaching the president per se. “It’s about impeachment as a purpose ― a constitutional purpose of justifying, constitutionally and court-wise, a path,” Pelosi said.
Essentially, Pelosi is arguing that Democrats need those documents in order to determine whether they move forward with impeachment. It’s a step removed from directly claiming that impeachment proceedings are the legitimate legislative purpose for which the documents are needed. But the White House is leaving Democrats with few options, if they continue to insist on holding off on impeachment in favor of more investigations.
Those investigations will inevitably mean more subpoenas. And if Trump officials keep ignoring those subpoenas, it will mean more contempt votes. Pelosi could use her inherent contempt powers at that point, but given her reluctance on impeachment and contempt, many of these questions would likely be decided by a lawsuit.
Federal courts have long said Congress has the right to demand information from the executive branch, finding that investigation is an inherent part of legislating. As those decisions have noted, it’s difficult to change laws effectively if you can’t find out how the executive branch is enforcing them.
But court victories can be worthless if they take so long that a new set of lawmakers assume office and a new president arrives in the White House.
That’s happened repeatedly over the past few decades. Democrats won testimony from former George W. Bush administration officials, and Republicans won rulings securing documents the Obama administration had sought to conceal. But the victories came too late and were politically irrelevant.
“The passage of time, together with the intervening congressional and presidential elections in each case, could be said to have diminished both the value of the disclosure and the committee’s ability to engage in effective, timely oversight,” Congressional Research Service expert Todd Garvey wrote in his March analysis of the recent history of congressional subpoena enforcement.
Congress used inherent contempt for most of its history ― including in the 1970s, when Sen. Sam Ervin (D-N.C.) threatened to arrest officials from the Nixon administration ― but lawmakers haven’t actually locked someone up since the 1930s.
“Although the power has long lain dormant, it remains a tool that Congress may use to enforce subpoenas,” Garvey wrote.
Instead of physical arrests, which legal experts have said would be unseemly according to modern standards, House Democrats are increasingly talking about using the inherent contempt power to sock Trump administration officials with fines.
House Judiciary Committee chair Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) told HuffPost on Thursday that “it’s being discussed,” but declined to go into any details.
“I’m concerned that we want to get this done as rapidly as possible and that we want to figure out how to expedite the court fights as rapidly as possible,” he said.
But Pelosi is clear that she doesn’t want to “leapfrog” any steps.
“First we ask,” she said. “Then we subpoena friendly. Then we subpoena otherwise. Then we see what we get.”
Pelosi has declined to say what might happen then.

(nancy Pelosi's decision to not proceed with impeachment of fascist trump is based on her concealing the truth about what occurred back in 1978.
her husband was a supervisor in san Francisco when the cia murder moscone and milk. she knows the truth . everybody knew the truth. her rise as a political leader is directly related to her willingness to keep the assassinations quite. in this she is just like Dianne feinstein who was a supervisor but by concealing the murders has arose be a member of the trilateral commission and now head of the intelligence committee in congress. this is not coincidence.rahu

Esquire’s Charles Pierce: Nancy Pelosi is ‘negligent at best’ for resisting impeachment

to MoreMore34

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is being “negligent” by resisting the move to impeach President Donald Trump, according to Esquire writer Charles Pierce.
In his Monday column, Pierce accuses the House Speaker of not taking seriously the actions of Trump’s administration, including Attorney General William Barr’s refusal to release an unredacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report.

Pierce points to Pelosi’s remarks in a recent New York Times interview “that indicate that at least part of the Speaker’s brain gets it and that another part does not, and that, somewhere in between, something has to be done.”
Pelosi told the Times that she had feared in 2018 Trump would not respect the results of the midterm elections.
“If we win by four seats, by a thousand votes each, he’s not going to respect the election,” the Speaker said. “He would poison the public mind. He would challenge each of the races; he would say you can’t seat these people.”
Pierce argues “that if Pelosi believes that the president* is venal and power-mad enough to discredit, if not defy, the results of a national election, she must realize that the crisis already is upon us

“If that is the case, waiting for 2020 and hoping that cooler heads prevail at the ballot box strikes me as negligent at best,” he adds.
On Tuesday, Pelosi accused the president of “goading” Democrats into holding impeachment hearings.
“That’s what he’s doing,” the Speaker told a group in New York. “Every single day he’s just like taunting, taunting, taunting because he knows that it would be very divisive in the country, but he doesn’t really care. He just wants to solidify his base.”

“We can’t impeach him for political reasons, and we can’t not impeach him for political reasons,” she added. “We have to see where the facts take us.”
Police to return property seized from San Francisco reporter

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Police agreed Tuesday to return property seized from a San Francisco journalist in a raid, but the decision did little to ease tensions in the case, which has alarmed journalism advocates and put pressure on city leaders.

The leak infuriated city supervisors. They scolded police for anonymously releasing the report to the press, saying it was an attempt to smear the legacy of Adachi, who was an outspoken critic of police. An autopsy blamed Adachi's Feb. 22 death on a mixture of cocaine and alcohol that compromised an already bad heart.

(what information are the police concealing...why is the the woman with him when he died still not identified. she is only described as named catalina and is a Russian.
the police in san Francisco are up to their necks with protecting mossad ICE/methamphetamine drug dealers. so to incur the wrath of constitutional lawyers means there is something real big about keeping "catarina's" identity under wraps .... it can only be dealing with the cocaine adachi died from and where he got it....catarina.
.as I has mentioned the Rothschild's are now erasing all vestiges of the ultraliberal san Francisco culture as they prepare to move lock ,stock and barrel into san francisco/California. " rahu)

(a coverup is still happening, the Russian woman who was with adachi, drinking and doing cocaine has still not been identified except as ,"Caterina".why are the police shielding his person? adachi had allegedly felt bad and took is clothes off and got into the bed..................and died rahu)

"While there may be legitimate questions on the circumstances surrounding the reporting of Adachi's death, the seizure of any journalist's notes or other reporting materials sets a dangerous precedent."

San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi died from a mixture of cocaine and alcohol, which caused his already-damaged heart to stop, the city medical examiner has concluded.
The San Francisco Medical Examiner’s Office released the autopsy report on Adachi’s death late Friday, one month after the 59-year-old public defender collapsed in an apartment on Telegraph Hill and was later pronounced dead at a hospital

“The cause of death is acute mixed drug toxicity with cocaine and ethanol, with hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease as a contributing factor,” Assistant Medical Examiner Ellen Moffatt wrote in the report. “Based on the history, autopsy, microscopic and toxicology finding, the manner of death is accident.”

San Francisco -- A freelance journalist is vowing to protect his source after San Francisco police raided his home and office while keeping him handcuffed for several hours as part of a criminal investigation, according to a newspaper report. Bryan Carmody told the Los Angeles Times that officers banged on his door Friday and confiscated dozens of personal items including notebooks, his cellphone, computer, hard drives and cameras.

A judge signed off on search warrants, which stated officers were investigating "stolen or embezzled" property, the newspaper reported Saturday. Authorities said the raid came during an ongoing probe into who leaked a confidential police report about the Feb. 22 death of San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi.

San Francisco -- A freelance journalist is vowing to protect his source after San Francisco police raided his home and office while keeping him handcuffed for several hours as part of a criminal investigation, according to a newspaper report. Bryan Carmody told the Los Angeles Times that officers banged on his door Friday and confiscated dozens of personal items including notebooks, his cellphone, computer, hard drives and cameras.

A judge signed off on search warrants, which stated officers were investigating "stolen or embezzled" property, the newspaper reported Saturday. Authorities said the raid came during an ongoing probe into who leaked a confidential police report about the Feb. 22 death of San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi.

City officials also criticized police for allowing the details of a confidential report to end up in the headlines. The police launched an internal investigation into the report's leaking, which led to Friday's raid at Carmody's home.

When a reporter would not betray his source, police came to his home with guns and a sledgehammer
he trolls have completed locked up the website I was copying from,agauin the troll show they are new world order agents for trump
this is the best I can do the trolls have totally stopped the site from functioning

I was going to make the comment that even though Pelosi has said that trump is covering up.... she still is not going to call for impeachement...she is beholding to the AIPAC as much as anyone else in congress.
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