Guess the Ascendants

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Hmm that's really interesting.. I do have an air sign on my ascendant and Munch was kinda accurate because my sun is in Aries and I have a lot of fire in my chart. But my ascendant is guys are pretty close!

Funny. That is exactly what always happens when I try to guess a person's ascendant. I 95% of the time pick their sun. Perhaps this is a manifestation of my Pluto in the 1st house. Seeing beyond the facade.

My other thought was Libra rising like me. I feel like we have the same sort of 'pleasing' and 'soft' countenance.
My guess is Scorpio. (Just saw post about Air. I was wrong!)

Feel free to guess mine. :wink:
So I guess I'll reveal it.... I'm an Aquarius ascendant.... so someone did get that. I do see where you can get scorpio because my moon is in scorpio and is aspected to pluto. I am an Aries Sun and a Scorpio Moon with an aquarius ascendant. I have my venus in pisces so that is probably why some of you thought i had a pisces rising... I have venus and Jupiter in my first house and my ascendant is sextiled by saturn, mars, and sun.... and moon square ascendant with mercury semisquare ascendant.My sun is conjunct to Saturn and mars... that adds a bit of influence from saturn and mars. Do my aspects and placements look like me?... and does Aquarius on my ascendant correspond with how i look? What planets do you think could affect a person's looks? :joyful:
So I guess I'll reveal it.... I'm an Aquarius ascendant.... so someone did get that. I do see where you can get scorpio because my moon is in scorpio and is aspected to pluto. I am an Aries Sun and a Scorpio Moon with an aquarius ascendant. I have my venus in pisces so that is probably why some of you thought i had a pisces rising... I have venus and Jupiter in my first house and my ascendant is sextiled by saturn, mars, and sun.... and moon square ascendant with mercury semisquare ascendant.My sun is conjunct to Saturn and mars... that adds a bit of influence from saturn and mars. Do my aspects and placements look like me?... and does Aquarius on my ascendant correspond with how i look? What planets do you think could affect a person's looks? :joyful:

I'm not sure if you're gonna be happy with how I guessed your ascendant, but I'll just reveal my answer anyways (just in case you're interested):

Maybe I'm also an air type ascendant myself, so I kinda feel an air type ascendant when I see one. Also, first impressions tend to stay strong with me.

I actually thought that you might be like a Gemini, but someone already guessed that and through simple deduction, I just crossed that out. Also, now thinking back, you can't be a Gemini anyways, because Gemini usually give me a mischievous fairy-like feeling to me. So it's between Aquarius and Libra. Through your photo angles, it might seems like you're a Libra. However, your eyes totally reveal that you're an Aquarius to me, since I'm an Aquarius moon myself, I find the eyes of Aquarius familiar. Your eyes seem to see through souls if you try. :smile:

Of course, your demeanor is quite Aquarius-like.
I tend to guess ppl's moons straight away. So it looks like I was par for my course!!!
Oh & no I don't think you look Aquarian. But it was just one pic. My last boyfriend was Aq Asc (Sag Sun, Cappy Moon) & I'd say he fit the description totally well. He had a unique nose & the way he dressed was not common, everyday. But that Cappy Moon tempered it a bit. Add the 5 tats & he was just unique. Like he def stood out but not in an obnoxious way. One would also be inclined to think he was free, open & broad-minded upon meeting. NOT THE CASE. ;)