Gulf Oil Spill

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I know right now neptune is RX across my sun and jupiter and it just went RX AGAIN!!! at the time it blew up i believe.

Same here Sun at 26Aquarius43 in the 4th - lost a daugher last year after a long illness and went through breast cancer both at the same time with Neptune within minutes of exact and then S.Rx, and a romantic relationship hanging by a thread ever since. Not looking forward to Neptune Rx this year over the same spot in early Sept. and S. direct again in Dec within 1 degree (all of the above accompanied by Chiron of course).
I will try to find date when it started but honestly the stuff reported out there about it is mudddy waters- i don't even know what is true anymore.

As a woman I had my share of experiences with players/playboys and i noticed same energy in Obamathepresident- unlike many politicians he was al about charm - surface no substace sort of a good loooking model who likes posing for pics.He really does ot care about you or coutry.
Insight into his chart showed HUGE drive his sun squares neptune , mars , uranus and moon -an unusual amout of squares powerfully career driven.His loyalty and focus is first ad foremost on personal relatioships and his own stuff.Not a good president.
His neptune is powerfully aspected in his chart part of the 'do not talk bad about him' energy like a veil is the neptune.Neptune is so messed up but will never fool someone like me who has powerful 8th house and lots of scorpio -ufortunately most people are puppets on strings ...

i see him as a man incapable to understand the enormosity of the impact of the oil disaster - checking himself in the mirrors and on covers as his first proirity - extremely driven -ambitious will tell you anythig to get what he wants

yes he is a lier but that is just tip of the problem - all politicians lie-the problem with him is -he does not care

all i all and his ascedant i taurus will make him sit on couch amd react slowly if anythig happens makes me want to label him as one of the worst ever presidents a sort of a testament to a country which ficuses o the SURFACE and he does look and sound good indeed but there is nothing good within him...

is not his fault the problem is with people who chose him to be in the office just cause he 'can dance ' or 'is cool' - i believe that if hillary was president we would never have this mess-it would be there but respionse would be within a week and pb never left in charge of cleaup -these waters are priceless

anythig else about the oil? its outcome -when it will end timeline -please post your observatios...please...
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Just because your a taurus doesn't make you dumb, just slow to think. But once a bull has its targets... whoever stood down a running bull and won?
I will try to find date when it started but honestly the stuff reported out there about it is mudddy waters- i don't even know what is true anymore.

As a woman I had my share of experiences with players/playboys and i noticed same energy in Obamathepresident- unlike many politicians he was al about charm - surface no substace sort of a good loooking model who likes posing for pics.He really does ot care about you or coutry.
Insight into his chart showed HUGE drive his sun squares neptune , mars , uranus and moon -an unusual amout of squares powerfully career driven.His loyalty and focus is first ad foremost on personal relatioships and his own stuff.Not a good president.
His neptune is powerfully aspected in his chart part of the 'do not talk bad about him' energy like a veil is the neptune.Neptune is so messed up but will never fool someone like me who has powerful 8th house and lots of scorpio -ufortunately most people are puppets on strings ...

i see him as a man incapable to understand the enormosity of the impact of the oil disaster - checking himself in the mirrors and on covers as his first proirity - extremely driven -ambitious will tell you anythig to get what he wants

yes he is a lier but that is just tip of the problem - all politicians lie-the problem with him is -he does not care

all i all and his ascedant i taurus will make him sit on couch amd react slowly if anythig happens makes me want to label him as one of the worst ever presidents a sort of a testament to a country which ficuses o the SURFACE and he does look and sound good indeed but there is nothing good within him...

is not his fault the problem is with people who chose him to be in the office just cause he 'can dance ' or 'is cool' - i believe that if hillary was president we would never have this mess-it would be there but respionse would be within a week and pb never left in charge of cleaup -these waters are priceless

anythig else about the oil? its outcome -when it will end timeline -please post your observatios...please...

How can you blame this on One Person?
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[deleted response to racist comments - Moderator]

in fact if anyone has a problem with his obvious lack of good judgement regarding oil this card might be let me just say-the way he looks is the only positive thing about him unfortunately one would expect more from president
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I am not blaming 'One Person' for disaster but for a response.He IS the president after all.If you are not aware of obvious crucial mistakes made please check the facts.
i have to go out now but i promise will look at this link tonight and respond!

please guys aymore readings about this oil thing -when how it will end -please post! i believe in astrology i believe many answers are there
I am not blaming 'One Person' for disaster but for a response.He IS the president after all.If you are not aware of obvious crucial mistakes made please check the facts.

I agree there were mistakes made by the"powers that be," with industry really, and our attitude towards capital, but I don't think we can then turn around and be angry or frustrated with our government alone, for these concerns. We would have to start with ourselves, and how much we rely on oil as part of our standard operating procedures, and then turn to our elected officials, and work together for change- that's my Hope, at least. The blame game is not a solution, and whether he is a liar or not should be of no concern to us, for we are more empowered to find the solution than we realize.
2 things I noticed: Pluto in Capricorn in the 2nd House with the clearing away (abruptly) of the old things and organizing them in a new way like it or not and this is generational.The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was during The American Revolution. Our Quality Of Life standard over the next two decades is definitely going to change because of this. And in the 2nd House 2 things will happen somebody's going to LOSE money and definitely somebody's Making serious DOUGH RAY ME from this. Hint (it ain't us!!)
2) The big mamba jamba to look at is Saturn in the 10th House in Virgo the Critical Sign OPPOSING Jupiter Conjunct Uranus in Ethereal Pisces in the 4th House the House of home and security Ruled by the Moon and with rowdy Uranus chillin' there we have radical and abrupt CHANGE of the situation involving Our home (Our Seashore) security(How CLEAN the fish in it will be) is definitely abruptly changed(SEAFOOD anyone?) Also things people(BP) will want to keep quiet Saturn in the 10th House is going to put it OUT there. Normally Saturn restricts and curtails in this case with this opposition they won't be able to run too far from this. Also Uranus conjuncting Jupiter the Incredible Hulk of the Planets what could have been a Molehill if the Pipe was capped turned into a mountain as Big as Everest!!! With Saturn in the 10th House Public Criticism should be expected right? but with this huge Opposition the Criticism won't go where it belongs not at first with the 2nd House Involved there's too much Money at stake. So it will be a while before all this mess is sorted out. I hope this helps.
With the Neptune inconjunct the Saturn, the first thing that came to my mind was some sort of deception from the authorities. I dont know who. There will always be blame, and we are fed so much propo ganda by the media, it is hard to ascertain the actual facts.

I also feel someone is making a shed load of money, someone behind the scenes. I even wonder if this was done deliberately. I am sure it will lead to far reaching changes in the next few years. Heavy Saturn/Pluto squares coming up, power struggles including our government's egos.

Everything in the world these last few year has led to a huge amount of money being lost, worldwide. Astronomical figures are being fed to us daily in the press, billions and trillions. Money, gallons of oil, shares down... This is a battering to our collective psyches. Government leaders talking massive spending cuts, getting even, terrorism....

This spill will lead to lots of changes. Pluto in the first house hints at this.
quote"but with this huge Opposition the Criticism won't go where it belongs not at first with the 2nd House Involved there's too much Money at stake"

this is genius! you whole reading i guess it explais a lot but so far what bothers me is why there is little public involvement in this and too small interest yet -so silent when people should be growing but a very slow response and a lot of ignorance paty because media only recently started reportig things that were going on for a long time-two momths
okay but if it stops in july you mean they will wait 6 months to clean it? or will the cleanup be more organized serious saturn style then?

The earliest opportunity to cap the well and stem the flow would be the first week of July, at least according to the chart.

The cleanup will take a very long time, over 18 months and not be completed until sometime around December 2011.

Deep House Astrologer said:
The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was during The American Revolution.

It's a little more complicated than that. Pluto in Capricorn has nothing to do with the War of Colonial Independence.

Each time Pluto transits Capricorn, there are severe financial problems globally. The earliest data is from the late 13th Century. Pluto was last in Capricorn 1762-1778. During that time the collapse of the East Indian Trading Company caused a global credit crisis. There were rolling recessions in Russia, Sweden, Norway, the German duchies and city-states, Great Britain and the American Colonies to name a few.

Simultaneously, the Uranus Cycle hit what is now the Atlantic Coast states, resulting in bad harvests for about 12 years (this cycle has occurred 5 times and is coming again April 2014). The bad harvests, the credit crunch, and a number of new taxes, like the Stamp Tax Act (resulting in creation of the Stamp Tax Congress) and the Tea Tax Act (resulting in creation of the Continental Congress) flamed tensions.

I don't know if the Uranus Cycle affected Scandinavia and Central Europe, but there were bad harvests for 3 years (1770-1772) resulting in near-famine conditions in Sweden, Norway and Central Europe. Without credit, you can't import food to feed your people, so they starved.

What we're seeing now with Pluto is just the beginning. This will last for another 12-15 years.
bob-could it be that..not the cleanup but spill will go well into december 2011? is this time a continuation of the spill?

thank you for your insight !
hey Bob, I went over your posts again and it all makes a lot of sense- people do sensationalize and make up stories to push book sales or get hits on videos...among all this gibberish is difficult to figure out what the truth is-only last night this woman on myspace claimed to be a psychic with visions and predicted major catastrophy- 56 peple commented and got scared and shared stories and she was like...lets stay calm and let go of why was she scaring them in the first place? i googled her and found some post from 2 years ago her predicting a catastrophic event! who knows how many times she did that and yes she is selling books and an interview..who knows maybe this time she is right -i mean she is predicting a catastrophe for years and is always ging t happen a week from today-lol- so far i guess she got a lot of book sales from terrified people- but yes is true-human nature is like this...i got scared when i read her prediction ...until i googled her

please tell what do you think is going with the spill then?

i had several theories- one was that they found something it was sabotage and cover up

anther one that what they really are covering up is the fact that they cannot stop it

i know very little abut oil business- the pictures of animals break my heart this has been ging on for too long! i mean- this is majt catastrophy why is it not stoped yet?
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bob-could it be that..not the cleanup but spill will go well into december 2011? is this time a continuation of the spill?

Based on the chart, the best possible opportunity to cap the well is the first week of July.

The cleanup will take a long time, about 18 months lasting through December 2011.

The 12th House represents conspiracies and related criminal activity. It is ruled by Venus in the 12th. We would want to see an aspect between Venus and either Mars (fires and explosions) or Uranus (also explosions) and also Pluto, but there are none.
A lot of what is done is based on interpretations I wasn't speaking like I knew everything it's just one person's interpretation One piece of the puzzle and not the whole puzzle. I'm a student definitely no teacher we're all here to learn and that is EXACTLY what I am doing and I am very grateful to be apart of such a community because You all will help me become better. That's why I joined this Community what we all have in common is Love of Astrology even if We have different views We are all part of the same Family. Thank You for making Me a better person.:smile:
Based on the chart, the best possible opportunity to cap the well is the first week of July.

The cleanup will take a long time, about 18 months lasting through December 2011.

The 12th House represents conspiracies and related criminal activity. It is ruled by Venus in the 12th. We would want to see an aspect between Venus and either Mars (fires and explosions) or Uranus (also explosions) and also Pluto, but there are none.

I made a mistake there. Venus rules the 12th House, but it is not in the 12th House, it is in the 7th House (in Taurus), still it makes no aspects to the usual suspects.

Just wanted to clarify that.