Gulf Oil Spill

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Dec 27, 2006
What an environmental disaster we have on our hands in the Gulf of Mexico. I can't believe that BP or the US Governemnt hasn't really taken care of this yet. Well over 500,000 gallons a day could be leaking into the Gulf.

Do you see anything in the event chart that may indicate some kind of environmental disaster? I immediatley noticed that the Sun and Ascendant were entering new signs (Taurus/Sag).

btw, this obviously didn't happen in New Orleans. The coordinates are 28n73, 88w38...if that makes any difference.
I think oil relates to Saturn. It's in the 10th house, 29 degrees Virgo. Virgo relates to structure and details. So Jupiter and Uranus are in Pisces, 4th house. I think that sums up "explosive, expansive oil leak in ocean". Mars in Leo, 9th house, it's an issue that's been in the spotlight, action that ties into other, greater issues.

Pluto, north node in the 2nd. This is materials and possessions, it relates to the 8th house of resources. The 2nd house is more connected to the physical side of business(such as real estate), while the 8th house is more transactions(such as business deals). Having a Cancer moon in the 8th, very watery, moody, fluctuating. Pluto, and the north node involves transformation and purpose.

Taurus sun in the 5th. The 5th house could be competition, this is another theme of material energy (now in Taurus) and spotlight (now from the sun), has brought about this issue.

Mercury was in Taurus retrograde at the time. For this situation, it's in the 6th house, along with Venus. I remember the news was concerned about the Volcano incident, but this chart shows another environmental disaster. I think Venus, being a ruler of Taurus, amplifies the Earth, material, solid nature of the Taurus effect of what happened. Mercury brought it to mind.

Neptune in Aquarius, conjunct Chiron 0 degrees Pisces. This emphasizes what happened. The 3rd house involves communication. It's an issue that has been strongly discussed.

Saturn was in 29 degrees Virgo, and Chiron 0 degrees Pisces. Chiron relates to Sagittarius, which is the Ascendant. A healing centaur, hopefully this situation will be properly resolved.

I like your analysis here. I have to say though, that I am also thinking it could be that Pluto represents the oil. The pressures placed on Saturn from the Square of Pluto creating a tense, potentially irreparable destructive dynamic. I'm thinking about how Pluto destroys and resurrects, and Saturn builds slowly. If these two can't work in harmony, there is an issue.

With Uranus there, involved in the T-square, as you pointed out is in Pisces, thus involving the water. It sort of seems though, that while it could have simply been a routine/system malfunction (Virgo) it could also have been something quite out of the blue (and into it) as would be the case with Uranus there.

Jupiter's involvement could go either way. It could mean that the damage will be huge, long-lasting, and pervasive. But Jupiter is well-placed in Pisces, so hope can't totally be abandoned. It could mean, as is the case with natural disasters, an opportunity for the world to unite around a universal mission- the environment.

Neptune in Aquarius is an interesting point. Aquarius is the water bearer, and also humanitarian ideals/attitude, so I think it's sort of echoing the sentiment about what I made with Jupiter and uniting people around an issue with the Water. I'm concerned with Neptune's involvement. It muddies things (just as the oil did) but it might also make the objective with the clean-up unclear. Already we are seeing issues with "who is responsible" and "how to take care of this" and "who should pay."

Taurus Sun is interesting to point out. Oil is a luxury item. It is expensive, and it goes towards what has become more evidence of gluttony, as we use it to literally fuel (especially in the US, Europe, and Asia) the items we depend on to make our lives easier, and in some cases exceptionally more enjoyable. It being in the 5th house only makes me think of how Neptune is in Aquarius, blurring the issues of the "larger humanity" and the Earth, for the sake of more self-centered pleasures, very Leo/5th house. It is about indulgence, joy, and Human Ego and it's need for gratification and consumption, which then could easily fuel competition situations that wear and tear on the environment.

Mercury in Taurus- slow reaction time. Maybe it could have been prevented, but also, the clean up process has been slow. The ability to act is lessened. With Venus there, in the 6th house, the love of service is at the for-front. It's maybe not that people don't care, but now we are seeing that simply caring about the Earth needs to be coupled with thinking about how to care for the Earth. This is just another example of how we need to be more proactive in the environmental measures we take. Mercury in Taurus indicates our slowness to act or to know how to act, and Venus indicates our desire to help the Earth, to cleanse it and serve it, as Venus is dignified in Taurus. The desire is there, but without the know-how, it appears this is the issue.

Chiron I always use to talk about the Human Condition. With Chiron in Pisces, I might say that it is our own damage to ourselves as Human Beings and our lack of being able to see how we relate to the Earth and the Ocean, and how it relates to us, which is the problem. We are behaving disconnected, only highlighting how don't proactively deal with these situations.
Neptune rules oil.
Deepwater Horizon:28N44 88W23.Asc 2 Sag,Mc 10 Virgo.
Ordered Dec 1998 (day?),Neptune 0 Aquarius.
Laid Down Mar 21 2000.
Acquired Feb 23 2001.

Jerry :)
Well then if we look at it as Neptune is oil, then Neptune in Aquarius conjunct Chiron in Pisces- we are looking at the muddying of waters (Neptune in Aqua) as connected to our divided relationship from the Water (Chiron in Pisces). It also impacts our relationship to ourselves (5th house influence) and our division from a more Global view (Aquarius) and it is manifesting in the Water (Neptune and Pisces) and is highlighting our Global Use of oil.
Neptune: oil industry.
'The Planets and Human Behaviour' page 163,Jeff Mayo(1972).

Oil:Neptune,Oil Wells:12th and Neptune.Horary Astrology page 471,Anthony Louis (1991).

Pluto,Esoteric Ruler of Pisces.

Piper Alpha disaster,9.31pm bst,6 July 1988 57n08,2w07.

Jerry :)
Thanks Modcleopatra :) I never do event chart interpretations, usually if they're interesting, they might be personal for someone and I don't want to comment with a wrong interpretation.

For this I took the simplest approach, broke down parts of it and wrote a small amount on it. I meant it as practice. I like your comment and the others mentioned here.

I thought oil might relate to Saturn from what I read on this Vedic astrology website, which describes 10th house professions.

You're welcome Skillcoil; you inspired me.

As for the reference from Vedic Astrology, I'm not too familiar with Vedic, but I do find it fascinating. I see here that it says Saturn in the 10th has to do with oil dealers. Now I personally would interpret this as more of the structure behind the oil company, and the limitations associated with oil usage, and how that puts pressure (square from Pluto) to perform, thus leading to potential hazards, as we've seen here.
Ah thanks :) it wasn't me! it was the oil spill! lol

That's interesting, this event seems really "saturn in the 10th house fall".

Your Venus sounds like its in Virgo. ;) I agree, the downfall/breakdown of structure. Yikes. What do you think can be done to prevent these things in the future? I wonder if this chart shows that...
Remember that this whole thing started with an explosion and fire on the rig; to my mind this is a continuation of Mars/Leo Aries ingress (which I have written about a little here, and more on Skyscript-which is now deleted) still affecting mundane affairs (including the Icleland volcano) which is about to get a further boost in fiery energy from the June 8th Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Aries.

In this oil rig event chart, ascendant is in the fiery sign of Sagittarius, Mars is near the top of the chart in fiery Leo. Mars is longitudinally conjunct South Ascellus (as in the Aries ingress, Moscow subway bombing, eruption of the Iceland volcano, etc) which star may indicate... "danger of violent death, serious accidents and BURNS".
Jupiter, lord of the ascendant, is long. conjunct Markab, a star of mixed effects which may include... "danger from cuts, blows; violent death; FIRE...' The MC degree is long. conjunct the star Alioth, which..."may make a Mars-like impact of a destructive kind..." and which is also connected with "fiascoes" (certainly this event may be considered a massive fiasco!!)

In making these observations I am not questioning the excellent delineations regarding this event made by other posters in this thread. I just see (in my view) additional astrological underpinnings here, which I think might be part of a significant mundane trend for the world at large.
Neptune rules oil.
Deepwater Horizon:28N44 88W23.Asc 2 Sag,Mc 10 Virgo.
Ordered Dec 1998 (day?),Neptune 0 Aquarius.
Laid Down Mar 21 2000.
Acquired Feb 23 2001.

Jerry :)

I agree with you Jerry about Neptune ruling oil. Just going with what I feel what what I read somewhere I cannot remember. Neptune is a liquid energy, also mysterious, also a bit like the ocean in feel, expect the oil is underground. It is somewhat hidden, a bit like Neptune's feel. Not Plutonian by its initial nature, it is not explosive in its natural state. Only when man messes with it as in this case it became explosive.

I also add Saturn can also rule oil. It comes out the ground sometimes in a very rocky state, crude oil I believe is like this. It has to be refined into more of a Neptunian state. So I think its a mixture of Neptune and Saturn.

Interesting to note that Saturn was inconjuncting Neptune at the time. I have found inconjuncts very much triggers to events in my own life so from personal experience. They bring the subject of their energies to immediate, full attention. I need to look at the chart later to find the triggers, I will also be interested to view the previous lunations.

Awful disaster though that still goes on. Its a lesson from mother nature that still seems to be ignored by corporations (also ruled by Saturn). I wonder if the lesson of Neptune/Saturn inconjunct also applies not only to the oil disaster, but also to the attitudes of the corporations.

This will affect food supplies too, and add to the already toxic waste that we put into our waters, which goes up the foodchain and hits us. The whole world will be affected, future generations, our children and children's children, future generations that the native american peoples advised should be considered in all their actions, but who's lesson has now been sadly lost in place of materialsm. Where was Ceres at the time of this disaster? The asteriod ruler of nurturance and food. Not only food, but also water will be affected. We live in a linear world, surrounded by boarders, but this wont be limited to this patch of the world... countries many miles away from this will also be affected, our planet is one whole living entity. Perhaps this is the course of evolution... but when wake up calls happen, we do have a choice, I feel.

The disaster is a shocking wake up call, and its wider implications are also just as saddening. I only wish action will be taken as a result of this, and not be forgotten as so many news stories are once they don't hit the front pages.

To wisdom.
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I agree with you Jerry about Neptune ruling oil. Just going with what I feel what what I read somewhere I cannot remember. Neptune is a liquid energy, also mysterious, also a bit like the ocean in feel, expect the oil is underground. It is somewhat hidden, a bit like Neptune's feel. Not Plutonian by its initial nature, it is not explosive in its natural state. Only when man messes with it as in this case it became explosive.

I also add Saturn can also rule oil. It comes out the ground sometimes in a very rocky state, crude oil I believe is like this. It has to be refined into more of a Neptunian state. So I think its a mixture of Neptune and Saturn.

Interesting to note that Saturn was inconjuncting Neptune at the time. I have found inconjuncts very much triggers to events in my own life so from personal experience. They bring the subject of their energies to immediate, full attention. I need to look at the chart later to find the triggers, I will also be interested to view the previous lunations.

Awful disaster though that still goes on. Its a lesson from mother nature that still seems to be ignored by corporations (also ruled by Saturn). I wonder if the lesson of Neptune/Saturn inconjunct also applies not only to the oil disaster, but also to the attitudes of the corporations.

This will affect food supplies too, and add to the already toxic waste that we put into our waters, which goes up the foodchain and hits us. The whole world will be affected, future generations, our children and children's children, future generations that the native american peoples advised should be considered in all their actions, but who's lesson has now been sadly lost in place of materialsm. Where was Ceres at the time of this disaster? The asteriod ruler of nurturance and food. Not only food, but also water will be affected. We live in a linear world, surrounded by boarders, but this wont be limited to this patch of the world... countries many miles away from this will also be affected, our planet is one whole living entity. Perhaps this is the course of evolution... but when wake up calls happen, we do have a choice, I feel.

The disaster is a shocking wake up call, and its wider implications are also just as saddening. I only wish action will be taken as a result of this, and not be forgotten as so many news stories are once they don't hit the front pages.

To wisdom.

I'm curious Neptune, is this chart possibly indicating a way we can deal with this in the future? Prevent it even?
I'm pleased this chart was drawn up, I meant to but it got waylaid.

Ceres was a 4 degree of Capricorn, almost conjunct Pluto. Could that show this event will give a transformation, upheaval and resulting explosive change to our nurturing. Capricorn, the sign of corporations also tied into the nurturance, our food and sustenance.

Now I have a proper look, the Sun had just passed a sextile to Neptune/Chiron. This makes a yod towards Saturn. And with the Chiron involved in a conjunction with Neptune, maybe showing a wound through the oil, sun highlighting this, maybe triggering that. And with Chiron right at the base, at the bottom of the sea, newly in the sign of Pisces and about to station retrograde, this chart just talks to me of a wound deep at its base, ruled by Neptune. Also Chiron/Neptune inconjunct Saturn, a wound to the structure. Its not known just how this will affect the foodchain and to what extent, perhaps that is what the Saturn in Virgo represents in this chart. A need to pay attention to health matters as a result of this event.

So far its been unstoppable, they have been unable to cap it. I havent seen the news the last 4 days on this. Unable to get a grasp on this also speaks of a Neptunian feel, uncatchable. I hope they do soon cap it.

Oh yes there is a solution but it doesn't make any money for the corps. ;) Perhaps a hint of Saturn (corporations) square (attention to this aspect now, challenges are afoot!) Pluto (healing through transformation and change).

A list of all the oil disasters worldwide here.

Its still been unstopped, more than a month on and gushing into the ocean..

I find it interesting as always studying the news responses, that the focus is on how badly BP is doing in stopping the spill. They are doing badly, this is true. However, also, the focus is on the oil company, and not on a long term solution.... and this message is what is being repeated everyday in the publically read press, we are getting this message flashed at us again and again, maybe a diversion to the real solution, as Niplan mentioned in another thread, stop using up the fossil fuels, plain and simple.

Edit: fossil fuels an example of Saturn (old), fuels being the liquid oil (Nep).

As usual, the sympton is fixed (hopefully soon), and not the cause.

News article.
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Interesting to note that as Neptune stations mud (earth,saturn) is applied to stop the spill.
I am trying to understand event charts but I do believe you can learn about the outcome from the event chart analysis. If Saturn (mud) in quincux is the adjustment to neptune/chiron healing what can we tell from other aspects?

First all angles are mutable implying rapidly changing circumstances.
Second, we see only Saturn, Mars and the moon on the top half of the chart or what is visible to the world. Most everything else is below the horizon, or what we do not see...this is where everything will unfold. ...behind the scenes.

Pluto in the 2nd house retrograde and saturn retrograde will turn to complete an exact square..thus this implies the 'cure' causes some financial and unseen upheaval. We know that some of the 'cures' they were using may act as a poison in the water. Saturn in the 10th house of government is also part of the 'cure' but challenged by Pluto or eruptions and sudden deep problems with finances. Trines to malefics are not so favorable at times. With Venus in Taurus so strong I am not sure what that means...the illness is greater than the cure?

Venus in the 6th house of health and details in the fixed sign of Taurus challenges Neptune but trines or supports Saturn...what can this tell us? I suspect there may be some very entrenched health issues in Taurus related illnesses and supported by jupiter and Uranus which is troublesome...

The sun has moved into Taurus too. At the 0 degree implies calling in experts. Which is what happened. But we can see too as the sun rules the 9th house of legalities which we have seen also.

Mercury forms a 150 degree to Saturn implying 'things beyond our control' in the 6th house and retrograde and in a fixed sign. Mercury retrograde also implies things to be fixed or repaired. It is challenged by mars in the 9th of legalities and rules the 5th house of creativity. Thus this may paint a picture of efforts of repair challenged by and legal creativity:) or in other words legal 'shenanigans'.

The moon I understand is a critical thing. Its trine to jupiter in the 4th of outcomes and with Uranus is somewhat alarming. Saturn, the cure, is challenged by Jupiter/Uranus. Jupiter rules the first and if we use traditional rulers it also rules the 4th of endings. It is expansion and Uranus is sudden disruption. Uranus rules third house of vehicles, moving equipment, communication, agreements, gossip...

Uranus is at a critical degrees where it will be for some time...on the cusp of Aries, fire. With jupiter to accelerate it. Aries is also the warrior sign. Jupiter represents legal issues. Though it will lose strength at Aries I suspect in the end we will have a fight on our hands.

The moon in the 8th of others resources, loans, etc and death trines jupiter in the past tense but will also trine Uranus. Lastly and at a retrograde Saturn and 29th degree Saturn we see some completion. A lot will rest on the strength of government and its policies, structure. Unfortunately it is very week in Virgo and will not gain its strength again until it goes direct and into Libra which I believe will happen over the summer.

WEll that is my two cents...
My husband was in the oil business for twenty five years. The first thing he suspected about the oil leak was sabotage, because these wells are supposed to have emergency shut off valves. As he remembers it, these emergency shut offs were very high priority safety aspects.

Now he can't understand why they can't get it stopped. It shouldn't be such a difficult maneuver.

Can't help but think Uranus moving into Aries has something to do with this. Further, the Mercury in Taurus is feeling like such a slow down in every day life - could this be why it is taking so long to get it fixed?
With the Saturn at the MC, perhaps that is saying something about that. I wouldn't be surprised if it is sabotage, and I'm sure we will see the result in this, maybe some sort of governmental/monetary re-structure as a result that we will have to pay for in some way - Saturn square Pluto?

It is interesting to see the downward graph line of BP's share prices. It will be an ecological disaster, probably the worst... Could it even be a wound to the Earth caused by the governments and people in power?

Saturn also represents the governments and people in authority in mundane charts. And this is there at the top, retrograde and inconjunct a Neptune which is beneath the earth. Saturn also at a very critical degree, not in a very honest and good state. Saturn quincunx the midpoint of Chiron/Neptune. Sun involved in the quincunx to Saturn, turning Saturn into the apex of the yod. Very fated event, with longterm karmic implications. Saturn is the trigger, the focal point of the Yod. It does seem likely the Saturn had a major hand to play in this.

That focus rebounds from Saturn onto Uranus at the 4th house. A major upheaval. Upheaval for the Earth as well as government structures. I am sure this is leading somewhere, as a reason to implement some sort of change in power/government structures. There is so much psychic assaults on the people as a whole, on the worldwide population, massive bailouts firstly which we have to all take responsibility for, now a huge disaster for egology, the Earth's ocean and its inhabitants which happen to be a large source of our food supply.

I wouldn't be surprised to see more earthquakes Dhundhun, its a good point, there will be a huge gap now within the depths of the ocean crust. Maybe something will happen on the nearest techtonic plates, but that will also be more disaster.

Perhaps there is hope, in that the Moon, the people is kind of strong in this chart, in the sign of Cancer and trine a benefic. Maybe that gives us some hope.

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Saturn in the 10th retrograde is weak implying that government and these adjustments are weak to change these events.

The strongest planet in the chart is venus and Jupiter. Venus will square neptune and trine Saturn. Venus rules 11th house of larger social organization, legislators, relationships with humanity. It also rules the 6th...World Health organizations? But It is four somethings from completion to perfection. Thus I wonder what August will bring.
I thought such a major even is not tht day on particular! is the pluto saturn squre on its own - there has been a volcano, oil spill , several huge plne crashes and there will be more and with all that comes crashing economy...

will go for as long as the squre is 'on' back and forth - well into 2011 with some breaks...

with this square will come major changes and for that we need disasasters,..

there are moments that i predict this oil disaster which is far worse than reported will bring a new look at oil industry and alternative to gas - pluto is death and rebirth and swipes evrything and saturn makes the whole thing even worse...

what i learned when it comes to predictive astrology is to look at things simply...i predicted a major dissaster right after volcano and now am predictiong aother one...every country will in some way be affected by the square

in a way it is also a good thing the way pluto always works -is the blood of this planet that was hidden by the money people now eveyone can see it-pluto fixes things that are wrong - analyzing that particular day is like fousing on one tree when the whole picture is the forrest - as long as the square is on get ready for more dissters cause these two are scary i think pluto and saturn are the two most powerful giants in the whole system-i think together will bring to surfce what is hidden and what is wrong on this plamet will force people to look at thing and change what is wrong...

is anyone aware that there is alternatie for gas and has been for a long time but goverment does not want to institute it becuse of the money oil brings and alternative is cheaper?
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