Grizzly Attack Banff National Park

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The moon/mercury conjunction represents the two significators, ascendent and 12th house, and Saturn ruling 8th house squares the moon/mercury midpoint.
Pluto co-ruler of the bear's 6th of nutrition opposes ascendent.
Interesting that mercury also represents the victim's neighbours, who were not able to save him. impeded by the Saturn square.
Mercury was also conjunct the fixed star possibly exactly when the attack started Alderbaren.

Thanks for pointing out that Mercury represents the neighbour, I hadn’t noticed, also in the 11th house.

I pressed the wrong numbers 272 instead of 273 so we have Antonia. Will have to look it up, not sure of where it comes from or for. In the 4th though square tightly Pluto.
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Uranus, conjunct Algol. Out of signs trine, Uranus Earth Taurus, Venus Air Libra and Pluto
air Aquarius.

The full water trines appear to be more bloody, and more deadly.

It is this bears second attack. She will probably be terminated. The other attack was in the same domain.
Venus rules the chart and in the 12th which also rules Large untamed Animals. With Pluto in the 4th (house of endings) quincunx Mars
28 deg. Gemini, - a very lucky person if the person doesn't die. Two lucky stars here to - which ?may have helped....Sirius on the MC and Spica Rising. Mars - on Betegueze in Orion ( in conjunction with Mars there will be danger of death by lightning, fire, explosions, firearms or similar things.)

9 Virgo can indicate danger - consider it a critical degree when you see it. Here, it is the Sun -

if Alioth is felt to make an impact, it is Mars like and of a destructive kind. * On the back near the tail of the Great Bear in Ursa Major
from the myth: This star is located on the Bear’s tail which occurred when Jupiter lay hold of the tails of the two bears, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, and lifted them up into the heavens by their tails. On the long journey, the tails stretched which explains why these bears have long tails unlike earthly bears.


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Moira is at 9 Libra in the 12th. South Node is at the midpoint of Venus and Moira.

It is hunting season, they were hunting. maybe Saturn in the 5th of sport.

Mercury Moon conjunction is trine Chiron.
I was just looking back, at the other charts. Moira in the 12th seems to be a theme. Grand trines, Trines and Kites are found regularly.

A few Sabian symbols:

Sun at 9 VI 42 = Virgo 10 (Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows)

Mercury = 22 Leo 23 = Leo 23 (A bareback rider) which is opposite Aquarius 23 (A big bear sitting down and waving all its paws) which is the 5th house cusp.

Venus = 3 Libra 48 = Libra 4 (A group around a campfire)

Jupiter = 19 Gemini 6 = Gemini 20 (a cafeteria)

Also, remember that Venus, the 5/11 cusp axis, and Aquarius 23 figured into my brief Sabian analysis of the last bear attack chart we discussed about 9 months ago
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Hmmm, interesting, maybe the bear, looking to feed her cubs, cafeteria style. Thanks sdh3
That was my thinking, i.e. that food/hunger might have been involved.

Also, see the edit just above on my reply..."Also, remember that Venus, the 5/11 cusp axis, and Aquarius 23 figured into my brief Sabian analysis of the last bear attack chart we discussed about 9 months ago."
Wow, another similarity. Cool.

This is the time of year that they are getting fattened for hibernation.

The other one I started with, was an old sickly female that would not have made it through the winter. Also looking for a cafeteria.

Thank you!
09 LIBRA: CJ. "Vindemiatrix": ‘The Widow Maker’. It frequently marks the death of one’s partner. It figures strongly and regularly in deaths which are in some way dramatic, newsworthy or are resented in much more than the usual degree by those left behind (assassinations, common criminal murders, executions, airline disasters etc.). Al Muredin `The One Sent Forth in the Faith’.

So it sounds like the hunters became the hunted....
09 LIBRA: CJ. "Vindemiatrix": ‘The Widow Maker’. It frequently marks the death of one’s partner. It figures strongly and regularly in deaths which are in some way dramatic, newsworthy or are resented in much more than the usual degree by those left behind (assassinations, common criminal murders, executions, airline disasters etc.). Al Muredin `The One Sent Forth in the Faith’.

So it sounds like the hunters became the hunted....
Thank you! Yes. That is common. Hunting can go either way. The first one was hikers. They did not live. I didn’t know about 09 Libra.
Adjust *advance* this chart in time by about 90 seconds and you have 22 Aquarius as the 12th house cusp. The Sabian symbol for that degree is Aquarius 23: A big bear sitting down, waving all its paws.