Gulf Oil Spill

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Kuntuzangmo, did you erect a chart? I've seen two sets of coordinates: 88w23 28n44 and also 88w38 29n73. I use Pascagoula MS as it is straight north of the explosion; cannot set up a chart with my own coordinates. I used a slightly earlier time, 9:33 pm, as I heard that time in testimony on the explosion from the crew. I get a late scorp asc.

There is an interesting thread on abovetopsecret website: minute by minute commentary of what is being shown on live feeds and some screen shots. Do a search under " uptotheminute " and you'll see a list of the thread. Keep clicking on the last page listed; they are up to 50 pages this afternoon. Part of the top hat is on, they are just fastening it down. So the plot thickens-will too much pressure build up when the mechanisms are finally all in place? On about page 47, I think, there is a link to a video BP made, an animation explaining what they are trying to do. Very interesting!

Also, I finally found the article by the petroleum engineer who was talking about the sea floor and New Madrid earthquake zone, Jack Reed. Website is May/gom_earthquake.cfm.

Eclipse today, 3 degrees from the explosion moon, so let's hope all goes well! Actually, there are many aspects to the explosion chart. Let's hope those engineers know what they are doing.
At approximately 9:45 p.m. on April 20, 2010,

methane gas from the well, under high pressure, shot all the way up and out of the drill column, expanded onto the platform, and then ignited and exploded.

I think this exemplifies the pathetic state of the education system in the US.

Rust is fire. Rust is iron oxide create through the oxidation process. Fire is just rapid oxidation. If rust occurred in a matter of seconds or minutes instead of months or years, you would detect heat and might even see a green flame, and if metal rusted in a few milliseconds, it would explode.

An explosion is very rapid oxidation. However, the oxidation process requires Oxygen (O2). In your drill column, there's no seawater; only oil and gases, like methane. When the methane leaves the drill column and expands and mixes with air, which contains oxygen, you'll get an explosion if there is an ignition source.

Soluble methane in seawater is not the same thing as methane in air. Sure, seawater, which is H2O and a variety of salts has soluble O2, N2, CO, CO2 and other gases, like methane, but the amount of soluble O2 is negligible and there is no possible way it could result in very rapid oxidation (an explosion).

People make a lot of money preying on fears and ignorance.

Here’s my analysis of the CORRECT Deep Horizon Chart after I received a tip that the time zone on the original chart was wrong.

There’s a thread floating around asking how astrology works. To answer that, I’ll start by referring to thread about the missing boy in Oregon. In that Event Chart, the Ascendant was 0° Leo. I said the 5th House rules children, Leo (the natural ruler of the 5th House) rules children and that the Sun (the ruler of Leo) rules children.

Here we have 1° Sagittarius rising. The 9th House in Mundane Astrology rules commercial entities, international commerce, commercial shipping and transportation. Sagittarius, the natural ruler of the 9th House, rules ships and commerce. Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius rules authorities, influential people, foreigners, shipping, large scale commerce, foreign influence and overseas travel.

Is the oil spill in the Gulf related to anything in the foregoing? Yes, everything.

For those who want to know how Astrology works, I just showed you. There is nothing inconsistent in the interpretation of the Ascendant in the two charts.

With an early Ascendant, this is the beginning of an Event, not something that is on-going or near completion.

Jupiter as the Ascendant Ruler is posited in the 4th House which governs anything of a public interest, any resources that comes from the ground to be used commercially (that includes ores, minerals coal and oil) and generally anything underground or hidden.

Jupiter is in a separating dexter trine with the Moon in Cancer in the 8th ruling the 8th House. The Moon in the 8th in Mundane Charts is often a significator of panic, disaster or death. The South Node is also here meaning the same thing. The Moon rules all liquids and anything of a common nature or public interest. The Moon’s trine with Jupiter was perfected at 8:29 PM CDT. Since the Moon is often the trigger/timer of events, I would suggest that the series of mishaps that directly led to the explosion began at that time.

The only other aspect Jupiter makes is a separating dexter sextile with Venus in the 6th and ruling the 6th and 11th Houses. Venus receives Jupiter by exaltation, and Jupiter is in the term of Mars. Translation: over-confidence or over-ambitious (Venus rules the 11th House of Ambition/Goals and Jupiter is expansive and forcefully so being in the term of Mars).

The Sun in the chart is peregrine. Peregrine planets either wander about with no clear direction, sometimes unintentionally causing mischief, or they are malicious. The Sun significates authorities, CEOs, company presidents, heads-of-state and officer directors. The Sun rules Leo in the 9th House. We can rule out heads-of-state, so the Sun significates the CEO and directors of BP, and international commercial entity that is also foreign being headquartered in Britain.

The Sun is in a separating dexter sextile with Neptune in the 3rd House, which represents all forms of communication, including documents, forms of transportation, rumors, gossip and the like.

We know they falsified documents and inspection reports (3rd House) filed with the Minerals Management Service (11th House). I'm not sure I would have seen that before the explosion, but it is certainly evident in the event chart.

Those who are looking for tsunamis, you need Neptune in the 4th House, and that ain't happening.

Those looking for the Big Bang, that would be Mars square Uranus, and that'll happen round the first week of December except it's mutable fire/mutable water and Mercury is conjunct Pluto, so that's most likely when they will finally get it capped. If not then, you'll have to wait until February 2011 when Mars and Mercury conjunct Neptune.

The terminus would be something involving the houses of endings: 4th ruled by Jupiter, 8th ruled by Mercury and 12th ruled by Mars.

Another possibility is last week of September when Mercury opposes Jupiter. Pluto also goes stationary (which I'm sure will absolutely thrill BP).


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I think this exemplifies the pathetic state of the education system in the US.

Those who are looking for tsunamis, you need Neptune in the 4th House, and that ain't happening.

Those looking for the Big Bang, that would be Mars square Uranus, and that'll happen round the first week of December except it's mutable fire/mutable water and Mercury is conjunct Pluto, so that's most likely when they will finally get it capped. If not then, you'll have to wait until February 2011 when Mars and Mercury conjunct Neptune.

The terminus would be something involving the houses of endings: 4th ruled by Jupiter, 8th ruled by Mercury and 12th ruled by Mars.

Another possibility is last week of September when Mercury opposes Jupiter. Pluto also goes stationary (which I'm sure will absolutely thrill BP).

bob -what you wrote all of it is awesome! thank you for okay my intuotion told me there is not going to be tsunami! it annoys me anytime i read about it for some reason when people 'predict' florida underater so annoying

what do you mean by Big Bang? you mena the end of spill?you mean december 2010?? is that how long it is going to be? the sea will die!!
like things not working out like they try to fix then it goes worse that kind of boom?

cause there is not going to be earthquake or tsunami!
heres the website of the the nuclear chemist, j.marvin herndon ,who first publized the dangers of the oil blow out.
as he is an insider to the geochemical establishment.he recently clarified a few comments.
one is that he has been told by a insider that the well is drilled to nearly 30,000 feet not the 22,000 ft publically acknowledged,and add another 5000 ft of gulf water to the total distance.the 30.000 ft depth raises the pressure on the oil to 100,000psi.

the charade obama's court is going through is amazing.
2 weeks ago an independent undersea survey found 25 fissures inthe sea floor around the blowout,and these fissure were releasing oil.

within the last week ,the navy did a magnetometer survey and found that the well pipe is broken in two places.furthur they found that in the intial blow out the second length of pipe was blown up into the blowout preventer,another possible reason the unit would not function.

so Dr. herndon was correct to be worried that the area aound the well head would destablize. and he was correct when he said the cavatation from the rising oil would break the well pipe.

so the government has known for a week that the well pipes are compromised yet they stopped bp from closing off the well head until a seismic survey could be completed of the area around the well head.the government wanted assurances the the well pipe was in place .
geez the navy just showed the well pipes are not in the government wants bp to do magic or lie to charade to try disquise the the complete control the corporations have over the politicians.

here's the lastest .

heres the website of the the nuclear chemist, j.marvin herndon

He's a nuclear chemist. A penguin is more informed than he.

one is that he has been told by a insider that the well is drilled to nearly 30,000 feet not the 22,000 ft publically acknowledged,and add another 5000 ft of gulf water to the total distance.the 30.000 ft depth raises the pressure on the oil to 100,000psi.

Pressure is 0.465 psi per foot of depth, so at 22,000 feet, the pressure is only 10,230 psi which is significantly less than 100,000 psi.

At 30,000 feet the pressure 13,950 psi, which is not abnormal.

I learned that at engineering school.

2 weeks ago an independent undersea survey found 25 fissures inthe sea floor around the blowout,and these fissure were releasing oil.

That isn't relevant. There thousands of places in the sea where oil seeps through the sea floor. You can find oil seepage in the Aral Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea, White Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, South China Sea, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, all over the Pacific Ocean and just about anywhere else.

Oil used to seep through the surface. There are a lot of oil and tar pits all over the world. In Mesopotamia, there were oil lakes everywhere and the Sumerians used to classify bitumens by weight, just like we classify them as very light, light, intermediate, heavy, very heavy and tar.

That's how they used find oil, by looking for it on the surface.

If the cap works, it'd be a temporary fix. They still have to drill to install relief valves.
i saw the twits but am not sure...they so far said a lot that is not true time will tell- but at least maybe it will kill the tsunami fear and the florida underwater predictions- but is far from over...this thing is going to drag for years
bob- but you did predict that the next time they will have a chance to cap this well is first week of july you were off by only few days that is incredible!is really true now...
When Kuwait's oil drills were all a blaze, I believe it was a man named RED DUKE who went there and put out all the fires with explosions. I did a web search looking for him, but could not find any info.

You probably mean Red Adair, has his chart. (Though no time of birth.)

Concerning the question of the right time of the accident, there are several timelines of the day available on the net. Based on this one on, i use a time of 9:50 for the explosion, but anything up to 9:53 might be plausible as well.

Personally, i think this chart makes a good argument for connecting Neptune with oil. The key to the pressure-related accident seems to be the Saturn-Uranus/Jupiter opposition, but of course Neptune is connected via aspects, and also rules the fourth house.
Entrepreneur,William Knox D'arcy,born on Oct 11 1849,became Director of the Anglo-Persian Co',this would later become BP.


WKD Sun 45 Gulf Spill ASC.

GS Chart Neptune return WKD NE SN.
GS SU con WKD UR/PL 60 MA.

BP. $Billion Blowout broadcast on BBC2 9th Nov 2010.

J. :sideways:

Nearly forgot,Tony Hayward SU 150 NE,con GS DSC.
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