This one is a bit of an odd child, and she very much enjoys it. While she could rant and rave about herself, she shall choose to speak of her ventures into the wonderful field of astrology.
Dull, overgeneralized daily horoscopes based on the sun sign alone bored her to death when she first stepped foot into the field of astrology at the age of 12. [IF you would include such wretched things into it...] Presented with little useful knowledge she chose to research other methods of fortune-telling, paranormal phenomena, and religions.
This last November would prove to show her something more...she went to an astrologer in her hometown for a short reading of her natal chart. Fascinated by the information presented to her, she took advantage of the state-wide library loan network via her college and requested many books on the subject. Soon after, she found fantastic freeware to do the calculations for her! Yay for technology!
She believed that the main reason she has stayed on the path of researching this particular subject had been due to the near-precise events that the transits had warned her of. [They were only off on the time the events were to take place :O] Therefore, this special art has offered her a more precise method of peering into future probabilities/possibilities.
Her favorite authors thus far have been Louis Acker, Francis Sakoian, William Hewitt [although his book was limited to very basic astrology practices], Robert Hand, and Noel Tyl [though his books are invariably written for the adepts]
Dull, overgeneralized daily horoscopes based on the sun sign alone bored her to death when she first stepped foot into the field of astrology at the age of 12. [IF you would include such wretched things into it...] Presented with little useful knowledge she chose to research other methods of fortune-telling, paranormal phenomena, and religions.
This last November would prove to show her something more...she went to an astrologer in her hometown for a short reading of her natal chart. Fascinated by the information presented to her, she took advantage of the state-wide library loan network via her college and requested many books on the subject. Soon after, she found fantastic freeware to do the calculations for her! Yay for technology!
She believed that the main reason she has stayed on the path of researching this particular subject had been due to the near-precise events that the transits had warned her of. [They were only off on the time the events were to take place :O] Therefore, this special art has offered her a more precise method of peering into future probabilities/possibilities.
Her favorite authors thus far have been Louis Acker, Francis Sakoian, William Hewitt [although his book was limited to very basic astrology practices], Robert Hand, and Noel Tyl [though his books are invariably written for the adepts]