Hi astrologer50,
how about generally speaking then?
i did a google search that came up with this:
my experience is the opposite of mistery's.
jjj wrote:
"you can have a really nice synastry with someone and you two get along really well, but life does not let you to be together (composite sun opp Pluto, Uranus, comp Moon square Pluto, Uranus etc). I personally find it sad....... it´s my personal experience...."
This is was actually what i was afraid of.
unukalhai said something more reasurring:
"In my opinion, difficult synastry is more worrisome than difficult composites; if interpersonal difficulties abound, it's unlikely the folks will actuate the composite chart very much, but if the people have good interpersonal interaction, dynamic energy in the composite will stimulate both to further engage eachother and the relationship will be a source of energy, as the dynamic aspects show stimulation. On the other hand, a composite loaded down with trines and sextiles, quite passive aspects, may loose its zest quickly and motivation to continue the partnership will be lacking. Boredom and lack of excitement is a sure-fire way to break a relationship. Not many people stay in relationships that are boring or otherwise lacking in excitement unless there is a component of fear or an excessive need for security (be it emotional or material, or even pure convenience) involved, but even those relationships often only last until the next major outer-planet transit; the outers are well known for compelling us to make changes we're otherwise unwilling to make."
there's an informative liz greene article on composites.
starlink posted something form a magazine saying:
"When conjunctions with the North Node of one partner in conjunction with a personal planet of the other partner exists, then this could help considerably to overcome difficulties and sort them out. On the contrary, when a personal planet of one is found in conjunction with the South Node of the other, it could mean that the two will not be able to overcome differences and will separate."
My sun is conjunct his SN. :/
There's a lot more for me to read...