Great Synastry; Challenging Composite

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Mar 18, 2007
Planet Earth
This one has had me thinking for a while.

I have wonderul synastry with my fiance, except for two aspects (mars squ pluto and uranus op moon both of which he has natally). Our composite chart, however, looks very difficult: namely 7th hs pluto, 1st moon, 11th hs sun t-square.

Which one would you value more in married life?
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need to see natal, synastry chart and composite. You should know by now we are all visual people here......

Composite charts
If you go to click on free horoscopes, go to Interactive horoscopes, go down to Astroclick partner, that will bring up a composite chart and when you put the mouse over a planet will bring up a pop up box with the interpretation......

But you do need both times of birth to be accurate though.. enjoy.

Composites describe the relationship, not either one of you, but what you came together to learn or to do and how the 'pair of you' function when together....
Hi astrologer50,

how about generally speaking then?

i did a google search that came up with this:

my experience is the opposite of mistery's.

jjj wrote:
"you can have a really nice synastry with someone and you two get along really well, but life does not let you to be together (composite sun opp Pluto, Uranus, comp Moon square Pluto, Uranus etc). I personally find it sad....... it´s my personal experience...."

This is was actually what i was afraid of.

unukalhai said something more reasurring:
"In my opinion, difficult synastry is more worrisome than difficult composites; if interpersonal difficulties abound, it's unlikely the folks will actuate the composite chart very much, but if the people have good interpersonal interaction, dynamic energy in the composite will stimulate both to further engage eachother and the relationship will be a source of energy, as the dynamic aspects show stimulation. On the other hand, a composite loaded down with trines and sextiles, quite passive aspects, may loose its zest quickly and motivation to continue the partnership will be lacking. Boredom and lack of excitement is a sure-fire way to break a relationship. Not many people stay in relationships that are boring or otherwise lacking in excitement unless there is a component of fear or an excessive need for security (be it emotional or material, or even pure convenience) involved, but even those relationships often only last until the next major outer-planet transit; the outers are well known for compelling us to make changes we're otherwise unwilling to make."

there's an informative liz greene article on composites.

starlink posted something form a magazine saying:
"When conjunctions with the North Node of one partner in conjunction with a personal planet of the other partner exists, then this could help considerably to overcome difficulties and sort them out. On the contrary, when a personal planet of one is found in conjunction with the South Node of the other, it could mean that the two will not be able to overcome differences and will separate."

My sun is conjunct his SN. :/ :(

There's a lot more for me to read...

Quote by Freedomlover in post here on AW
In reality, no chart is definitely "good" or definitely "bad". As you pointed out, there is really no way of knowing how the energies will manifest. Some charts show a greater possibility for the energies to manifest well. But the same lovely trine that implies comfortable, loving energy can manifest as a feeder line that goes along with the other's abusive behaviour without questioning it. The same lovely sextile that implies harmony together can manifest as the two individuals will make the same bad choices.

There is a higher and a lower energy available in all the aspects. It all depends on free will and each individual's personal state of spiritual growth. In synastry there should be a varied degree of so called 'good and bad' aspects, but in reality I would use the terms, 'easy empathy, and challenging' cos without constant effort, respect, understanding and love and a willingness on both sides to 'work at matters' then no amount of good synastry will explain if a relationship will be successful or not...
Hi---Composite 7th house Pluto can be great---a transforming and physical relationship. You mentioned that the Composite first house moon can be negative---what makes you say that?

Is it possible to have a happy marriage with this kind of composite? I'm hesitant to get married because of it.

My take on the chart:

It's possible, of course. However, I see these as the challenges:

Moon in Aries in 1st opposing Pluto in Libra in the 7th. There can be alot of power struggles unless both of you learn to assert yourselves properly. There is the potential for improper direction of anger, and maybe even violence, if the person is disposed that way.

Mars in Cap at critical 29th degree rules the Ascendant, so authority issues and/or male dominance may come into play.

Mercury in Cap in the 10th square Moon in Aries in the 1st. Again, proper communication is going to be key. Healthy assertiveness is crucial, and one or both parties is going to have to guard against the tendency to think they are in charge.

Sun in Cap squares Pluto, as well. More potential for ego issues and power struggles. It can also imply that one or both parties career will take precedence over the marriage - or tend towards that way.

Saturn Rx and Jupiter Rx are in intercepted 6th. Chiron in Taurus in the 2nd, as well as all the Cappy planets in 10th/11th can show that there is going to be alot of focus and lessons to be learned around work, finances, and career. Health concerns of one or both parties may be an issue, as well.

If both of you are willing to work on the issues as presented, then, it can work. If one or both of you are not, then ... eh... probably not.

Also, be aware that if the two of you are not currently living together, the money/finance part of the picture may not have shown itself as of yet.

Here is our composite:

Not sure what this means...
T-cross: Moon in Aries 1st - Sun in Cap 11th - Pluto in Libra 7th
Apex: 5th hs cusp

Just saw this post:

I would interpret it this way, building on what I wrote about the Moon/Pluto opposition and the Sun in Cap in my previous post:

Career/respect/financial matters may be causing alot of the tension in the Moon/Pluto opposition in Aries/Libra. The outlet being approximately 18 degrees Cancer, cusp of 5th may mean something like this: You both need to make an effort to focus on quality time together- intimate/fun things to do- keep the childlike quality alive within yourselves. It can also point to the both of you needing to do some "inner child" work - and you may be able to help each other with that work. You each must be careful not to overlook your own or other's emotions. Creative hobbies may benefit you two, as well.

This one has had me thinking for a while.

I have wonderul synastry with my fiance, except for two aspects (mars squ pluto and uranus op moon both of which he has natally). Our composite chart, however, looks very difficult: namely 7th hs pluto, 1st moon, 11th hs sun t-square.

Which one would you value more in married life?
The composite is "the" relationship chart created as a third entity of two of you merging. It is rather more impersonal and shows the dynamics that are really at play according to the house positions and aspects.
Synastry can be contradictory and confusing. Mars square Pluto is a heavy manipulative aspect and Moon square Uranus shows emotional instability and can denote erratic domestic conditions with separations and break ups that can be quick and shocking. That your partner has these in his natal chart also is very challenging.

Pluto in the 7th in the composite shows manipulation, power plays that can be subtle and insidious.

We need to see the whole composite chart for the aspects and house emphasis.

The progressed composite doesnt not look good either. Uranus in the 7th receiving squares from Sun, Mars, Mercury, and opposing the Moon.

Im feeling very overwhelmed and just crushed by this. I love him soo much and feel attached to him, like I don't want to lose him, but it looks like we are not meant to be married. Yet another failed attempt at getting married. My progressed chart does not look good for marriage for many more years to come. I've been looking for a husband for the past ten years. I dont want anything else but to get married now. Feel like God is torturing me. For some time, Ive been dealing with trSaturn and trUranus both square my natal Venus-Neptune conjunction.

The progressed composite doesnt not look good either. Uranus in the 7th receiving squares from Sun, Mars, Mercury, and opposing the Moon.

Im feeling very overwhelmed and just crushed by this. I love him soo much and feel attached to him, like I don't want to lose him, but it looks like we are not meant to be married. Yet another failed attempt at getting married. My progressed chart does not look good for marriage for many more years to come. I've been looking for a husband for the past ten years. I dont want anything else but to get married now. Feel like God is torturing me. For some time, Ive been dealing with trSaturn and trUranus both square my natal Venus-Neptune conjunction.

I didn't say the relationship was impossible... just would take quite a bit of work, from the looks of it. It depends on whether the two of you want to do it or not. Did anything I say ring true, as to the dynamics between the two of you? Is he kind of emotionally closed off/and/or issues with parents/authority/career?
yes, alot of what you said rang true. :(

Family interference, and money/education/status issues have come in between us.

He has become emotionally closed off because we didnt get married last summer. I felt he was rushing things. He has Uranus conj 10th hs Venus, opposite 4th hs moon natally.

He says he needs his space now. I feel we need to talk more now. We planned for getting married in December...but now Im having my doubts.

Im scared of this marriage ending in divorce/separation. He's become very controlling and he said I was acting like this too. I'm worried he won't be very compromising after marriage.

I dont know if it's worth it... to suffer/struggle like that after marriage.
Is the composite really the way the marriage relationship will be?

He says his problem with me is that I dont trust him. And he thinks I care too much about money.

My problems this summer were over money...namely will he make enough money? Or will we be living in a box as he is used to? I'm more educated than him and make more than him. I'm worried he will be dependent on me financially.

He said his goal in the next five years is to make sure I dont have to work. He wants to eventually do business but he hasnt told me anything about what his plans are in achieving this. Im the type of person who plans, but he isnt.

I dont want this relationship to revolve around money. But thats whats seemed to have happened.
hi starnur
the composite is full of opposites tendencies.
the moon/sun midpoint is opposed to jupiter,which is excellenty for marriage.the venus/uranus midpoint is square this opposition showing the intense affection and bring a soulmate feel to the relationship.the venus/mars midpoint is opposed to the moon/saturn midpoint which shows the the love elicts deep devotion between you.
but as you mentioned ,trust is an issue.with saturn square to neptune,there is always a feeling that matters are not being made clear.this can also show emotional blockage .then there is the Tsquare between the moon opposed to pluto and sun square this opposition.this is also an aspect of emotional epluto influence to both sun and moon implies that there is a test of wills.this is very difficult aspect as it implies unconscious emotional issues are in playwith the sun/neptune midpoint conjunct the vensu/mars midpoint and opposed to the moon/saturn midpoint and with these aspect all square to the ascendant ,it is easy to see a suspicion or lack of trust in spite of the obvious love.but it is ominious that he wants to provide yet has no plans to speak off.
as you mentioned,you don't want this to revolve around money but with jupiter opposed to the moon/sun midpoint ,it is and will revolve around money.and his inability to clarify his plans fits in with the problems encountered with a saturn square neptune.
with the venus/uranus midpoint square to jupiter also brings the potential that the intense attraction could suddenly change.and the selfish influence of pluto and the dceptive influence of neptune pose big problems to a marriage were a complementary ,selfless and open connection is essential.with the mars/uranus midpoint opposed to the moon/jupiter midpoint, it seem to come down to whether his need of personal freedom can be subjugated for the benefit of the relationship.with saturn square this oppositon and square the MC/IC axis,this may be a tall order for him to acknowledge.

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thank you rahu... that was insightful! do you use a particular program or website to identify the midpoints?

incredible... the other day ex was saying his birthday may be one year ahead of what he told me because his parents recorded the wrong birth year for his birth certifcate.?!?!!

i dont knw if he's serious or if he's doing this because he's playing mind games with me as he knows im into astrology and doesnt like it.