Gulf Oil Spill

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neptune also rules lies -how convenient for goverment

I wouldn't necessarily say that.

Where you find Neptune in the chart is where there is a potential for deception. The deception can be self-induced, or it could be others who deceive.

Neptune in the 4th could mean someone fantasizes or deludes themselves about their home-life, or it could mean someone in the home is deceiving them. It depends on the sign and aspects and all that other good astrological stuff.

Based on the Deep Horizon Chart (the one on-site not in New Orleans), Neptune is the 4th House representing mines, minerals, landed interests, mining royalties and what not.

Neptune signifies television, however there are no aspects between Neptune and either Mercury or Saturn (ruling the 3rd) so the deception isn't coming from the media.

The Sun representing authority and in the 6th ruling the 10th is sextile (opportunity) Neptune, and that's where the deception is coming from.

Venus ruling the 7th and 12th squares Neptune, and a lot of other stuff in this not good chart.


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Yes, and the other to watch is the Moon, which rules all liquids, especially water, but Neptune rules oil specifically.

I don't have a strong opinion about rulership of oil one way or the other, but for the sake of astrological discussion, I'd like to throw out Eric Francis' idea that Pluto rules oil.

Arian Maverick
Neptune was discovered (visual confirmation) on September 23, 1846 at the Berlin Observatory, right about the same time oil was discovered. Oil is shiny, has a sheen to it, mostly from the waxes in it (which is based on its API rating -- heavy oils have more waxes are good for parafins, naphtha etc -- light oils have less), is very viscous and a lot of other things that associate it with Neptune, like Abc-tanes (propane; butane; isobutane; methane; etc). Neptune's color is the result of liquid methane.
The critical degrees 0 and 29 are plentiful, especially Chiron conjunct Nep,(the wounded sea) Nep and Uranus are in mutual reception, Uranus opposed by the 29 SaturnR in the 10th. (government going backwards effecting Sea in sudden peril and vice versa) The critial degree, YOD is very tight, Saturn-Chiron and the Tau Sun( wounded government by the earth squaring Mars..boom) There is also a kite, with SatR opposing Jup-Ura in Pisces in homeland Pisces ruled 4th. I notice the Scorpio 12th house of secrets, ruler is in the 2d. HHHHmmmmm. "Never let a crisis go to waste."
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Actually I think a previous poster hit the target, asking where were the regulations/ and where was the safety shut off valves. The Saturn Retrograde points to a lack of adhereing to regulations/rules. They cut corners and did not pay attention to gov regulations. As in Sag rise, they hate rules!! ((Note the ruler of the chart is opposing a retro Saturn,,maybe while the cat was away,,they did play?)) my final answer
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Actually I think a previous poster hit the target, asking where were the regulations/ and where was the safety shut off valves. The Saturn Retrograde points to a lack of adhereing to regulations/rules. They cut corners and did not pay attention to gov regulations. As in Sag rise, they hate rules!! my final answer

I agree. Saturn in H11 (ruling H3 & H4) is in opposition to the Sun in H6 (ruling H10).

House 4 is landed interests, and in his speech, Obama singled out the Minerals Management Service as the primary offender:

Obama said:
One place we have already begun to take action is at the agency in charge of regulating drilling and issuing permits, known as the Minerals Management Service. Over the last decade, this agency has become emblematic of a failed philosophy that views all regulation with hostility – a philosophy that says corporations should be allowed to play by their own rules and police themselves. At this agency, industry insiders were put in charge of industry oversight. Oil companies showered regulators with gifts and favors, and were essentially allowed to conduct their own safety inspections and write their own regulations.
i heard a forboding discussion on the radio a few nights ago.

there was a discussion about a paper by the leading expert in oil blowouts .he headed the extinguishing of the oilwell fires that saddam hussien set in kuwait during the first gulf war.estimates were that it would take 1-2 years to cap all the wells and he did it in 2 months.his name wasn't given as they were negotiating his presence on the radio program.
but he basically said it was insanity to drill in the deep water because if there were any mishaps it would be impossible to control a blowout at that depth.the wellpipe travels through 5,000m feet of water ,then 22,000 feet of earth to reach the this depth the pressure is about 100,000 lbs/sq inch.there is no technolgy existant to control such pressure.
but more seriously is that the oil under such pressure is moving at the speed of sound as it goes up the pipe.what happens when oil or a liquid moves at such speed is that it cavitates which means that bubbles of "vacuum" appear and collapse quickly.the forces generated when the "bubble" collapses can tear apart metal.this is what wears out the vanadium(the strongest metal)propellors of navy ships.the cavitation pits them so badly they have to be replaced.the oil pipe will also be destroyed by this cavitation and the oil will then begin to escape through fissure in the earth and if left unchecked will so weaken the geological strata that the entire drilling site will explode under the there is an immense bubble of explosive gas under the well, this will rise and explode with the force of a nuclear device.this will sent deadly toxic gases toward the coast.but what is more dangerous is that the explosion will create tsumani that will devastate florida as that state averages only a few feet about sea level.and furthurmore BP is doing the exact wrong thing by drilling two "rescue" wells as this will destabilize the geological strata even more quickly.
recently i have read that flumes of oil are already flowing out of fissures around the well site.and engineers for bp have said the wellpipe is in fact broken in several places in the earth.there is no way to plug the fissures,they will continue to widen and destablize the entire drill region.ther first symptom will be as the gas rises it will lower the buoyancy of the water and any ships over the drill site will simply dissappear into the frothing water.
and there is nothing that can be done about it.very scary.
remember this was written by the foremost authority on well blow outs 2 years ago.

and carol,there is a blowout preventer on the well,but there was a hydraulic problem that rendered it useless if it was of any use as blowout preventers only work a percentage of the time .and by the time the drilling rig explode there was no means to activate the well cutoff.for finacial reasons BP refuse to install a acoustic triggers that would activate the blowout preventer if dirct communication was cut to the blowout preventer.and the pipe on this well is too thick to be cut off by the size of the blowout preventer installed even if it was working.
there was no sabotage only endemic greed.

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When Kuwait's oil drills were all a blaze, I believe it was a man named RED DUKE who went there and put out all the fires with explosions. I did a web search looking for him, but could not find any info. I can only surmise that he has passed away, since the shock and it were.
Well July 11th's Solar Eclipse and its hard aspects that follow at the end of the month are warning that the fix may make it much, much worse. Toward the end of July~~ Pluto 3CapR, T squares Uranus 0AriesR conjunct Jupiter 3AriesR that oppose Mars 0Libra conjunct Saturn 0Libra....Talk about Cardinal critical degrees....! Hunker down AND lock n load!
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but he basically said it was insanity to drill in the deep water because if there were any mishaps it would be impossible to control a blowout at that depth.the wellpipe travels through 5,000m feet of water ,then 22,000 feet of earth to reach the this depth the pressure is about 100,000 lbs/sq inch.there is no technolgy existant to control such pressure.

They do it all the time. There are several wells in the North Sea deeper than 5,000 feet, and in the Gulf of Mexico, the Independence is at a depth of 7,920 feet, which is nearly 3,000 feet deeper than Deep Horizon.

Also, pressure is 0.465 psi per foot of depth, so at 22,000 feet, the pressure is only 10,230 psi which is significantly less than 100,000 psi.

That's in any engineering textbook or book of tables.

I think the guy is just flapping his lips for attention and wants his 15 minutes of fame and a book deal.

which means that bubbles of "vacuum" appear and collapse quickly.the forces generated when the "bubble" collapses can tear apart metal.this is what wears out the vanadium(the strongest metal)propellors of navy ships.the cavitation pits them so badly they have to be replaced.

That isn't entirely true.

Seawater has gases compressed into it like O2, CO, CO2, N, CH4 and so on. Maybe you've heard of the "Bends" that divers get, well it has to do with compressed gases. Anyway, when reversing or suddenly increasing or decreasing speed, the water pressure around the propeller can change just enough to cause some gases to be liberated, and that's what forms the bubbles and causes the cavitation. As far as damaging the propellers, I don't know if it does or doesn't.

In the US, the media is owned by corporations, so it's a for-profit venture, you make money be selling advertising (commercials) and your advertising rates are tied to your ratings, so "If it Bleeds it Leads." Sex, fear, blood and violence sells and attracts lots of viewers and drives ratings up and increases profits.
yes...neptune...i always try to avoid this energy and i truly beliee that pluto is much stronger and so is saturn and frankly whatever they do is long term ecpecially pluto...

we really are in danger more than we are told - i have pretty good knowledge of astrology by now and what i discovered is best not to be too pragmatic -one can only predict what could happen...never for sure-i predicted a friends accident recently i saw mars going into his 6th house and there was his natal mars...i just knew-accident ...i said - please do not drive in march or go on any trips i can see it- he was in paris and believed me and stoped driving and ended up falling down the stairs on the way to griceries and broke his leg...i love astrology and do little withouth checking what the positions will be...i feel am still learning but my intuition is good

i use my intuition a lot -i believe that what i saw there... is neptune being the muddy waters of sorts -a pack of lies -they do not inform people of how dangerous it all is and about the deadly gases that are now moving inland far away as it has been two months now

whenever i meet anyone new and see a lot of neptune in natal ecpecially aspects to mercury but just about any neptune aspects -if there is a lot i know this person is about lies - i was never wrong so far even if some of them are such good cons is difficult to believe-met only two people like that one of them was so sweet i barely believed myself

neptune appears to be something else that it really is
-neptune is a lier-is what i observed

even if deceived by others is most likely deceiving on its own if that makes any sense

if it rules oil is another interesting fact i learned however i believe taht this disaster is much more than just about oil

neptune is the most lying deceitful energy-pluto is dark but at least does not deceive is more couragous upfront

i predict that this disaster will forever chnage somethng major-is a new life-not sure what it is...pluto will swipe it all clean and FORCE people to face things -there will be death-

anyone who was ever forced by pluto to change must know there is no way out -you have to

will hat entire area become a dead zone? so polutd wpeople will have to leave

it hurts me is one of the most beautiful areas in us- i cry all the time...

personally i have a well aspected very strong 8th house and pluto also well aspected- pluto is my favorite -i know it well - if this is happening is because there was crime - they shpould have never drilled so deep-pluto is always right but the pain it brings is like death -but will be new life-what will it be?

i don't know...people will pay with thir lives unfortunately many who are not even responsible for dumb uncaring decisions and such dumb decisions like refusing help from holand three days after it took place cause president too busy posing for pics to care about the nature

i hate the way neptune ruling lies chants bp bp while the truth is different -i recognize this energy-neptune is like a muddy water to me- i never know what is going on but i recognize a LIE when i see it-neptune is a room where every wall is mirror

all that said in less pragmatic style than regular readings i would like to know what is your opinion about timeline-when will all this settle-what is coming up?

the oil is still gushing and people are not being told everything or the truth and there is talk about usng nukes and deadly gases are making their way inland (benzyne and other horrible stuff)

when will it settle what do you see?
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i am really scared to be honest

i know something is wrong but i also came across topic on this forum "transists 2010" written in sptember 2009 and all quotes below are from 2009 -i know for a fact cause i saw this topic when i first joined it was way before oil spill - i read this topic with great interest and kept coming back to it...

hee is what someone (ellie) wrote there:september 2009
"Many people are expecting two major, catastrophic events involving water happening soon. Many people also, including myself, have been dreaming about the place where they live getting flooded and them running to avoid water and get drown."

and another person freedomlover:

"I used to live in the coastal Carolina area. There were several people that I had talked to there who had dreamed or had visions of the area being struck by a tidal wave. Many were sure it was a physical occurrence, although I also left the door open that it may have been a symbolic dream."

i am just scared because tehy can't stop it it seems and what will happen?

many more simila there on that topic

theo who stated this topic wrote:
If at all possible, avoid travel - especially over water - from
April 2010 to April 2011. The transits over the fixed star
Scheat by Jupiter, and Uranus during this time, and then,
by Mars in late March/early April 2011 forecasts accidents
by air and sea.
Hi, This is my first post in this forum, although I have read the posts several times over the last year or so. I'm an amateur astrologer but have studied it off and on for about 20 years.

Re oil being ruled by Neptune, et. al. the following may give you a better idea of which planet rules the oil coming out of the gusher in the Gulf of Mexico and a better idea of how to interpret the chart for this oil spill, i.e., it was an accident and likely never to be capped.

I heard an interesting interview on CoastToCoastAm the other night by someone who is in close contact with the worlds top oil executives and they said this is not fossil fuel but a-biotic oil, i.e. it forms by itself from a chemical process deep in the depths of the earth, i.e. it's self replenishing. the reason people are getting sick from breathing the fumes is because this oil is made up of Hydrogen sulfide, benzine and methaline chloride (sp), in amounts thousands of parts beyond what is safe and can cause catastrophic diseases or genetic defects in offspring. it is also very flammable.

It is seeping up into shallow oil fields in Saudia Arabia, Nigeria and Mexico and replenishing them. The Russians have drilled 300 super deep wells (on land) and have surpassed Saudia Arabia in oil production. BP was trying to do what Russia had done but "stupidly" tried to do it under the ocean, which resulted in a catastrophic blowout - bursting all their safety valves because of massive pressure never seen before by oil executives. This well head has 20,000 to 70,000 PSI (lbs per square inch) coming out of it, which is the reason they can't cap it (normal well head pressure is around 1,000 psi), and there are other leaks within 20 miles where the crust has split and other guysers are leaking oil so even if they manage to put a cap on that pipe it will just cause the other gushers to leak more oil. This oil will evenually spread not only up the East coast but around the Atlantic and gulf current down by the UK and Western Europe poisoning the Atlantic.

You can hear the whole interview by going to CoastToCoastAM, looking at their past archives and look for June 13, Lindsey Williams on the Gulf Oil Spill. There are 3 hours covering this topic on mp3 audios and he is on the 2nd and 3rd audio. You have to pay $6.95 per month to have access to the audios but worth it.
I wouldn't pay any attention to anything I heard on Coast2Coast. Those people have an agenda and are typically pushing book sales.

The truth is, one Russian, the "creator" of the abiotic theory has found a grand total of 3, count them, 3 oil fields. A dinky oil field in Vietnam (but it helped them a lot), one in the Donets Basin and one over in the central region near the 'Stans.

AAPG International Conference
Barcelona, Spain
September 21-24, 2003

Anatoly N. Dmitrievsky, Oil and Gas Problem Institute, Moscow, Russia

Inna E. Balanyuk, Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Oleg G. Sorokhtin, Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Ludmila Sh. Dongaryan, Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Plates Tectonic Evolution and Formation of Oil and Gas Provinces

Some of the world's largest oil and gas basins such as the Persian Gulf may form by migration of hydrocarbons from Recent and old zones of underthrusting of lithosphere plates (subduction zones). Estimated potential reserves of this basin approach 100 billion tons, that is approximately one-third of the total resources of the world.

Throughout Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and the beginning of Cenozoic era the northeastern edge of the Arabian Peninsula was a passive continental margin of the Atlantic type. Thick bodies of clastic marine sediments accumulated on the continental slope at the foot of this margin. Throughout the Mesozoic, the continental slope of Arabia was situated near an equatorial zone of high biological productivity, which made the concentration of organic matter in the Mesozoic deposits of this region relatively high. But the organic matter and hydrocarbons of these sediments remained dispersed and at that time there were no large accumulations of oil and gas.

With the beginning of closure of the Tethys Ocean the northward drift of the African-Arabian plate led to a gradual convergence of the continental margin of Arabia with the Zagros arc. Hydrocarbons generated in these zones via thermolysis of organic matter locked in sediments overriden by island arcs
that thrust over the passive continental margins.
This mechanism of generation and migration of HC is an extremely productive one. It explains enormous productivity of the process of oil and gas formation in subduction zones, compensating for the hydrocarbon losses during their migration into the pericratonic foredeeps.

Very obviously, those Russians think "abiotic oil" is nonsense, as do 99.9% of the geologists, petro-geologists, paleo-geologists and petro-chemical engineers.

Production rates for the period Jan 1 2009 through Dec 31 2009:

US +0.360 mb/d
Russia +0.138 mb/d
North Sea -0.210 mb/d

Also, you can contact any university on Earth with an engineering department, or from any engineering tables at libraries and find that:

Pressure is 0.465 psi per foot of depth, so at 22,000 feet, the pressure is only 10,230 psi.

Accordingly, the "normal" pressure could not possibly be 1,000 psi as the talk show guest claims. As I said, all guests have an agenda and typically book sales they're pushing, and fear, aside from blood and sex, is one of the best sellers.

As far as any bizarre events, like tsunamis, cave-ins, nukyular explosions, the Thing from the Black Lagoon, or anything else, not gonna happen, as it's just wishful thinking and fear-mongering to sell books and increase ad revenues for TV news.

As far as a terminus, probably 1st week of July when Venus ruler of 12th opposes Neptune on the Deep Horizon Chart, and for clean-up, look to about December 2011 when Saturn moves into the 12th and trines Neptune.
Firt week of july?you mean it will totally stop?thank you for that! we shall see now is only weeks away.if anyone sees anyting else in the stars please let me know...

I have respect for books/videos being sold online or any money made online as i believe internet is in infancy and is how it all will be..however by now there are so many stories online about it that is hard to say what is what...
okay but if it stops in july you mean they will wait 6 months to clean it? or will the cleanup be more organized serious saturn style then?
I wouldn't pay any attention to anything I heard on Coast2Coast. Those people have an agenda and are typically pushing book sales.

You may be right about that particular person. I'm very selective to what I listen to on Coast2Coast but occasionally you get some very useful information that the major media refuses to even mention -- because their sponsors would be enraged, i.e., $$$ colors the news on major media.

For instance the subject of abiotic oil. If it's true that oil is not derived from fossil fuels consider who would want to keep that quiet because the price of oil would drop like a rock. So we can't rely on Major Oil companies doing the research on abiotic oil. Our government is focused on Global Warming regardless of the evidence against it and their major enemy is Fossil Fuel so they try to get rid of it (how convenient for them that this BP well blew up!). The whole global warming agenda is designed to control the populace and eliminating oil so we can't drive our cars, so they want to surpress the info on abiotic oils also. Just follow the money trail to find the truth.

I've seen some very interesting videos on YouTube on this subject. Anyone wanting to research this further just search for "abiotic oil" and you'll get lots of pros and cons on the subject. The first one I found gave a very good explanation as to why it was called a fossil fuel. Just look for "Gulf Oil is not fossil fuel. It is Abiotic - self regulating compound." And another one proclaiming, "Oil Spill can't be stopped" because the pipe between the well head and the bottom of the hole broke and this is why they have to drill so deep for a relief well when they usually don't have to go that deep.

Question: If it is indeed abiotic oil would it still be govered by Neptune?

BTW, have you folks considered, that being as Obama is the Pres. his chart can be used when a natural catastrophy like this occurs, i.e., his Sun square Neptune -- besides indicating he's a habitual liar (as he proves every time he opens his mouth) could also be interpreted as "a big problem with oil" or "lying about oil causes him a big problem".
maybe if anyone can find the info on the time/date of the oil line opened can do a chart on it. I know right now neptune is RX across my sun and jupiter and it just went RX AGAIN!!! at the time it blew up i believe.

If it stays spewing till it goes direct again that could be a while... 140 days

or just compare the transit chart to the event chart, which says the same thing.. Especially since it happened in aqua. (it effects everyone!!)

and saturn, rulign structure and buildings, being the ruler of aqua opposing uranus... sudden drastic change...
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