Greta Garbo was very famous for her acting career during 1930’s and 1940’s, but every now and then when I hear something about her, it is about her famous quote “I want to be alone”, or regarding the fact she was a “Swedish sphinx” (so evasive and mysterious). So, this led me to her birth chart and look at that huuuge 12th house on it. Besides that and Venus opposite Saturn and square her 12th house Moon, what else would you say explain her need for loneliness and this mysterious vibe of hers?
Hello JunoRising, thank you for starting this thread. I adore Greta Garbo.
Yes, she turned the words "I want to be alone" into an iconic phrase for women.
Actually, I've never heard the "Swedish sphinx", although it does fit her.
Honestly, I don't think Frater was correcting your language.
He is correct, she wanted solitude, but I don't believe she was "lonely".
She was internally a tormented and restless soul.
If I recall correctly she ended her last years alone by choice on the French Riviera with a paid female companion.
There were hints that she was drawn to women, but during her time it was a topic that was too taboo to touch, and it was never clarified.
It may be true, but it may also stem from her masculine style of dressing.
In one film she played a woman who masqueraded as a man. And she was exquisite doing it!
She had numerous love affairs, her venus/saturn opposition made her perhaps illusive, men never felt they could really possess her.
Her beauty was ethereal, you always saw it but it was lofty, on a pedestal, which is probably a result of the Leo venus.
She was luxurious even in slacks and a woolen jumper.
The taurus moon loves sensuality, luxury like a cat purring on a fur rug.
Moon in the 12th wants and needs solitude.
Because of the high altitude at her birthplace, the whole sign of Taurus is intercepted in the 12th house, which is unusually wide. Moon literally has no way out, no way to reach the external world.
This might well be the reason for her impatience with what she considered invasions of her private life. She was a very intelligent woman, but very private.
And this enhanced her fascination.
So near yet so far. You could approach her physically but could never reach her soul.



The Virgo Sun is the apex of a Mars/Pluto opposition.
Katydid, a trine or a square or a sextile can have an apex, but I don't think an opposition can have an apex.
It does have, as you later write, a T-square, and it has a midpoint.