Give me that filet-o-fish, give me that fish!

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Mar 15, 2010
thickety pickets cottage
Hey pisces here. I was 14 when I picked up my first copy of Linda Goodman's Love signs at a rummage sale. I thought I could use it to pick the right guy for me. HA. The poor guy that gets a fish.....

So anyway, I have always followed the guardian angels voices in my head and I guess the fact that I am still alive and kicking means I should keep listening. I am enjoying the posts here, the charts, which are all pretty with the blue and red lines and shapes that mean nothing to me....yet. Ah, I just know if I will like someone or something by my vibes anyway.

But I have found that virgos, and cancers on the whole click well with me. Scorpios are dangerous for me and so are other pisces males. Poor Aries have no chance, oh we start out ok, but eventually all hell breaks loose. Leo and Libra are usually good friends where I can crash for awhile. Capricorns want nothing to do with me and Sagittarius does not trust me. Gemini? Oh my. That POOR sign. Aquarius is there at every turn, watching. You so crazy girl! Taurus comes and go, no hard feelings. Pisces girls-we swim together sisters!

Just keep swimmin' swimmin' swimmin'


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Welcome to the form!

not only are you a pisces, you have some feisty aires in you! Especially impulsive mars in aires! Venus in aquarius!

The blue lines means a trine or sextile which means the 2 planets involved work easily together, the red lines means an opposition or a square where the 2 planets are at odds with eachother.

Anyways I gave you a fiew pointers so post in natal astrology to find out more about your chart.

Have fun!
It's interesting ... I was just saying today that I've predominantly gone for Capricorn, Virgo and Leo women; yet despite having a close-to grand trine in air I've never dated any gemini or libra women.

Sun signs are of course rather superficial and while I haven't dated many Scorpio's probably my all-time favourite girlfriend was a Scorpio who had her sun right on my descendent, along with Moon and Venus in sagitarius, and Mars/Jupiter in Virgo.
I definately thank- you Jay for the blue/red interpretation. I am rather curious about the placidus vs equal chart use. I will read up on that.

Lately I have realized I hate Saturn, it has shown up everywhere I don't want it and I am so sick of the negative vibes. Puke.
hi pisces i am too stellum with aries rising
u have a amazing chart i think although i love taurus men just so attracted to them and they just come to me like crazy i do not have any planets in taurus though
Such a feisty introduction ye be havin' there! Welcome aboard, yaaarrr :D

In high school I had a friend who would often use the "Just keep swimming" little song of Dory's. She was an odd one, that she was. Odd people I find to be of much interest though.

I be a Pisces as well! I also randomly start talking like a pirate, but that has nothing to do with it. I've also noticed that Scorpio-types and I don't get along too well either. But those people were super manipulative, attention-starved, over emotional, people who brought nothing positive to my'm not going to judge others by that. Also...I never got a chance to look at their charts...:( [I have a stellium in Capricorn >> I don't deal well with that stuff]
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Cool you !

I think I am a cross between Lady Gaga, Martha Stewart, and the boy who sees dead people. Lucky me.
Hey don't stop talking like a pirate. Look what happened to Pirate Steve from Dodgeball. He got his loot. Here's to getting your loot!
This whole thread has made me smile big. You sound so funny. Loveee it. I have Venus in Aquarius too, it's pretty fun if you haven't noticed yet.

Hate that jingle, though. I think the title is why I waited so long to say hi. :tongue: